7 research outputs found

    Die Entfernung und Rückgewinnung von Phosphor aus dem Abwasser

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    Otpadna voda ukoliko se nepročišćena ispušta u prirodne recipijente koja sadrži visoke koncentracije fosfora predstavlja opasnost za okoliš uzrokujući eutrofikaciju i vodnih tijela širom svijeta. Tijekom proteklog desetljeća proveden je velik broj istraživanja o uklanjanju hranjivih tvari iz otpadne vode, osobito fosfora i dušika, kako bi se smanjio njihov štetan utjecaj na okoliš. Fosfor je element prirodno prisutan u okolišu, međutim povećane koncentracije istoga otkrivene su u mnogim slatkovodnim ekosustavima kao posljedica višegodišnjeg nekontroliranog ispuštanja nepročišćene ili nedovoljno pročišćene otpadne vode u prirodu. Povišene koncentracije fosfora u prirodnim vodama narušavaju kakvoću vode uzrokuju prije svega prekomjeran rast algi i smanjenje koncentracije kisika. Stručnjaci ulažu velike napore kako bi se pronašlo učinkovito, ekološki prihvatljivo i ekonomično rješenje za smanjenje, odnosno uklanjanje fosfora iz otpadne vode. S druge strane, posljednjih 20 godina fosfor se smatra oporabljujućim elementom, radije nego onečišćujućom tvari. U ovom radu prikazan je pregled rezultata znanstvenih istraživanja provedenih u posljednjih 5 godina s ciljem uklanjanja i oporabe fosfora iz otpadnih voda.If untreated wastewater containing high concentrations of phosphorus is discharged into a natural recipient, it poses an environmental threat, causing eutrophication of water bodies all over the world. In the past century, numerous investigations in nutrient removal from wastewater, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, were conducted in order to reduce their adverse impact on the environment. Phosphorus is an element that is naturally present in the environment; however, its increased concentrations have been detected in many freshwater ecosystems as a consequence of many years of uncontrolled untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater discharges into the nature. Increased phosphorus concentrations in natural waters impair water quality by causing primarily excessive algae growth and reduced oxygen concentrations. Experts are making great efforts to find an efficient, ecologically acceptable and feasible solution to its reduction, i.e. removal of phosphorus from wastewater. On the other hand, rather than being considered a pollutant, phosphorus has been considered a recyclable element in the past 20 years. This paper presents an overview of the results of scientific research conducted in the past 5 years within the aim of removing and recycling phosphorus from the environment.Wenn das Abwasser mit hohem Phosphorgehalt ungereinigt in natürliche Gewässer eingeleitet wird, stellt es eine Gefahr für die Umwelt dar, da dies zur Eutrophierung von Gewässern weltweit führt. Im letzten Jahrzehnt wurden zahlreiche Untersuchungen über Entfernung von Nährstoffen, vor allem Phosphor und Stickstoff, aus dem Abwasser durchgeführt, um ihre schädlichen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren. Phosphor ist ein chemisches Element, das in der Natur in gebundener Form vorkommt. Die erhöhten Phosphorkonzentrationen wurden allerdings in vielen Süßwasserökosystemen gefunden als Folge von mehrjähriger unkontrollierter Einleitung von ungereinigtem oder ungenügend gereinigtem Abwasser in die Umwelt. Der in natürlichen Gewässern erhöhte Phosphorgehalt verschlechtert die Wasserqualität, verursacht eine Massenentwicklung von Algen und reduziert den Gehalt an verfügbarem Sauerstoff. Fachleute unternehmen große Anstrengungen, um eine wirkungsvolle, umweltfreundliche und wirtschaftliche Lösung zur Reduzierung bzw. Entfernung von Phosphor aus dem Abwasser zu finden. Andererseits wird Phosphor in den letzten 20 Jahren als Aufbereitungsmittel anstatt Verunreinigungselement angesehen. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Überblick über die Ergebnisse von in den letzten fünf Jahren durchgeführten Untersuchungen gegeben, die sich mit der Entfernung und Rückgewinnung von Phosphor aus dem Abwasser befassen

