39 research outputs found

    Uporedno ispitivanje biohemijskog sastava seruma i salive

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    Saliva as biochemical material can be obtained by non-invasive method in sufficient amount for biochemical analyses. Worldwide saliva is explored as possible material for diagnose, treatment or monitoring of various diseases. The aim was to calculate reference values of some biochemical parameters in saliva and to compare their values in saliva and serum. Saliva samples were collected from 34 healthy volunteers (9 men, 25 women), age 25-70, in salivettes - special plastic tubes for painless collecting of saliva samples. Twelve parameters were analysed by routine spectrophotometric methods for serum. Mean values for saliva are calculated for glucose: 0.58 mmol/L, urea 6.52 mmol/L, creatinine 139.4 μmol/L, uric acid 218.6 μmol/L, cholesterol 0.30 mmol/L, triglycerides 0.238 mmol/L, potassium 14.92 mmol/L, sodium 10.8 mmol/L, calcium 2.213 mmol/L, iron 9.10 μmol/L, AST 20.3 U/L and ALT 11.7 U/L. Reference values of these parameters in saliva are calculated and compared with serum. These biochemical parameters can be determined in saliva by standard laboratory methods for serum, but the regularity that can put saliva in routine analysis isn't yet established.Saliva (pljuvačka) predstavlja biološki materijal koji se može dobiti bezbolno, u količini dovoljnoj za veliki broj biohemijskih analiza. Širom sveta saliva se već decenijama ispituje i traže se njene potencijalne primene u dijagnostikovanju, lečenju ili praćenju različitih oboljenja. Cilj rada bio je da se odrede referentne vrednosti biohemijskih parametara u salivi i da se uporede vrednosti biohemijskih parametara u serumu i salivi. Analizirana je grupa od 34 zdrava ispitanika, 25 žena i 9 muškaraca, starosti od 25 do 65 godina. U salivi je određeno 12 biohemijskih parametara, fotometrijskim metodama koje se koriste u rutinskoj analizi seruma. Saliva je sakupljana u salivete - specijalne plastične epruvete sa poklopcem i vaterolnom koja omogućava lako i bezbolno sakupljanje oko 1 mL salive. Srednja vrednost glukoze u salivi je 0,58 mmol/L, uree 6,52 mmol/L, kreatinina 139,4 μmol/L, mokraćne kiseline 218,6 μmol/L, holesterola 0,30 mmol/L, triglicerida 0,238 mmol/L, kalijuma 14,92 mmol/L, natrijuma 10,8 mmol/L, kalcijuma 2,213 mmol/L, gvožđa 9,10 μmol/L, AST 20,3 U/L i ALT 11,7 U/L. Referentne vrednosti ispitanih biohemijskih parametara u salivi izračunate su i upoređene sa serumom. Dati biohemijski parametri mogu se određivati u salivi korišćenjem standardizovanih metoda kao za serum, ali za sada nije utvrđena pravilnost na osnovu koje bi saliva mogla zameniti krv u rutinskoj analizi

