10 research outputs found

    Preliminarno istraživanje bisfenola A u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari u KaŔtelanskom zaljevu (Jadransko more, Hrvatska)

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    The occurrence, seasonal and vertical distribution of bisphenol A (BPA) was investigated in the sediments and suspended matter sampled in KaÅ”tela Bay, Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Granulometric composition of sediment and organic matter (OM) in sediments and suspended matter were also examined. BPA was detected in all samples of sediments and suspended matter. Concentration of BPA in sediment ranged from 5.32 Ī¼g kg-1 to 15.52 Ī¼g kg-1, while in suspended matter BPA ranged from4.66 Ī¼g kg-1 to 103.06 Ī¼g kg-1. Seasonality in distribution of BPA concentrations in sediment and suspended matter was not found. The most abundant grain size fractions in sediment were silt (64.40Ā±8.63%) and sand (26.97Ā±9.11%) with accordingly determined sediment type as sandy silt. Average content of OM was 12.01Ā±1.85% and 12.51Ā±1.30%, for sediment and suspended matter, respectively. Monthly distribution of OM content showed higher values during October-March period and lower values during April-September period, while for the suspended matter situation was opposite. Statistical analysis of obtained data showed no existing significant correlation between concentration of BPA in sediments and suspended matter, or between BPA concentration and OM in sediments and suspended matter.Prisustvo te sezonska i vertikalna raspodjela BPA istraživani su u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari prikupljenima u KaÅ”telanskom zaljevu, Jadransko more, Hrvatska. U uzorcima je određena koncen -tracija BPA, granulometrijski sastav sedimenta te sadržaj organske tvari (OM) u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari. BPA je pronađen u svim uzorcima sedimenta i suspendirane tvari, a koncentracije BPA u sedimentu su bile u rasponu od 5.32 Ī¼g kg-1do 15.52 Ī¼g kg-1, u suspendiranoj tvari od 4.66 Ī¼g kg-1 do 103.06 Ī¼g kg-1. Nije ustanovljena sezonska raspodjela BPA u uzorcima suspendirane tvari i sedimenta. Analizom udjela pojedinih veličinskih frakcija sediment je klasificiran kao pjeskoviti silt. Prosječni udio OM u sedimentu je bio 12.01Ā±1.85%, a u suspendiranoj tvari 12.51Ā±1.30%. Veći udjeli OM zabilježeni su u hladnom razdoblju godine (13.13Ā±1.32%), za razliku od toplog razdoblja kada je prosječni udio OM bio 11.56Ā±0.54%. Raspodjela OM u toplom i hladnom razdoblju u suspendiranoj tvari bila je suprotna raspodjeli ustanovljenoj za sediment. Statističkom analizom dobivenih rezultata nije ustanovljena značajna korelacija između sadržaja OM u sedimentu i suspendiranoj tvari i koncentracije BPA


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    Ekonomska kriza koja se dogodila 2008. godine uticala je na način obavljanja bankarskih i finansijskih usluga. Kriza je otvorila put novim učesnicima da promene tržiÅ”te finansijskih usluga sa novim tehnologijama i poslovnim modelima. Poslednjih godina pojavile su se neobanke, odnosno digitalne banke, koje nude finansijske usluge putem digitalnih kanala bez otvorene mreže fizičkih poslovnica. Digitalni način poslovanja omogućio je bankama da minimiziraju troÅ”kove poslovanja i omoguće pristup svojim uslugama besplatno ili uz minimalne troÅ”kove. Novi način poslovanja zavisi od zainteresovanosti banaka da pomognu klijentima i predstavlja značajan vid komunikacije u finansijskim institucijama. Odnos u komunikaciji prema klijentima je odlučujući u sticanju lojalnosti i povećanju baze klijenata. Cilj istraživanja je uticaj digitalnog bankarstva na unapređenje tržiÅ”ne pozicije banke u ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva. U radu su istaknute prednosti digitalnog bankarstva u privlačenju većeg broja klijenata. Predmet istraživanja doprineo je donoÅ”enju zaključka o uticaju kvaliteta kanala distribucije usluga na performanse usluga, Å”to pruža kvalitet isporuke i niske troÅ”kove. Banke koriste tehnoloÅ”ke inovacije koje omogućuju dopiranje do manje dostupnih i zahtevnih klijenata. Ovaj rad pokazuje u kojoj meri banka definiÅ”e svoj digitalni prodajni portfolio i da li postoje zajedničke stavke u tom procesu koje koriste sve banke

