25 research outputs found

    Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas sobre lactancia materna que poseen las madres que asisten al programa de Vigilancia promoción, crecimiento y desarrollo en el centro salud de Villa Libertad, Managua. Octubre -Diciembre 2015

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    Se determinaron los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre lactancia materna que poseen las madres que asisten al programa de Vigilancia, Promoción, Crecimiento y Desarrollo, mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, probabilístico, realizado en 73 mujeres en rangos de edad de 15 a 42 años, seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio simple en el Centro de Salud Villa Libertad de la ciudad de Managua en el periodo de Octubre a Diciembre del año 2015. Una vez seleccionada el área de estudio se realizó coordinación con personal de salud y docente a cargo, se identificó el problema objeto de la investigación, se procedió a la elaboración de los objetivos y del instrumento de recolección de datos, posteriormente se hizo la validación del mismo. La entrada al escenario de trabajo para la evaluación se realizó aplicando el formulario conteniendo las variables de acuerdo a cada objetivo específico, los cuales están enmarcados en cuanto a identificar información sociodemográfica, de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre lactancia materna. Se utilizaron medios y programas informáticos para el proceso de recolección y análisis de datos. Una vez analizada la información se obtuvieron los resultados, donde encontramos que las mujeres estudiadas manifestaron tener adecuados conocimientos sobre lactancia materna obtenidos en la unidad de salud donde han sido atendidas, tienen una actitud favorable, pero la práctica de lactancia materna es inadecuada, porque es mixta debido a que además de la leche materna se implementa el uso de fórmulas lácteas y alimentación complementaria a temprana edad. Palabras Clave: Lactancia Materna, Conocimientos, Actitudes, Prácticas, Fórmul

    Directed Evolution of Key Residues in Fluorescent Protein Inverses the Polarity of Voltage Sensitivity in the Genetically Encoded Indicator ArcLight

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    Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) produce unprecedentedly large signals that have enabled routine optical recording of single neuron activity in vivo in rodent brain. Genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) offer a more direct measure of neuronal electrical status, however the signal-to-noise characteristics and signal polarity of the probes developed to date have precluded routine use in vivo. We applied directed evolution to target modulable areas of the fluorescent protein in GEVI ArcLight to create the first GFP-based GEVI (Marina) that exhibits a Δ<i>F</i>/Δ<i>V</i> with a positive slope relationship. We found that only three rounds of site-directed mutagenesis produced a family of “brightening” GEVIs with voltage sensitivities comparable to that seen in the parent probe ArcLight. This shift in signal polarity is an essential first step to producing voltage indicators with signal-to-noise characteristics comparable to GECIs to support widespread use in vivo

    Median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of (A) IFNγ or (B) TNFα in monofunctional or multifunctional CD4 T cells.

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    <p>The data are presented as the mean of individual MFI values for 4–5 mice per vaccine group. * Significant differences relative to monofunctional cytokine expressing cells, <i>p</i><0.05. <sup>#</sup> Significant differences relative to BCG in the same T cell subset, p<0.05.</p

    Reduced BCG splenic CFU levels one month after treatment of immunocompromised mice with the adjuvanted BCG preparations.

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    <p>A. Mice were given two i.p. injections of anti-IFNγ mAb (black bars) two days apart before receiving a single 10<sup>6</sup> CFU dose of either BCG or <i>ΔmmaA4</i>BCG with or without adjuvant. Untreated mice served as infection controls (gray bars). The antibody treatment was repeated every 10 days until the mice were sacrificed one month post-infection to quantify the splenic BCG CFU. B. SCID mice were injected with a single 10<sup>6</sup> CFU dose of either BCG or <i>ΔmmaA4</i>BCG with or without adjuvant. One month after the injection, splenic bacterial burdens were determined. *Significant differences relative to adjuvanted BCG controls, <i>p</i><0.05.</p

    Protection in C57BL/6 mice against a <i>M. tuberculsosis</i> Erdman aerosol challenge after vaccination with either BCG or the <i>ΔmmaA4</i>BCG/adjuvant formulation.

