181 research outputs found

    TESTING OF THE RICARDIAN EQUIVALENCE PROPOSITION An Empirical Examination for Malaysia (1962-2006)

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    This paper investigates the effects of debts and budgetary deficit on real variables using structural Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method with long-run restrictions. We compare our estimates of the impulse responses with those based on levels Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) with standard recursive order restrictions. The test is conducted on the Malaysian data covering the period of 1962-2006. The empirical results do not support the existence of Ricardian Equivalence hypothesis. The effects of budgetary deficit and government spending have a significant influence on private consumption and private investment

    Testing of the Ricardian Equivalence proposition: An Empirical Examination for Malaysia (1962-2006)

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    This paper investigates the effects of debts and budgetary deficit on real variables using structural Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method with long-run restrictions. We compare our estimates of the impulse responses with those based on levels Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) with standard recursive order restrictions. The test is conducted on the Malaysian data covering the period of 1962-2006. The empirical results do not support the existence of “Ricardian Equivalence” hypothesis. The effects of budgetary deficit and government spending have a significant influence on private consumption and private investment

    Logistic Regression Models to Forecast Travelling Behaviour in Tripoli City

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    Transport modes are very important to Libyan’s Tripoli residents for their daily trips. However, the total number of own car and private transport namely taxi and micro buses on the road increases and causes many problems such as traffic congestion, accidents, air and noise pollution. These problems then causes other related phenomena to the travel activities such as delay in trips, stress and frustration to motorists which may affect their productivity and efficiency to both workers and students. Delay may also increase travel cost as well inefficiency in trips making if compare to other public transport users in some Arabs cities. Switching to public transport (PT) modes alternatives such as buses, light rail transit and underground train could improve travel time and travel costs. A transport study has been carried out at Tripoli City Authority areas among own car users who live in areas with inadequate of private transport and poor public transportation services. Analyses about relation between factors such as travel time, travel cost, trip purpose and parking cost have been made to answer research questions. Logistic regression technique has been used to analyse these factors that influence users to switch their trips mode to public transport alternatives

    Freeze-Thaw Performance and Moisture-Induced Damage Resistance of Base Course Stabilized with Slow Setting Bitumen Emulsion-Portland Cement Additives

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    Freeze-thaw (FT) cycles and moisture susceptibility are important factors influencing the geotechnical characteristics of soil-aggregates. Given the lack of published information on the behavior of cement-bitumen emulsion-treated base (CBETB) under environmental conditions, especially freezing and thawing, this study investigated the effects of these additives on the CBETB performance. The primary goal was to evaluate the resistance of CBETB to moisture damage by performing FT, Marshall conditioning, and AASHTO T-283 tests and to evaluate the long-term stripping susceptibility of CBETB while also predicting the liquid antistripping additives to assess the mixture’s durability and workability. Specimens were stabilized with Portland cement (0%–6%), bitumen emulsion (0%–5%), and Portland cement-bitumen emulsion mixtures and cured for 7 days, and their short- and long-term performances were studied. Evaluation results of both the Marshall stability ratio and the tensile strength ratio show that the additions of additives increase the resistance of the mixtures to moisture damage. Results of durability tests performed for determining the resistance of compacted specimens to repeated FT cycles indicate that the specimen with the 4% cement-3% bitumen emulsion mixture significantly improves water absorption, volume changes, and weight losses. This indicates the effectiveness of this additive as a road base stabilizer with excellent engineering properties for cold regions

    Top management capabilities and performance of halal product

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of top management capabilities inclusiveof global mindset (GM), foreign knowledge (FK) and international firm performance (IP).Design/methodology/approach – This paper opted for a descriptive study using structuredquestionnaires involving 118 Malaysian small medium enterprises (SMEs) that are currently marketing theirproducts abroad with halal JAKIM certification. Multiple regression analysis was applied to test the influenceof the two variables on international performance.Findings – The findings revealed both GM and FK significantly influence IP, which is crucial to overcomeSMEs’ resistance to go international.Research limitations/implications – This study only focusses on the niche market which is halalexport product, thus the findings may not be generalized to other sectors. Furthermore, the firm size mightalso influence the significant contribution of top management.Originality/value – This paper is a part of ongoing study of internal capabilities and international firmperformance among SMEs halal product manufacturers in developing countries

    Epistemology of Laduni Science on Muhammad Al-Ghazali Thought

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    In essence, epistemology is a combination of thinking rationally and thinking empirically. This way of thinking is combined in the study of natural phenomena to discover the truth, the mind and the senses. Therefore, epistemology is an attempt to interpret and prove the belief that we know another fact, other than ourselves. The purpose of this research is to discover the workings and concepts of epistemology of science according to Al-Ghazali? And how the acquisition of knowledge and truth through Laduni science. The results showed that Al-Ghazali thought that Laduni science came from God directly into the human soul, the perfect soul of a clean and ready soul to muwajahah with God, that is where the science of God will be radiated. There are several methods to acquire laduni science. First, through the search of all the science and the most perfect part of a large number of available. Second, through the method of riyadhah and muraqabah. Third, through the method of reflection (tafakur). Fourth, through the method of inspiration. Fifth, through the tazkiyat an-Nafs method, the purification of the human soul through takhalli and tahalli stages. Sixth, through the method of zikr.Epistemologi pada hakikatnya merupakan gabungan antara berpikir secara rasional dan berpikir secara empiris. Cara berpikir tersebut digabungkan dalam mempelajari gejala alam untuk menemukan kebenaran yakni pikiran dan indra. Oleh sebab itu, epistemologi adalah usaha untuk menafsir dan membuktikan keyakinan bahwa kita mengetahui kenyataan yang lain dari diri sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan cara kerja dan konsep epistemologi ilmu menurut Al-Ghazali? Serta bagaimana perolehan  pengetahuan  dan  kebenaran  melalui ilmu Ladunni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Al-Ghazali berpandangan bahwa ilmu Ladunni itu datang dari Tuhan secara langsung ke dalam jiwa manusia, yakni jiwa yang sempurna jiwa yang bersih dan siap ber-muwajahah dengan Tuhan, di sanalah ilmu Tuhan akan terpancar. Adapun beberapa metode untuk memperoleh ilmu Ladunni, pertama, melalui pencarian seluruh ilmu dan pengambilan bagian yang paling sempurna dari sejumlah besar yang ada. Kedua, melalui metode riyadhah dan muraqabah. Ketiga, melalui metode tafakur. Keempat, ialah metode pengilhaman. Kelima, metode tazkiyat an-Nafs yaitu proses penyucian jiwa manusia melalui tahapan takhalli dan tahalli. Keenam, ialah metode zikir

