17 research outputs found

    Pilgrim's Return into His Heart. The interpretation of Comenius' Labyrint Using Close Reading

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    V této práce interpretuji Komenského Labyrint světa a ráj srdce metodou close reading. Práce je rozdělena na čtyři kapitoly, které jsou uspořádané chronologicky. První kapitola pojednává o vydání se Poutníka na cestu. V ní je popsáno, kdy Poutník vychází na cestu, z jakého důvodu a co cesta symbolizuje. Druhá kapitola se zabývá průvodci. V ní jsem se pokusil podrobněji prozkoumat roli průvodců v Poutníkově životě. V kapitole Svět je popsáno, proč je Svět představen jako labyrint, proč Poutník vidí svět tak negativně a proč je z něho zklamaný. Kapitola Návrat do svého srdce pojednává o novém životu Poutníka i o tom, co se v něm změnilo po odevzdání se Bohu. Klíčová slova Jan Ámos Komenský, Labyrint světa a ráj srdce, starší česká literatura, barokoIn this work, I interpret the Johannes Amos Comeniusʼ book Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart using close reading. It is divided into four chapters arranged chronologically. First chapter describes how and why Pilgrim sets out for a journey and what does the journey symbolize. Second chapter deals with the guides. Here, I tried to examine in a more profound way the role of the guides in the Pilgrimʼs life. In the chapter named The World I show why the World is presented as a labyrinth, why Pilgrim perceives it in such a negative way and why he is disappointed. Chapter Return into his heart narrates about Pilgrimʼs new life and also what about was changed by his submission to God. Keywords Johannes Amos Comenius, Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart, older Czech literature, BaroqueInstitute of Czech StudiesÚstav bohemistických studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Extreme value theory in emerging markets

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    This paper investigates the performance of extreme value theory (EVT) with the daily stock index returns of four different emerging markets. The research covers the sample representing the Serbian (BELEXline), Croatian (CROBEX), Slovenian (SBI20), and Hungarian (BUX) stock indexes using the data from January 2006 - September 2009. In the paper a performance test was carried out for the success of application of the extreme value theory in estimating and forecasting of the tails of daily return distribution of the analyzed stock indexes. Therefore the main goal is to determine whether EVT adequately estimates and forecasts the tails (2.5% and 5% at the tail) of daily stock index return distribution in the emerging markets of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Hungary. The applied methodology during the research includes analysis, synthesis and statistical/mathematical methods. Research results according to estimated Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) parameters indicate the necessity of applying market risk estimation methods, i.e. extreme value theory (EVT) in the framework of a broader analysis of investment processes in emerging markets

    Vode li smjernice liječnike beogradske hitne pomoći u zbrinjavanju akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom?

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    The aim of the study was to assess whether current guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in daily clinical practice are adequately applied in the Belgrade Emergency Medical Service (EMS). A retrospective research included 2,982 STEMI patients who were cared for by EMS teams. Therapy consisting of morphine, oxygen, nitroglycerin and aspirin (MONA) was applied. Dual antiaggregation therapy (aspirin 325 mg + ticagrelor 180 mg or clopidogrel 600 mg) was administered to patients with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) indicated. With electrocardiographic monitoring included, the patients were transported directly to PCI unit with announcement of the arrival. Response times I-V were measured. There was an increasing trend in the number of STEMI patients. A rapid increase in the use of dual antiaggregation therapy (MONA and clopidogrel or MONA and ticagrelor) was reported from year to year, as well as a dramatic increase in the use of ticagrelor compared to clopidogrel. The time from receiving the call to the arrival on the scene was 13.72 minutes, and the time from receiving the call to hospital arrival was 52.83 minutes. Our physicians care for STEMI patients in accordance with the current international and local recommendations.Cilj ovoga rada bio je procijeniti primjenjuju li se aktualne smjernice za dijagnostiku i liječenje akutnog infarkta miokarda sa ST elevacijom (STEMI) primjereno u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi u beogradskoj hitnoj medicinskoj pomoći (HMP). Retrospektivnim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 2.982 bolesnika sa STEMI kod kojih su intervenirali timovi HMP. Ordinirana je terapija MONA (morfin, kisik, nitroglicerin, aspirin). Dualna antiagregacijska terapija (aspirin 325 mg + tikagrelor 180 mg ili klopidogrel 600 mg) davana je bolesnicima kojima je indicirana primarna perkutana koronarna intervencija (PCI). Bolesnici su uz elektrokardiografsko praćenje transportirani izravno u jedinicu PCI uz prethodnu najavu. Mjerena su vremena reakcije I-V. Bolesnika sa STEMI je bilo 2982, više muškaraca nego žena (63,5% prema 36,5%), sa statistički značajnom razlikom (p<0,001) u dobi između žena (69,30±13,08) i muškaraca (62,67±13,02). Uočen je rastući trend bolesnika sa STEMI. Zabilježen je brz porast primjene dvojne antiagregacijske terapije (MONA i klopidogrel ili MONA i tikagrelor) iz godine u godinu, kao i drastičan porast primjene tikagrelora u odnosu na klopidogrel. Vrijeme od primitka poziva do stizanja ekipe na mjesto intervencije je iznosilo 13,72 min, a vrijeme od primitka poziva do predaje bolesnika u bolnicu 52,83 min. Naši liječnici liječe bolesnike sa STEMI u skladu s aktualnim svjetskim i domaćim preporukama