    Kinetics of solid-liquid extraction of bioactive compounds from grape pomace

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    U radu je istraživana mogućnost primjene određenih matematičkih modela (modificirani II. Fickov, Pageov i modificirani Henderson-Pabisov model) za opisivanje kinetike kruto-tekuće ekstrakcije ukupnih polifenolnih tvari iz tropa grožđa. Ekstrakcija je provedena pri temperaturi od 80 °C tijekom 200 minuta, korištenjem 50 % - tne vodene otopine etanola. Na osnovi statističkih parametara (koeficijenta korelacije, te drugog korijena srednje vrijednosti sume kvadrata odstupanja) dokazano je da su svi ispitivani modeli bili prikladni za opisivanje kruto - tekuće ekstrakcije fenolnih tvari iz tropa grožđa. Prijenos fenolnih tvari tijekom ekstrakcije odvijao se difuzijom u tri perioda: inicijalni (0-10 min ekstrakcije), brzi (10-50 min ekstrakcije) i spori (50-200 min ekstrakcije) Izračunavanjem koeficijenta difuziteta dobivene su vrijednosti za brzi (5,48x1099,14x1011m2/min5,48x10^{-9} - 9,14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min i za spori period (7,09x10101,18x1011m2/min7,09x10^{-10} - 1,18x10^{-11}m^{2}/min). Udio ukupnih polifenola u ekstraktima tropa grožđa određen je spektrofotometrijskom metodom i kretao se u rasponu 0 – 30,78 mgGAE/gstmg_{GAE/gst}.The paper explored the possibility of applying certain mathematical models (modified Fick II, Page and modified Henderson-Pabis model) for describing the kinetics of total polyphenols extraction from grape pomace. Extraction was carried out at 80 ° C for 200 minutes using 50% aqueous ethanol solution. All tested models were suitable for describing the solid - liquid extraction of phenolic compounds from grape pomace, which was confirmed by statistical parameters (correlation coefficient and the root-mean-square deviation). Mass transfer during extraction process was occurred by diffusion in three periods: initial (0- 10 min extraction), rapid (10-50 min extraction) and slow (50-200 min extraction). Diffusion coefficients were calculated for a fast period (5.48x1099.14x1011m2/min5.48x10^{-9} - 9.14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min and for a slow period (5.48x1099.14x1011m2/min5.48x10^{-9} - 9.14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min. Content of phenolic compounds was determined by spectrophotometric method and were in range 0 - 30.78 mgGAE/gstmg_{GAE/gst}

    Biological Phosphorus Removal from the Municipal Wastewater of the City of Trondheim

