53 research outputs found

    Tennessee\u27s National Impact on Teacher Evaluation Law & Policy: An Assessment of Value-Added Model Litigation

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    Over the last decade or so, federal and state education policymakers embraced the use of value added models (VAMs) to evaluate teachers’ performance and make high-stakes employment decisions (e.g., tenure, merit pay, termination of employment). VAMs are complicated statistical models that attempt to estimate a teacher’s contribution to student test scores, particularly those in mathematics and reading. Educational researchers, as well as many teachers and unions, however, have objected to the use of VAMs noting that these models fail to adequately account for variables outside of teachers’ control that contribute to a student’s education performance. Subsequently, many teachers challenged the use of VAMs through the courts. This article assesses those challenges

    Pesquisa dos Modelos de Valor Adicionado (MVA) para as políticas de educação: Delimitação da discussão

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    In this manuscript, the guest editors of the EPAA Special Issue on “Value-Added Model (VAM) Research for Educational Policy” (1) introduce the background and policy context surrounding the increased use of VAMs for teacher evaluation and accountability purposes across the United States; (2) summarize the five research papers and one research-based commentary that were peer-reviewed and selected for inclusion in this special issue; and (3) discuss the relevance of the papers both individually and collectively. Their importance is discussed in terms of each paper’s contribution to the general research on this topic and each paper’s potential to inform educational policy. In addition, the papers reflect our shared thinking about VAMs, VAM output, and the inference-based decisions for which VAMs are increasingly being used.En este artículo, los editores invitados de este número especial de EPAA/AAPE sobre la investigación  de los Modelos de Valor Agregado (MVA) para las políticas educativas: (1) presentan los antecedentes y el contexto político que rodean la utilización de MVA en la evaluación de los docentes y rendición de cuentas en los Estados Unidos, (2) un resumen de los cinco trabajos de investigación y el  comentarios que fueron seleccionados para su inclusión en este número especial, y (3) analizamos la pertinencia de los documentos, tanto individual como colectivamente. Su importancia se discuten en términos de la contribución de cada documento para la investigación general sobre este tema y el potencial de cada artículo para informar la política educativa. Además, los documentos reflejan nuestro pensamiento sobre la producción de MVA y las decisiones basadas en MVA son cada vez más utilizados.Neste artigo, os editores convidados desta edição especial da EPAA/AAPE sobre a Pesquisa dos Modelos de Valor Adicionado (MVA) para as políticas de educação: (1) Apresentam  o contexto político em torno do uso dos MVA na avaliação de professores e de responsabilização nos Estados Unidos, (2) um resumo dos cinco trabalhos de pesquisa e o comentário que foram selecionados para inclusão nesta edição especial, e (3) analisar a relevância dos trabalhos selecionados tanto individualmente como coletivamente. Sua importância é discutida em termos da contribuição de cada artigo para a pesquisa geral sobre este tema e as potencialidades de cada artigo para informar a política educacional. Além disso, os artigos refletem o nosso pensamento sobre a produção de decisões e MVA, e como são cada vez mais utilizados

    Allocation to Groups: Examples of Lord\u27s Paradox

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    Background Educational and developmental psychologists often examine how groups change over time. Two analytic procedures – analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and the gain score model – each seem well suited for the simplest situation, with just two groups and two time points. They can produce different results, what is known as Lord\u27s paradox. Aims Several factors should influence a researcher\u27s analytic choice. This includes whether the score from the initial time influences how people are assigned to groups. Examples are shown, which will help to explain this to researchers and students, and are of educational relevance. It is shown that a common method used to measure school effectiveness is biased against schools that serve students from groups that are historically poor performing. Methods and results The examples come from sports and measuring educational effectiveness (e.g., for teachers or schools). A simulation study shows that if the covariate influences group allocation, the ANCOVA is preferred, but otherwise, the gain score model may be appropriate. Regression towards the mean is used to account for these findings. Conclusions Analysts should consider the relationship between the covariate and group allocation when deciding upon their analytic method. Because the influence of the covariate on group allocation may be complex, the appropriate method may be complex. Because the influence of the covariate on group allocation may be unknown, the choice of method may require several assumptions

    An International Professional Development Collaboration: Supporting Teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Through an Immersion Program in the United States

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    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) recently initiated multiple, one-year, school immersion programs to help 25,000 KSA teachers better support KSA students and the KSA education system after spending time abroad in teacher education programs throughout the United States (US). This study explored the effects of one such program, aimed at helping KSA teachers become agents of change. The authors examined how the 46 KSA teachers involved in this program changed. Survey-research and English language tests were used to show that the immersion program yielded its desired effects: the program increased teachers' sense of efficacy; improved teachers' pedagogical, content, technical, and English language skills; and enhanced teachers' understandings of education across nations and cultures, with emphasis on the transfer of features of the US educational system back to the KSA (although teachers were uncertain about the extent to which the transference desired might actually occur). Via supplemental interviews, the authors also identified self-reported influential sources of change. The article examines how these sources of change impacted KSA teachers' mindsets regarding their teaching. The study confirms that the program influenced participants through their school immersion experiences, given that the program offered KSA teachers chances to learn more about student-centered learning approaches and more customized and individualized care for students