480 research outputs found

    Mind Mapping Software as a Tool to Facilitate Archival Arrangement

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    This case study provides an overview of a project using the mind mapping software Personal Brain to facilitate arrangement of a fragmented and complex archival collection

    Mind Mapping for Archival Processing: Using Personal Brain Software to Facilitate Arrangement of the Auguste Martin Collection

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    The presenters discuss a case study that outlines and reflects on their experience using the mind mapping software Personal Brain to support arrangement of a conceptually complex collection during archival processing. The authors discuss advantages and disadvantages, and other potential applications of mind-mapping in archival work

    The effect of digital alteration disclaimer labels on social comparison and body image: Instructions and individual differences

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of digital alteration disclaimer labels appended to fashion magazine advertisements, as well as instructional condition, on women's social comparison and body dissatisfaction. Participants were 378 female undergraduate students who viewed 11 thin ideal advertisements with either no disclaimer, a generic disclaimer, or a more detailed specific disclaimer. There were three instructional conditions: neutral, distractor, and social comparison. Disclaimer labels did not affect appearance comparison or body dissatisfaction, but instructional condition did, with the social comparison instructions producing the highest appearance comparison and body dissatisfaction. In addition, there was a three-way interaction with trait appearance comparison, such that women high on trait appearance comparison who saw specifically worded disclaimers in the distractor instructional condition experienced increased body dissatisfaction, whereas women low on this trait experienced decreased body dissatisfaction. It seems that both instructions and individual differences may influence responses to disclaimer labels

    Disclaimer labels on fashion magazine advertisements: Does timing of digital alteration information matter?

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd The study aimed to investigate whether a message informing readers about digital alteration read before exposure to thin ideal advertisements would enhance the effectiveness of disclaimer labels. Participants were 280 female undergraduate students who viewed eleven thin ideal fashion magazine advertisements. Half viewed the advertisements in their original format, and half viewed the same advertisements with a digital alteration disclaimer label. Prior to viewing the advertisements, participants read either a brief message informing them that advertisements are commonly digitally altered, or a control message. Irrespective of experimental condition, exposure to the thin ideal advertisements led to increased body dissatisfaction, with social comparison predicting this increase. Neither the disclaimer label nor the pre-exposure message, nor their combination, led to reductions in perceived realism, social comparison, or body dissatisfaction. However, trait appearance comparison moderated the effect of pre-exposure message on perceived realism, such that women high on trait appearance comparison in the digital alteration pre-exposure message condition rated the models as relatively more realistic than did women low on this trait. It was concluded that more research is needed to identify brief and easy-to-implement universal prevention strategies that can reduce the negative effects of thin ideal media imagery on women's body image

    #fitspo or #loveyourself? The impact of fitspiration and self-compassion Instagram images on women's body image, self-compassion, and mood

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd This study experimentally examined the impact of exposure to fitspiration images and self-compassion quotes on social media on young women's body satisfaction, body appreciation, self-compassion, and negative mood. Female undergraduate students (N=160) were randomly assigned to view either Instagram images of fitspiration, self-compassion quotes, a combination of both, or appearance-neutral images. Results showed no differences between viewing fitspiration images compared to viewing neutral images, except for poorer self-compassion among those who viewed fitspiration images. However, women who viewed self-compassion quotes showed greater body satisfaction, body appreciation, self-compassion, and reduced negative mood compared to women who viewed neutral images. Further, viewing a combination of fitspiration images and self-compassion quotes led to positive outcomes compared to viewing only fitspiration images. Trait levels of thin-ideal internalisation moderated some effects. The findings suggest that self-compassion might offer a novel avenue for attenuating the negative impact of social media on women's body satisfaction

    'Selfie’-objectification: The role of selfies in self-objectification and disordered eating in young women

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    Existing research demonstrates a relationship between social networking site (SNS) use and body-related concerns and disordered eating amongst females. Preliminary evidence indicates that SNS photo activities (e.g., taking and sharing 'selfies’) may play a particularly important role. The present study aimed to use self-objectification as a framework to examine the relationship between SNS photo activities and body-related and eating concerns in a population of young women. Participants were 259 young women (age 18–29; M = 22.97, SD = 3.25) who completed self-report questionnaires of SNS use and body-related and disordered eating concerns. Results showed that SNS 'selfie’ activities, rather than general SNS usage, were associated with body-related and eating concerns. Specifically, greater investment in 'selfie’ activities was associated with increased body dissatisfaction and bulimia symptomatology, even after accounting for known risk factors such as thin-ideal internalisation and body mass index (BMI). Moreover, self-objectification was found to moderate the relationship between photo investment and bulimia symptomatology. These findings indicate that active engagement with SNS photo activities, rather than general SNS use, shows an association with body-related and eating concerns. Interventions targeting specific SNS photo activities may be an effective avenue for the prevention and management of body-related concerns and disordered eating in young women

    The case for body positivity on social media: Perspectives on current advances and future directions

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    In recent years, the body positive movement has emerged on social media and has generated both support and criticism in pop-cultural discourse. We review the potential benefits and disadvantages of ‘body positivity’ on social media in light of theory and the available research. Based on early evidence showing potential benefits of engaging with body positive content on social media for positive body image, a case is made in support of this emerging content. Nevertheless, recommendations are made for future research with an emphasis on experimental and longitudinal investigations of actual health outcomes of engaging with body positivity on social media, and clarification of the potential relationship between body positivity and objectification