    Uticaj skladištenja uzoraka pljuvačke na koncentraciju biohemijskih markera

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    Salivary analysis is rapid, simple and non invasive, so it is often used as a sample for measuring levels of different biomarkers. Storage of saliva samples can influence their concentration. Aim: To investigate the influence of different storage conditions of saliva samples on the level of various biomarkers. Material and methods: Samples of unstimulated saliva were collected from 34 healthy volunteers, male and female, 25­70 years old, with the special test tubes - Salivette. We analyzed glucose, urea, uric acid, triglycerides, calcium and iron, using spectrophotometric method. Sodium and potassium in saliva were measured by flame photometry. Biomarkers' analysis was done in native samples of saliva, then after seven days of storage on +4 oC, finaly after thirty days of storage on ­20 oC. Results: Mean values of biomarkers' concentrations in native saliva were similar as results of other authors. After 7 days of storage on +4 oC, levels of glucose (0,66 mmol/L), urea (5,3 mmol/L), uric acid (228 µmol/L), triglycerides (0,27 mmol/L), calcium (2,11 mmol/L), iron (8,5 µmol/L), potassium (14,9 mmol/L) and sodium (10,3 mmol/L) didn't show statistically significant difference (p > 0,05) related to their concentrations in native saliva samples. Also, mean values of investigated biomarkers weren't statistically different in samples of native saliva and those stored 30 days on ­20 oC. Conclusion: Various storage conditions didn't influence on investigated biomarkers' levels. Stability of these biomarkers shows that saliva has big potential as a diagnostic fluid.Analiza pljuvačke je brza, jednostavna i neinvazivna, pa se pljuvačka sve češće koristi kao biološki uzorak za analizu različitih markera. Način čuvanja uzoraka pljuvačke do analize može da utiče na njihovu koncentraciju. Cilj: Ispitati uticaj različitih uslova čuvanja uzoraka pljuvačke na koncentraciju biomarkera. Materijal i metode: Uzorci nestimulisane pljuvačke sakupljeni su od 34 zdrava dobrovoljca, oba pola, starosti 25-70 godina, u specijalne epruvete - salivete. Analizirani su glukoza, urea, mokraćna kiselina, trigliceridi, kalcijum i gvožđe, metodom spektrofotometrije, a kalijum i natrijum su određeni plamenom fotometrijom. Analiza biohemijskih markera je urađena u svežem uzorku pljuvačke na sobnoj temperaturi, zatim u uzorku koji je čuvan sedam dana na +4 oC i uzorku koji je čuvan 30 dana na ­20 oC. Rezultati: Srednje vrednosti koncentracija biohemijskih markera u svežem uzorku pljuvačke odgovarale su vrednostima koje su dobili drugi autori. Nakon čuvanja pljuvačke sedam dana na +4 oC, koncentracije glukoze (0,66 mmol/L), uree (5,3 mmol/L), mokraćne kiseline (228 µmol/L), triglicerida (0,27 mmol/L), kalcijuma (2,11 mmol/L), gvožđa (8,5 µmol/L), kalijuma (14,9 mmol/L) i natrijuma (10,3 mmol/L) nisu pokazale statistički zna­ čajnu razliku (p > 0,05) u odnosu na njihove koncentracije u svežem uzorku pljuvačke. Takođe, nema statistički značajne razlike između srednjih vrednosti koncentracija ispitivanih markera u svežem uzorku pljuvačke i nakon 30 dana čuvanja na ­20 oC. Zaključak: Različiti uslovi čuvanja pljuvačke nisu uticali na koncentraciju ispitanih biohemijskih markera. Stabilnost ovih biomarkera ukazuje da pljuvačka ima sve više udela kao dijagnostička tečnost

