74 research outputs found

    Solution state and complexing ability of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane toward iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II)

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. The solution state and thermodynamic stability of complexes of the new antituberculosis agent 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane (L) with iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II) in an aqueous solution in the presence and in the absence of the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 were studied by spectrophotometry, pH potentiometry, NMR relaxation technique (T = 25 °C; variable ionic strength), and mathematical simulation. The geometry optimization of all structures was carried out by the molecular mechanics method MM2 in order to obtain data on coordination modes. In addition, the structure of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane was refined by the DFT/B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) quantum chemical method using the IEFPCM model to take into account solvent effects. In an aqueous solution (in the concentration range of 1.3•10 –5 —1•10 –3 mol L–1) and in the presence of Brij 35, 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane exists as a neutral monomer. The Beer—Lambert—Bouguer law is obeyed in a wide concentration range for compound L in an aqueous solution, as well as in the pres ence of the surfactant, which can be used for the quantification of compound L. Iron(III), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) were shown to form 1: 1 mononuclear complexes with L; and copper(II) forms, 1: 1 and 2: 2 complexes. The presence of Brij 35 in the Cu 2+ —L system at a micellar concentration promotes the formation of a dinuclear complex

    Investigation of thin films MgAl2O4, deposited on the Si substrates by vacuum thermal evaporation

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    The article presents data on the study of X-ray structural and microstructural characteristics of thin films of aluminum-magnesium spinel MgAl2O4 deposited on Si substrates by vacuum thermal evaporation. MgAl2O4 films have a polycrystalline rhombic structure. The values of the unit cell parameters of MgAl2O4 are calculated. Scanning electron and atomic force microscopy showed that MgAl2O4 films have a densely packed structure without cracks. Physical characteristics and good adhesion of MgAl2O4 thin films to silicon substrates indicate their possibility of using in devices of opto- and microelectronics

    Интегральная модель диагностики и наблюдения больных саркоидозом в современных условия

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    The aim of the work performed was to develop a modern model of diagnosis and observation of sacroidosis patients. We examined 144 patients, and sarcoidosis was diagnosed in 109 of them. Each the third case of sarcoidosis was histologically verified. The phthysiatric facilities played the leading role in detecting sarcoidosis-like diseases and definition of the patients' contagiosity. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis and topic detection of injured organs require a complex examination in a modern diagnostic centre including various specialists' consultations. Such approach allows to assess a real spread of the disease, a rate of extrapuimonary lesions and efficacy of different therapeutic methods. The authors propose to create a national consensus on sarcoidosis.Задачей работы была отработка современной модели диагностики и наблюдения за больными саркоидозом. Были обследованы 144 пациента, у которых в 109 был подтвержден саркоидоз. В каждом третьем случае была проведена гистологическая верификация диагноза. В раннем выявлении состояний, сходных с саркоидозом, и исключения контагиозности пациентов при дальнейшем обследовании ведущая роль была отведена фтизиатрической службе. Верификация диагноза и топическая диагностика поражения органов и систем при саркоидозе требует комплексного обследования в условиях современного диагностического центра с привлечением специалистов различного профиля. Это позволит оценить реальную распространенность саркоидоза, частоту внелегочных поражений и эффективность различных методов лечения. Авторы предлагают приступить к выработке национального соглашения по данному заболеванию

    Тонометрическое внутриглазное давление у взрослого населения: популяционное исследование