    Governance strategies in sustainable campus using Rasch model

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    In moving towards sustainability, university needs to establish a good governance strategy which practices to transform a positive sustainable culture toward successful green campus. Howe ver, due to constraint of knowledge and commitment regarding sustainability integration has caused weakness in the implementation of green concept in majority of Malaysian universities. This paper is presents one of the five dimensions of a developed hypot hetical integrated sustainable campus model which is university governance. The university governance dimension consists of 5 constructs and 23 items which are strategies for the university to be complied. These strategies were uncovered using questionnair e survey with 35 selected experts who are currently active in sustainable campus activities and researches. Collected data from this survey was analysed using Rasch method in Winstep software to measure items reliability, separation index, items polarity, item fit and item person map. Results from the analysis indicated that 19 strategies were significant to be implemented. Thus, it provides good information for universities to adopt these sustainable campus strategies in making their campus as a role mode l for a sustainable and conducive living environment

    Water mass characteristics in the Strait of Malacca using ocean data view.

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    The main purpose of this project was to identify the pattern of water masses in Malacca Strait. The physical properties of seawater investigated were water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen over the Monsoon season. Ocean data view software was used to process the data and to create contour visualizations. Data from world ocean database were taken from 1900 to 2005. The results show the significant low salinity input from West coast Peninsular Malaysia in Northeast Monsoon season. During Southwest Monsoon period, there was an intrusion of high saline water from Andaman Sea to the Strait. The blowing of Southwesterly wind may push seawater from Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea intruding the Strait from the Northern sector. The Strait also were found to be more stratified in warmer condition. However, Southern sections are more homogeneous in every season indicating better mixing. This further study can improve the better understanding of seasonal water mass variation in the Strait of Malacca

    Pengaruh Kematangan Vokasional dan Hard Skill terhdap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa Kelas XI Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Pengelasan SMKN 2 Pare-Pare

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kematangan vokasional dan hard-skils terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa kelas xi kompetensi keahlian teknik pengelasan SMKN 2 Pare-pare. Variable bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah kematangan vokasional dan hard skils serta variable terikatnya adalah kesiapan kerja. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas xi kompetensi keahlian Teknik pengelasan SMKN 2 Pare-pare. Peneliti menggunakan bantuan aplikasi SPSS V. 25 dalam analisis data dengan taraf signifikan 5% untuk melihat besarnya pengaruh variable bebas terhadap variable terikat Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)tidak terdapat pengaruh kematangan vokasional terhadap kesiapan kerja ditunjukkan dengan r x1y 0,026 dan r2 x1y 0,001. Hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa besar pengaruh kematangan vokasional terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 0,01%. (2)terdapat pengaruh positif Hard-skils terhadap kesiapan kerja ditunjukkan dengan r x1y 0,543 dan r2 x1y 0,295. Hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa hard-skils berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 29,5 %. (3) terdapat pengaruh positif kematangan vokasional dan hard-skils secara simultan terhadap kesiapan kerja ditunjukkan dengan R y(1,2) 0,580, R2 y(1,2)0,273. Hal tersebut menyatakan bahwa kematangan vokasional dan hard-skils mempunyai pengaruh secara simultan terhadap kesiapan kerja sebesar 27,3% sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 72,7 % dipengaruhi oleh variable lain yang tidak bahas dalam penelitian ini. Keywords: Kematangan vokasional, hard-skils, kesiapan kerj

    Level of readiness to become entrepreneurs among lifelong learning programmes participants in Malaysian community colleges

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    An entrepreneur needs to be physically and mentally prepared, with creative thinking skills, risk taker attitudes, as well as being a wise decision maker. Individuals aiming to be successful entrepreneurs need to have adequate entrepreneurial readiness with respect to knowledge, interests, motivation and abilities. The purpose of the research is to measure the level of readiness towards becoming entrepreneurs among participants of the lifelong learning programme in Malaysian community colleges. This research focuses on four elements of readiness comprising knowledge, interest, motivation and ability which were measured using a self-perception questionnaire. The sample for this research consisted of 236 participants from 305 students in the Lifelong Learning (LL) programme for Pastry making at Malaysian community colleges under the Ministry of Education. Data were analysed using mean and Kruskal Wallis test. The data analyses results show that the level of readiness from the aspect of knowledge (M = 3.67, SD = 0.58) is moderate, interest (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high, motivation (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high and ability (M = 3.8852, SD = 0.64) is moderate. No difference was found on entrepreneurial readiness between participants of different age groups indicating that age may not be a contributing factor towards entrepreneurship among pastry making LL programme participants