    Promene biohemijskog sastava salive kod dijabetičara

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    Introduction: Diabetic patients, beside numerous acute and chronic complications, often have oral manifestations of the disease. Aim: The aim of the study was to establish changes in saliva of diabetic patients in relation to healthy population in order to use saliva in the disease monitoring, as well as the changes depending on the type of diabetes. Materials and methods: The study comprised 52 adult patients of both sexes and at the age between 18 and 79 with Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 who were treated at the Institute for endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic disorders of the Clinical center of Serbia. The control group consisted of 67 volunteers from Belgrade, students at the School of Dentistry, aged between 19 and 24. The whole of unstimulated and stimulated saliva was collected and biochemical parameters (glucose, total proteins, albumin, sodium and potassium) were determined by methods commonly used for serum. Results: The results showed that salivary potassium level was increased in saliva of diabetic patients, that of sodium and total proteins was decreased, and glucose and albumin did not show changes compared to the control group. Concentrations of total proteins and potassium were higher in patients with DM type 2, and sodium was higher in DM type 1 (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Diabetic patients often have changes in biochemical composition of saliva.Uvod: Kod obolelih od Diabetes mellitus-a (DM), pored brojnih akutnih i hroničnih komplikacija, dolazi i do poremećaja oralne homeostaze. Cilj: Cilj rada bio je da se utvrde promene u biohemijskom sastavu salive dijabetesnih bolesnika u odnosu na zdravu populaciju radi eventualnog korišćenja salive u praćenju toka bolesti, odnosno da se utvrde promene u salivi u odnosu na tip dijabetesa. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 52 odrasla pacijenta oba pola, uzrasta 18-79 godina, obolelih od DM - tip 1 i tip 2, lečenih na Institutu za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Kliničkog centra Srbije. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 67 dobrovoljaca iz Beograda, studenata Stomatološkog fakulteta u Beogradu, uzrasta 19-24 godine. Sakupljana je ukupna nestimulisana i stimulisana saliva, a biohemijski parametri (glukoza, ukupni proteini, albumin, natrijum i kalijum) određeni su referentnim metodama za serum. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je u salivi obolelih od dijabetesa koncentracija kalijuma povišena, koncentracija natrijuma i ukupnih proteina snižena, a glukoze i albumina nepromenjena u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Koncentracije proteina i kalijuma više su kod obolelih od DM tip 2 nego kod DM tip 1, a koncentracija natrijuma viša je kod DM tip 1 (p = 0.05). Zaključak: Biohemijski sastav salive je ukazao na promene kod dijabetesnih bolesnika

    In vitro ispitivanje kapilariteta rastvora korišćenih u stomatološkoj praksi u odnosu na temperaturu i koncentraciju

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    Introduction. Having in mind existence of miniature spaces less than 500 microns within oral cavity (dental canalicular spaces, gaps, gingival sulcus), prone to food agglomeration and pathogenic microbes, the aim of this research was to measure the capillarity effect of the common dental solutions. Material and methods. The next solutions were tested: distilled water - DW and saline solution - SS at the 20 and 38˚ C; ethul alcohol - EA, hydrogen peroxide - HP and chlorhexidine digluconate - CHX, at different concentrations and with two temperature regimes (20˚ and 38˚ C). Measurement of capillary effect was done by 0.4mm diameter capillary tube at nine samples of each solution. Statistic analysis was done by ANOVA and Tukey HSD test and 0.05 level of confidence. Results. The highest rise of solution capillary column (20˚-38˚ C) exposed 20% CHX (9,8mm) and the lowest for DW (0,6mm). The rise of solution column of 20% CHX was statistically significant in comparison to SS and 3% HP (p lt 0,05). Conclusion. Warming of all tested solutions to the level of 380C capillary effect is evident. The capillary power was significantly expressed at 20% CHX in comparison to the lower concentration (0.2% CHX). Dilution of 96% EA to lower value (70%) resulted in significantly lower capillary effect, but only at 38˚ C.Uvod. Uzimajući u obzir da je veličina minijaturnih prostora u usnoj duplji često manja od 500 mikrona (kanalikularni prostori, zjapovi, gingivni sulkus itd.) i podložna sakupljanju hrane i patogenih mikroba, za cilj ovog rada je postavljeno ispitivanje veličine kapilarnosti rastvora koji se najčešće koriste u stomatološkoj kliničkoj praksi. Materijal i metode. Ispitivani su rastvori: destilovana voda - DV i fiziološki rastvor - FR na dva temperaturna nivoa (20˚ i 38˚ C), a etilalkohol - EA, vodonikperoksid - VP i hlorheksidin diglukonat - HH pri različitim koncentracijama i na dva temperaturna nivoa (20˚ i 38˚ C). Merenje visine kapilarnog stuba vršeno je kapilarom prečnika 0,4mm na devet uzoraka za svaki rastvor, nakon čega su vrednosti statistički obrađene (ANOVA i Tukey HSD test na nivou poverenja od 0,05). Rezultati. Najveći skok visine kapilarnog stuba rastvora (20-38˚ C) pokazao je 20% HH (9,8mm) a najmanji DV (0,6mm). Porast kapilarnog stuba kod 20% HH bio je statistički značajno veći u odnosu na FR i 3% VP (p lt 0,05). Zaključak. Zagrevanjem rastvora na 380C postiže se porast kapilariteta kod svih rastvora, pri čemu je on bio značajan kod 20% HH u odnosu na nižu koncentraciju - 0,2% HH. Razblaženjem 96% EA na 70% dobijen je efekat znatnog smanjenja kapilarnosti, ali samo na 38˚ C

