211 research outputs found


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    Heart disease is a common occurrence in older patients in the civilized culture, and the rate is predicted to rise as the software advances. Patients with heart disease should be intended to eat a salt-free diet to lose adiposity. Diet is also critical for heart disease patients; those with nutrition deficits have a low deep prognosis. A growing body of research indicates a correlation between heart disease and a lack of micronutrients. Repairable heart disease has been linked to thiamine and selenium deficiency. Micronutrients and heart disease may, nevertheless, have a more moderate association, according to recent research. This article looks at studies that looked at micronutrient consumption, supplement effectiveness, and micronutrient ingestion in heart disease patients, with an emphasis on retinol, ascorbic acid, a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin B1, other B vitamins, cholecalciferol, folate, iron, and copper. Because aging is the leading cause of coronary heart disease, treatments intended to reduce down the aging process or improving life expectancy are distinctly different from their standards for the treatment of coronary heart disease. Altering risky life decisions which might relate to aging and coronary heart diseases, such as nicotine usage, obesity, and unique lifestyles, is increasingly become part of the quality of practice

    Towards secure web browsing on mobile devices

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    The Web is increasingly being accessed by portable, multi-touch wireless devices. Despite the popularity of platform-specific (native) mobile apps, a recent study of smartphone usage shows that more people (81%) browse the Web than use native apps (68%) on their phone. Moreover, many popular native apps such as BBC depend on browser-like components (e.g., Webview) for their functionality. The popularity and prevalence of web browsers on modern mobile phones warrants characterizing existing and emerging threats to mobile web browsing, and building solutions for the same. Although a range of studies have focused on the security of native apps on mobile devices, efforts in characterizing the security of web transactions originating at mobile browsers are limited. This dissertation presents three main contributions: First, we show that porting browsers to mobile platforms leads to new vulnerabilities previously not observed in desktop browsers. The solutions to these vulnerabilities require careful balancing between usability and security and might not always be equivalent to those in desktop browsers. Second, we empirically demonstrate that the combination of reduced screen space and an independent selection of security indicators not only make it difficult for experts to determine the security standing of mobile browsers, but actually make mobile browsing more dangerous for average users as they provide a false sense of security. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate the need for mobile specific techniques to detect malicious webpages. We then design and implement kAYO, the first mobile specific static tool to detect malicious webpages in real-time.Ph.D

    Zustandsübergänge von PEM-Brennstoffzellen unter luftfahrttechnischen Betriebsbedingungen: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze

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    Um fossile Ressourcen zu schonen und die Umweltauswirkungen der Luftfahrt zu reduzieren, wird u.a. der Einsatz von wasserstoffbasierten Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzellensystemen (PEM-BZS) angestrebt. Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik besteht weiterer Entwicklungsbedarf hinsichtlich der Kosten sowie der Lebensdauer von Brennstoffzellen [1]. Da die Lebensdauer insbesondere bei Luftfahrtanwendungen stark mit den entstehenden Kosten zusammenhängt, müssen aufkommende Designkonflikte unter Berücksichtigung möglicher Missionsprofile analysiert und gelöst werden. Um die Lebensdauer und Leistungsfähigkeit eines PEM-BZS zu erhöhen, ist eine stationäre Belastung sowie eine homogene Stromdichte, Temperatur- und Medienverteilung im Brennstoffzellenstapel wünschenswert. Unter diesen Bedingungen lassen sich bereits heute die geforderten 20.000 Betriebsstunden [2] eines luftfahrttechnischen Brennstoffzellensystems erreichen. Die veränderlichen Anforderungen und Umgebungsbedingungen während einer Flugmission stellen dem gegenüber jedoch eine Herausforderung dar. Da die Betriebsparameter eines BZ-Systems (Lastwiderstände, Temperaturen, Massenströme, Drücke, Feuchtigkeit, …) unterschiedliche Änderungsgeschwindigkeiten aufweisen, ergeben sich kritische Betriebsbedingungen bei Zustandsübergangen wie beispielsweise dem Übergang vom Taxiing in die Take-Off Phase, wenn die Parameter nicht optimiert nachgeführt werden. Dadurch kann es zu irreversiblen Degradation bis hin zum Defekt von Brennstoffzellen kommen. Mit einer segmentierten Messplatte können die Stromdichte und die Temperaturverteilung in einer Brennstoffzelle gemessen werden, um damit den Einfluss von Zustandsübergängen auf das Betriebsverhalten einer Brennstoffzelle näher zu untersuchen. Die entsprechenden Ergebnisse können dazu genutzt werden, erwünschte und unerwünschte Kombinationen von Betriebsparametern und deren Zeitverhalten eingehend zu identifizieren, was die Weiterentwicklung von Betriebsstrategien für luftfahrttechnische PEM-BZS ermöglicht. In diesem Beitrag wird anhand messtechnischer Untersuchungen an einem PEM-BZS mit segmentierter Messplatte diskutiert, wie sich die Anforderungen und Umgebungsbedingungen bei Unterschiedlichen Flugphasen und den einhergehenden Zustandsübergängen auf den Systembetrieb auswirken und mit welchen Maßnahmen ein möglichst schonender sowie effizienter Betrieb ermöglicht wird. Weiterhin werden Mitigationsstrategien vorgestellt, mit denen kritische Betriebsbedingungen vorgebeugt werden können

    Efficient Oblivious Computation Techniques for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Applications