    Social and environmental management systems in banking sector

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    Environmental finance represents an emerging trend in developed economies, with a goal to become a part of a mainstream offer in products and services which are offered by financial institutions. The basic principle is to implement environmentally beneficial activities into financial institutions business practices. In the focus of this paper are banks, as significant financial institutions, and their capacity to implement sustainable practices in their business strategies. Descriptive analysis will show the capabilities and potential of banks to implement new and innovative management systems for improving environmental and social surroundings, as well as finding and eliminating major environmental and social risks. The aim of this paper is to point to social and environmental management system (SEMS) which are identified as leading and highly innovative worldwide. An overview of two specific SEMS is presented in this paper – Three Pillar Model of Procredit Bank and Nedbanks SEMS

    Assessment of basic life support skills among medical doctors and technicians in Belgrade emergency medical services

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    Objective. Our aim was to assess BLS (basic life support) skills among medical doctors (MDs) and medical technicians (MTs) who work at Belgrade Emergency Medical Services (BEMS). Methods. A prospective study was conducted between 28 September and 9 December, 2016. MDs (Group 1) and MTs (Group 2) attended an accredited course in BLS at BEMS. At the end of the course the participants were given a written test consisting of 20 questions (pass rate 65%). Te results were analyzed for each group i.e. profession (Group 1 and Group 2) according to the number of accurate and inaccurate answers to each question. In the end, a number of participants from each group, who answered all 20 questions correctly, were identifed. Te results obtained, by test analysis, demonstrated the participants’ acquired BLS skills. Results. Te study involved 100 participants (50 in each group). All participants from Group 1 correctly answered questions number 1, 2, 3, 10, 13, 17 and 20. In Group 1 only two participants had three incorrect answers in the test. Te largest number of incorrect answers was related to question number 16. Tirty-four participants in this group answered all questions correctly. All participants from Group 2 gave correct answers to questions number 2, 5, 9, 10 and 13. In Group 2, one participant had six incorrect answers and one participant had 5 incorrect answers. Te largest number of incorrect answers was related to questions number 3 and 20. Nineteen participants from Group 2 answered all questions correctly. Te rate of correct answers between Group 1 and Group 2 was 19.66 : 18.91 (0.75 diference). Conclusion. Te research showed a satisfactory level of knowledge in both groups. However, there is a statistically signifcant diference in the knowledge of MDs afer the BLS course. Te results obtained justify the ambitions that all healthcare professionals, regardless of their qualifcations, should be trained in applying BLS, both at work and as eyewitnesses

    The influence of holiday effect on the rate of return of emerging markets: a case study of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary

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    Taking into account the current trends and opportunities in the financial markets of developing countries, the subject of the research is to analyse, test and quantify the impact of the holiday effect on the daily return rates from investing activities for the observed financial markets of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. The aim of the research is to gain a concrete, empirically tested and quantified knowledge of the capabilities and effectiveness of autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (A.R.C.H.) and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (G.A.R.C.H.) models, in order to quantify the impact of the holiday effect on the rates of return from investing activities in the observed financial markets. The time period covered by the research is 2003–2016, where the length of the research time horizon makes possible model effectiveness testing in the periods before, during and after the global financial crisis. The methodology also includes S.I.C.–A.I.C. (Schwarz and Akaike) model selection criteria and a number of tests suitable for or adapted to the specific characteristics of financial markets in developing countries. The research results confirm the role and importance of the application of econometric models in order to quantify the risks of investing activities in the financial mar- kets of developing countries

    Medical emergency Team as an accidental witness to the ritual of exorcism performed on a pregnant Muslim woman