    Gerijatrijska dnevna bolnica

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    The length of hospitalization of the population over 65 has been significantly reduced. Due to a mixture of diseases in this population, it is often necessary to have medical monitoring after hospitalization or even out-of hospital treatment. That is why geriatric day hospitals have been founded. In such a hospital, the elderly patients can have examinations, obtain treatment or rehabilitation. The Law defines that 1% of hospital beds shall be allocated for day hospitals in Serbia. This regulation is not supported by standards related to the space, equipment, workforce, admittance indications of services. Statistical evidence of the treated patients according to their age structure is also missing. Greatest percentage of beds in day hospitals is allocated to psychiatry and physical medicine. Such hospitals work five days a week, in the morning shift. One-day geriatric hospital should be closely related to local teams for home care and treatment. It is estimated that in the future these patients should get treatment and care according to the 'virtual clinic' principle. That would enable long-distance services to the population of the elderly.Dužina bolničkog lečenja starijih od 65 godina je značajno smanjena. Zbog udruženih oboljenja često je potreban medicinski nadzor posle hospitalizacije ili tretman van bolnice. U tu svrhu osnivaju se dnevne gerijatrijske bolnice. U jednodnevnoj gerijatrijskoj bolnici omogućen je pregled, tretman i rehabilitacija bolesnih starijih osoba. U Srbiji je propisano da jedan odsto bolničkih postelja bude namenjen za dnevnu bolnicu. Ovaj propis nije praćen standardima prostora, opreme, kadrova, indikacija za prijem, usluga. Takođe, nedostaje statistička evidencija lečenih prema starosnoj strukturi. Najviše postelja u dnevnim bolnicama namenjeno je psihijatriji i fizikalnoj medicini, a dnevne bolnice su aktivne pet dana u nedelji u prepodnevnim smenama. Jednodnevna gerijatrijska bolnica treba da bude tesno povezana sa lokalnim kućnim timovima lečenja i nege. Smatra se da u budućnosti ovim pacijentima negu treba organizovati na principu virtuelne klinike, što bi omogućilo pružanje usluga sa udaljenosti

