3,841 research outputs found

    Rule-driven News Captioning

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    News captioning task aims to generate sentences by describing named entities or concrete events for an image with its news article. Existing methods have achieved remarkable results by relying on the large-scale pre-trained models, which primarily focus on the correlations between the input news content and the output predictions. However, the news captioning requires adhering to some fundamental rules of news reporting, such as accurately describing the individuals and actions associated with the event. In this paper, we propose the rule-driven news captioning method, which can generate image descriptions following designated rule signal. Specifically, we first design the news-aware semantic rule for the descriptions. This rule incorporates the primary action depicted in the image (e.g., "performing") and the roles played by named entities involved in the action (e.g., "Agent" and "Place"). Second, we inject this semantic rule into the large-scale pre-trained model, BART, with the prefix-tuning strategy, where multiple encoder layers are embedded with news-aware semantic rule. Finally, we can effectively guide BART to generate news sentences that comply with the designated rule. Extensive experiments on two widely used datasets (i.e., GoodNews and NYTimes800k) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method

    Experimental Realization of Entanglement Concentration and A Quantum Repeater

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    We report an experimental realization of entanglement concentration using two polarization-entangled photon pairs produced by pulsed parametric down-conversion. In the meantime, our setup also provides a proof-in-principle demonstration of a quantum repeater. The quality of our procedure is verified by observing a violation of Bell's inequality by more than 5 standard deviations. The high experimental accuracy achieved in the experiment implies that the requirement of tolerable error rate in multi-stage realization of quantum repeaters can be fulfilled, hence providing a practical toolbox for quantum communication over large distances.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Experimental Test of Quantum Jarzynski Equality with a Trapped Ion System

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    The past two decades witnessed important developments in the field of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Among these developments, the Jarzynski equality, being a milestone following the landmark work of Clausius and Kelvin, stands out. The Jarzynski equality relates the free energy difference between two equilibrium states and the work done on the system through far from equilibrium processes. While experimental tests of the equality have been performed in classical regime, the verification of the quantum Jarzynski equality has not yet been fully demonstrated due to experimental challenges. Here, we report an experimental test of the quantum Jarzynski equality with a single \Yb ion trapped in a harmonic potential. We perform projective measurements to obtain phonon distributions of the initial thermal state. Following that we apply the laser induced force on the projected energy eigenstate, and find transition probabilities to final energy eigenstates after the work is done. By varying the speed of applying the force from equilibrium to far-from equilibrium regime, we verified the quantum Jarzynski equality in an isolated system.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Experimental demonstration of a non-destructive controlled-NOT quantum gate for two independent photon-qubits

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    Universal logic gates for two quantum bits (qubits) form an essential ingredient of quantum information processing. However, the photons, one of the best candidates for qubits, suffer from the lack of strong nonlinear coupling required for quantum logic operations. Here we show how this drawback can be overcome by reporting a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of a non-destructive controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate for two independent photons using only linear optical elements in conjunction with single-photon sources and conditional dynamics. Moreover, we have exploited the CNOT gate to discriminate all the four Bell-states in a teleportation experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    How to Understand Named Entities: Using Common Sense for News Captioning

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    News captioning aims to describe an image with its news article body as input. It greatly relies on a set of detected named entities, including real-world people, organizations, and places. This paper exploits commonsense knowledge to understand named entities for news captioning. By ``understand'', we mean correlating the news content with common sense in the wild, which helps an agent to 1) distinguish semantically similar named entities and 2) describe named entities using words outside of training corpora. Our approach consists of three modules: (a) Filter Module aims to clarify the common sense concerning a named entity from two aspects: what does it mean? and what is it related to?, which divide the common sense into explanatory knowledge and relevant knowledge, respectively. (b) Distinguish Module aggregates explanatory knowledge from node-degree, dependency, and distinguish three aspects to distinguish semantically similar named entities. (c) Enrich Module attaches relevant knowledge to named entities to enrich the entity description by commonsense information (e.g., identity and social position). Finally, the probability distributions from both modules are integrated to generate the news captions. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets (i.e., GoodNews and NYTimes) demonstrate the superiority of our method. Ablation studies and visualization further validate its effectiveness in understanding named entities

    Quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a trapped ion

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    The quantum Rabi model, involving a two-level system and a bosonic field mode, is arguably the simplest and most fundamental model describing quantum light-matter interactions. Historically, due to the restricted parameter regimes of natural light-matter processes, the richness of this model has been elusive in the lab. Here, we experimentally realize a quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a single trapped ion, where the coupling strength between the simulated light mode and atom can be tuned at will. The versatility of the demonstrated quantum simulator enables us to experimentally explore the quantum Rabi model in detail, including a wide range of otherwise unaccessible phenomena, as those happening in the ultrastrong and deep strong coupling regimes. In this sense, we are able to adiabatically generate the ground state of the quantum Rabi model in the deep strong coupling regime, where we are able to detect the nontrivial entanglement between the bosonic field mode and the two-level system. Moreover, we observe the breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation when the coupling strength is increased, and the generation of phonon wave packets that bounce back and forth when the coupling reaches the deep strong coupling regime. Finally, we also measure the energy spectrum of the quantum Rabi model in the ultrastrong coupling regime.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure