239 research outputs found


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    Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. causing banded leaf and sheath blight diseases is one of the important fungi of corn world wide. The fungus is commonly controlled by using fungicide because no resistant variety available. The objective of the study was to develop a seed treatment formulation of the selected Bacillus subtilis to control R. solani in corn. The study was conducted in the Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Bañòs, College, Laguna from May 2004 to August 2005, using sweet corn var. IPB Supersweet as test plant. Corn seeds were surface sterilized for 10 minutes in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution and 5% ethanol, washed thrice with sterile distilled water and air-dried. The seeds were coated with formulated B. subtilis BR23 and used for several experiments, such as evaluation for their germination and growth in the laboratory, effectively on R. solani in the baked and nonbaked field soil under greenhouse condition, and in the microplots artificially infested with R. solani. The treatment was compared with other standard seed treatment of synthetic fungicides such as captan (10 g per kg seeds) and metalaxyl (10 g per kg seeds). The experiments were designed in a completely random design with three replications. Parameters observed were seed germination, plant height, disease scores, and plant yield. Laboratory formulated B. subtilis BR23 used as seed treatment had no detrimental effects on seed germination and seedling vigor. In microplots artificially infested with a selected highly virulent R. solani, seed treatment with the same formulation increased grain yield by 27% compared to that of the control captan seed treatment with 14.4%. The studies showed the potential of B. subtilis BR23 for commercialization as a seed treatment for the control of banded leaf and sheath blight disease (R. solani) in corn

    EFFECTIVENESS OF Bacillus subtilis (EHRENBERG) COHN AGAINST Rhizoctonia solani KUHN IN VITRO

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB-CA), College, Laguna. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memilih strain Bacillus subtilis sebagai agen pengendali hayati Rhizoctonia solani pada tanaman jagung. Sebanyak 41 strain isolat Bacillus diisolasi dari akar tanaman jagung yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai tempat di Filipina diskrin secara in vitro terhadap isolat R. solani, penyebab penyakit busuk batang pada tanaman jagung. Dari ke 41 isolat Bacillus tersebut, dua strain B. subtiolis yakni BR23 dan BS100 ditemukan sangat efektif baik di laboratorium maupun di rumah kaca dalam menekan tujuh isolat R. solani virulen yang juga dikoleksi dari berbagai tempat di Filipina

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Snowball Throwing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Pokok Bahasan Termokimia Di Kelas XI Mia SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang

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    The research aimed to improve the achievement of learners on termochemistry subject in XI MIA class SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang. This research was a kind of experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang the samples of the research were the students of XI MIA1 class as the experimental class and students of XI MIA2 class as the control class which were determined randomly after doing normality test and the homogeneity test. The learning process of experimental class and control class used scientific approach which was based on the curriculum in 2013. Experimental class was a class which was given the treatment that used cooperative learning model snowball throwing while the control class was not. Based on the result of data analysis test, we obtained tcount ttabel 4,27 1,67. It meant that the use of cooperative learning model snowball throwing could improve students learning achievement on termochemistry subject in XI MIA class SMAN 1 Tanjungpinang

    Penerapan Strategi React (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, And Transferring) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI Mia SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru

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    It has been applied the REACT strategy to improve students learning achievement on the subject of colloid in class XI MIA SMAN 2 Pekanbaru. The research is an experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The samples of this research were the students of class XI MIA4 as the experimental class and the students of class XI MIA1 as the control class. They were randomly determined after given the tests of normality and homogeneity. Experimental class is a class which was given a treatment by applying REACT strategy in learning process. The data were analyzed by using t-test. Based on the result of data analysis, it obtained tscore > ttable (2,73 > 1,67), it means that the application of REACT strategy can improve student learning achievement on the subject of colloid in class XI MIA SMAN 2 Pekanbaru. The improvement category of student achievement at experiment class was high category with normalized N-gain which is 0,73

    Identifying Risk Factors for Post-COVID-19 Mental Health Disorders: A Machine Learning Perspective

