7 research outputs found


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    Abstract: An understanding the characteristics of raw materials is important for the product development process. The characteristics and methods of processing of a coffee bean will affect its final quality and the taste of its brewed coffee. In Kulon-Progo Region, the coffee quality profile has not been identified clearly. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the quality profile of coffee that grows in the Menoreh, Kulon Progo region so that it can be used as a guideline for further product development. Identification is carried out by testing the physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters and the taste of coffee grown in the Menoreh region, Kulon Progo. Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters testing is done by referring to SNI 1-3542-2004 concerning coffee powder. Taste testing is carried out with the help of expert panelists who refer to the SCAA Cupping Protocol. Based on this research results, the quality of Menoreh coffee has met the level I quality requirements of SNI 1-3542-2004 and has the potential to be developed into specialty coffee originating from the Special Region of Yogyakarta.Keywords: Menoreh Coffee, Quality, Specialty Coffee, Product Developmen

    Aplikasi metode pengalengan pada produk siap santap berbasis nasi

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    Makanan siap santap bernutrisi dan memiliki umur simpan lama dibutuhkan sebagai makanan darurat menghadapi pandemi. Perbedaan komposisi makanan siap santap berbasis nasi dalam kemasan kaleng telah dipelajari untuk mengevaluasi proses panas, karakteristik kimia dan sifat sensorisnya. Pengujian dilakukan pada tiga sampel produk berbasis nasi, yaitu nasi uduk, nasi goreng dan nasi serundeng. Pada proses pengalengan dilakukan uji kecukupan panas (F0) untuk memperoleh produk steril komersial. Analisis kimia dan sensoris dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas produk setelah proses panas. Nilai kecukupan panas pada ketiga produk nasi uduk, nasi goreng dan nasi serundeng berturut-turut adalah 31,77, 16,32 dan 4,19 menit. Total energi dari ketiga sampel yaitu nasi uduk 173,96 kkal/100 g, nasi goreng 298,83 kkal/100 g dan nasi serundeng 220,17 kkal/100 g. Hasil uji sensoris dari 30 orang panelis tidak terlatih yaitu produk yang paling disukai adalah nasi serundeng. Prediksi umur simpan nasi serundeng menggunakan metode ArrheniusĀ  yaitu 1,82 tahun dengan titik kritis penurunan mutu ketengikan

    Growth and yield response of rice based on different planting distances in rainfed field

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    Planting distance is one of the important aspects in cultivation management. The study aimed to determine the response of rice plants at various planting distance based on the components of growth and yield. It was conducted in a rainfed rice field covering an area of approximately 1 ha during the Second Planting Season in Pemalang Regency used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) using planting distances as a single factor, which consisted of Jajar legowo 2: 1/40 (12.5 cm x 25 cm x 40 cm); 2: 1/50 (15 cm x 25 cm x 50 cm) and conventional planting distance/Tegel spacing system (20 cm x 20 cm), repeated five times. The observed variables include growth and yield components. Data were analyzed by means of variance (Anova) followed by the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The results of the study showed that the Jajar legowo 2: 1/40 planting system was observed to be able to produce the highest number of tillers, even though the Jajar legowo 2: 1/50 resulted in the highest plant height, number of full grains, and produced the highest HDG of 5,619 tons ha-1 compared to other planting distances

    Analysis of Peanut Farming in The 3

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    Peanuts are regarded as the second most important commodity after soybeans which have quite high economic value. Its production tends to decrease every year due to the reduction in planting areas. Meanwhile, the rainfed paddy fields land in Central Java is quite potential, thus its utilization can be used as an alternative to developing peanut. Accordingly, this study aims to find out the level of income and feasibility of peanut farming in Tegalsari Barat, Ampelgading Subdistrict, Pemalang District, Indonesia. The sampling was performed using purposive random sampling method with a total of 22 people. The level of profit could be found by using the return cost ratio (R/C ratio). The results indicated that during one planting season, the average cost was IDR 12,647,000 ha-1. The average production of peanut was 4,600 kg ha-1 wet pods with a selling price at farm level of IDR 8,500, so the average revenue was IDR 39,100,000 ha-1. The analysis of R/C feasibility showing the value of 3.09 (R/C > 1) indicates that peanut farming in the 3rd Planting Season (PS-3) in Pemalang District is feasible to be cultivated