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    PURPOSE: To study the distribution of intraocular pressure (IOP) obtained by Maklakov tonometry in different age groups.METHODS: The study evaluated Caucasians without glaucoma aged 45-75. The participants underwent Maklakov tonometry with a 10 g tonometer at 09:00-12:00 with subsequent imprint evaluation by means of NesterovEgorov scale, measurements of central corneal thickness (CCT) and visual acuity. All the participants were divided into 3 groups by age: Group 1 consisted of participants aged 45-55, Group 2 comprised the ones aged 56-65, Group 3 included patients aged 66-75.RESULTS: In total 791 person were enrolled; 1 429 of 1 499 eyes (95.3%) were accepted into the study. IOP in Group I was 16.1±3.3 mmHg in Group 1; 16.3±3.3 in Group 2; 16.2±3.5 mmHg in Group 3. CCT in Group 1 was 545.7±14.6 μm; 545.3±15.4 μm in Group 2; 544.7±14.6 μm in Group 3. Visual acuity was 0.93±0.13 in Group 1; 0.89±0.15 in Group 2; 0.81±0.18 in Group 3. Average IOP in men was 16.4±3.3 mmHg, in women 16.5±3.3 mmHg. Age, vision acuity, CCT and IOP were within the normal distribution; IOP and CCT had no significant differences between the age groups. The measured parameters showed no significant intercorrelation. We found no significant difference between IOP in men and women.CONCLUSION: In a healthy population CCT and IOP values fall within a normal distribution and do not change significantly with age. IOP does not depend on sex. Average IOP in the studied population is 16.2±3.4 mmHg, average CCT is 545.3±15.1 μm.ЦЕЛЬ. Исследовать возрастные нормы внутриглазного давления (ВГД) при использовании тонометрии по Маклакову.МЕТОДЫ. Обследовали лиц европеоидной расы без глаукомы в возрасте 45-75 лет. Исследуемым измеряли ВГД тонометром Маклакова весом 10 грамм в период с 9:00 до 12:00 с последующей оценкой отпечатка по линейке Нестерова - Егорова, измеряли центральную толщину роговицы (ЦТР) и проверяли остроту зрения. Всех исследуемых разделили на три группы по возрасту: группа 1 — 45-55 лет, группа 2 — 56-65 лет, группа 3 — 66-75 лет.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Обследован 791 человек; из 1 499 глаз приняты 1 429 (95,3%). ВГД составило в группе 1 — 16,1±3,3 мм рт.ст.; в группе 2 — 16,3±3,3 мм рт.ст.; в группе 3 — 16,2±3,5 мм рт.ст. ЦТР составило в группе 1 — 545,7±14,6 мкм; в группе 2 — 545,3±15,4 мкм; в группе 3 — 544,7±14,6 мкм. Острота зрения составила в группе 1 — 0,93±0,13; в группе 2 — 0,89±0,15; в группе 3 — 0,81±0,18. Среднее ВГД у мужчин — 16,4±3,3 мм рт.ст., у женщин — 16,5±3,3 мм рт.ст. Возраст, острота зрения, ЦТР и ВГД имеют нормальное распределение; ВГД и ЦТР в разных группах достоверно не различаются. Наблюдаемые параметры ни в одном случае значимо не коррелируют друг с другом. Не выявлено разницы в ВГД у мужчин и женщин.ВЫВОДЫ. В здоровой взрослой популяции ЦТР и ВГД имеют нормальное распределение и не претерпевают значимых изменений с возрастом. ВГД не зависит от пола. Среднее ВГД в исследуемой популяции составляет 16,2±3,4 мм рт.ст., средняя ЦТР — 545,3±15,1 мкм

    Solution state and complexing ability of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane toward iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II)

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. The solution state and thermodynamic stability of complexes of the new antituberculosis agent 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane (L) with iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II) in an aqueous solution in the presence and in the absence of the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 were studied by spectrophotometry, pH potentiometry, NMR relaxation technique (T = 25 °C; variable ionic strength), and mathematical simulation. The geometry optimization of all structures was carried out by the molecular mechanics method MM2 in order to obtain data on coordination modes. In addition, the structure of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane was refined by the DFT/B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) quantum chemical method using the IEFPCM model to take into account solvent effects. In an aqueous solution (in the concentration range of 1.3•10 –5 —1•10 –3 mol L–1) and in the presence of Brij 35, 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane exists as a neutral monomer. The Beer—Lambert—Bouguer law is obeyed in a wide concentration range for compound L in an aqueous solution, as well as in the pres ence of the surfactant, which can be used for the quantification of compound L. Iron(III), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) were shown to form 1: 1 mononuclear complexes with L; and copper(II) forms, 1: 1 and 2: 2 complexes. The presence of Brij 35 in the Cu 2+ —L system at a micellar concentration promotes the formation of a dinuclear complex

    Solution state and complexing ability of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane toward iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II)

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. The solution state and thermodynamic stability of complexes of the new antituberculosis agent 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane (L) with iron(III), copper(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), and manganese(II) in an aqueous solution in the presence and in the absence of the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 were studied by spectrophotometry, pH potentiometry, NMR relaxation technique (T = 25 °C; variable ionic strength), and mathematical simulation. The geometry optimization of all structures was carried out by the molecular mechanics method MM2 in order to obtain data on coordination modes. In addition, the structure of 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane was refined by the DFT/B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) quantum chemical method using the IEFPCM model to take into account solvent effects. In an aqueous solution (in the concentration range of 1.3•10 –5 —1•10 –3 mol L–1) and in the presence of Brij 35, 1,4-bis(amidomethylsulfinyl)butane exists as a neutral monomer. The Beer—Lambert—Bouguer law is obeyed in a wide concentration range for compound L in an aqueous solution, as well as in the pres ence of the surfactant, which can be used for the quantification of compound L. Iron(III), cobalt(II), and nickel(II) were shown to form 1: 1 mononuclear complexes with L; and copper(II) forms, 1: 1 and 2: 2 complexes. The presence of Brij 35 in the Cu 2+ —L system at a micellar concentration promotes the formation of a dinuclear complex