107 research outputs found

    The conventional and contemporary technologies in maize (Zea mays L) breeding at Maize Research Institut Zemun Polje

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    Broad genetic variability of starting biological material is crucial prerequisite for the successful breeding program. Maize Research Institute, owning Gene bank with more than 6,000 accessions consisted of the local and introduced collection, has the opportunity for the investigation both fundamental genetic processes, pre-breeding and breeding for commercial purposes. To search for new sources of maize drought tolerance Gene bank accessions were scored visually on stay-green phenotype and total appearance. More than 50 genotypes have been identified as a potential source for drought tolerance. Besides breeding on improved storage protein quality decreasing of phytate content in kernel is also under the consideration, because the most phosphorous is bound in phytate. In breeding program it is desirable to have genotypes with higher content of available phosphorous (P) not bound in phytate. Among 60 analyzed populations from Gene bank only one has been determined to have very low phytate content and will be used in maize breeding program on low phytate in kernel. Process of maize breeding, to get high yielding hybrids, begins by the genetic variability determination of starting breeding material, either populations or selected inbred lines. Genetic divergence of parental inbred lines is main step to get high heterotic effect in yield after crossing. Use of different molecular markers allowed cluster analysis by use of UPGMA methods and select high number of genotypes to be included in crossing process

    The role of riparian areas in alien plant invasions

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    Biološke invazije predstavljaju jednu od odlika koje karakterišu Antropocen. Invazivne vrste uzrokuju niz problema i rezultuju velikim ekonomskim gubicima na globalnom nivou, čiji se dalji rast očekuje i u budućnosti. Riparijalne (priobalne) zone, kao kritične tranzicione oblasti, uprkos tome što pružaju niz ekosistemskih usluga, nalaze se pod uticajem brojnih antropogenih pritisaka, što ih čini posebno podložnim prodoru invazivnih biljaka. Na području Evrope, upravo se riparijalne zone smatraju jednim od najinvazibilnijih tipova staništa. Kao žarišta biljnih invazija, riparijalne zone takođe imaju važnu ulogu i u procesu daljeg širenja invazivnih biljaka u obližnje terestrične ekosisteme. Različiti tipovi narušavanja, prirodni (poplave) i veštački (npr. hidromorfološke modifikacije), uz snažan pritisak propagula kome su ove oblasti izložene, povećavaju invazibilnost ovih oblasti. Imajući u vidu njihov ekološki značaj i podložnost prodoru invazivnih vrsta, zaštita i oporavak riparijalnih zona je od posebnog značaja u svetlu klimatskih promena. Kako bi se očuvale i povratile ekosistemske usluge i biodiverzitet riparijalnih oblasti, neophodno je sprovoditi kontrolu stranih invazivnih biljaka. Uspeh mera oporavka i aktivnosti kontrole invazivnih vrsta zavisi od niza činilaca, poput vremena introdukcije invazivnih vrsta i posledica njihovog prisustva u tom periodu. Takođe, različiti faktori životne sredine i faktori koji utiču na uspeh procesa invazije moraju se uzeti u obzir, jer bi mogli narušiti proces oporavka (obnavljanja) datog ekosistema. Na kraju, uspešnost procesa oporavka ekosistema, zavisi i od uključivanja svih zainteresovanihstrana i njihovog razumevanja značaja sprečavanja prodora i rešavanja problema invazivnih biljaka

    Tourism climate comfort index (TCCI) - an attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia

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    This paper proposes one new attempt to formulate a mathematical approach to climate parameters in the context of their complex implications for tourist activities through the tourism climate comfort index (TCCI). This paper also aims to formulate an original and optimal mathematical correlation between readily obtainable climate parameters (mean monthly air temperature, monthly amplitude of air temperatures, monthly insolation, average monthly relative air humidity and the number of rainy days), which results in values of the TCCI. Simultaneously, this index will provide the values correspondent to the values of air temperatures (degrees C), which represents a comparative baseline understandable equally for tourists, tourism planners and managers. The example of Serbia as a mainland country in the south-east of Europe was used to apply the proposed methodology. The spatial-temporal variability of TCCI is formulated on basis of data for the period 1961-2000 while for testing model was used selected period 2001-2010 on the sample of 26 meteorological stations distributed all around Serbia. For this purpose a standard statistical techniques were applied and ArcGIS software was used for analyze of the variability of the TCCI in relation to the altitude, which is of particular importance for the development of tourism in the mountains. Checking variability of the index was carried out in relation to statistical data about number of tourists on the three most visited tourist destinations which are of importance for the development of urban, mountain and spa tourism, the leading forms of tourism activities on the territory of Serbia. The obtained results correspond with the fact of the pronounced seasonality of tourism market and thus may represent a good basis for future tourism planning and management


