9 research outputs found

    Emotion and themes recognition in music utilising convolutional and recurrent neural networks

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    Emotion is an inherent aspect of music, and associations to music can be made via both life experience and specific musical techniques applied by the composer. Computational approaches for music recognition have been well-established in the research community; however, deep approaches have been limited and not yet comparable to conventional approaches. In this study, we present our fusion system of end-to-end convolutional recurrent neural networks (CRNN) and pre-trained convolutional feature extractors for music emotion and theme recognition1. We train 9 models and conduct various late fusion experiments. Our best performing model (team name: AugLi) achieves 74.2 % ROC-AUC on the test partition which is 1.6 percentage points over the baseline system of the MediaEval 2019 Emotion & Themes in Music task

    Automatic Classification of Autistic Child Vocalisations: A Novel Database and Results

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    Humanoid robots have in recent years shown great promise for supporting the educational needs of children on the autism spectrum. To further improve the efficacy of such interactions, user-adaptation strategies based on the individual needs of a child are required. In this regard, the proposed study assesses the suitability of a range of speech-based classification approaches for automatic detection of autism severity according to the com- monly used Social Responsiveness Scale ™ second edition (SRS- 2). Autism is characterised by socialisation limitations including child language and communication ability. When compared to neurotypical children of the same age these can be a strong indi- cation of severity. This study introduces a novel dataset of 803 utterances recorded from 14 autistic children aged between 4 – 10 years, during Wizard-of-Oz interactions with a humanoid robot. Our results demonstrate the suitability of support vector machines (SVMs) which use acoustic feature sets from multiple Interspeech C OM P AR E challenges. We also evaluate deep spec- trum features, extracted via an image classification convolutional neural network (CNN) from the spectrogram of autistic speech instances. At best, by using SVMs on the acoustic feature sets, we achieved a UAR of 73.7 % for the proposed 3-class task

    The ACM Multimedia 2023 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: emotion share & requests

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    The ACM Multimedia 2023 Computational Paralinguistics Chal- lenge addresses two different problems for the first time in a re- search competition under well-defined conditions: In the Emotion Share Sub-Challenge, a regression on speech has to be made; and in the Requests Sub-Challenges, requests and complaints need to be de- tected. We describe the Sub-Challenges, baseline feature extraction, and classifiers based on the ‘usual’ ComParE features, the auDeep toolkit, and deep feature extraction from pre-trained CNNs using the DeepSpectrum toolkit; in addition, wav2vec2 models are used

    The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: Vocalisations, Stuttering, Activity, & Mosquitoes

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    The ACM Multimedia 2022 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses four different problems for the first time in a research competition under well-defined conditions: In the Vocalisations and Stuttering Sub-Challenges, a classification on human non-verbal vocalisations and speech has to be made; the Activity Sub-Challenge aims at beyond-audio human activity recognition from smartwatch sensor data; and in the Mosquitoes Sub-Challenge, mosquitoes need to be detected. We describe the Sub-Challenges, baseline feature extraction, and classifiers based on the usual ComPaRE and BoAW features, the auDeep toolkit, and deep feature extraction from pre-trained CNNs using the DeepSpectRum toolkit; in addition, we add end-to-end sequential modelling, and a log-mel-128-BNN

    The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: COVID-19 cough, COVID-19 speech, escalation & primates

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    The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses four different problems for the first time in a research competition under well-defined conditions: In the COVID-19 Cough and COVID-19 Speech Sub-Challenges, a binary classification on COVID-19 infection has to be made based on coughing sounds and speech; in the Escalation Sub- Challenge, a three-way assessment of the level of escalation in a dialogue is featured; and in the Primates Sub-Challenge, four species vs background need to be classified. We describe the Sub-Challenges, baseline feature extraction, and classifiers based on the 'usual' COMPARE and BoAW features as well as deep unsupervised representation learning using the AUDEEP toolkit, and deep feature extraction from pre-trained CNNs using the DEEP SPECTRUM toolkit; in addition, we add deep end-to-end sequential modelling, and partially linguistic analysis

    The INTERSPEECH 2018 computational paralinguistics challenge:atypical & self-assessed affect, crying & heart beats

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    Abstract The INTERSPEECH 2018 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses four different problems for the first time in a research competition under well-defined conditions: In the Atypical Affect Sub-Challenge, four basic emotions annotated in the speech of handicapped subjects have to be classified; in the Self-Assessed Affect Sub-Challenge, valence scores given by the speakers themselves are used for a three-class classification problem; in the Crying Sub-Challenge, three types of infant vocalisations have to be told apart; and in the Heart Beats Sub-Challenge, three different types of heart beats have to be determined. We describe the Sub-Challenges, their conditions and baseline feature extraction and classifiers, which include data-learnt (supervised) feature representations by end-to-end learning, the ‘usual’ ComParE and BoAW features and deep unsupervised representation learning using the AUDEEP toolkit for the first time in the challenge series

    The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: COVID-19 Cough, COVID-19 Speech, Escalation & Primates

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    The INTERSPEECH 2021 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge addresses four different problems for the first time in a research competition under well-defined conditions: In the COVID-19 Cough and COVID-19 Speech Sub-Challenges, a binary classification on COVID-19 infection has to be made based on coughing sounds and speech; in the Escalation Sub- Challenge, a three-way assessment of the level of escalation in a dialogue is featured; and in the Primates Sub-Challenge, four species vs background need to be classified. We describe the Sub-Challenges, baseline feature extraction, and classifiers based on the 'usual' COMPARE and BoAW features as well as deep unsupervised representation learning using the AUDEEP toolkit, and deep feature extraction from pre-trained CNNs using the DEEP SPECTRUM toolkit; in addition, we add deep end-to-end sequential modelling, and partially linguistic analysis