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    Posljednjih godina, mnogobrojna znanstvena istraživanja ispituju mogućnost izdvajanja hranjivih tvari iz otpadnih voda u cilju njihove uporabe te smanjenja visokih koncentracija hranjivih tvari u pročišćenoj vodi, poput fosfora i dušika, jer pospješuju pojavu eutrofikacije i štetno utječu na vodne cjeline. Rezultati navedenih istraživanja također pokazuju da hranjive tvari izdvojene biološkim postupkom iz otpadnih voda imaju bolja svojstva biosorpcije u okolišu. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati učinkovitost uklanjanja fosfora iz otpadne vode grada Trondheima primjenom tehnologije bioreaktora s pokretnim filmom (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, MBBR) i tehnologijom naprednog biološkog uklanjanja fosfora (EBPR). Svakodnevne analize kakvoće ulazne otpadne vode (koncentracije otopljenog kisika i fosfora, temperatura, pH, KPK) omogućile su određivanje učinkovitosti i kinetike EBPR procesa. Uklanjanje fosfora iz otpadne vode ispitano je u šaržnom bioreaktoru u ovisnosti o koncentraciji otopljenog kisika i aktivnost bakterija u specifičnim radnim uvjetima. Rezultati su pokazali da je za učinkovito uklanjanje fosfora iz otpadne vode MBBR i EBPR procesom najznačajnija aktivnost fosfor akumulirajućih mikroorganizama (PAO). Također su utvrđeni i odnosi između kakvoće ulazne otpadne vode i procesnih parametara obrade otpadnih voda pri biološkom uklanjanju fosfora iz otpadne vode grada Trondheima.Over the past years the process of the biological removal of nutrients in the wastewater treatment has become more and more scrutinizied in the world. The nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen cause eutrophication and, consequently, have a detrimental effect on the environment. So, in this thesis the processes of the biological removal of phosphorus in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) and the Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) were examined. Also, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, COD and phosphorus in typical Norwegian wastewater obtained from sewage system of city of Trondheim were measured on a daily basis. Moreover, the kinetics of phosphorus removal process was performed in several experiments using a batch bioreactor and the optimal concentration of dissolved oxygen and the activity of bacteria under specific operating conditions were investigated. The results shown that the Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) play a major role in the biological removal of phosphorus. The relations among wastewater quality (influent) and the wastewater treatment process parameters on phosphorus biological removal were also determined

    Biological Phosphorus Removal from the Municipal Wastewater of the City of Trondheim

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    Posljednjih godina, mnogobrojna znanstvena istraživanja ispituju mogućnost izdvajanja hranjivih tvari iz otpadnih voda u cilju njihove uporabe te smanjenja visokih koncentracija hranjivih tvari u pročišćenoj vodi, poput fosfora i dušika, jer pospješuju pojavu eutrofikacije i štetno utječu na vodne cjeline. Rezultati navedenih istraživanja također pokazuju da hranjive tvari izdvojene biološkim postupkom iz otpadnih voda imaju bolja svojstva biosorpcije u okolišu. Cilj ovog rada je ispitati učinkovitost uklanjanja fosfora iz otpadne vode grada Trondheima primjenom tehnologije bioreaktora s pokretnim filmom (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, MBBR) i tehnologijom naprednog biološkog uklanjanja fosfora (EBPR). Svakodnevne analize kakvoće ulazne otpadne vode (koncentracije otopljenog kisika i fosfora, temperatura, pH, KPK) omogućile su određivanje učinkovitosti i kinetike EBPR procesa. Uklanjanje fosfora iz otpadne vode ispitano je u šaržnom bioreaktoru u ovisnosti o koncentraciji otopljenog kisika i aktivnost bakterija u specifičnim radnim uvjetima. Rezultati su pokazali da je za učinkovito uklanjanje fosfora iz otpadne vode MBBR i EBPR procesom najznačajnija aktivnost fosfor akumulirajućih mikroorganizama (PAO). Također su utvrđeni i odnosi između kakvoće ulazne otpadne vode i procesnih parametara obrade otpadnih voda pri biološkom uklanjanju fosfora iz otpadne vode grada Trondheima.Over the past years the process of the biological removal of nutrients in the wastewater treatment has become more and more scrutinizied in the world. The nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen cause eutrophication and, consequently, have a detrimental effect on the environment. So, in this thesis the processes of the biological removal of phosphorus in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) and the Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) were examined. Also, the concentration of dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, COD and phosphorus in typical Norwegian wastewater obtained from sewage system of city of Trondheim were measured on a daily basis. Moreover, the kinetics of phosphorus removal process was performed in several experiments using a batch bioreactor and the optimal concentration of dissolved oxygen and the activity of bacteria under specific operating conditions were investigated. The results shown that the Polyphosphate-Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) play a major role in the biological removal of phosphorus. The relations among wastewater quality (influent) and the wastewater treatment process parameters on phosphorus biological removal were also determined

