3 research outputs found

    Role of Panchakarma in Visha Chiktisa

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    Disease and death due to poisoning is a burning issue in worldwide. The term Poisoning not only limited upto animal and vegetable poisons, it can include Dooshivisha, Garavisha and various radiations. Ayurveda has described different methods of treatment in poisoning. Panchakarma therapy has great importance because it can remove toxins from deeper tissue level. Panchakarma procedures are used depending upon the route of entry of poison and absorption. This article concludes how Panchakarma procedures are useful in Visha Chikitsa as a detoxification therapy

    Extraction process of Haridra & Tulsi essential oil with their medicinal uses

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    Essential oils as defined by the European Pharmacopeia 7th edition as ā€œOdorant products, which have the complex composition, and obtained from plant raw extract, either extracted by steam of water, dry distillation or a suitable mechanical method without heating. Generally, a physical method is used for the separation of essential oil from the aqueous phase which has no significant change in its chemical compositionā€. The essential oils are extracted from different aromatic plants. In this article we chose Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) plants. So, these plants essential oils were selected for the present study. The oil was obtained from the both plants. Haridra rhizome paste and Tulsi fresh leaves were taken for essential oil. The extraction process was carried out with the help of Clevenger apparatus

    Shirisha in Agada Tantra

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    Visha Chikitsa, as the Agada Tantra is popularly known deals with various methods of cleaning the poisons out of the body as well as recommend antidotes for particular poisons. In present time excess use of pseudo drugs, which results in higher incidence of adverse reaction, has motivated humans to return to nature for safer treatment or remedies. In this review we have taken Albizia lebbeck aka Shirish which is an important medicinal tree. Present review aimed to compile the data to highlight the Vishaghna property of Shirisha and effort is made to collect scientific evidences and researches. A herbal drug commonly known as Shirish (Albizia lebbeck) is very useful for the therapeutic property and useful in various disease treatment. Shirish does not need recognition in the world of Ayurveda. Shirish known as a best anti toxic drug. It is used in Kushtha, Kandu, Visarapa, Kasa, Shavas, Pama, Vrana, Shotha, Sarpdansh Mushak Visha, Sheetpitta, Rakta Dushti, Vishamjwara, Vishadushti, Suryavart, Ardhaavbhedak, Netrabhishyanda