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    Introduction/Aim No known religion in the world has remained immune to the issue of magic, obsession, and exorcism. We present the first recorded case in our country, a religious exorcism ritual performed on a Muslim woman in her third month of pregnancy. The Emergency Medical Team (EMT) was dispatched to deal with sudden-onset abdominal pain which had occurred during the ritual of exorcism, to which the EMT was an unexpected witness. Case report The EMT responded to a call requesting medical assistance for an 18-year-old pregnant woman of Roma nationality and Muslim religion, who had experienced a short-term loss of consciousness accompanied by body tremors. Upon arriving at the scene, the EMT walked in on a religious ritual of exorcism, which was performed by a Muslim priest. After the ritual was completed, the patient was examined by the EMT doctor. The patient gave anamnestic data about sudden onset upper abdominal pain with an urge to vomit, which occurred about 15 minutes before the EMT was called. She associated her current condition with black magic and an evil force (a demon) that had entered her during a short walk. She stated that she had experienced this type of pain before but did not at that time ask for medical help, because the exorcism ritual had worked and resolved the situation. She denied having previous illnesses and medical treatments and stated that everything was fine during regular examinations by her gynaecologist. Upon examination, she was found to be afebrile, eupneic, euglycemic, and normotensive, with a normal heart rate, and naturally darker skin. Upon auscultation, her heart and lung sounds were found to be normal. When palpated, her abdomen was found to be soft and slightly painful in the stomach region. Her peristalsis was audible. The position of her uterus was normal inside the pelvis, the size of a larger orange or grapefruit. Other findings were normal. The patient was transported to a gynaecology and obstetrics hospital with the diagnosis of abdominal pain of unknown cause She was also referred to be examined by a psychiatrist. Conclusion In anticipation of new scientific views on this increasingly common topic, doctors find themselves in a position where they must find a balance between the patients' religious beliefs and realistic clinical diagnoses while caring for such patients, respecting moral, ethical, and legal norms

    The application of the Kampala trauma Score for prehospital assessment of severity of injuries and prediction of outcome after severe trauma

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    Severe trauma is the main cause of mortality and disability in modern society. Emergency medical doctors are usually the first to establish contact with the injured person, and the extent of definitive care largely depends on their correct assessment of the severity of the injury, using an adequate pre-hospital trauma score. Injury severity scores are used to numerically categorize the type and extent of the injury. They represent an important additional instrument, which is used to enable faster triage, the categorization of injury severity, adequate care, treatment, and transport of patients with multiple injuries to the appropriate hospital. They are also important in research. This paper aims to suggest, using several case reports, the possibility of pre-hospital use of the Kampala Trauma Score (KTS) as an easily applicable and very suitable system for monitoring the condition and predicting the outcome of seriously injured patients. The patients were primarily assessed at the pre-hospital level and assigned a certain injury severity score according to the KTS, which later proved to reflect their definitive outcome. It can be concluded that the KTS is an effective scoring system that can be used during initial triage of the seriously injured for categorization of the severity of the injury, prediction of mortality and necessity of hospitalization. The possibility of its potential application during emergency care of the seriously injured, both for differentiating the severity of injuries and for predicting the definitive outcome, is indicated. However, due to the limited number of patients, original research should be conducted on a larger sample

    Gene Mutation Profiles in Primary Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma of Central Nervous System: Next Generation Sequencing Analyses

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    The existence of a potential primary central nervous system lymphoma-specific genomic signature that differs from the systemic form of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) has been suggested, but is still controversial. We investigated 19 patients with primary DLBCL of central nervous system (DLBCL CNS) using the TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel (TSACP) for 48 cancer-related genes. Next generation sequencing (NGS) analyses have revealed that over 80% of potentially protein-changing mutations were located in eight genes (CTNNB1, PIK3CA, PTEN, ATM, KRAS, PTPN11, TP53 and JAK3), pointing to the potential role of these genes in lymphomagenesis. TP53 was the only gene harboring mutations in all 19 patients. In addition, the presence of mutated TP53 and ATM genes correlated with a higher total number of mutations in other analyzed genes. Furthermore, the presence of mutated ATM correlated with poorer event-free survival (EFS) (p = 0.036). The presence of the mutated SMO gene correlated with earlier disease relapse (p = 0.023), inferior event-free survival (p = 0.011) and overall survival (OS) (p = 0.017), while mutations in the PTEN gene were associated with inferior OS (p = 0.048). Our findings suggest that the TP53 and ATM genes could be involved in the molecular pathophysiology of primary DLBCL CNS, whereas mutations in the PTEN and SMO genes could affect survival regardless of the initial treatment approach

    Pilgrim's Return into His Heart. The interpretation of Comenius' Labyrint Using Close Reading

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    In this work, I interpret the Johannes Amos Comeniusʼ book Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart using close reading. It is divided into four chapters arranged chronologically. First chapter describes how and why Pilgrim sets out for a journey and what does the journey symbolize. Second chapter deals with the guides. Here, I tried to examine in a more profound way the role of the guides in the Pilgrimʼs life. In the chapter named The World I show why the World is presented as a labyrinth, why Pilgrim perceives it in such a negative way and why he is disappointed. Chapter Return into his heart narrates about Pilgrimʼs new life and also what about was changed by his submission to God. Keywords Johannes Amos Comenius, Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart, older Czech literature, Baroqu