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    U radu je prikazana usporedna analiza istraživanja stajališta o organiziranju sustava upravljanja sigurnošću koja su provedena u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ankete pomoću pismenog upitnika koji sadrži 9 osnovnih skupina pitanja. Pitanja obuhvaćaju područja općih podataka o ispitaniku i poduzeću, te stajališta ispitanika o organiziranju upravljanja sigurnošću u poduzeću u kojem rade. U prvom dijelu rada prikazuju se teoretske postavke organiziranja sustava upravljanja sigurnošću. U nastavku rada prikazuje se usporedna analiza provedenog istraživanja u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. Cilj analize i usporedbe rezultata istraživanja u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj je utvrditi sličnosti, odnosno različitosti u organiziranju sustava upravljanja sigurnošću u ovim zemljama. Zaključci se izvode na temelju usporedbe stajališta o vrstama aspekata organiziranja sustava upravljanja sigurnošću, primjeni organizacijske strukture, vrstama organizacijske strukture, primjeni koraka procesa organiziranja i područjima organiziranja sustava upravljanja sigurnošću, utjecaju organiziranja upravljanja sigurnošću na provedbu sigurnosti i odgovornim osobama za organiziranje sustava upravljanja sigurnošću.The paper presents a comparative study, conducted in Croatia and Serbia, of the opinions expressed by the participants regarding safety management organisation. The study relied on the information gathered in the form of a written questionnaire containing 9 basic sets of questions. The questions covered general information on the participant and the company, and the views of the participants on safety management in the company where they were employed. The paper first focuses on the general theoretical background of safety management organisation. Following this introductory section are the results of the studies conducted in Serbia and Croatia. The goal of the comparative study was to pinpoint similarities and differences in safety management organisation in the two countries. Conclusions were drawn based on the comparisons of participants\u27 views regarding the aspects of safety management organisation, implementation of particular organisational structures, types of organisational structure, and implementation of individual steps in the organisation process. Also assessed by the participants were the individual areas of the safety management system, impact of safety management organisation on safety implementation, and the persons responsible for the organisation of safety management

    Possibilities of nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules treatment by percutaneous ethanol injection

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    Background/Aim. According to the current principles, autonomous functional thyroid nodules are treated by surgery or by radioiodin therapy. Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection into solid tumors of the soft tissues was a starting point in attempts to treat the thyroid nodules by the same method. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of percutaneous injection in treating solitary, nontoxic, autonomous thyroid nodules of up to 15 mL volume. Methods. In 25 patients with solitary nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules diagnosed by tehnetium-99m scanning as an intensive area having a complete supremacy in the paranodal tissue, an ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection was applied. The procedure was carried out repeatedly once a week until the reduction in nodule size to 50% of the initial size was achieved. Results. An average size of the nodule before curing was 9.68 ± 5.01 mL. An average quantity of the injected ethanol was 9.52 ± 5.08 mL, ie 1.06 ± 0.48 mL/mg of the tissue. The regression of the nodule size in the successfully (Δvol% u = - 57.09 ± 13.75%, p < 0.001) and partly successfully cured (Δvol du = -48.45 ± 14.35%, p < 0.05) was statistically significant compared to the size before the treatment. After ceasing ethanol injection, 18 months later, a further size regression (Δvol% = -79.20 ± 9.89%) compared to the initial one (p < 0.001) was noticed. Soon, after the procedure was finished, a statistically significant concentration increase of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) was noticed compared to the initial values (0.18 ± 0.16 vs 0.34 ± 0.31 mU/L, p < 0.01). According to the given criteria, in two female patients satisfactory results were not achieved, but, a year later, in one of them the nodule was not seen by repeated scintigram. The number and frequency of side effects were insignificant. Conclusion. Repeated percutaneous ethanol injections into nontoxic solitary autonomous thyroid nodules result in disappearing of authonomy. The regression of the nodule size of more than 50% compared to its initial volume, as well as the increase in concentration of TSH for more than 50% are the signs of a successful treatment

    Reke Srbije kao putevi invazije - istočni koridor invazije Reynoutria spp.

