452 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of doped bilayer cuprates at finite temperatures

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    Recently, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ, which possesses two CuO2 layers in the same unit cell, have yielded very interesting results. For the overdoped samples, these results show a splitting of electronic states near k=(π, 0) point of Brillioun zone. On the other hand, no splitting is observed in the underdoped samples. In view of this, the detailed studies including the doping and temperature dependence of the spectral properties become desirable. In this paper, we consider cuprates possessing two CuO2 layers per unit cell. Each layer in the system is described by the t-t'-J model and the two layers are coupled via an intrabilayer hopping term (t ⊥) and an intrabilayer exchange coupling (J ⊥). A self-consistent perturbation approach is used to calculate the electronic spectral function for different values of hole density, hole momentum and temperature. We find that the imaginary part of the self energy is strongly momentum dependent which contradicts the suggestion that the Fermi surface of cuprates may be described by marginal Fermi liquid theory. We have calculated the spectral function for various values of intrabilayer parameters t ⊥ and J ⊥. For larger values of intrabilayer interactions we observe the splitting in the quasi-particle peak at k=(π, 0) which is in agreement with the recent observations. The splitting is also found to be sensitive to the hole concentration as well as the temperature of the system. We have also discussed the reasons why the splitting is absent in underdoped bilayer cuprates at low temperature

    El Dilema de la Transición en una Empresa Familiar que Sea Sociedad Anónima Cerrada: El caso de Excel Transporters

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    The purpose of this case study is to investigate issues that arise at the time of transition of ownership, business and wealth in a multigenerational closely held family business (CHFB). This is particularly relevant if the founder owner-manager has to pass the heir-ship to the offspring and specifically if the incumbent is a women. Through this case, authors have made an attempt to discuss the significance of ownership structure, to plan transition and to mitigate conflicts at the time of generational transition.The case is based on primary research and secondary information, and has been tested several times post, which the gaps were identified and filled. The results indicate that absence of the corporate governance (ownership) structure leads to conflicts during transfer of power position in a CHFB. This reflects the necessity of professionalizing the family business to avoid breakdown of communication and trust within the family unit. Inadequately prepared heirs, forced entries of siblings in the business with no competence besides the patriarchs’ distribution of ownership and business were of major concern in a CHFB.El objetivo de este estudio de caso es investigar los problemas que surgen en el momento de la transición de propiedad, negocios y riqueza en una Empresa Familiar multigeneracional que sea Sociedad Anónima cerrada. Esto es particularmente relevante si el propietario-gerente fundador tiene que pasar el heredero a la descendencia y específicamente si el titular es una mujer. A través de este caso, los autores han intentado discutir la importancia de la estructura de propiedad, planear la transición y mitigar los conflictos en elmomento de la transición generacional.El caso se basa en la investigación primaria y la información secundaria, y se ha probado varias veces después de la publicación, donde se identificaron y completaron las lagunas. Los resultados indican que la ausencia de la estructura de gobierno corporativo (propiedad) genera conflictos durante la transferencia de la posición de poder en una empresa de este tipo. Esto refleja la necesidad de profesionalizar el negocio familiar para evitar el colapso de la comunicación y la confianza dentro de la unidad familiar. Los herederos preparados inadecuadamente, las entradas forzadas de hermanos en el negocio sin competencia además de la distribución de propiedad y negocios de los patriarcas son una gran preocupación en una empresa familiar de este tipo

    Altered Mucins (MUC) trafficking in benign and malignant conditions.

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    Mucins are high molecular weight O-glycoproteins that are predominantly expressed at the apical surface of epithelial cells and have wide range of functions. The functional diversity is attributed to their structure that comprises of a peptide chain with unique domains and multiple carbohydrate moieties added during posttranslational modifications. Tumor cells aberrantly overexpress mucins, and thereby promote proliferation, differentiation, motility, invasion and metastasis. Along with their aberrant expression, accumulating evidence suggest the critical role of altered subcellular localization of mucins under pathological conditions due to altered endocytic processes. The mislocalization of mucins and their interactions result in change in the density and activity of important cell membrane proteins (like, receptor tyrosine kinases) to facilitate various signaling, which help cancer cells to proliferate, survive and progress to more aggressive phenotype. In this review article, we summarize studies on mucins trafficking and provide a perspective on its importance to pathological conditions and to answer critical questions including its use for therapeutic interventions


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    In traditional systems of medicine, different parts of Ocimum have been recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, skin diseases, arthritis, chronic fever and insect bite. Morphological and anatomical characters play a vital role in crude drug identification and standardization. In the present study, comparative Pharmacognostical evaluation was performed for the dried leaves powder of selected species of Ocimum such as O. gratissimum, O. sanctum and O. canum. The result from macroscopical, microscopical and powder characters are used for the identification of O. gratissimum, O. sanctum and O. canum. The results throw immense light on the botanical identity of various species of Ocimum which furnish a basis of judging the authenticity of the plant and also to differentiate the drug from its allied species and detect adulterants. Keywords: Ocimum gratissimum, Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum canum, Comparative, Pharmacognostical characterization

    A Public Private Partnership Model for Managing Urban Health: A Study of Ahmedabad City