    The Potential of increasing rice production through high-yield varieties

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    High yield varieties with pests and disease resistance and environmental stress is one of the important technological components for increasing farmer productivity and income.. This research was conducted in irrigated rice fields in Kebakramat District, Karanganyar Regency at planting season (PS) II (March-July) and PS III (July-November). The purpose of this study was to determine the growth performance and productivity of high-yield varieties of rice. The completely randomized design was used with 3 treatments 5 times repeated. Code, Winongo were used and IR 64 as a comparison. Phonska 300 kg/ha and Urea 250 kg/ha were used in this study. Data of plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, and production were collected. Data plant growth and grain yield were analyzed using variance analysis. The results showed that high-yield varieties affected increasing production. The highest rice productivity obtained from the Code reached 8.44 t / ha DMG at PS 3 or 18.2% higher than the existing IR 64, while Winongo reached 8.05 t/ha DMG or 12.7% higher from IR 64. Code has the highest production, however, Winongo at PS 3 can also be used as a choice as a substitute for IR 64 besides Code in Karanganyar Regency

    Pengaruh suhu sterilisasi pada sifat morfologis dan mekanik kemasan fleksibel retort produk empal gentong siap saji [The effect of sterilization temperature on morphological and mechanical properties of retort flexible packaging for ready to eat ā€œempal gentongā€ product ]

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    Thermal food sterilization is the preservation technology to extend packaged food shelf life. The properties of packaging materials that change after thermal sterilization are morphological, mechanical, and color properties. This study aimed to observe the effect of sterilization temperature on the morphological, mechanical, and color properties of flexible retort pouch packaging. The food product sample processed in retort packaging was Indonesian traditional food, ā€œempal gentongā€. The retort package was composed of PET/Al/Nylon/CPP and processed at 121 Ā°C 0,8 bar for 9 min, with an unprocessed sample was as a control. Three replications of mechanical and color results were analyzed using T-test with p<0.05 significance level to determine the significant difference. The retort pouch sample showed visual and microscopic defects in the form of separation between the PET layer and aluminum foil after being processed at 121 Ā°C 0,8 bar for 9 minutes. In addition, temperature processing at 121 Ā°C influenced the tear strength results and color significantly (p<0,05). Color changes was occured on the inside of the packaging contacting with the food. Each layer in multilayer packaging is interrelated and supports one another. Multilayer flexible packaging combines the different properties of a single monolayer material, so it is suitable for commercial sterile food packaging

    The Quality Characteristics of Ready-to-Eat Empal Gentong Affected by Meat Pre-Cooking

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of pre-cooking treatments on the quality characteristics of ready-to-eat (RTE) empal gentong. Raw beef meat was pre-cooked in water bath at 90Ā° for 0 min (C), 10 min (T1), 20 min (T2), and 30 min (T3) prior to retorting process at 121Ā° and pressure at 70,000 Pa. Results showed that pre-cooking treatments in all treated samples could reduce fat contents in empal gentong's meat by 0.02 (T1), 0.28 (T2), and 1.13 (T3) respectively. Highest precooking time tends to increase the pH and CIE aāˆ— values. However, CIE bāˆ— values, water holding capacity, and sensory analysis were not affected by pre-cooking duration which must have been affected by sterilization process after pre-cooking. In conclusion, pre-cooking treatment before sterilization in producing empal gentong is a probable technique to reduce its fat content and improve its physical quality. A specific treatment at 90Ā°C for 10 min is recommended to achieve optimum quality of RTE empal gentong's meat. Ā© Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources