8 research outputs found

    The effect of sequence context on spontaneous PolĪ¶-dependent mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The PolĪ¶ translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerase is responsible for over 50% of spontaneous mutagenesis and virtually all damage-induced mutagenesis in yeast. We previously demonstrated that reversion of the lys2Ī”A746 āˆ’1 frameshift allele detects a novel type of +1 frameshift that is accompanied by one or more base substitutions and depends completely on the activity of PolĪ¶. These ā€˜complexā€™ frameshifts accumulate at two discrete hotspots (HS1 and HS2) in the absence of nucleotide excision repair, and accumulate at a third location (HS3) in the additional absence of the translesion polymerase PolĪ·. The current study investigates the sequence requirements for accumulation of PolĪ¶-dependent complex frameshifts at these hotspots. We observed that transposing 13 bp of identity from HS1 or HS3 to a new location within LYS2 was sufficient to recapitulate these hotspots. In addition, altering the sequence immediately upstream of HS2 had no effect on the activity of the hotspot. These data support a model in which misincorporation opposite a lesion precedes and facilitates the selected slippage event. Finally, analysis of nonsense mutation revertants indicates that PolĪ¶ can simultaneously introduce multiple base substitutions in the absence of an accompanying frameshift event

    The in Vivo Characterization of Translesion Synthesis Across UV-Induced Lesions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Insights Into PolĪ¶- and PolĪ·-Dependent Frameshift Mutagenesis

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    UV irradiation, a known carcinogen, induces the formation of dipyrimidine dimers with the predominant lesions being cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone adducts (6-4PPs). The relative roles of the yeast translesion synthesis DNA polymerases PolĪ¶ and PolĪ· in UV survival and mutagenesis were examined using strains deficient in one or both polymerases. In addition, photoreactivation was used to specifically remove CPDs, thus allowing an estimate to be made of the relative contributions of CPDs vs. 6-4PPs to overall survival and mutagenesis. In terms of UV-induced mutagenesis, we focused on the +1 frameshift mutations detected by reversion of the lys2Ī”A746 allele, as PolĪ¶ produces a distinct mutational signature in this assay. Results suggest that CPDs are responsible for most of the UV-associated toxicity as well as for the majority of UV-induced frameshift mutations in yeast. Although the presence of PolĪ· generally suppresses UV-induced mutagenesis, our data suggest a role for this polymerase in generating some classes of +1 frameshifts. Finally, the examination of frameshift reversion spectra indicates a hierarchy between PolĪ· and PolĪ¶ with respect to the bypass of UV-induced lesions

    Loss of the tumor suppressor BIN1 enables ATM Ser/Thr kinase activation by the nuclear protein E2F1 and renders cancer cells resistant to cisplatin

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    The tumor suppressor bridging integrator 1 (BIN1) is a corepressor of the transcription factor E2F1 and inhibits cell-cycle progression. BIN1 also curbs cellular poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) and increases sensitivity of cancer cells to DNAdamaging therapeutic agents such as cisplatin. However, how BIN1 deficiency, a hallmark of advanced cancer cells, increases cisplatin resistance remains elusive. Here, we report that BIN1 inactivates ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) serine/threonine kinase, particularly when BIN1 binds E2F1. BIN1 12A (a cancer-associated BIN1 splicing variant) also inhibited cellular PARylation, but only BIN1 increased cisplatin sensitivity. BIN1 prevented E2F1 from transcriptionally activating the human ATM promoter, whereas BIN1 12A did not physically interact with E2F1. Conversely, BIN1 loss significantly increased E2F1-dependent formation of MRE11A/RAD50/NBS1 DNA end-binding protein complex and efficiently promoted ATM autophosphorylation. Even in the absence of dsDNA breaks (DSBs), BIN1 loss promoted ATM-dependent phosphorylation of histone H2A family member X (forming Ī³H2AX, a DSB biomarker) and mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 (MDC1, a Ī³H2AX-binding adaptor protein for DSB repair). Of note, even in the presence of transcriptionally active (i.e. proapoptotic) TP53 tumor suppressor, BIN1 loss generally increased cisplatin resistance, which was conversely alleviated by ATM inactivation or E2F1 reduction. However, E2F2 or E2F3 depletion did not recapitulate the cisplatin sensitivity elicited by E2F1 elimination. Our study unveils an E2F1-specific signaling circuit that constitutively activates ATM and provokes cisplatin resistance in BIN1-deficient cancer cells and further reveals that Ī³H2AX emergence may not always reflect DSBs if BIN1 is absent