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    Increasing levels of invasion worldwide have been the source of concern for scientists, due to significant costs and efforts required for managing them. The knowledge of invasion pathways, both those of initial introduction and subsequent spread, is of key importance, since further increase in the number of pathways and vectors of invasion is predicted for the 21st century. At regional scales habitat type has proven to be a reliable predictor of the level of invasion, as certain habitat types (i.e. frequently disturbed, under strong anthropogenic influence) is characterized by high invasion levels. Riparian habitats, as hotspots of alien species diversity and primary sources of their spread, represent some of the most important invasion corridors, where water acts as an effective dispersal mechanism. Some invasive plant species, like Reynoutria spp. show a strong tendency to invade riparian habitats. Preliminary findings of field surveys aimed to assess the level of riparian invasion by Reynoutria spp. in Serbia suggest that some river basins are significantly affected by the presence of these invasive species. Bearing in mind the principal means of their propagation, further spread of Reynoutria spp. along the rivers in Serbia is to be expected over the following years.Stepen invazija koji je u porastu širom sveta zabrinjava naučnike, zbog značajnih troškova i napora koji su neophodni u njihovom kontrolisanju. Poznavanje puteva invazije, kako početnog unosa tako i naknadnog širenja vrsta, od ključnog je značaja, jer je u 21. veku prognoziran dalji porast broja puteva i vektora invazije. Na regionalnom nivou tip staništa se pokazao kao pouzdani pokazatelj nivoa invazije, jer određene tipove staništa (često remećena, pod snažnim antropogenim uticajem) karakteriše visok nivo invazije. Riparijalna staništa, kao centri diverziteta alohtonih vrsta i primarni izvor njihovog širenja, predstavljaju neke od najznačajnijih koridora invazije, u kojima voda deluje kao uspešan mehanizam disperzije. Neke invazivne vrste biljaka, poput Reynoutria spp. pokazuju snažnu tendenciju ka invaziji riparijalnih staništa. Preliminarni rezultati terenskih istraživanja koji su za cilj imali procenu nivoa invazije riparijalnih staništa vrstama roda Reynoutria u Srbiji ukazuju na to da su slivovi nekih reka pod značajnim uticajem prisustva ovih invazivnih vrsta. Imajući u vidu osnovni vid njihove propagacije, dalje širenje Reynoutria spp. duž reka u Srbiji može se očekivati tokom narednih godina

    Uticaj primene bakterijskih inokulanata i strukture smeše na kvalitet silaže grahorice i ovsa

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    The experiment was carried out to evaluate the possibility of ensiling common vetch - oat mixtures sown at five different seeding rates. Two effects were studied: seeding rate of common vetch and oat in the mixtures and application of bacterial inoculant. The pH, DM (Dry Matter) content, ammonia nitrogen, soluble nitrogen, lactic, acetic and butyric acids were determined on silages. DLG method was utilized for classification the silage quality. Common vetch and oat were grown in binary mixtures at the experimental field of the Institute for forage crops, Kruševac - Serbia, and were tested at five different mixture rates: pure vetch, 25% vetch + 75% oat, 50% vetch + 50% oat, 75% vetch + 25% oat and pure oat. Application of bacterial inoculant affected higher content of ammonia nitrogen and acetic acid (P lt 0.05), but lower content of soluble nitrogen (P lt 0.05). Depending on the seeding rates of common vetch and oat, 75 : 25 common vetch - oat silage had the highest content of lactic acid and the lowest content of butyric acid. Contents of DM, pH and ammonia nitrogen were similar in all silages ranged from 307.2 to 318.5 g kg-1 , from 4.27 to 4.54 and from 16.1 to 19.1% ΣN, respectively. According to the DLG method for silage quality evaluation, similar quality grades were founded.Istraživanje je sprovedeno da bi se procenila mogućnost siliranja smeša grahorice i ovsa posejanih u pet različitih odnosa. Ispitivana su dva faktora: udeo semena grahorice i ovsa u smeši i primena inokulanta pri siliranju. Sadržaj suve materiije, pH, sadržaj amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota, kao i sadržaj sirćetne, buterne i mlečne kiseline je utvrđen u silaži. Za ocenu kvaliteta silaže je korišćena DLG i metoda po Weissbach-u. Ogled je postavljen na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za krmno bilje u Kruševcu, Srbija, i ispitavanja su obuhvatila pet različitih smeša: čist usev grahorice, 25% grahorice + 75% ovsa, 50% grahorice + 50% ovsa, 75% grahorice + 25% ovsa i čist usev ovsa. Rezultati suobrađeni kao dvofaktorijalni ogled, analizom varijanse korišćenjem modela koji objašnjava uticaj structure smeše i primene inokulanta na kvalitet silaže. Primena bakterijskog inokulanta je uzrokovala veći sadržaj amonijačnog azota i sirćetne kiseline (P lt 0.05), ali niži sadržaj rastvorljivog azota. Smeša u kojoj je odnos grahorice i ovsa bio 75:25 sadržala je najveći udeo mlečne kiseline i najmanji udeo buterne kiseline. Sadržaj suve materije, pH i amonijačnog azota je bio sličan u svim silažama i kretao se od 307,2 do 318,5 g kg-1 , od 4,27 do 4,54 i od 16,1 do 19,1% ΣN, respektivno. Na osnovu ocene kvaliteta silaže prema DLG i Weissbach metodi utvrđen je približan kvalitet ispitivanih silaža