    Zdravlje, kvalitet života i zadovoljstvo životom starijih osoba

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    Giving greater attention to the quality of life stemmed from the desire of people to live a full, active and effective life and in old age and throughout life, not just survive in the event of illness. The aim of this paper is to examine the health, quality of life and life satisfaction of older people, by the territorial parts of Serbia, settlement type, gender, age, education, and prosperous state. In the realization of the objective of the paper analyzes the data of extensive survey research conducted by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia 'Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut' (2000 and 2006). The results showed that most elderly people evaluate their health as well as the average (38.1% in all cases), then the good (23.8%), and generally good (14.2%), and only a low 23.9%. Health is the same as last year, believes 43% of the elderly, and even 6.9% of them to have better health. For their own health are considered itself responsible for 37.2% of them. Older people prefer to be surrounded with people and have good family relations. On the list of life values in the first place senior placed politics, good business and religion, and an interesting job to have enough money, and the last place put health! Current life satisfaction was only 3.4% of the elderly. Older people are satisfied with children (18.3%), friends, relatives and neighbors, and brethren, and sisters, and then the spouse! About 85% of elderly people are out of whom to rely in case of need. Older people are most dissatisfied with their health, income, political situation, loneliness and family.Obraćanje veće pažnje na kvalitet života proizišlo je iz želje ljudi za punim, aktivnim i delotvornim životom i u dubokoj starosti , a ne samo da preživljavaju kao u slučaju bolesti. Cilj rada je da se sagleda zdravlje, kvalitet života i zadovoljstvo životom starijih osoba, po teritorijalnim delovima Srbije, tipu naselja, polu, starosti, obrazovanju i imućnom stanju. U realizaciji cilja rada analizirani su podaci obimnog anketnog istraživanja koje je sproveo Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije 'Dr Milan Jovanović Batut' (2000. i 2006. godine). Rezultati su pokazali da najviše starih ljudi ocenjuje svoje zdravlje kao prosečno (u 38,1% slučajeva), zatim dobro (23,8%) i uglavnom dobro (14,2%), a kao loše samo 23,9%. Da je zdravlje isto kao prošle godine smatra 43% starijih osoba, čak 6,9% starijih da ima bolje zdravlje, a 37,2% starijih smatra da su sami odgovorni za svoje zdravlje. Starije osobe najviše vole da su okružene ljudima i da imaju dobre porodične odnose. Na listi životnih vrednosti na prvo mesto stariji stavljaju bavljenje politikom, dobar biznis i religiju, a zatim zanimljiv posao, da imaju dovoljno novca, a na poslednje zdravlje! Sadašnjim životom zadovoljno je samo 3,4% starijih. Stariji ljudi su najzadovoljniji decom (18,3%), prijateljima, rođacima i komšijama, a zatim braćom i sestrama, pa tek onda bračnim partnerom! Oko 85% starijih osoba nema na koga da se osloni u slučaju potrebe. Starije osobe su najnezadovoljnije zdravljem, prihodima, političkom situacijom, samoćom i rodbinom

    The influence of sampling method on electrolyte concentrations, ph and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy individuals

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    Introduction Saliva is a complex secretion, which plays an important role in maintenance of oral health. Analysis of saliva is fast, simple and non-invasive, and it is increasingly used as a biological sample for determination of various biochemical markers. The aim was to determine the influence of unstimulated saliva collection methods for measuring electrolytes concentration (sodium, potassium, calcium), pH and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects. Material and methods 30 healthy subjects, males and females, aged 18 to 20 years, without oral and systemic diseases were included in the study. Unstimulated saliva samples were taken using a special tube (Salivette) and via direct spitting into the test tube. The concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined by flame emission photometry while spectrophotometry was used for calcium concentration. For the analysis of pH value of saliva pH-meter was used, while saliva buffer capacity was determined by titration with HCl (0.005 mol/L). Results The level of sodium in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 8.43 ± 3.92 mmol/L and in special tubes 7.90 ± 4.33 mmol/L. Potassium level in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 13.62 ± 0.99 mmol/L while in special tubes it was 13.54 ± 0.94 mmol/L. Mean values of sodium and potassium in unstimulated saliva didn't show statistically significant difference in their concentrations between the two methods of collecting saliva. In contrast to these electrolytes, calcium concentration was higher in the samples of saliva collected with special tubes (2.04 ± 1.05 mmol/L) compared to the samples taken by direct spitting into the test tube (1.38 ± 1.18 mmol/L) with statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). By analyzing the pH of unstimulated saliva it was found that the average pH value of saliva collected with special tubes was 7.05 ± 0.32, and after direct spitting into test tubes it was 7.35 ± 0.41. Buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects was lower after taking with special tubes (5.18 ± 0.74) compared to test tubes (5.36 ± 0.85), but without statistical difference. Conclusion Unstimulated saliva collecting methods using cotton pads (salivette) and direct spitting in the test tube did not affect the value of pH, buffer capacity, the concentrations of sodium and potassium, but affected the concentration of calcium in saliva from healthy subjects

    Zdravstvene karakteristike starijeg stanovništva Srbije i korišćenje zdravstvene zaštite

