55 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Tradisi Kajian Kitab Kuning dalam Lingkup Perubahan Sosial (Studi Kasus di Pesantren Darun Nahdhah, Darel Hikmah, dan Babussalam)

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    This study wants to find answers about how the existence of stsudy of the yellow book (kitab kuning) at pesantren Darun Nahdhah, Darel Hikmah, and Babussalam within the scope of social change. In general, the three pesantren have responded positively to social change, to make changes and adjustments to the education system, including in order to maintain the tradition of the study of the yellow book. In other words, the identity of pesantren with yellow book still attached at their respective schools. However, its existence is different. Among them, there were made studies of yellow book as co curriculer, together with other curriculum, then there is also making it only limited additional or extra curricular activities

    Pembaruan Pendidikan Pesantren dalam Kerangka Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

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    Pesantren is an educational institution in Indonesia. His contribution is felt real to the people of Indonesia began from the beginning of growth until now in the birth of religious scholars or ulema. Actually, goals and curriculum of pesantren that ukhrowi oriented tend considered un-Islamic because it is not in accordance with the values and principles of Islam itself, and is currently rated as a weaknesses of the pesantren word, it will not be able to bring the Indonesian people to survive in the arena life among nations and an increasingly competitive world. Then the reorientation of the objectives and curriculum of pesantren is an inevitable necessity. Goals and curriculum of pesantren that only ukhrowi oriented must be replaced with the goals and curriculum of the integrated ukhrowi-dunyawiyah oriented. That is, goals and curriculum of pesantren should be able to touch all aspects of students as human beings, bot Ruhiyah, jasmaniyah, or 'aqliyah. Thus he will be able to actual his function as' abdullah and khalifatullah well as well

    Sekolah Versus Pesantren sebuah Perbandingan Menuju Format Baru Mainstream Lembaga Pendidikan Nasional Peniada Dikotomik

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    Sekolah-Pesantren is an ideal educational institution for Indonesia that was carried into the new maintream Indonesian national education system. Integrating and choices of both institutions is done because it has a fundamental difference conflicting; sekolah has an advantage in the development of science and technology but failed in the moral and character development, while pesantren, on the contrary, is known to have experience and success in coaching morale and akhlak of the it's student but not capable in developing science and technology. Praxis sekolahpesantren rests on the basic concept of human. The formulation of the vision, mission, and goals sekolah-pesantren is so likewise with the technique and metode used in the learning process, all remain within the framework of development and empowerment of students' potentials as human beings. Thus, sekolah-pesantren are expected to become an ideal educational institution nondikotomik

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Sistem Pemerintahan Daerah Dan Strukturnya Bidang Studi Pkn Dengan Menerapkan Model Pembelajaran Kolaborasi Pada Siswa-siswi Kelas IV Sdn 002 Bangun Purba 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    This study uses action research (action research) as much as two rounds. Each round consists of four phases: design, activities and observation, reflection and revision. The target of this study is the class IV SDN 002 Bangun Purba. The data obtained as the result of formative tests, observation sheet teaching and learningactivities. From the analyst found that student achievement increased minimum completeness criteria from the first cycle to the third cycle, namely, the first cycle (9,09%) and cycle II (66,66%). Cycle III 100%. It concluded that the teaching modelof collaboration can be a positive influence on learning achievement of learning class IV SDN 002 Bangun Purba and this model can be used as an alternative learning civics

    Performance Evaluation of Irrigation System in Cikeusik Irrigation Area, Cirebon Regency West Java Province