    Kinetics of solid-liquid extraction of bioactive compounds from grape pomace

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    U radu je istraživana mogućnost primjene određenih matematičkih modela (modificirani II. Fickov, Pageov i modificirani Henderson-Pabisov model) za opisivanje kinetike kruto-tekuće ekstrakcije ukupnih polifenolnih tvari iz tropa grožđa. Ekstrakcija je provedena pri temperaturi od 80 °C tijekom 200 minuta, korištenjem 50 % - tne vodene otopine etanola. Na osnovi statističkih parametara (koeficijenta korelacije, te drugog korijena srednje vrijednosti sume kvadrata odstupanja) dokazano je da su svi ispitivani modeli bili prikladni za opisivanje kruto - tekuće ekstrakcije fenolnih tvari iz tropa grožđa. Prijenos fenolnih tvari tijekom ekstrakcije odvijao se difuzijom u tri perioda: inicijalni (0-10 min ekstrakcije), brzi (10-50 min ekstrakcije) i spori (50-200 min ekstrakcije) Izračunavanjem koeficijenta difuziteta dobivene su vrijednosti za brzi (5,48x1099,14x1011m2/min5,48x10^{-9} - 9,14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min i za spori period (7,09x10101,18x1011m2/min7,09x10^{-10} - 1,18x10^{-11}m^{2}/min). Udio ukupnih polifenola u ekstraktima tropa grožđa određen je spektrofotometrijskom metodom i kretao se u rasponu 0 – 30,78 mgGAE/gstmg_{GAE/gst}.The paper explored the possibility of applying certain mathematical models (modified Fick II, Page and modified Henderson-Pabis model) for describing the kinetics of total polyphenols extraction from grape pomace. Extraction was carried out at 80 ° C for 200 minutes using 50% aqueous ethanol solution. All tested models were suitable for describing the solid - liquid extraction of phenolic compounds from grape pomace, which was confirmed by statistical parameters (correlation coefficient and the root-mean-square deviation). Mass transfer during extraction process was occurred by diffusion in three periods: initial (0- 10 min extraction), rapid (10-50 min extraction) and slow (50-200 min extraction). Diffusion coefficients were calculated for a fast period (5.48x1099.14x1011m2/min5.48x10^{-9} - 9.14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min and for a slow period (5.48x1099.14x1011m2/min5.48x10^{-9} - 9.14x10^{-11}m^{2}/min. Content of phenolic compounds was determined by spectrophotometric method and were in range 0 - 30.78 mgGAE/gstmg_{GAE/gst}

    Improvement of the Nutraceutical Profile of Brewer’s Spent Grain after Treatment with Trametes versicolor

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    Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is an important secondary raw material that provides a readily available natural source of nutraceuticals. It finds its largest application as animal feed and part of the human diet, while the future perspective predicts an application in the production of value-added products. In order to investigate a sustainable BSG treatment method, two BSG samples (BSG1 and BSG2) were evaluated as substrates for the production of hydrolytic (xylanase, β-glucosidase and cellulase) and lignolytic enzymes (laccase, manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase) by solid-state fermentation (SSF) with Trametes versicolor while improving BSG nutritional value. The biological treatment was successful for the production of all hydrolytic enzymes and laccase and manganese peroxidase, while it was unsuccessful for the production of lignin peroxidase. Because the two BSGs were chemically different, the Trametes versicolor enzymes were synthesized at different fermentation times and had different activities. Consequently, the chemical composition of the two BSG samples at the end of fermentation was also different. The biological treatment had a positive effect on the increase in protein content, ash content, polyphenolic compounds, and sugars in BSG1. In BSG2, there was a decrease in the content of reducing sugars. Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin were degraded in BSG1, whereas only cellulose was degraded in BSG2, and the content of hemicellulose and lignin increased. The fat content decreased in both samples. The safety-related correctness analysis showed that the biologically treated sample did not contain any harmful components and was therefore safe for use in nutritionally enriched animal feed