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    The analysis of both survey and routine statistical data has shown that seniors most frequently have cardiovascular and muscle bone health problems. During one year they make approximately 10 visits, one third more then 5 visits, 20% makes 5 visits and 30% 2-3 visits, 30% of this population are hospital attendants.Sa starenjem dolazi do značajnih promena u zdravstvenom stanju i zdravstvenim potrebama. U cilju sagledavanja zdravstvenih karakteristika i obima korišćenja zdravstvene zaštite starih lica u Srbiji, analizirani su podaci anketnog istraživanja (2000. godine) slučajno izabrane 2.301 stare osobe u Srbiji, kao i podaci rutinske zdravstvene statistike (1991-1999. godina). Rezultati su pokazali da u morbidite tu starih osoba dominiraju kardiovaskularne bolesti i bolesti mišićnokoštanog sistema, zatim povrede, bronhitis i dijabetes melitus. Oni koriste oko 10 usluga godišnje po jednoj osobi, odnosno 30% koristi po 2-3 usluge, oko 20% po 5 usluga, a veći broj usluga koristi trećina starih lica. Bolničku zaštitu koristi oko 30% njih. Oni odlaze lekaru najčešće zbog bolesti i povreda (44%), kontrole (28%) i propisivanja lekova (18%). Znači, stare osobe znatno češće obolevaju i koriste zdravstvenu zaštitu, nego osobe od 19 do 64 godine

    Traditional dentistry knowledge among Serbs in several Balkan countries

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    Background/Aim: There are still unrevealed treasures of traditional dental medicine, that is, the reason to investigate and present various ways in treatment of oral and orofacial tissues, as well as magic and religious elements involved in representative areas among Serbs. Materials and Methods: Information was collected from the elderly non-professional folk dentists and herbalists with the additional help of local physicians and dentists that was done through questionnaire and personal interviews. Results: Classified and prepared material consists of total 1038 inquiry sheets. The 41 data were averagely obtained by inquiry form, i.e. 41,984 information for the whole research. The most voluminous was the group of 64 recipes, including 39 for gums diseases and 25 for toothache, while only seven ones were mentioned for magic way of treatment. Among them, 18 prescriptions were of nonherbal origin. The study revealed 84 herbal original prescriptions, including 67 plant species (29 families) including local name, synonyms, and preparation mode. Traditional healers used predominantly herbal recipes to treat painful tooth, gum disease, blisters - herpetic ulcers/lips and mouth/, stomatitis/painful mouth, ptyalismus/, maxillary sinusitis, bad breath, teeth cleaning and bleaching. Very few methods of treatment appeared as inadequate (magical practice), whereas majority were noted as beneficial ones (herbal medicine). Still many people in distant nonurban areas use various plant recipes, especially as the first aid in oral disease healing. Conclusions: The significance of plants obtained from unpolluted areas, whose active ingredients have not yet been used in dental pharmaceutics, should be further investigated in the future

    Uticaj metode uzorkovanja pljuvačke na koncentraciju elektrolita, pH vrednost i puferski kapacitet zdravih ispitanika