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    West Java Province is known as an area that plays an important role in agricultural production in Indonesia. Cirebon is a district in West Java which is in the eastern part bordering Central Java. Many areas of irrigation or Irrigation Network who experience a decrease in performance, one of whom who experience decreased performance is Cikeusik Irrigation Area. This time, the Irrigation Cikeusik Management implemented by Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS) Cimanuk Cisanggarung, Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. The Irrigation Cikeusik receive water supplies from Dam Cikeusik in the Cisanggarung river with the area in 6899 Ha. The purpose of this research is to analyze and calculate what percentage in the performance of the Sub Regional Irrigation Maneunteung West and Sub Regional Irrigation Maneunteung East on irrigation area Cikuesik using the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 32 / PRT / M / 2007 on Guidelines for Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation. Some aspects of the irrigation system set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 32 / PRT / M / 2007 are physical infrastructure, plant productivity, supporting facilities Maintenance Operation, Maintenance Organization Operations personnel, documentation and water user associations (P3A). The research method is by direct observation, questionnaire and test methods research is done by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The performance evaluation of irrigation systems shows the percentage of different figures. Assessment is based on a survey conducted in West Sub Maneunteung irrigation area is 75.95% and 71.70% based on the respondent data. A difference of 4.26%, thus the performance of the irrigation system is ranged between 71.70% up to 75.95% or an average of 73.82%. Assessment is based on a survey conducted in Sub irigation area East Maneunteung is 76.10%, while 72.41% of respondents based on the data.The difference of 3.69%, thus the performance of the irrigation system is ranged between 72.41% up to 76.10% or an average of 74.26%. Based on the percentage of those with regulation of the Minister Public Works No. 32/PRT/M/2007 condition Sub irrigation area West Maneunteng and East Maneunteung have good performance

    Analisis Finansial USAha Peternakan Ayam Broiler Di Peternakan Karisa Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the financial feasibility of the Karisa Broiler Farm based on Net PresentValue (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The research was conducted on May to June2010 at Karisa Broiler Farm located in Simpang Baru, Tampan, Pekanbaru, Riau. The data consisted of primary data andsecondary data. The primary data consisted of the respondent identity, the general condition of broiler farm, the reveniew, theneed of employee, the sallary of employee, the structure of reveniew, the production factors, the fixed cost and the variablecost. The secondary data was the data from the village office and the sector office. The method was case study. The location ofstudy was choosed directly where the Karisa Broiler Farm was a potentially broiler farm in Pekanbaru. The data was collectedas indept interview using questioner. The respondents were the owner and the employee of Karisa. The data was analyzedusing quantitative descriptive analysis and then showed using financial analysis model throught out project analysisapproach. The result showed that if the Karisa farm use the own capital, where the interest rates was 6,25%, then the NPVwas Rp 274.192.038,8,- and the BCR was 1,12 and if the Karisa farm use the loan capital, where the interest rate was14,5%, then the NPV was Rp 100.583.235,4 and the BCR was 1,06. The IRR of Karisa farm was 22,25%. Based on theeligibility criteria, where the NPV was possitive, the BCR more than one, and the IRR higher than the prevailing interestrate, then the Karisa farm financially feasible to be runed and to be continued

    Penetapan Potensi Sumber Air pada Lahan Kampus 2 Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh Jorong Batu Kabau Nagari Sitanang

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    Sumber air saat ini mengalami banyak penurunan, baik kuantitas maupun kualitas, karena ada banyak fungsi konversi lahan dari hutan ke pertanian, terutama di perbukitan dan daerah tangkapan. Agar pemanfaatan air dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan sambil tetap memperhatikan kemungkinan ketersediaan dan Perubahan yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari pemanfaatannya, maka perlu perencanaan dasar untuk pengembangannya. Oleh karena itu, sebagai alat pendukung, panduan teknis diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi potensi air. Studi potensi mata air dilakukan oleh beberapa pendekatan, yaitu dengan lokasi geohidrology, debit musim semi, analisis tritium, analisis 18o, dan deuterium dan analisis kimia air yang menyediakan data dan informasi pelengkap (Purwitasari, 2006). Dalam penelitian ini kami melakukan lokasi geohidrologi dan pegas debit. Alat dan bahan yang digunakan adalah: Contour maps, GPS, Pharsall Flume. Sesuai dengan hasil penelitian, deskripsi dari diskusi dan tujuan dari sumber penelitian dapat digunakan sebagai berikut: 1. Di bidang pengambilan data diperoleh + 145 titik koordinat, dimana titik ini akan digunakan dalam penentuan dari batas-batas dan konstruksi garis kontur yang dipetakan, 2. Sumber air potensial dalam format Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) X 0696719, Y 9969672. Dalam bentuk data Geografis (00 16 '27, 32'' dan 1000 46 '3.36' ') 3. Aliran perangkat flume pembuangan air adalah 0,36 cm3 / detik

