52 research outputs found
Per a una millora del clima de l'aula a partir de les tertulies literaries dialògiques en Educació Infantil
El clima a l’aula i, per consegüent, la convivència, són un dels pilars fonamentals per a contribuir a la formació integral de cada alumne, i alhora aconseguir un desenvolupament adequat, a través d’una transmissió de valors i de conductes que milloren les relacions interpersonals. Atés que a les aules d’Educació Infantil es presenten conductes conflictives, com ara la marginació, els prejudicis i l’egocentrisme, al llarg del treball es presenten els diferents factors que intervenen en el clima de l’aula, aixà com els problemes de convivència més freqüents. D’aquesta manera, es planteja la realització d’unes Tertúlies Literà ries Dialògiques, on la literatura i el dià leg juguen un paper important, pel fet que la literatura és una font de valors i les tertúlies fomenten l’empatia; és a dir, permeten que l’alumnat obtinga una visió més à mplia de la societat i aprenga a acceptar i respectar les diferències.El clima en el aula y, por consiguiente, la convivencia, son uno de los pilares fundamentales para contribuir a la formación integral de cada alumno, a la vez que permiten conseguir un desarrollo adecuado, a través de una transmisión de valores y conductas, que mejoran las relaciones interpersonales. Dado que en las aulas de Educación Infantil se presentan conductas conflictivas como, por ejemplo, la marginación, los prejuicios y el egocentrismo, a lo largo del trabajo se presentan los diferentes factores que intervienen en el clima del aula, asà como los problemas de convivencia más frecuentes. De este modo, se plantea la realización de unas Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas, donde la literatura y el diálogo juegan un papel importante como herramienta, por el hecho de que la literatura es una fuente de valores y las tertulias fomentan la empatÃa; es decir, permiten que el alumnado obtenga una visión más amplia de la sociedad y aprenda a aceptar y a respetar las diferencias.The classroom environment and, consequently, coexistence are one of the most important bases to contribute in the integral development of each student, as well as to obtain an appropriate development through transmitting values and behaviours that improve the interpersonal relations. Due to there are conflictive behaviours in Infants Education classrooms such as exclusion, prejudices and egocentrism, throughout this project the different factors that intervene in the climate of the classroom will be presented, as well as the most frequent coexistence problems. Additionally, it is proposed the realization of some Dialogic Literary Circles, where literature and dialogue play an important role as a tool to work on these aspects, due to the fact that literature is a source of values and the chats promote empathy; as a whole, they allow students to obtain a wider vision of society and learn to accept and respect differences.Educació
Dental implants with versus without peri-implant bone defects treated with guided bone regeneration
Background: The guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique is highly successful for the treatment of peri-implant
bone defects. The aim was to determine whether or not implants associated with GBR due to peri-implant defects
show the same survival and success rates as implants placed in native bone without defects.
Material and Methods: Patients with a minimum of two submerged dental implants: one suffering a dehiscence or
fenestration defect during placement and undergoing simultaneous guided bone regeneration (test group), versus
the other entirely surrounded by bone (control group) were treated and monitored annually for three years. Complications with the healing procedure, implant survival, implant success and peri-implant marginal bone loss were
assessed. Statistical analysis was performed with non-parametric tests setting an alpha value of 0.05.
Results: Seventy-two patients and 326 implants were included (142 test, 184 control). One hundred and twenty-five
dehiscences (average height 1.92±1.11) and 18 fenestrations (average height 3.34±2.16) were treated. At 3 years
post-loading, implant survival rates were 95.7% (test) and 97.3% (control) and implant success rates were 93.6%
and 96.2%, respectively. Mean marginal bone loss was 0.54 (SD 0.26 mm) for the test group and 0.43 (SD 0.22
mm) for the control group. No statistically significant differences between both groups were found.
Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, implants with peri-implant defects treated with guided bone regeneration exhibited similar survival and success rates and peri-implant marginal bone loss to implants without those
defects. Large-scale randomized controlled studies with longer follow-ups involving the assessment of esthetic
parameters and hard and soft peri-implant tissue stability are neede
Replantation of a maxillary second molar after removal of a third molar with a dentigerous cyst: Case report and 12-month follow-up
The aim of this study was to describe the replantation of a maxillary second right molar, which had been removed
for surgical reasons in order to remove a dentigerous cyst associated with the adjacent third molar, and the case's
12-month follow-up.
