218 research outputs found


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    Goats have greater importance under small familiar systems in India. The unabated decline in Gaddi males of superior genetic merit due to extensive culling and unplanned breeding (inbreeding) accentuates the importance of conserve superior males and their use for artificial insemination. The available literature is unequivocal about the importance of glycerol during sperm cryopreservation. However, the optimal level seems to vary between species and breeds. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of glycerol (6, 7, and 8%) on the quality of thawed semen from Gaddi bucks. A total of 180 ejaculates from six Gaddi buck were frozen in Tris citrate extender containing 10% of Egg Yolk with 6, 7, or 8% of glycerol. Sperm quality parameters in thawed semen (morphological abnormalities, sperm viability, progressive motility, and HOST response) were compared; in addition, the percentage of change in thawed semen with respect to fresh was determined. No effect of concentration of glycerol was observed on progressive motility and HOST response. Sperm viability was better in semen frozen at 6 and 8% (45.26±1.32% and 45.10±2.81% respectively) in comparison with 7% of glycerol (34.81±2.78%, P<0.05). Lower sperm morphological abnormalities were observed in semen frozen at 6% of glycerol (7.93±0.28, P<0.05) in comparison with 7% (9.18±0.69%) and 8% (9.90±0.55%). A fertility rate of 41.25% was achieved following AI with semen frozen containing 6% of glycerol. In conclusions, 6% of glycerol was a valid option to cryopreservation of semen from Gaddi buck, resulting in better viability and lower abnormalities. In addition, a good fertility response was observed.RESUMENLas cabras están teniendo mayor importancia en los pequeños sistemas familiares en India. Sin embargo, la disminución deliberada de machos Gaddi de alto merito genético debido a la eliminación excesiva y a los cruzamientos no planificados (consanguinidad) acentúan la importancia de conservar machos superiores y su uso para inseminación artificial. La literatura disponible ha confirmado la importancia del glicerol durante la criopreservación espermática. Sin embargo, el nivel óptimo parece variar entre especies y razas. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de glicerol (6, 7 y 8%) sobre la calidad del semen descongelado de machos de raza Gaddi. Un total de 180 eyaculados de seis machos fueron congelado en diluyente a base de Tris citrato conteniendo 10% de yema de huevo con 6, 7 u 8% de glicerol. Los parámetros de calidad espermática en el semen descongelado (motilidad progresiva, viabilidad, anomalías morfológicas y respuesta a HOST) fueron comparadas, además el porcentaje de cambio de cada parámetro con respecto al semen fresco fue determinado. No se observó un efecto del nivel de glicerol sobre la motilidad progresiva y la respuesta al HOST. La viabilidad espermática fue mejor en el semen congelado con 6 y8% de glicerol (45,26±1,32% y 45,10±2,81% respectivamente) en comparación con el semen congelado con 7% de glicerol (34,81±2,78%, P<0,05). Menos morfoanomalías fueron observadas en el semen congelado con 6% de glicerol (7,93±0,28, P<0,05) en comparación con el congelado con 7% (9,18±0,69%) y 8% (9,90±0,55%). Una tasa de 41,25% de fertilidad fue alcanzada luego de la inseminación con semen congelado con &% de glicerol. En conclusión, 6% de glicerol es una opción validad para la criopreservación de semen de machos cabríos Gaddi, resultando en una mayor viabilidad y menos morfoanomalías espermáticas. Además, una buena fertilidad fue observada.

    Admission Pattern of Newborns admitted in special newborn care unit: an observational from North West of India