    Kualitas Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik Di Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tadulako

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    This study aims at determining the quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tadulako University. This research is designed qualitatively. Informants of this research are Vice Dean of Academic Fields, Head of Administration, Head of Student Guidance and Officer of Sub-Division of Student Affairs and students of Teacher Training and Education Faculty who were determined using purposive sampling with data collection methods consisted of observation, interview and documentation. As for the technical analysis of the data including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results shows that, (1) Quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, of responsivenes is already quite good, although not yet optimal, it is in because the number of employees by the number of students that are not comparable, because the number of employees who lack that causes academic administrative services in FKIP UNTAD be disturbed / retarded. (2) Quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty, perceived from assurance, has been good, they show this by storing the data files of students with a neat either manually or by the application SIAKAD (Academic Information System). However of friendly and patience of the employees in the administration of academic/student still less friendly and patient in serving the students, they sometimes get angry and sometimes the students were told to wait a long time without any definite cause (3) Quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty perceived from the tangible is not qualified for the students to feel physically, the quality of service provided by the service providers is , it is also not yet adequate by the employees / staff of academic administration. (4) Quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty seen from empathy is still not perceived by the students, because the workers only focused to serve students in the management of academic and rarely provide the motivation that makes the student spirit in teaching, learning and lectures. (5) Quality of academic services at Teacher Training and Education Faculty viewed from reliability not maximized and students still often complain about the slow service at FKIP, it is recognized by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, this is because the number of staff/employee who is not professional with the number of students, this is slowing down the process of service, and the clerks never complicate the students is care of some things, because it\u27s all been in accordance with existing rules and are in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in FKIP

    Kesehatan Kerja Pemakai Bike Lift Buatan pada Bengkel Sepeda Motor Konvensional di Kotamadia Padang

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    Background: Maintenance of motorcycle is undertaken bymechanics of authorized and conventional garages.Mechanics of authorized garage use standing position(standard working position), mechanics of conventional garageuse squating position. Either standing or squating position arestatic working position that does not meet the requirement ofhealthy work.Objective: The study aimed to improve static position andsitting-standing position (dynamic position) using bike lift ofmotorcycle with device for sitting.Method: The study was experiment that used pretest-posttestEquivalent Group Design. Location of the study wasconventional garage at Jalan Hercules No. 2 Tanggul Hitam ofPadang Municipality. Subject of the experiment consisted of 16mechanics of conventional garage (16 people) and subject ofcontrol consisted of 16 people of Honda Main Dealer (C.V.Hayati) at Jalan Pemuda 35 Padang. The dependent variableswere weight assessed using Digital Camry Scale, strength ofhand muscles assessed using Dynamometer, workload withpulse indicator assessed using Personal ECG Recorder EP-200©, fatigue with indicator of blood lactate acid assessedusing Accutrend® Lactate. Statistical analysis to identify thedifference used covariance analysis and t-paired test to identifythe difference.Result: 1) There was significant difference in weight betweendynamic position and standard position (p<0.05). Decrease ofweight in dynamic position was less than in standard position,2) there was significant difference in strength of hand musclebetween dynamic position and standard position (p<0.05).Decrease of strength of hand muscle in dynamic positive wasless than in standard position, 3) there was significantdifference in pulse between dynamic position and standardposition (p<0.05). Increase of pulse in dynamic position waslower than in standard position, 4) there was significantdifference in muscle fatigue between dynamic position andstandard position (p<0.05). Increase of muscle fatigue indynamic position was less than in standard position.Conclusion: Dynamic position, viewed from changes invariable of weight, strength of hand muscle, workload, andmuscle fatigue, was better than standard position. Thereforeit was suggested to use dynamic position while working. Forthe government recommended: a). Increasing cooperationamong all motorcycle mechanic in improving the health andsafety, help motorcycle mechanic on preventive and promotiveso avoid accidents. b). Promote and integrate safety and healthprogram between formal and informal mechanics that can beof mutual benefit in the form of increased productivity andresearch and further studies and approaches and the beststrategy to improve the health and safety.Keywords: weight, strength of hand muscle, pulse, fatigu