979 research outputs found

    Two-step relaxation and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in glass-forming liquids

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    It is well known that glass-forming liquids exhibit a number of anomalous dynamical phenomena, most notably a two-step relaxation in the self-intermediate scattering function and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation, as they are cooled toward the glass transition temperature. While these phenomena are generally ascribed to dynamic heterogeneity, specifically to the presence of slow- and fast-moving particles, a quantitative elucidation of the two-step relaxation and the violation of the SE relation in terms of these concepts has not been successful. In this work, we propose a classification of particles according to the rank order of their displacements (from an arbitrarily defined origin of time), and we divide the particles into long-distance (LD), medium-distance, and short-distance (SD) traveling particle groups. Using molecular-dynamics simulation data of the Kob-Andersen model, we show quantitatively that the LD group is responsible for the fast relaxation in the two-step relaxation process in the intermediate scattering function, while the SD group gives rise to the slow (α) relaxation. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that τ_α is controlled by the SD group, while the ensemble-averaged diffusion coefficient D is controlled by both the LD and SD groups. The combination of these two features provides a natural explanation for the breakdown in the SE relation at low temperature. In addition, we find that the α-relaxation time, τ_α, of the overall system is related to the relaxation time of the LD particles, τ_(LD), as τ_α = τ₀exp(Ωτ_(LD)/k_BT)

    Changes of plasma fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21) in oral glucose tolerance test and effects of metformin on FGF-21 levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Wstęp: Badanie przeprowadzono w celu ustalenia, czy czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów-21 (FGF-21) uczestniczy w regulacji stężenia glukozy i czy zastosowanie metforminy u chorych na cukrzycę wpływa na stężenie FGF-21. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 43 osoby, w tym 27 chorych z nowo rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2 (nT2DM). U wszystkich przeprowadzono test doustnego obciążenia 75 g glukozy (OGTT). Próbki krwi pobrano w 0., 60.,120. i 180. minucie testu. Osobom z nT2DM zaproponowano udział w dalszych badaniach; zastosowano u nich metforminę w dawce 1,0 g/dobę przez tydzień. Wyniki: Zmiany stężenia FGF-21 w osoczu podczas OGTT zaobserwowano tylko w grupie chorych na nT2DM; w grupie kontrolnej stężenie FGF-21 pozostało niezmienione. Nie stwierdzono, by stężenia FGF-21 w poszczególnych punktach czasowych różniły się w zależności od płci badanych (p < 0,05). Zastosowanie metforminy u osób z nT2DM spowodowało istotne zmniejszenie stężeń glukozy i FGF-21 we wszystkich punktach czasowych OGTT oraz zmniejszenie stężenia insuliny w 60. i 180. minucie, co wskazuje na obniżenie wskaźnika HOMA-IR. Wnioski: FGF-21 nie uczestniczy w krótkoterminowej regulacji glikemii u ludzi, a zmiany jego stężenia podczas OGTT są opóźnione w T2DM. Być może FGF-21 bierze udział w metabolizowaniu metforminy, zwiększając wrażliwość na glukozę i insulinę. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 220&#8211;224)Introduction: The objectives of our study were to investigate whether fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF-21) is involved in short-term regulation of glucose and the change of FGF-21 after metformin use in diabetic subjects. Material and methods: 43 subjects were recruited in the study, including 27 new-onset type 2 diabetes patients (nT2DM). A 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was administered to them. Blood samples were taken at 0, 60 ,120 and 180 minute of OGTT. nT2DM subjects were invited for further investigation, metformin was administered in a dose of 1.0 g every day for 1 week. Results: Plasma FGF-21 changed significantly in the nT2DM group during the OGTT administration but not in the control group. No gender differences were observed at different time points in FGF-21 levels (p < 0.05). Administration of metformin for nT2DM resulted in a significant decrease in both glucose and FGF-21 at all OGTT times and in insulin at 60 min and 180 min, indicative of a decrease in HOMA-IR. Conclusion: FGF-21 does not seem to be involved in short-term regulation of glycaemia in human subjects, and the change in OGTT delayed in T2DM. FGF-21 may participate in the processing of metformin, improving glucose and insulin sensitivity. (Pol J Endocrinol 2013; 64 (3): 220&#8211;224

    An Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Multiple Mutation Strategies

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    Differential evolution algorithm is a simple yet efficient metaheuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces. However, there is a shortcoming of premature convergence in standard DE, especially in DE/best/1/bin. In order to take advantage of direction guidance information of the best individual of DE/best/1/bin and avoid getting into local trap, based on multiple mutation strategies, an enhanced differential evolution algorithm, named EDE, is proposed in this paper. In the EDE algorithm, an initialization technique, opposition-based learning initialization for improving the initial solution quality, and a new combined mutation strategy composed of DE/current/1/bin together with DE/pbest/bin/1 for the sake of accelerating standard DE and preventing DE from clustering around the global best individual, as well as a perturbation scheme for further avoiding premature convergence, are integrated. In addition, we also introduce two linear time-varying functions, which are used to decide which solution search equation is chosen at the phases of mutation and perturbation, respectively. Experimental results tested on twenty-five benchmark functions show that EDE is far better than the standard DE. In further comparisons, EDE is compared with other five state-of-the-art approaches and related results show that EDE is still superior to or at least equal to these methods on most of benchmark functions