    The relationship between Facebook and Instagram appearance-focused activities and body image concerns in young women

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    © 2017 The present study aimed to identify the specific social networking sites (SNS) features that relate to body image concerns in young women. A total of 259 women aged 18–29 years completed questionnaire measures of SNS use (Facebook and Instagram) and body image concerns. It was found that appearance-focused SNS use, rather than overall SNS use, was related to body image concerns in young women. Specifically, greater engagement in photo activities on Facebook, but not general Facebook use, was associated with greater thin-ideal internalisation and body surveillance. Similarly, following appearance-focused accounts on Instagram was associated with thin-ideal internalisation, body surveillance, and drive for thinness, whereas following appearance-neutral accounts was not associated with any body image outcomes. Implications for future SNS research, as well as for body image and disordered eating interventions for young women, are discussed

    Adapting the Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Children: A psychometric analysis of the BAS-2C

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    © 2017 Positive body image among adults is related to numerous indicators of well-being. However, no research has explored body appreciation among children. To facilitate our understanding of children's positive body image, the current study adapts and validates the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2; Tylka & Wood-Barcalow, 2015a) for use with children. Three hundred and forty-four children (54.4% girls) aged 9–11 completed the adapted Body Appreciation Scale-2 for Children (BAS-2C) alongside measures of body esteem, media influence, body surveillance, mood, and dieting. A sub-sample of 154 participants (62.3% girls) completed the questionnaire 6-weeks later to examine stability (test-retest) reliability. The BAS-2C displayed a unidimensional factor structure and evidence of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct, criterion-related, and incremental validity. Additionally, the results suggest adaptive properties of body appreciation for body-related and emotional well-being among children. The BAS-2C could serve as an essential component within research to understand and estimate children's positive body image

    Unraveling the regulatory relationship between quorum sensing and the type III secretion system in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

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    Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a mammalian enteropathogen and is the direct ancestor of Y. pestis, the causative agent of the plague. For its pathogenicity, Y. pseudotuberculosis harbours a 70 kb virulence plasmid which encodes the components of the type three secretion system (T3SS) and effector proteins. These effectors serve to evade the host immune system and induce apoptosis of mammalian cells. Consistent with many Gram-negative bacteria, Yersinia facilitate cell: cell signalling through the production and sensing of N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs), which functions to mediate the expression of downstream target genes. This cell-cell communication is known as quorum sensing (QS) and is facilitated by two LuxI/R-type systems in Y. pseudotuberculosis: YtbI/R and YpsI/R, and several AHL molecules. Behaviours under QS control include motility, biofilm formation, clumping and the regulation of the T3SS. Recently, QS was reported to repress the T3SS whilst the T3SS attenuated biofilm formation on Caenorhabditis elegans. Colonising both the soil/water environment and the mammalian gut, Y. pseudotuberculosis exhibits a biphasic lifestyle whereby it exerts strict temperature-dependent control over the expression of pYV-encoded genes. The switch between these two lifestyles is govered by a pair of virulence regulators: LcrF is a transcriptional activator that targets pYV-encoded genes and is key for the assembly of the T3SS. Conversely, YmoA is a histone-like protein that represses transcription of lcrF through chromatin compaction. Considering the repression of the T3SS by QS, this study set out to investigate whether this regulation is mediated by a relationship between QS and LcrF/YmoA. By using chromosomal promoter:lux fusions, QS was identified to be an activator of YmoA at both 22oC and 37oC whilst a regulatory relationship between QS and LcrF was also identified. To investigate these links further, AHL profiling of the lcrF and ymoA mutants identified YmoA as a repressor of AHL biosynthesis whilst a very subtle repression was observed in ΔlcrF, suggesting that LcrF may influence AHL synthesis indirectly. Assessing the impact of LcrF and YmoA on the QS-mediated phenotypes of Yop secretion, biofilm formation and motility extended these observations. LcrF had no effect on any of the phenotypes examined supporting the hypothesis of either an indirect mode of regulation, or no regulation at all. In contrast, YmoA influenced both motility and biofilm formation. A decreased motility of ΔymoA was observed on both semi-solid agar and in liquid whereby both the speed and the percentage of motile cells was altered. This suggests an activating role of YmoA on motility. Interestingly, QS is known to repress motility therefore it is likely that YmoA-regulation of motility occurs irrespective of QS. Comparable to that of the QS synthase mutant (ΔypsI/ytbI), biofilm was attenuated in ΔymoA yet restored when cells were cured of the virulence plasmid supporting the hypothesis that the type three-secretion injectisome disrupts biofilm formation. This attenuation of biofilm formation in ΔymoA, in conjunction with the activation of ymoA by QS, led to the hypothesis that the repression of the T3SS by QS works through YmoA. Considering these results, evidence for an interaction between QS and virulence regulators LcrF and YmoA has been confirmed. We propose a model whereby YmoA is the missing link in the QS-mediated repression of the T3SS. Activation of YmoA by QS leads to increased repression of lcrF and subsequently, of the T3SS resulting in the de-repression of this system in the absence of QS
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