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    Urbanization is an important demographic shift worldwide. India’s urban population of 300 million represents 30 % of its total population; with the slum population in urban cities registering a 5 % growth in the last few years. Responding to the healthcare needs of urban poor is therefore very essential. Government of India focus has been mainly on rural health till the late 90s. Recognizing the urgency to manage urban health for the vulnerable sections of our population, the 9th and 10th Five Year Plans of the Government of India have laid special emphasis on developing a well structured network of urban primary care institutions. Ahmedabad city (also known as Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, AMC) is the sixth largest city in India with a population of 3.5 million spread over 192 square kilometers, across 43 wards. AMC has nearly 2500 slums and chawls housing approximately 1.5 million people. Out of 43 wards in AMC, 9 wards which house more than 20 % of AMC population, have no government health facility at all. With more than 3500 private health facilities in AMC, it is therefore worthwhile to explore Public Private Participation (PPP) to improve the delivery of healthcare services. In this working paper, we outline our approach to developing a PPP model for a decentralized and integrated primary healthcare center for each ward of AMC. Our model is built on a clear understanding of the socio-economic profile, status of public health, and the healthcare seeking habits of Ahmedabad population. Our GIS (Geographic Information System) methodology guides the AMC authorities to identify good locations for urban health center (UHC) so as to ensure availability, affordability, accessibility, and equity to primary healthcare facilities to the slum populations. We illustrate our methodology for Vasna and Naroda wards in AMC.

    Pathological and molecular characterizations of slow leaf rusting in fifteen wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) genotypes

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    Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina, is a globally important fungal disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell), resulting in significant yield losses, sometimes up to 40% worldwide. In this study we investigated slow rusting resistance at pathological and molecular level. Fifteen (15) wheat genotypes which also included multiple crosses with the aim to characterize pyramid resistance genes, including slow rusting genes like Lr46 and Lr50 were evaluated for disease severity percent, latent period and incubation period under field conditions. Detached leaf assay was also performed with three virulent pathotypes viz., 21R55 (104-2), 121R63-1 (77-5) and 29R45 (12-5), under controlled laboratory conditions. Genotypes, KIRITATAI//HUW234+LR34/PRINIA, WAXWING*2/TUKURU, WBLLI*2/KIRITATI, KAMBI*2/-BRAMBLING and KAMBI*2/KIRITATI were very close to near immunity and showed comparatively higher level of resistance against all the three pathotypes. Disease severity in resistant genotypes was traced type 5 to 6% in both years, while it was 60 to 80% in the case of susceptible genotypes, that is, ‘Agra Local’ (S1). Similar pattern was observed for AUDPC, that is, <250.0 in the resistant genotypes, while it was beyond 1000.0 in ‘Agra Local’. The shorter mean latent (7.67) and incubation period (6.0) was observed in susceptible genotypes, that is, ‘Agra Local’ to all the resistant genotypes, that is, LP (10 to 12) and IP (9 to 10); while testing against all the three different pathotypes. Linked microsatellite markers were used to confirm the presence of different rust resistance genes required to achieve near immunity. Out of 10 primers, nine produced gene specific bands with all genotypes except the control, that is, Agra Local. Genotypes which showed slow rusting, had longer latent period and incubation period as well as reduced percent disease severity and confirmed the presence of four to five resistance genes including slow rusting genes, that is, Lr46 and Lr50. This indicates that these genotypes have potential durable resistance and can be used as parental lines in the development of more durable rust resistance.Key words: Near immunity, pathotypes, Puccinia triticina, SSR

    Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activity of bark of Gardenia latifolia

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    Gardenia latifolia (Rubiaceae) is commonly known as Indian boxwood or Ceylon boxwood, is a densely foliaceous small tree that occurs throughout the greater parts of Indian common in deciduous forests along the streams. The stem bark and fruits are reported to be used in the treatment of various ailments such as snake bite, skin diseases, stomach pains, caries in humans and ephemeral fever in live stocks. Many beneficial medicinal products are used to treat various serious diseases and disorders like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases without side effects. Hence our study focused to investigate the phytochemical analysis, quantification of bioactive compounds, in vitro free radical scavenging activity (DPPH radical method), anti-inflammatory activity (Carrageenan induced hind paw oedema ), in vitro anti-diabetic activity by enzyme inhibition activity of bark of Gardenia latifolia (hydroalcoholic extract) which has boundless medicinal properties. The results of this study showed the evidence that the extracts when tested for their phytochemicals and free radical scavenging activity were found to have considerable antioxidant potential. This plant also exhibit better in vitro enzyme inhibitory activity and anti-inflammatory activity. The results of this study indicate that the hydroalcoholic extract of Gardenia latifolia bark has significant pharmacological properties. Keywords: Gardenia latifolia, Phytochemical analysis, DPPH radical method, Anti-inflammatory activity, Anti-diabetic activit

    Stromal Tumor Microenvironment in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Regulation of Leukemic Progression

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    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), the most prevalent adult leukemia in western countries, which is highly heterogeneous with a very variable clinical outcome. Emerging evidence indicates that the stromal tumor microenvironment (STME) and stromal associated genes (SAG) play important roles in the pathogenesis and progression of CLL. However, the precise mechanisms by which STME and SAG are involved in this process remain unknown. In an attempt to explore the role of STME in this process, we examined the expression levels of stromal associated genes using gene expression profiling (GEP) of CLL cells from lymph nodes (LN) (n=15), bone marrow (BM) (n=18), and peripheral blood (PB) (n=20). Interestingly, LUM, MMP9, MYLK, ITGA9, CAV1, CAV2, FBN1, PARVA, CALD1, ITGB5 and EHD2 were found to be overexpressed while ITGB2, DLC1 and ITGA6 were under expressed in LN-CLL compared to BM-CLL and PB-CLL. This is suggestive of a role for LN-mediated TME in CLL cell survival/progression. Among these genes, expression of MYLK, CAV1 and CAV2 correlated with clinical outcome as determined by time to first treatment. Together, our studies show that members of the stromal signature, particularly in the CLL cells from lymph nodes, regulate CLL cell survival and proliferation and thus leukemic progression
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