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    Background: Globally, neonatal deaths constitute 44% of all deaths in less than 5 years age group .The concept of SNCU is based on the learning from the “Purulia model”. This research study was undertaken, to assess the profile of sick newborns admitted in the SNCU.Methods The investigators analyzed this data and establish the morbidity profile of newborns admitted in SNCU Hamirpur in 2019.Results: Total of 422 newborns were admitted 197 (46.7%) were females and 225 (53.3%) were males. Out of these 381 (90.3%) were inborn and 41(9.7%) were out born. In inborn 293 (76.9%) weighed more than 2.5 kg, 83 (21.8%) were low birth weight <2.5 kg to 1.5 kg and 2 (0.52%) were very low birth weight i.e < 1.5 kg to 1 kg and one newborn was extreme low birth weight i.e <1 kg. In the out born group, 23 (56.1%) weighed more than 2.5 kg and 13 (31.8%) were low birth weight <2.5 kg to 1.5 kg, 4 (9.8%) were very low birth weight < 1.5 kg to 1 kg. Jaundice was the most common neonatal condition 63%, infection 9.5%, respiratory diseases 9% and birth asphyxia 7.8%.Conclusions: The most sensitive time for morbidity and mortality development is during the newborn period. The main reasons for SNCU hospitalisation include neonatal jaundice, preterm, low birth weight, perinatal asphyxia, and infection. Neonatal Jaundice continues to be the primary reason for both inborn and outborn newborns admission to SNCU, and inborn babies make up the majority of this group

    Random Sequential Renormalization of Networks I: Application to Critical Trees

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    We introduce the concept of Random Sequential Renormalization (RSR) for arbitrary networks. RSR is a graph renormalization procedure that locally aggregates nodes to produce a coarse grained network. It is analogous to the (quasi-)parallel renormalization schemes introduced by C. Song {\it et al.} (Nature {\bf 433}, 392 (2005)) and studied more recently by F. Radicchi {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 101}, 148701 (2008)), but much simpler and easier to implement. In this first paper we apply RSR to critical trees and derive analytical results consistent with numerical simulations. Critical trees exhibit three regimes in their evolution under RSR: (i) An initial regime N0νN<N0N_0^{\nu}\lesssim N<N_0, where NN is the number of nodes at some step in the renormalization and N0N_0 is the initial size. RSR in this regime is described by a mean field theory and fluctuations from one realization to another are small. The exponent ν=1/2\nu=1/2 is derived using random walk arguments. The degree distribution becomes broader under successive renormalization -- reaching a power law, pk1/kγp_k\sim 1/k^{\gamma} with γ=2\gamma=2 and a variance that diverges as N01/2N_0^{1/2} at the end of this regime. Both of these results are derived based on a scaling theory. (ii) An intermediate regime for N01/4NN01/2N_0^{1/4}\lesssim N \lesssim N_0^{1/2}, in which hubs develop, and fluctuations between different realizations of the RSR are large. Crossover functions exhibiting finite size scaling, in the critical region NN01/2N\sim N_0^{1/2} \to \infty, connect the behaviors in the first two regimes. (iii) The last regime, for 1NN01/41 \ll N\lesssim N_0^{1/4}, is characterized by the appearance of star configurations with a central hub surrounded by many leaves. The distribution of sizes where stars first form is found numerically to be a power law up to a cutoff that scales as N0νstarN_0^{\nu_{star}} with νstar1/4\nu_{star}\approx 1/4

    Use of furosemide stress test for edema control and predicting acute kidney injury in children with nephrotic syndrome

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    Background: Furosemide stress test (FST) involves measurement of 2‑h urine output after giving 1 mg/kg of furosemide in clinically&nbsp;euvolemic patients and has been shown to identify those with severe and progressive acute kidney injury (AKI). Objectives: To&nbsp;assess whether using FST could help in deciding whether to give diuretics only, or combination of diuretics with albumin infusion,&nbsp;in children with nephrotic syndrome with edema to prevent AKI. Materials and Methods: This prospective, pilot cohort study was&nbsp;conducted on the use of FST to manage edema in children with nephrotic syndrome. Consecutive patients 1–14 years were enrolledfrom October 2016 to April 2017 from the pediatric nephrology outpatient department of a tertiary care center. They were assessed for&nbsp;fluid overload using their present and baseline weight. Patients with fluid overload of ≥10% were screened for AKI by measurement&nbsp;of serum urea and creatinine and monitoring of urine output in the next 24 h. Systemic infections were excluded using clinical and&nbsp;laboratory criteria. AKI was defined using the pediatric RIFLE score. Children with fluid overload of ≥10% were given intravenous&nbsp;furosemide 1 mg/kg provided; they had no clinical signs of intravascular dehydration or shock. Urine output was measured over thenext 2 h. Children with urine output &lt;1 ml/kg/h after FST were presumed to be at risk for progressive AKI. Differences between&nbsp;the average heart rate, serum albumin, and urea/creatinine ratio were analyzed by independent t‑test. Results: A total of 67 children&nbsp;with nephrotic syndrome were reviewed, and 34 with fluid overload of &gt;10% were analyzed for inclusion in the study. Of them,&nbsp;11 were excluded and 23 were finally analyzed. 19/23 had urine output &gt;1 mg/kg/h in next 2 h and none had serum creatinine&nbsp;increase &gt;0.3 mg/dl or &gt;150% of the baseline value. 4 had urine output &lt; 1 ml/kg/h. Significant difference was found in the post‑FSTheart rate and urea/creatinine ratio between the children who had urine output &gt;1 ml/kg/h and which had &lt; 1 ml/kg/h after furosemide.&nbsp;These children were assumed to be at risk for severe and progressive AKI as per FST and were thereafter given furosemide with&nbsp;albumin to prevent further intravascular dehydration. Conclusion: FST may be used as a bedside test to help identify the children&nbsp;with nephrotic syndrome with intravascular dehydration who are at high risk for AKI and helps rational use of diuretics.&nbsp

