9 research outputs found

    New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov.(Boletaceae, Boletales)

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    Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. are described as new to science. These sequestrate, hypogeous fungi were collected in Guyana under closed canopy tropical forests in association with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) host tree genera Dicymbe (Fabaceae subfam. Caesalpinioideae), Aldina (Fabaceae subfam. Papilionoideae), and Pakaraimaea (Dipterocarpaceae). Molecular data place these fungi in Boletaceae (Boletales, Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) and inform their relationships to other known epigeous and sequestrate taxa within that family. Macro- and micromorphological characters, habitat, and multi-locus DNA sequence data are provided for each new taxon. Unique morphological features and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of 185 taxa across the order Boletales justify the recognition of the three new genera

    Fungal Community Succession of Populus grandidentata (Bigtooth Aspen) during Wood Decomposition

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    Fungal communities are primary decomposers of detritus, including coarse woody debris (CWD). We investigated the succession of fungal decomposer communities in CWD through different stages of decay in the wide-ranging and early successional tree species Populus grandidentata (bigtooth aspen). We compared shifts in fungal communities over time with concurrent changes in substrate chemistry and in bacterial community composition, the latter deriving from an earlier study of the same system. We found that fungal communities were highly dynamic during the stages of CWD decay, rapidly colonizing standing dead trees and gradually changing in composition until the late stages of decomposed wood were integrated into soil organic matter. Fungal communities were most similar to neighboring stages of decay, with fungal diversity, abundance, and enzyme activity positively related to percent nitrogen, irrespective of decay class. In contrast to other studies, we found that species diversity remained unchanged across decay classes. Differences in enzyme profiles across CWD decay stages mirrored changes in carbon recalcitrance, as B-D-xylosidase, peroxidase, and Leucyl aminopeptidase activity increased as decomposition progressed. Finally, fungal and bacterial gene abundances were stable and increased, respectively, with the extent of CWD decay, suggesting that fungal-driven decomposition was associated with shifting community composition and associated enzyme functions rather than fungal quantities

    Paraphysoderma sedebokerense GlnS III Is Essential for the Infection of Its Host Haematococcus lacustris

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    Glutamine synthetase (GlnS) is a key enzyme in nitrogen metabolism. We investigated the effect of the GlnS inhibitor glufosinate on the infection of H. lacustris by the blastocladialean fungus P. sedebokerense, assuming that interfering with the host nitrogen metabolism will affect the success of the parasite. Complete inhibition of infection, which could be bypassed by the GlnS product glutamine, was observed at millimolar concentrations of glufosinate. However, this effect of glufosinate was attributed to its direct interaction with the blastoclad and not the host, which results in development and growth inhibition of the blastoclad. In our P. sedebokerense draft genome, we found that the sequence of GlnS is related to another fungal GlnS, type III, found in many poor known phyla of fungi, including Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota, and absent in the main subkingdom of fungi, the Dikarya. We further tested the ability of the blastoclad to utilize nitrate and ammonia as inorganic nitrogen sources and glutamine for growth. We found that P. sedebokerense equally use ammonia and glutamine and use also nitrate, but with less efficiency. Altogether, our results show that GlnS type III is mandatory for the development and growth of P. sedebokerense and could be an efficient target to develop strategies for the control of the fungal parasite of H. lacustris

    Candida albicans selection for human commensalism results in substantial within-host diversity without decreasing fitness for invasive disease.

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    Candida albicans is a frequent colonizer of human mucosal surfaces as well as an opportunistic pathogen. C. albicans is remarkably versatile in its ability to colonize diverse host sites with differences in oxygen and nutrient availability, pH, immune responses, and resident microbes, among other cues. It is unclear how the genetic background of a commensal colonizing population can influence the shift to pathogenicity. Therefore, we examined 910 commensal isolates from 35 healthy donors to identify host niche-specific adaptations. We demonstrate that healthy people are reservoirs for genotypically and phenotypically diverse C. albicans strains. Using limited diversity exploitation, we identified a single nucleotide change in the uncharacterized ZMS1 transcription factor that was sufficient to drive hyper invasion into agar. We found that SC5314 was significantly different from the majority of both commensal and bloodstream isolates in its ability to induce host cell death. However, our commensal strains retained the capacity to cause disease in the Galleria model of systemic infection, including outcompeting the SC5314 reference strain during systemic competition assays. This study provides a global view of commensal strain variation and within-host strain diversity of C. albicans and suggests that selection for commensalism in humans does not result in a fitness cost for invasive disease

    Diploid-dominant life cycles characterize the early evolution of Fungi.

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    Most of the described species in kingdom Fungi are contained in two phyla, the Ascomycota and the Basidiomycota (subkingdom Dikarya). As a result, our understanding of the biology of the kingdom is heavily influenced by traits observed in Dikarya, such as aerial spore dispersal and life cycles dominated by mitosis of haploid nuclei. We now appreciate that Fungi comprises numerous phylum-level lineages in addition to those of Dikarya, but the phylogeny and genetic characteristics of most of these lineages are poorly understood due to limited genome sampling. Here, we addressed major evolutionary trends in the non-Dikarya fungi by phylogenomic analysis of 69 newly generated draft genome sequences of the zoosporic (flagellated) lineages of true fungi. Our phylogeny indicated five lineages of zoosporic fungi and placed Blastocladiomycota, which has an alternation of haploid and diploid generations, as branching closer to the Dikarya than to the Chytridiomyceta. Our estimates of heterozygosity based on genome sequence data indicate that the zoosporic lineages plus the Zoopagomycota are frequently characterized by diploid-dominant life cycles. We mapped additional traits, such as ancestral cell-cycle regulators, cell-membrane- and cell-wall-associated genes, and the use of the amino acid selenocysteine on the phylogeny and found that these ancestral traits that are shared with Metazoa have been subject to extensive parallel loss across zoosporic lineages. Together, our results indicate a gradual transition in the genetics and cell biology of fungi from their ancestor and caution against assuming that traits measured in Dikarya are typical of other fungal lineages