A 51-year-old man presented swelling in the right maxillary area. Radiographic examination showed a large radiolucency
in close proximity to the third molar, suggesting a follicular cyst. The third molar was extracted and
the cyst underwent curettage. The second molar had to be extracted to enable complete removal of the cyst and to
achieve primary closure of the wound, which would have been impossible without repositioning the molar. With
this objective, extraoral endodontic treatment was performed, the root-end was resected and prepared with ultrasonic
retrotips, and root-end filling was accomplished with MTA before the molar was replanted. At the 12-month
follow-up, the tooth showed no clinical signs or symptoms, probing depth was no greater than 3 mm and radiographic
examination showed no evidence of root resorption or periapical lesion
Bone regeneration using particulate grafts : an update
Objective: A review is made of the publications on bone regeneration using particulate grafts, with an evaluation of the success of implants placed in such regenerated areas. Material and Method: A Medline search using different key words was made of the articles published between 1999-2009 involving at least two patients subjected to grafting with autologous, homologous or xenogenic bone, non-bony substitutes, or a combination of these grafts for the placement of dental implants. Studies involving block grafting were excluded. A total of 11 studies were evaluated. Results: These grafts are indicated in cases of small or peri-implant bone defects such as dehiscences and fenestrations, with the possibility of combining a barrier membrane. However, some authors have used particulate block grafts to secure vertical or horizontal increments of the alveolar process. In most of these cases, graft healing until implant placement lasted 6-9 months. The most frequent complications in the receptor zone were wound dehiscences with exposure of the membrane. In almost all cases, prosthetic loading of the implants took place more than three months after their placement. The implant survival rate varied from 90.9% to 100%, with an implantation success rate of 85.7% to 100%. Conclusions: Although our sample is small, due to the difficulty of finding homogeneous studies, it can be concluded that particulate grafts are effective in correcting localized defects of the alveolar process. The complications of particulate grafting are few, and the success rate of implants placed in the reconstructed areas varies from 85.7% to 100%
The outcome of intraoral onlay block bone grafts on alveolar ridge augmentations: a systematic review
Aim: The purpose of this study was to systematically review clinical studies examining the survival and success
rates of implants placed with intraoral onlay autogenous bone grafts to answer the following question: do ridge
augmentations procedures with intraoral onlay block bone grafts in conjunction with or prior to implant placement
influence implant outcome when compared with a control group (guided bone regeneration, alveolar distraction,
native bone or short dental implants.)?
Material and Method: An electronic data banks and hand searching were used to find relevant articles on vertical
and lateral augmentation procedures performed with intraoral onlay block bone grafts for dental implant therapy
published up to October 2013. Publications in English, on human subjects, with a controlled study design –involv-
ing at least one group with defects treated with intraoral onlay block bone grafts, more than five patients and a
minimum follow-up of 12 months after prosthetic loading were included. Two reviewers extracted the data.
Results: A total of 6 studies met the inclusion criteria: 4 studies on horizontal augmentation and 2 studies on
vertical augmentation. Intraoperative complications were not reported. Most common postsurgical complications
included mainly mucosal dehiscences (4 studies), bone graft or membrane exposures (3 studies), complete failures
of block grafts (2 studies) and neurosensory alterations (4 studies). For lateral augmentation procedures, implant
survival rates ranged from 96.9% to 100%, while for vertical augmentation they ranged from 89.5% to 100%.
None article studied the soft tissues healing.
Conclusions: Survival and success rates of implants placed in horizontally and vertically resorbed edentulous
ridges reconstructed with block bone grafts are similar to those of implants placed in native bone, in distracted
sites or with guided bone regeneration. More surgical challenges and morbidity arise from vertical augmentations,
thus short implants may be a feasible optio
Effect of a single initial phase of non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis : abrasive air polishing versus ultrasounds. A prospective randomized controlled clinical study
Non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis includes a correct mechanical debridement of the implant surface to reduce the inflammation and recondition the soft tissues. The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of a single phase of non-surgical therapy by comparing the effect of curettes and ultrasounds versus curettes and abrasive air polisher (Air-Flow) in the peri-implant tissue conditions, and patient satisfaction. A double-blind randomized and controlled prospective clinical study was conducted on patients in peri-implant maintenance phase diagnosed of peri-implantitis treated in the Oral Surgery Unit of the Stomatology Department of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia, between September of 2017 and May of 2018. They were divided into 2 groups: Group 1: curettes and ultrasounds, and Group 2: curettes and Air-Flow. The clinical and radiological baseline parameters were evaluated after 3-weeks of treatment, as well as patient satisfaction. The sample included 34 patients. Group 1 (17 patients, 38 implants) and Group 2 (17 patients, 32 implants). All the variables improved statistically significantly after treatment in both groups, with the exception of recessions and keratinized mucosa and bone loss that did not vary. When comparing both groups, the type of treatment did not influence the majority of the variables, with the exception of the plaque index (p=0.011) and modified bleeding index from the palatine (p=0.048), which reduced statistically significant in the group 2, as well as the patient satisfaction which was higher in the group 2 (p<0.001). An initial phase of non-surgical treatment achieves an improvement of the peri-implant clinical parameters, thought the method of debridement used seems not to influence