    Unilateral four heads of sternocleidomastoid muscle: a rare case report CASE REPORT

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    SUMMARY A rare case of two additional slips in the origin of the sternal and clavicular head of the left sternocleidomastoid muscle was found during routine dissection of neck in a 65-year-old male cadaver. One of the additional heads originated in the clavicle and another head shared its origin in both the clavicle and the sternum. Both the additional heads joined with the main heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the middle of the neck. The insertion, nerve supply, and blood supply were normal. The aim of our study was to report a case of variation in the sternal and clavicular origin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and to provide detailed information about this new variation. This case may be important for head-andneck surgeons for muscle grafting, as well as for radiologists while interpreting MR/CT scans of neck region

    Psychological Therapies in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a poorly understood disease with few effective treatments. Psychosocial factors are believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of IBS. Objective. To evaluate the evidence for psychological therapies in IBS treatment. Methods. We searched six medical databases through February 6, 2014, for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of psychological therapies for the treatment of IBS. Two independent reviewers identified the RCTs, extracted the data, and assessed trial quality. We used the random-effect model to pool standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) across trials. Results. 15 RCTs that mostly evaluated cognitive behavioral therapy were included. Psychological therapies were associated with improvement in IBS symptoms severity scales (SMD −0.618; 95% CI: −0.853 to −0.383), IBS-Quality of Life (SMD 0.604; 95% CI: 0.440 to 0.768), and abdominal pain (SMD −0.282; 95% CI: −0.562 to −0.001). No statistically significant effect was observed on diarrhea or constipation. Limitations. The trials were at increased risk of bias and the overall sample size was small leading to imprecision. Conclusion. Psychological therapies may improve the quality of life and symptom severity in IBS. The effect size noted is moderate to large and is clinically meaningful

    Delivery of Bull Dog Calf from a Hydroallantoic Murrah Buffalo

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    An 8 years old Murrah buffalo in its 5th party was presented with the history of 9 month of gestation and sudden bilateral abdominal distension since last 25 days. Animal was 7 anorectic with pale mucus membrane and had staggering gait. Per vaginum examination revealed closed cervix with intact cervical seal. By transrectal palpation only the fluid in the uterus could be palpable. Based on history and clinical examination findings, it was diagnosed as hydroallantois. Parturition was induced using cloprostenol and dexamethasone. Beside this an intracervical injection of closprostenol was also given on 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock position (250 µg each) of external os to hasten the cervical dilation. A dead bulldog calf was removed with manual traction after 26 hours of initial treatment. It was concluded that the cloprostenol and dexamethasone are effective for the induction of parturition in animals suffering from hydroallantois provided fluid from the allantoic sac is removed slowly.