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    Research area: Information Security and Cryptography, Networking and CommunicationsResearch topic: Privacy-Preserving Computation, Mobile Application SecurityThe growth of smartphone capability has led to an explosion of new applications. Many of the most useful apps use context-sensitive data, such as GPS location or social network information. In these cases, users may not be willing to release personal information to untrusted parties. Currently, the solutions to performing computation on encrypted inputs use garbled circuits combined with a variety of optimizations. However, the capability of resource-constrained smartphones for evaluating garbled circuits in any variation is uncertain in practice. In [1], it is shown that certain garbled circuit evaluations can be optimized by using homomorphic encryption. In this paper, we take this concept to its logical extreme with Efficient Mobile Oblivious Computation (EMOC), a technique that completely replaces garbled circuits with homomorphic operations on ciphertexts. We develop applications to securely solve the millionaire’s problem, send tweets based on location, and compute common friends in a social network, then prove equivalent privacy guarantees to analogous constructions using garbled circuits. We then demonstrate up to 68% runtime reduction from the most efficient garbled circuit implementation. In so doing, we demonstrate a practical technique for developing privacy-preserving applications on the mobile platform

    On the Disparity of Display Security in Mobile and Traditional Web Browsers

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    Research area: Information Security and Cryptography, Internet Security, Wireless and Mobile NetworkingMobile web browsers now provide nearly equivalent features when compared to their desktop counterparts. However, smaller screen size and optimized features for constrained hardware make the web experience on mobile browsers significantly different. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive study of the display-related security issues in mobile browsers. We identify two new classes of display-related security problems in mobile browsers and devise a range of real world attacks against them. Additionally, we identify an existing security policy for display on desktop browsers that is inappropriate on mobile browsers. Our analysis is comprised of eight mobile and five desktop browsers. We compare security policies for display in the candidate browsers to infer that desktop browsers are significantly more compliant with the policies as compared to mobile browsers. We conclude that mobile browsers create new security challenges and are not simply miniature versions of their desktop counterparts

    Synthesis and evaluation of 1,2,4-triazole derivatives as antimicrobial, antifungal and anthelmintic agents

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    Current research work is focused on incorporation of thiosemicarbazide, triazole in one framework and observed for antifungal, antibacterial and anthelmintic activities. Derivatives of 1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol are synthesized with thiosemicarbazide and semicarbazide as a starting material. Thiosemicarbazide are subjected to intermolecular cyclization in alkaline medium followed by acidification to give 1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol. Equimolar mixture of thiosemicarbazide and different consecutive acids are heated, fusion occurred to give different triazoles derivatives. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for synthesized compounds are in the range of 3.12-25 μg/mL

    Design and evaluation of taste masked chewable dispersible tablet of lamotrigine by melt granulation

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    Lamotrigine, an antiepileptic drug (AED) of the phenyltriazine class, is chemically unrelated to existing antiepileptic drugs. Lamotrigine is also used in the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder. But it is a bitter drug and slightly soluble in water. Thus, in the work under taken, an attempt was made to mask the taste and to formulate into a chewable dispersible tablet by complexation with Precirol ATO-05, which also acts as taste masking agent. Since, these tablets can be swallowed in the form of dispersion; it is suitable dosage form for paediatric and geriatric patients. Drug-Precirol ATO-05 was prepared in drug to Precirol ATO-05 ratio of 1:2, 1:1.5, 1:1, 1:0.5. The prepared tablets were evaluated for general appearance, content uniformity, hardness, friability, taste evaluation, mouth feel, in vitro disintegration time, and in vitro dissolution studies. Tablets with Precirol ATO-05 have shown good disintegrating features, also, the dispersion not showing any bitter taste, indicate the capability of Precirol ATO-05 used, both as taste masking agents. Almost more than 90 percent of drug was released from the formulation within 1 h. Further formulations were subjected to stability testing for 3 months at temperatures 25±5ºC/60±5%RH; 30±5ºC/65±5%RH and 40±5ºC/75±5%RH. Tablets have shown no appreciable changes with respect to taste, disintegration, and dissolution profiles.Keywords: Lamotrigine; Melt granulation; Precirol; Taste masking; Chewable dispersible tablets

    Effect of pre-partum supplementation of rumen protected methionine plus lysine and choline on the performance of crossbred cows

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    The study was conducted to determine rumen escape potential (REP) of commercial rumen protected methionine (RPM), lysine (RPL) and choline (RPC) products and to examine the effect of supplementing RPM plus RPL and RPC on the performance of preparturient crossbred cows. Crossbred cows (27; 2nd to 4th lactation) were randomly assigned to 3 groups of 9 animals each, on the basis of most probable production ability (MPPA). Cows in control group (T1), were fed basal diet as per NRC (2001). The cows in second group (T2), were supplemented with 5 g RPM and 20 g RPL, and those in third group (T3), were fed 54 g RPC per cow/day for 40 days pre-partum. In sacco study revealed that REP of RPM, RPL and RPC was 75.20, 54.97 and 72.89%, respectively. Supplementation of RPM plus RPL and RPC resulted in higher body condition score (BCS) in crossbred cows on the day of parturition. Nutrient intake was similar among the groups, except that duodenal supply of methionine and lysine was higher in T2 group. Plasma triglycerides, VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) and phosphatidylcholine levels were higher in T2 and T3 groups while vitamin E level was higher in T3 group, on the day of parturition, indicating better immune status. It was concluded that fortification of ration with RPM plus RPL and RPC resulted in improved body condition score, duodenal supply of methionine and lysine and better immune status in cows during prepartum period