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    In this study, we leveraged machine learning techniques to identify risk factors associated with post-COVID-19 mental health disorders. Our analysis, based on data collected from 669 patients across various provinces in Iraq, yielded valuable insights. We found that age, gender, and geographical region of residence were significant demographic factors influencing the likelihood of developing mental health disorders in post-COVID-19 patients. Additionally, comorbidities and the severity of COVID-19 illness were important clinical predictors. Psychosocial factors, such as social support, coping strategies, and perceived stress levels, also played a substantial role. Our findings emphasize the complex interplay of multiple factors in the development of mental health disorders following COVID-19 recovery. Healthcare providers and policymakers should consider these risk factors when designing targeted interventions and support systems for individuals at risk. Machine learning-based approaches can provide a valuable tool for predicting and preventing adverse mental health outcomes in post-COVID-19 patients. Further research and prospective studies are needed to validate these findings and enhance our understanding of the long-term psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge regarding the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to address the diverse needs of individuals on the path to recovery. Keywords: COVID-19, mental health, risk factors, machine learning, Ira

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Benar Salah Berantai (True False Chain) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan di Kelas XI IPA Man 1 Pekanbaru

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    The Research about application of the active learning strategy type true false chain has been done to improve student\u27s achievement on the topic of solubility and solubility product constant in class XI IPA MAN 1 Pekanbaru. This research is experimental research based on pretest-posttest design. The samples of this research were the students of class Xl IPA 4 as the control class and students of class XI IPA 3 as the experimental class that randomly selected after testing homogeneity. Experimental class is a class that is applied active learning strategy type true false chain, while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tarithmetic> ttable is 2,80 > 1,67, means that the application of active learning strategy type true false chain can improve student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product constant in class XI Science SMAN 1 Kampar where the effect of an increase is 10,10%

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Sepak Bola Verbal untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrolisis Garam di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to improve student achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI natural sciences (IPA) Senior High School (SMAN) 10 Pekanbaru trough the applying active learning football verbal strategy. This research is experimental study with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted from Maret 2015 - April 2015. The population consisted of five class and the sample consisted of two classes of grade class XI IPA 4 as an class experimental and the class XI IPA 5 as an class control randomly selected after homogeneity test. Class experimental applied active learning Football Verbal strategy while the class control conducted discussions. The analysis technique used t-tes with dk = 35 + 36 = 69 (α = 0,05). Based on end of the data processing obtained trithmetic> ttable (4.3286> 1.994) means the application of active learning football verbal strategy can improve student achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI IPA SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The increase learning achievement in class experimental of 20,62

    The Abundance of Ornamental Corals After Mass Die Off in 1997 on the Padang Shelf Reef System, West Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries aims to establish export quota ornamental corals based on scientifically-founded data from the natural environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the abundance of ornamental coral after mass die off in 1997. Ornamental corals were classified into three groups based on the guideline of ornamental coral propagation for trading purposes. Classification categories are rapid (3-6 months), middle (8-12 months), and slow growth rate (>24 months), which relates to their harvesting time when transplanted for the trade purpose. The survey method used line intercept transects to get coral condition data and belt transect with 2 m width to get ornamental coral data. Both line and belt transect have 30 m length and with three replicates. The study showed number of colony and abundance of ornamental coral for fast growth rate group such as Acropora sp (1348 col & 7.49 col/m2), Galaxea sp, Hydnophora exesa, H. microconus, Pocillopora damicornis, Stylopora sp and Montipora sp with the highest abundant found on Acropora sp and Montipora sp (1348 col & 7.49 col/m2). Whereas the coral which from middle growth rate were Leptoseris sp, Pavona sp, Platygyra sp, Favia sp, Favites sp with the highest abundant found on Favia sp (101 col & 0.56 col/m2). Coral species typically used for ornamental coral trade within the slow growth rate category such massive coral were not found on this survey. Due to the massive coral die-off in 1997 and the paucity of ornamental corals, the utilization of ornamental coral should be supported by coral transplantation and the broodstock of slow growth of coral taken from other area

    Quality of life satisfaction among converted Kelantan Chinese Muslims

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    This article investigates the quality of life of the Kelantan Chinese Muslim community before and after conversion to Islam, focusing on their level of satisfaction in term of economic aspect. This research was carried out using the sequential explanatory mixed method design involving 75 respondents selected for quantitative and five respondents for qualitative. The sampling method adopted was convenience and snowball samplings. The research data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that respondents were moderately satisfied before conversion and satisfied after conversion. Besides that, there is no significant difference of quality of life before and after conversion to Islam (F = 0.868, p = 0.355) and it was not influenced by the period of conversion to Islam (F = 0.832, p = 0.589). This analysis indicates numerous respondents are still moderately satisfied in their quality of life even though the average data shows they are satisfied after conversion
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