Immediate Versus Conventional Loading of Complete-Arch Implant-Supported Prostheses in Mandibles with Failing Dentition: A Patient-Centered Controlled Prospective Study
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare, from the patients' perspective, immediate and conventional loading of fixed complete-arch prostheses to rehabilitate mandibles with failing dentition. Materials and Methods: This controlled, prospective, nonrandomized study included 36 consecutive patients: 18 treated with conventional loading (control) and 18 with immediate loading (test). Patient general satisfaction and specific satisfaction with esthetics, chewing, speaking, comfort, self-esteem, ease of cleaning, and treatment duration were evaluated using 10-cm visual analog scales before treatment and 3 and 12 months after treatment. Postoperative pain and swelling were monitored daily for 1 week. Statistical analysis was performed applying Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests (alpha =.05). Results: Between baseline and 3 months, satisfaction in the test group increased significantly with the exception of speech; in the control group, satisfaction increased significantly for esthetics and decreased significantly for speech, chewing, and comfort, but did not vary for general satisfaction or self-esteem. After 3 months, satisfaction was significantly higher in the test group with the exception of ease of cleaning. Between 3 and 12 months, satisfaction improved in both groups but more so in the control group, so that after 12 months there were no differences. The test group showed lower mean pain, which began after the third day postsurgery. Mean swelling and maximum pain/swelling did not show significant differences at any point. Conclusions: Patient satisfaction was reported as significantly higher with immediate loading. However, at the end of the observation periods, reported functional differences had disappeared. Significant differences were only noted for postoperative pain after the third day
Situación actual en españa de los aerosoles insecticidas registrados en sanidad ambiental para uso doméstico
Josefa Moreno MarÃ*, Amparo Meliá Llácer, MarÃa Teresa Oltra Moscardó y Ricardo Jiménez Peydró (*[email protected])La reciente transposición de la Directiva de Biocidas a través del Real Decreto 1.054/2002 conllevará un cambio sustancial en distintos aspectos de la Sanidad Ambiental. Para evaluar la incidencia de estos cambios se presenta un análisis de la situación actual, a partir del cual se podrán valorar adecuadamente las consecuencias de la implantación de la Directiva en España, asà como establecer los aspectos básicos que se deben analizar con vistas al establecimiento de un Registro de Biocidas acorde con dicho Real Decreto
Non surgical predicting factors for patient satisfaction after third molar surgery
Background: In the third molar surgery, it is important to focus not only on surgical skills, but also on patient
satisfaction. Classically studies have been focused on surgery and surgeon’s empathy, but there are non-surgical
factors that may influence patient satisfaction.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 100 patients undergoing surgical extractions
of impacted mandibular third molars treated from October 2013 to July 2014 in the Oral Surgery Unit of the University
of Valencia. A questionnaire (20 questions) with a 10-point Likert scale was provided. The questionnaire
assessed the ease to find the center, the ease to get oriented within the center, the burocratic procedures, the time
from the first visit to the date of surgical intervention, waiting time in the waiting room, the comfort at the waiting
room, the administrative staff (kindness and efficiency to solve formalities), medical staff (kindness, efficiency,
reliability, dedication), personal data care, clarity in the information received (about the surgery, postoperative care
and resolution of the doubts), available means and state of facilities. Outcome variables were overall satisfaction,
and recommendation of the center. Statistical analysis was made using the multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: Significant correlations were found between all variables and overall satisfaction. The multiple regression
model showed that the efficiency of the surgeon and the clarity of the information were statistically significant to
overall satisfaction and recommendation of the center. The kindness of the administrative staff, available means,
the state of facilities and the comfort at the waiting room were statistically significant to the recommendation of
the center.
Conclusions: Patient satisfaction directly depends on the efficiency of the surgeon and clarity of the clinical information received about the procedure. Appreciation of these predictive factors may help clinicians to provide optimal
care for impacted third molar surgery patients
Marginal bone loss in relation to platform switching implant insertion depth: an update
A review is made, analyzing marginal bone loss in relation to the depth of implant insertion with platform switching,
according to the position of the neck (supracrestal, crestal or subcrestal), and evaluating survival of the implants.
A PubMed search was made of the studies in animals and humans published between 2005 and 2011, specifying
platform insertion depth (supracrestal, crestal or subcrestal) and registering marginal bone loss from the time of
prosthetic restoration to the end of follow-up (minimum 6 months). A total of 30 studies were included.
The bone loss associated with implants placed at supracrestal level was slightly smaller than in the case of implants
placed at subcrestal level, though statistical significance was not reached. The mean marginal bone loss values were
0.0 mm to 0.9±0.4 mm for the implants with the neck located at supracrestal level; 0.05 mm to 1.40±0.50 mm for
those at subcrestal level; and 0.26±0.22 mm to 1.8±0.39 mm for those in a crestal location, after 6-60 months of
follow-up. The survival rate was 88.6-100% for the implants with the neck positioned at crestal level, versus 98.3-
100% below the crest, and 100% above the crest. The heterogeneity of the studies (surgical technique, platform
surface texture, radiographic measurement techniques, etc.) made it difficult to establish a relationship between
marginal bone loss and the supracrestal, crestal or subcrestal location of platform switching
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