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    <p>Mice were challenged with <i>M. tuberculosis</i> 8 weeks after a single s.c. immunization and then were sacrificed 1, 2 or 4 months after the challenge for enumeration of CFU's in the lung. Significant CFU reduction relative to * naïve mice (<i>p</i><0.05) or <sup>#</sup> BCG-vaccinated controls (<i>p</i><0.05).</p

    Median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of (A) IFNγ or (B) TNFα in monofunctional or multifunctional CD8 T cells.

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    <p>The data are presented as the mean of individual MFI values for 4–5 mice per vaccine group. *Statistical significance relative to monofunctional cytokine expressing cells, <i>p</i><0.05. <sup>#</sup> Significant differences relative to BCG in the same T cell subset, p<0.05.</p

    Muliparameter flow cytometry was used to determine the frequency (%) of (A) monofunctional CD4 T cells producing only IFNγ, TNFα, or IL-2 or (B) CD4 MFT cells producing both IFNγ and TNFα, IFNγ and IL-2, TNFα and IL-2 or all three cytokines from naïve or vaccinated mice.

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    <p>Splenocytes from three to five unchallenged mice per group were analyzed separately for these experiments. * Significant differences relative to naïve controls (<i>p</i><0.05). <sup>#</sup> Significant differences compared to BCG-vaccinated mice (<i>p</i><0.05).</p

    Method and system for identifying a person using their finger-joint print

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    Inventor name used in this publication: 张磊Inventor name used in this publication: 张林Inventor name used in this publication: 祝海龙Inventor name used in this publication: 张大鹏Inventor name used in this publication: 骆南Title in Traditional Chinese: 利用指關節紋識別個人身份的方法和系統China2012-2013 > Other Outputs > Patents grantedVersion of Recor

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Differential host gene responses from infection with neurovirulent and partially-neurovirulent strains of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus

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    Venn diagram with comparison of gene expression at different time points in a) V3000 infected spleen, b) V3034 infected spleen, c) V3000 infected brain, and d) V3034 infected brain. Significantly modulated genes against each virus at different time points studied were compared in spleen and brain. The genes representing unique or common subsets are shown in the venn diagrams. The numbers in the venn diagrams include both upregulated and downregulated genes. Figure S2. Real-time PCR based validation. Real-time PCR analysis was performed to confirm the microarray results for randomly selected genes a) Stat1, b) Stat2, c) Zfp456, Nt5c2 and NfκB2 post V3000 infection and d) Samd9l post V3000 and V3034 infections. Expression values of all the genes were normalized with the house keeping gene, GAPDH. The results here are representative of 2 biological replicates and 2 technical replicates for each biological replicate. Blue bar: RT-PCR expression level; Red bar: Microarray expression level. Details of primer sets used are given in supplementary table-7. Figure S3. Network analysis of apoptotic genes modulated in response to V3000 and V3034 infections in spleen at 48 h and 72 h pi. Genes significantly modulated against V3000 and V3034 infections at 48 h and 72 h pi in spleen were used to perform in silico network analysis using the Ingenuity Pathway analysis software. Both the viruses resulted in modulation of apoptosis pathway at 48 h and 72 h pi. Figure S4. Network analysis of inflammatory genes modulated in response to V3000 and V3034 infections in spleen at 48 h and 72 h pi. Genes significantly modulated against V3000 and V3034 infections at 48 h and 72 h pi in spleen were used to perform in silico network analysis using the Ingenuity Pathway analysis software. Both the viruses resulted in activation of various immune cells to different degrees at 48 h and 72 h pi as shown above. (DOCX 1842 kb

    Additional file 4: Table S3. of Differential host gene responses from infection with neurovirulent and partially-neurovirulent strains of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus

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    Significantly modulated genes in the spleen that were unique to V3000 infection. Genes that were modulated only with V3000 infection in the spleen were identified. The list summarizes the commonly modulated genes for each time point studied. Values are expressed as average values of (log2) fold expression for each gene over uninfected controls ± standard error mean (SEM). * P ≤ 0.05. (DOCX 82 kb