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    Introduction Saliva is a complex secretion, which plays an important role in maintenance of oral health. Analysis of saliva is fast, simple and non-invasive, and it is increasingly used as a biological sample for determination of various biochemical markers. The aim was to determine the influence of unstimulated saliva collection methods for measuring electrolytes concentration (sodium, potassium, calcium), pH and buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects. Material and methods 30 healthy subjects, males and females, aged 18 to 20 years, without oral and systemic diseases were included in the study. Unstimulated saliva samples were taken using a special tube (Salivette) and via direct spitting into the test tube. The concentrations of sodium and potassium were determined by flame emission photometry while spectrophotometry was used for calcium concentration. For the analysis of pH value of saliva pH-meter was used, while saliva buffer capacity was determined by titration with HCl (0.005 mol/L). Results The level of sodium in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 8.43 ± 3.92 mmol/L and in special tubes 7.90 ± 4.33 mmol/L. Potassium level in unstimulated saliva collected in test tubes was 13.62 ± 0.99 mmol/L while in special tubes it was 13.54 ± 0.94 mmol/L. Mean values of sodium and potassium in unstimulated saliva didn't show statistically significant difference in their concentrations between the two methods of collecting saliva. In contrast to these electrolytes, calcium concentration was higher in the samples of saliva collected with special tubes (2.04 ± 1.05 mmol/L) compared to the samples taken by direct spitting into the test tube (1.38 ± 1.18 mmol/L) with statistically significant difference (p lt 0.05). By analyzing the pH of unstimulated saliva it was found that the average pH value of saliva collected with special tubes was 7.05 ± 0.32, and after direct spitting into test tubes it was 7.35 ± 0.41. Buffer capacity of saliva in healthy subjects was lower after taking with special tubes (5.18 ± 0.74) compared to test tubes (5.36 ± 0.85), but without statistical difference. Conclusion Unstimulated saliva collecting methods using cotton pads (salivette) and direct spitting in the test tube did not affect the value of pH, buffer capacity, the concentrations of sodium and potassium, but affected the concentration of calcium in saliva from healthy subjects.Uvod Pljuvačka je složen sekret koji ima značajnu ulogu u održavanju oralnog zdravlja. Analiza pljuvačke je brza, jednostavna i neinvazivna, pa se sve češće koristi kao biološki uzorak za određivanje različitih biohemijskih markera. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se proceni uticaj metode sakupljanja nestimulisane pljuvačke na koncentraciju elektrolita (natrijuma, kalijuma, kalcijuma), pH i puferski kapacitet pljuvačke kod zdravih ispitanika. Materijal i metode rada U istraživanje je uključeno 30 zdravih ispitanika muškog i ženskog pola, starosti od 18 do 20 godina, bez oralnih i sistemskih oboljenja. Uzorci nestimulisane pljuvačke su uzimani pomoću specijalnih epruveta - saliveta, i direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete. Koncentracije natrijuma i kalijuma u pljuvački određivane su metodom plamene emisione fotometrije, a koncentracija kalcijuma metodom spektrofotometrije. Za analizu pH pljuvačke korišćen je pH-metar, a puferski kapacitet pljuvačke je određivan titracijom sa HCl (0,005 mol/L). Rezultati Koncentracija natrijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački sakupljenoj epruvetama iznosila je 8,43 ± 3,92 mmol/L, a u salivetama 7,90 ± 4,33 mmol/L. Koncentracija kalijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački sakupljenoj epruvetama iznosila je 13,62 ± 0,99 mmol/L, a u salivetama 13,54 ± 0,94 mmol/L. Analiza natrijuma i kalijuma u nestimulisanoj pljuvački nije pokazala statistički značajnu razliku u njihovoj koncentraciji između dve metode sakupljanja pljuvačke. Za razliku od ovih elektrolita, koncentracija kalcijuma je bila veća u uzorku pljuvačke sakupljene salivetama (2,04 ± 1,05 mmol/L) u odnosu na uzorak koji je uzet direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvetu (1,38 ± 1,18 mmol/L), sa statistički značajnom razlikom (p lt 0,05). Analizom pH nestimulisane pljuvačke utvrđeno je da je srednja pH vrednost pljuvačke sakupljene salivetama 7,05 ± 0,32, a direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete 7,35 ± 0,41. Puferski kapacitet pljuvačke zdravih ispitanika je bio niži nakon uzimanja salivetama (5,18 ± 0,74) nego epruvetama (5,36 ± 0,85), ali bez statistički značajne razlike. Zaključak Metode sakupljanja nestimulisane mešovite pljuvačke pomoću pamučnih uložaka (salivete) i direktnim ispljuvavanjem u epruvete ne utiču na vrednost pH, puferski kapacitet, koncentraciju natrijuma i kalijuma u pljuvački, ali utiču na koncentraciju kalcijuma u pljuvački zdravih ispitanika