376 research outputs found

    A General Method for Selecting Quantum Channel for Bidirectional Controlled State Teleportation and Other Schemes of Controlled Quantum Communication

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    Recently, a large number of protocols for bidirectional controlled state teleportation (BCST) have been proposed using nn-qubit entangled states (n∈{5,6,7}n\in\{5,6,7\}) as quantum channel. Here, we propose a general method of selecting multi-qubit (n>4)(n>4) quantum channels suitable for BCST and show that all the channels used in the existing protocols of BCST can be obtained using the proposed method. Further, it is shown that the quantum channels used in the existing protocols of BCST forms only a negligibly small subset of the set of all the quantum channels that can be constructed using the proposed method to implement BCST. It is also noted that all these quantum channels are also suitable for controlled bidirectional remote state preparation (CBRSP). Following the same logic, methods for selecting quantum channels for other controlled quantum communication tasks, such as controlled bidirectional joint remote state preparation (CJBRSP) and controlled quantum dialogue, are also provided.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    Higher order nonclassicalities of finite dimensional coherent states: A comparative study

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    Conventional coherent states (CSs) are defined in various ways. For example, CS is defined as an infinite Poissonian expansion in Fock states, as displaced vacuum state, or as an eigenket of annihilation operator. In the infinite dimensional Hilbert space, these definitions are equivalent. However, these definitions are not equivalent for the finite dimensional systems. In this work, we present a comparative description of the lower- and higher-order nonclassical properties of the finite dimensional CSs which are also referred to as qudit CSs (QCSs). For the comparison, nonclassical properties of two types of QCSs are used: (i) nonlinear QCS produced by applying a truncated displacement operator on the vacuum and (ii) linear QCS produced by the Poissonian expansion in Fock states of the CS truncated at (d-1)-photon Fock state. The comparison is performed using a set of nonclassicality witnesses (e.g., higher order antiubunching, higher order sub-Poissonian statistics, higher order squeezing, Agarwal-Tara parameter, Klyshko's criterion) and a set of quantitative measures of nonclassicality (e.g., negativity potential, concurrence potential and anticlassicality). The higher order nonclassicality witness have found to reveal the existence of higher order nonclassical properties of QCS for the first time.Comment: A comparative description of the higher-order nonclassical properties of the finite dimensional coherent state

    Rotational spectra of interstellar N- and CN-PAHs: pyrene and coronene

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    The detection of benzonitrile (C6H5CN), 1- and 2-cyano-naphthalene (C10H7CN) in the cold, dark molecular cloud TMC-1 at centimetre (cm) wavelengths has opened up prospects for the detection of other N- and CN-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this light, the pure rotational spectra of N-pyrene (C15H9N), CN-pyrene (C15H9CN), N-coronene (C23H11N) and CN-coronene (C23H11CN) are reported here for the first time. The B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory, in the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, achieves the best performance for calculating the spectroscopic parameters and simulating the rotational spectra. The large permanent dipole moment of CN-PAHs makes them the most suitable PAH species for detection in the interstellar medium. Additionally, pyrene's smaller partition function makes CN-pyrene a prime candidate to be discovered in cold, dark molecular clouds such as the TMC-1. The present work sets a benchmark for theoretical rotational spectra of N- and CN-containing PAHs and may act as a guide for laboratory experiments and observational searches

    Matrix stiffness and confinement influence YAP localization in clustered epithelial cells

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    Epithelial cell clusters reside in complex extracellular matrices (ECMs) of varying mechanical properties including stiffness, topography, dimensionality, and confinement. Through mechanotransduction, cells sense and translate the mechanical cues presented by the surrounding ECM into biochemical signals, which control fundamental aspects of cell behavior including differentiation, proliferation, and motility. While it is well established that nuclear translocation of Yes-associated-protein (YAP) in single cells serves as a key sensor of ECM stiffness, it remains unknown whether grouped epithelial cells exhibit a similar nuclear YAP localization response on stiff substrates. Moreover, the regulation of YAP activity in clustered cells in confined microenvironments has remained unexplored. In this study, we cultured epithelial cell monolayers on flat polyacrylamide (PA) gels of varying stiffness and measured nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of YAP. We found that nuclear YAP localization in grouped cells increased on stiffer gels. However, this stiffness-dependent nuclear localization of YAP was not as effective in densely packed monolayers. To understand how ECM stiffness and confinement independently influence YAP activity, we fabricated a PA-microchannels platform and cultured epithelial cell clusters in channels of tunable width and stiffness. Our measurements demonstrate that the likelihood of nuclear YAP localization increases in cell clusters confined within narrower channels. In wide channels, cells neighboring the channel walls exhibit less roundedness and more nuclear YAP compared to those in the interior of the channels. Taken together, these findings reveal that the mechanosensitive nuclear localization of YAP in clustered cells depends not only on ECM stiffness, but also on the cell density and the degree of matrix confinement

    Implications of an updated ultraviolet background for the ionization mechanisms of intervening Ne VIII absorbers

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    Ne VIII absorbers seen in QSO spectra are useful tracers of warm ionized gas, when collisional ionization is the dominant ionization process. While photoionization by the ultraviolet background (UVB) is a viable option, it tends to predict large line-of-sight thickness for the absorbing gas. Here, we study the implications of the recently updated UVB at low-z to understand the ionization mechanisms of intervening Ne VIII absorbers. With the updated UVB, one typically needs higher density and metallicity to reproduce the observed ionic column densities under photoionization. Both reduce the inferred line-of-sight thicknesses of the absorbers. We find a critical density of ≥5×10−5\geq5\times10^{-5} cm−3^{-3} above which the observed N(Ne VIII)/N(O VI) can be reproduced by pure collisional processes. If the gas is of near solar metallicity (as measured for the low ions) then the cooling timescales will be small (<10810^{8} yrs). Therefore, a continuous injection of heat is required in order to enhance the detectability of the collisionally ionized gas. Using photoionization models we find that in almost all Ne VIII systems the inferred low ion metallicity is near solar or supersolar. If we assume the Ne VIII phase to have similar metallicities then photoionization can reproduce the observed N(Ne VIII)/N(O VI) without the line-of-sight thickness being unreasonably large and avoids cooling issues related to the collisional ionization at these metallicities. However the indication of broad Lyα\alpha absorption in a couple of systems, if true, suggests that the Ne VIII phase is distinct from the low ion phase having much lower metallicity.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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