34 research outputs found

    Triggered optical coherence tomography for capturing rapid periodic motion

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    Quantitative cross-sectional imaging of vocal folds during phonation is potentially useful for diagnosis and treatments of laryngeal disorders. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a powerful technique, but its relatively low frame rates makes it challenging to visualize rapidly vibrating tissues. Here, we demonstrate a novel method based on triggered laser scanning to capture 4-dimensional (4D) images of samples in motu at audio frequencies over 100 Hz. As proof-of-concept experiments, we applied this technique to imaging the oscillations of biopolymer gels on acoustic vibrators and aerodynamically driven vibrations of the vocal fold in an ex vivo calf larynx model. Our results suggest that triggered 4D OCT may be useful in understanding and assessing the function of vocal folds and developing novel treatments in research and clinical settings

    MR imaging features of benign retroperitoneal extra-adrenal paragangliomas

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    The goal of this study was to retrospectively review the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of retroperitoneal extra-adrenal paragangliomas and to evaluate the diagnostic capabilities of MRI. Twenty-four patients with confirmed benign retroperitoneal extra-adrenal paragangliomas who underwent preoperative MRI and surgical resection were enrolled. The patients’ clinical characteristics and MRI features were reviewed by two radiologists. There were no significant differences in the qualitative and quantitative MRI features were determined by the reviewers. High signal intensity in T2- weighted imaging (T2WI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was observed in all tumors. In contrast T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) in the arterial phase, 83.33% of the tumors were clearly enhanced. In 87.5% of cases, a persistent enhancement pattern was observed in the venous and delayed phases, and 12.5% of tumors showed a “washout” pattern. The tumor capsule, intratumoral septum and degenerations were visualized in the tumors and may be helpful in the qualitative diagnosis of extraadrenal paragangliomas in MRI. MRI was useful in locating the position, determining the tumor ranges and visualizing the relationship between the tumors and adjacent structures. The presence of typical clinical symptoms and positivity of biochemical tests are also important factors in making an accurate preoperative diagnosis

    Differential Effects of Antibiotic Therapy on the Structure and Function of Human Gut Microbiota

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    The human intestinal microbiota performs many essential functions for the host. Antimicrobial agents, such as antibiotics (AB), are also known to disturb microbial community equilibrium, thereby having an impact on human physiology. While an increasing number of studies investigate the effects of AB usage on changes in human gut microbiota biodiversity, its functional effects are still poorly understood. We performed a follow-up study to explore the effect of ABs with different modes of action on human gut microbiota composition and function. Four individuals were treated with different antibiotics and samples were taken before, during and after the AB course for all of them. Changes in the total and in the active (growing) microbiota as well as the functional changes were addressed by 16S rRNA gene and metagenomic 454-based pyrosequencing approaches. We have found that the class of antibiotic, particularly its antimicrobial effect and mode of action, played an important role in modulating the gut microbiota composition and function. Furthermore, analysis of the resistome suggested that oscillatory dynamics are not only due to antibiotic-target resistance, but also to fluctuations in the surviving bacterial community. Our results indicated that the effect of AB on the human gut microbiota relates to the interaction of several factors, principally the properties of the antimicrobial agent, and the structure, functions and resistance genes of the microbial community

    Abdominelle Gefäßdiagnostik

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