    Pigmented maize - a potential source of β-carotene and α-tocopherol

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    Among cereals, maize has the highest content of bioavailable micronutrients in grain, particularly β-carotene and α-tocopherol, which makes this crop the most appropriate for biofortification. Great genetic variability is a valuable source of micronutrients, and genotypes with enhanced grain content could be used for improvement of commercial hybrids or synthetic populations creation. Three populations with dark orange, dark red and red grain, five elite lines, and their crosses were evaluated for β-carotene and α-tocopherol content. Based on obtained results, line (L5) could be further used in breeding for increased β-carotene content, and population with dark orange grain (P1) is recommended as a good source for multi-nutrient biofortification for both β-carotene and α-tocopherol. Three lines (L1, L2 and L5) had significantly higher value of α-tocopherol in crosses with dark red population (P2), compared to lines per se, and require several cycles of back-crossing for increase nutrient content. Keywords: biofortification, inbred line, maize, micronutrient, population

    Riparijalne oblasti kao koridori invazije Xanthium strumarium u Srbiji

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    Xanthium strumarium L., also known as common cocklebur, is a potentially invasive weed species in Serbia. It is one of the most competitive weeds, strongly affecting the yield of some crops, such as maize, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet, etc. Since watercourses act as important transportation routes for the long-distance dispersal of weeds and the fruit of X. strumarium is easily dispersed by water, our aim was to analyse the degree of X. strumarium invasion in riparian areas of Serbia and examine the role of rivers and canals as its potential invasion corridors. The field research was carried out during the summer months of 2013,2014, and 2015, along the course of 35 rivers and five major canals of the Danube- Tisa-Danube Hydrosystem (HSDTD) in Serbia. Fieldwork was conducted along 100 m long transects of 500 m long river stretches (chosen following the RHS methodology), where the invasive alien weed species presence and abundance were recorded. Over the period of three years, the presence of X. strumarium was recorded along the course of 33 rivers (94.25%), while it was documented along 66.85% of the total number of river stretches. However, along the canals, it was recorded in only 12% of the localities. The data on the distribution ofX. strumarium expand the existing knowledge on the distribution of this economically harmful weed species in our country, while at the same time highlighting riparian areas of rivers as potentially important corridors of its spread.Xanthium strumarium L. u narodu poznat kao obična ili zelena boca, je potencijalno invazivna korovska vrsta na području Srbije. Jedna je od najkompetitivnijih korovskih vrsta, koja jako utiče na prinos nekih kultura, kao što su kukuruz, soja, suncokret, repa, itd. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da vodotokovi predstavljaju značajne transportne puteve za disperziju korovskih vrsta na veće razdaljine, naš cilj je bio da analiziramo stepen invazije X. strumarium u riparijalnim područjima Srbije i ispitamo kakva je uloga reka i kanala kao njegovih potencijalnih koridora invazije. Terenska istraživanja obavljena su u periodu letnjih meseci 2013, 2014. i 2015. godine, duž toka 35 reka i pet glavnih kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav u Srbiji. Istraživanja su vršena na 100m dugim transektima u okviru 500 m dugih deonica rečnog toka (odabranih u skladu sa RHS metodologijom), gde su beleženi prisustvo i pokrovnost stranih invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Tokom trogodišnjeg perioda istraživanja, prisustvo X. strumarium zabeleženo je duž toka 33 reke (94,25%), a duž 66,85% od ukupnog broja rečnih deonica. Međutim, duž toka kanala, ova potencijalno invazivna vrsta registrovana je na samo 12% lokaliteta. Podaci o rasprostranjenju vrste X. strumarium proširuju postojeće znanje o rasprostranjenju ove ekonomski značajne korovske vrste u našoj zemlji, dok u isto vreme ističu riparijalne oblasti reka kao potencijalno značajne koridore njenog širenja

    Biological spectrum of the weed flora in the Vršac vineyards (Serbia)

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    Agrotechnical measures are the main factor defining the vineyard weed flora structure and composition, while adequate weed control measures simultaneously ensure that vineyards are being well-managed, thus securing good grapevine health and high quality of wine. Given that the biological spectrum of weeds affects the choice of weed control measures, the aim of this study was to determine the biological properties of the weed flora in Vršac vineyards, by assessing dominant life forms and phenology of the identified weeds. The floristic analysis was conducted during the 2016 vegetation season (March-November) at 60 plots (1 m2), at three field sites. The presence of 97 plant taxa, belonging to 26 families, was determined. The biological spectrum of the vineyards weed flora has shown a thero¬phyto-hemicryptophyte character (therophytes: 57.73% and hemicryptophytes: 34.02%). The scapose herbaceous plants with summer-flowering phenology were dominant within the therophytes and hemicryptophytes. The obtained results have shown a higher weed diversity in vineyards, when compared to previous research of the weed flora in the study area, but similar to more recent studies conducted in the neighbouring countries. Furthermore, the dominant presence of therophytes in the vineyard weed flora was expected, bearing in mind the primarily mechanical weed control measures traditionally applied in vineyard