    Effect of dietary palm olein oil on oxidative stress associated with ischemic-reperfusion injury in isolated rat heart

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    BACKGROUND: Palm olein oil (PO), obtained from refining of palm oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acid and antioxidant vitamins and is widely used as oil in diet in many parts of the world including India. Palm oil has been reported to have beneficial effects in oxidative stress associated with hypertension and arterial thrombosis. Oxidative stress plays a major role in the etiopathology of myocardial ischemic-reperfusion injury (IRI) which is a common sequel of ischemic heart disease. Antioxidants have potent therapeutic effects on both ischemic heart disease and ischemic-reperfusion injury. Information on the effect of PO on ischemic-reperfusion injury is, however, lacking. In the present study, the effect of dietary palm olein oil on oxidative stress associated with IRI was investigated in an isolated rat heart model. Wistar rats (150–200 gm) of either sex were divided into three different groups (n = 16). Rats were fed with palm olein oil supplemented commercial rat diet, in two different doses [5% v / w (PO 5) and 10% v / w (PO 10) of diet] for 30 days. Control rats (C) were fed with normal diet. After 30 days, half the rats from each group were subjected to in vitro myocardial IRI (20 min of global ischemia, followed by 40 min of reperfusion). Hearts from all the groups were then processed for biochemical and histopathological studies. One way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni test was applied to test for significance and values are expressed as mean ± SE (p < 0.05). RESULTS: There was a significant increase in myocardial catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities with no significant change in myocardial thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) only in group PO 5 as compared to group C. There was no light microscopic evidence of tissue injury. A significant rise in myocardial TBARS and depletion of myocardial endogenous antioxidants (SOD, CAT and GPx) along with significant myocyte injury was observed in control rats subjected to ischemia-reperfusion (C IR). Hearts from palm olein oil fed rats subjected to ischemia-reperfusion (PO 5 IR and PO 10 IR) were protected from increase in TBARS and depletion of endogenous antioxidants as compared to C IR group. No significant myocyte injury was present in the treated groups. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated for the first time that dietary palm olein oil protected rat heart from oxidative stress associated with ischemic-reperfusion injury

    Frequency of gall bladder metaplasia and its distribution in different regions of gall bladder in routine cholecystectomy specimens

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    Background: In India, gall stone disease is more common in women in the north, north east and east as compared to other zones in the country. Gall bladder metaplasia has been documented as the precursor lesion of dysplasia and therefore carcinoma. Present study was conducted to ascertain the frequency and type of metaplasia along with distribution in different regions of gall bladder.Methods: All the post cholecystectomy gallbladder samples submitted for histopathology comprised the study material. Three sections were from body, fundus, and neck each. The five microns thick paraffin sections were cut with microtome and stained with Hemotoxylin and Eosin (H and E).Results: The present study was conducted on 119 cholecystectomy specimens submitted for histopathological examination. Amongst premalignant lesions, cholecystitis with metaplasia was seen in 55 (46.2%) cases. Pyloric metaplasia without intestinal metaplasia was most common metaplasia (30.2%) followed by combined metaplasia (12.60%) and only intestinal metaplasia (3.36%). Out of 55 cases, fundus showed metaplasia in 47 followed by body (44) and neck (36).Conclusions: Very high frequency of metaplasias was observed (46.2%) in routine cholecystectomy specimen with pyloric metaplasia as the predominant type and intestinal metaplasia was accompanied with pyloric metaplasia in most of the cases. Metaplasia was found to be more or less equally distributed in different regions of gall bladder

    Segmentation and tracking of mesoscale eddies in numeric ocean models

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    An adequate understanding of climate variability and the eventual prediction of climate change are among the most urgent and far-reaching efforts of the scientific community.. Measurements done to-date have suggested that the mesoscale eddies and mesoscale features play a strong role in carrying heat poleward. Oceanographic visualizations may play a key role in unraveling these mysteries. In this paper we propose techniques for the automated detection, segmentation and tracking of these eddies. A structuring element based on velocity data is designed to detect centers of eddies. Best fitting ellipses/circular donuts are determined to outline and segment out the region of swirling currents around the detected centers. Segmented images from consecutive days of data are used to track eddies temporally. Small-motion assumption is used to track the full trajectory of the eddies. Visualizations resulting from this project will provide oceanographers an invaluable tool to assess mesoscale eddies and the Lagrangian characteristics of this mesoscale oceanic feature. 1