    A Novel Discrete Global-Best Harmony Search Algorithm for Solving 0-1 Knapsack Problems

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    In order to better solve discrete 0-1 knapsack problems, a novel global-best harmony search algorithm with binary coding, called DGHS, is proposed. First, an initialization based on a greedy mechanism is employed to improve the initial solution quality in DGHS. Next, we present a novel improvisation process based on intuitive cognition of improvising a new harmony, in which the best harmony of harmony memory (HM) is used to guide the searching direction of evolution during the process of memory consideration, or else a harmony is randomly chosen from HM and then a discrete genetic mutation is done with some probability during the phase of pitch adjustment. Third, a two-phase repair operator is employed to repair an infeasible harmony vector and to further improve a feasible solution. Last, a new selection scheme is applied to decide whether or not a new randomly generated harmony is included into the HM. The proposed DGHS is evaluated on twenty knapsack problems with different scales and compared with other three metaheuristics from the literature. The experimental results indicate that DGHS is efficient, effective, and robust for solving difficult 0-1 knapsack problems

    Metastasis-Associated Protein 1 Deficiency Results in Compromised Pulmonary Alveolar Capillary Angiogenesis in Mice.

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    Background The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of metastasis-associated protein 1 (MTA1) deficiency during angiogenesis of pulmonary alveolar capillaries in mice and to determine the molecular mechanisms involved. Material/Methods The expressions of MTA1, CD34, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), and HIF-1α were analyzed in the lungs of MTA1-knockout (KO) and wild-type mice at embryonic day 18.5 and 2 months by quantitative PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. The morphological changes were investigated during pulmonary alveolar capillary formation. The heart weight/body weight (HW/BW) ratio and the size of the right ventricular wall cardiomyocytes were also measured. Regulation of MTA1 on HIF-1α was determined in vitro. Results MTA1 deficiency reduced the number of pulmonary alveolar capillaries compared to the wild-type mice. MTA1-KO mice exhibited a decreased expression of HIF-1α and VEGF in the lungs. The retarded growth of the MTA1-KO mice was also noticed during the first week after birth. Accordingly, MTA1 deficiency resulted in increased infant mortality. In surviving adult mice, MTA1 deficiency induced myocardial hypertrophy, highlighted by an increased heart weight/body weight ratio and larger cardiomyocytes. In cultured cells, HIF-1α and VEGF levels were significantly upregulated upon MTA1 overexpression, suggesting a close relationship between all 3 molecules. Conclusions MTA1 participates in the formation of pulmonary capillaries via stabilization of HIF-1α. This finding sheds new light on the function of MTA1 in lung development, opening new avenues for the diagnosis/treatment of related pulmonary diseases

    The investigation of status of human parasites in children from Yushu

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    目的  调查青海省玉树县震后转移安置学生的肠道寄生虫感染情况。方法  粪便直接涂片法检查虫卵。结果  512份粪便样品中,寄生虫阳性粪便31份,感染率为6.05%。其中,结肠内阿米巴20例,感染率为3.91%;蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫8例,感染率为1.56%;蛔虫3例,感染率0.59%。结论  玉树的学生肠道寄生虫的感染率均不高于全国平均水平。Objective: To investigate the status of human parasites in children who have been evacuated here from Yushu after earthquake. Methods: Detect the eggs from smear feces samples. Results: 512 stool samples were collected and examined by microscope. The total infection rate was 6.05%, where the infection rate for entamoeba coli Grassi was 3.91%, Giardia lamblia stile was 1.56%, Ascaris Lumbricoides was 0.59%. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the infection rate of human parasites is not higher than normal rate in China

    Effects of tumor metabolic microenvironment on regulatory T cells

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    Recent studies have shown that on one hand, tumors need to obtain a sufficient energy supply, and on the other hand they must evade the body’s immune surveillance. Because of their metabolic reprogramming characteristics, tumors can modify the physicochemical properties of the microenvironment, which in turn affects the biological characteristics of the cells infiltrating them. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are a subset of T cells that regulate immune responses in the body. They exist in large quantities in the tumor microenvironment and exert immunosuppressive effects. The main effect of tumor microenvironment on Tregs is to promote their differentiation, proliferation, secretion of immunosuppressive factors, and chemotactic recruitment to play a role in immunosuppression in tumor tissues. This review focuses on cell metabolism reprogramming and the most significant features of the tumor microenvironment relative to the functional effects on Tregs, highlighting our understanding of the mechanisms of tumor immune evasion and providing new directions for tumor immunotherapy