    Education and entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurship development is conditioned by finding a balance between long-term sustainability of the production process of a particular product or service, environmental and social dimensions of development. Improving economic performance, reduce production costs, promotion of innovation and increased market orientation through diversification of economic activities are important for improving the quality of life and better environment. The attractiveness of certain areas requires the promotion of sustainable growth and development and the search for new employment opportunities. Entrepreneurship development starts from the point where people are now, with vision and dreams for their future and is based on two things build resources and pooling. The concept of entrepreneurship development is in its infancy. The experience of the European Union designed mostly to policy development and financial support are the result of a successful economy. The aim of this research is to find the potential of young people and the education of entrepreneurs who represent the base of development. One million unemployed, with a tendency to increase this number, clearly indicates that the workforce greatest potential for economic development of Serbia. For the stature of the workforce, its general education and vocational training were made huge investments that not only have the opportunity to fully express themselves in increasing production and labor productivity growth, but the unemployed emerge as consumers and producers who are not. Therefore, unemployed labor is not only the most abundant and untapped production potential of more social troubles of enormous proportions, which does not create a favorable social climate for successful economic development

    Management education for social entrepreneurship with an emphasis on women's entrepreneurship

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    When we mention social entrepreneurship, we mean primarily the good use of the principles of classical or traditional entrepreneurship, in terms of the application of adequate processes and operations, to recognize social problems and achieve certain changes. In this way, social entrepreneurship strives to identify or recognize problems, but also to overcome them. Although Social Entrepreneurship is associated with change, it does not have to be profound, ie it does not have to include a complete solution to the social problem. It is necessary and necessary to apply adequate research, define the social problem, and then move on to the phase of forming smaller goals and the application of management in the endeavor that would lead to the desired changes. Social entrepreneurship can focus on improving certain social circumstances over a very long peri. The paper will emphasize the importance of social entrepreneurship and management that is related to it, but through a new framework in which the emphasis is placed on women's entrepreneurship

    Enterprise cost drivers

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    In modern business conditions, the costs are a factor crucial to business survival and development of enterprises. Costs are relatively neglected economic category in terms of the impact they have on business success. The significance of this paper is to highlight costs as a stimulant and a factor crucial to business success, business politics and business development. The aim of this study is the importance of systematization and classification costs, which occur in economic theory and business practice. Determining cost drivers in the company has its own justification and significance, and can be useful in studying, monitoring and analyzing the costs. Different classifications are made according to different needs; they enable us to understand the essence of costs, their importance for making rational business decisions and their impact on business success

    Problems of Financial Management in the Public Sector

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    The paper discusses the financial management in the enterprise Serbian Railways. The construction of the first railroads in our country began back in the mid of the last century, when a large part of our territory ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire. The development of railway transport in the region saw the expansion of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, twisting in the territory of the then country: Serbia, Montenegro, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Today Serbian Railways railway network is 4.347km, 1.387km of which electrified (32%). The main activity of eating the transport of passengers and goods, hauling the trains and maintenance of traction units, trains and rolling stock, track maintenance and control over them, control over other lines and station structures and installations, maintenance and construction of equipment and installations. The significance of this research is the promotion of modern methods of financial management and for pointing out the importance of the same for efficient business operations. Using modern methods offinancial management it is possible to identify and monitor the needs for financial resources and their sources. It is de facto one of the central category of financial management. The main objective of this study is to monitor and analyze the financial resources of the company "Serbian Railways", that they are optimal from the viewpoint of the situation and trends, and to the short and long term. Financial management includes compliance tools and resources in the process of business where revenues are greater than expenses. It is therefore important that in addition to the scope, structure and resources to be covered by the method of determining the necessary financial resources

    Organizational effects of healthcare institutions entering the healthcare tourism system

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    The importance of the effect of the organization of health institutions on the system of health tourism is important not only from the point of view of scientific management theory, but, above all, in order to make strategically important decisions for the further functioning and development of the new, reformed health care system in Serbia. In the new organizational environment, healthcare workers will have a new and more complex role. The organization of health institutions and the role of employees in health care will be directed towards the users of health services with constant work on their own education, as service providers, as well as the education and information of users. Healthcare has characteristics that distinguish it from other fields. Specific characteristics include knowledge of health services and their value. Effective organization of health institutions in the health tourism system is essential for creating a high impact health system

    Organizational support and institutional environment for entrepreneurship development

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    Enterprise and Entrepreneurship are naturally connected and linked to the man, his individuality and dynamism. A man develops his entrepreneurial skills in the company is organized so that it represents a healthy environment for the development ambitions. The only reliable sources of progress and prosperity are the work and entrepreneurship. It has long been in the world economic literature of special importance in the process of restructuring the economy in economic growth and development of countries in transition is given to the establishment of new enterprises and entrepreneurship development. I do not believe that it is a new form of paradigm, however, the fact remains that a large shift in the literature devoted to the economy of transition. Entrepreneurship means a special kind of work which aims to emphasize the great importance of possessing human creative, organizational and management capacity. The term enterprise wants to emphasize the importance of possessing an exceptional human creative ability. It appears as a combination of dynamic development of ideas, talent, capital, knowledge and risk