17 research outputs found
Influence of the Application of Organic Selenium in Duck Concentrate Mixtures on the Sensory Properties of Duck Meat
There are data in the literature on the influence of higher amounts of organic selenium on production results, and the obtained results indicate that high levels of organic selenium added to feed (even up to 15 mg / kg) of chickens did not have a negative effect on production results. Also, in the literature related to chicken nutrition there is data on the use of different forms (inorganic, organic) and different amounts of selenium on carcass meat, pH value of meat, ability to bind water, chemical parameters of meat quality, oxidative stability of meat, and and on the sensory properties of broiler meat. Of particular importance are the studies of the possibility of using increased amounts of organic selenium in poultry nutrition in order to enrich meat with selenium. This is of particular importance for the nutritional value of meat, and in connection with this, human health. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding different amounts of organic selenium (ALKOSELĀ® R397) in concentrate mixtures on the sensory properties of meat streams.
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DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.01
The quality of grass silage and haylage on farms in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of this research paper was to determine the value of grass silage and haylage on farms for milk production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and on the basis of a result analysis to make recommendations for improving the quality of forage and for feeding dairy cows. We analysed samples of grass silage from 10 farms and haylage samples from 17 farms having more than 20 dairy cows in the herd. The following parameters of grass silage and haylage were determined: the degree of acidity (pH), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude cellulose (CC) and mineral matter (MM). The results show a satisfactory level of average pH values (4.76 grass silage, 5.33 haylage), a satisfactory level of DM (29.80% grass silage, 48.26% haylage), low content of CP (grass silage, 11.66%; 12.69% haylage), high content of CC (43.36% grass silage, 42.03% haylage), low content of MM (2.22 grass silage, 2.05 haylage). The results show large variations in all the tested quality parameters. pH value of silage ranged from 3.74 to 5.92, and for haylage from 4.65 to 6.37; DM grass silage 19.10 to 29.80 and haylage from 37.84 to 64.13; CP grass silage from 6.55 to 18.34 and haylage from 7.36 to 24.36; CC grass silage 23.87 to 57.34 and haylage from 25.76 to 63.76; MM grass silage 1.54 to 2.87 and haylage from 2.10 to 2.87
Buckwheat in the nutrition of cock laying as a factor of egg quality
The subject of this paper is the research of the influence of different ratios of buckwheat, in concentrated feed, on the qualitative values of laying hen eggs. The study was conducted in four groups of laying hens: one control and three experimental, which were formed with respect to different proportions of buckwheat in meals. Within the first group of laying hens, a concentrated feed mixture with 10% relative share of buckwheat was used, within the second group with 20% relative share of buckwheat and within the third group with 30% relative share of buckwheat, while in the control group standard concentrated food was used. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that buckwheat in the meal of laying hens has positive effects on quality, physical properties, sensory properties and frequency of carrying. It was shown that there are statistically significant differences in mean values āāfor the following variables: protein content in egg white, protein content in egg yolk (%), fat content in egg yolk (%), where the highest value was recorded in the third group of laying hens. Also, statistically significant differences were found in terms of shell weight (g), shell thickness (mm), yolk diameter (mm) and egg white pH. The highest average frequency of egg laying was found in the first group and the lowest average frequency of egg laying was in the control group. The general conclusion is that buckwheat can be used in poultry feed, because it has a much greater positive than negative effect on the production and quality characteristics of eggs for consumption
The production, purchase and processing of milk in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of this research was to determine the actual data available to the dairies and to compare them with the statistical data. The actual data obtained from dairy can be used for further research and development of the dairy sector. Dominant production system in BiH are small farms (3-5 cows) dealing with mixed livestock production, with the primary goal of self-sufficiency of which only 3.5% are farms with more than 20 dairy cows. The data used in the paper were derived from statistical agencies, as well as own research in the 7 largest milk processors in B&H (purchase about 86.10% of total milk in B&H). The number of dairy farmers of these 7 largest milk producers was 9.865 in 2015 (and 15.311 in 2012), who owned a total of 49.865 dairy cows in 2015 (42.364 in 2012). Average per producers of raw milk was 5.05 cows in 2015 (or 2.77 cow per producer in 2012). Average milk production per dairy cow was 4.149 L in 2015 (and 4.026 L in 2012). E-class quality of milk is only 77% from the deliverables milk and 68% from the number of samples
The Quality of Grass Silage and Haylage on Farms in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of this research paper was to determine the value of grass silage and haylage on farms for milk production in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and on the basis of a result analysis to make recommendations for improving the quality of forage and for feeding dairy cows. We analysed samples of grass silage from 10 farms and haylage samples from 17 farms having more than 20 dairy cows in the herd. The following parameters of grass silage and haylage were determined: the degree of acidity (pH), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude cellulose (CC) and mineral matter (MM). The results show a satisfactory level of average pH values (4.76 grass silage, 5.33 haylage), a satisfactory level of DM (29.80% grass silage, 48.26% haylage), low content of CP (grass silage, 11.66%; 12.69% haylage), high content of CC (43.36% grass silage, 42.03% haylage), low content of MM (2.22 grass silage, 2.05 haylage). The results show large variations in all the tested quality parameters. pH value of silage ranged from 3.74 to 5.92, and for haylage from 4.65 to 6.37; DM grass silage 19.10 to 29.80 and haylage from 37.84 to 64.13; CP grass silage from 6.55 to 18.34 and haylage from 7.36 to 24.36; CC grass silage 23.87 to 57.34 and haylage from 25.76 to 63.76; MM grass silage 1.54 to 2.87 and haylage from 2.10 to 2.87
Svaki poljoprivredni proizvoÄaÄ koji se bavi intenzivnim tovom piliÄa nastoji da ostvari ekonomiÄno poslovanje, stabilan i dugoroÄan rast. Da bi se to postiglo, vodi se raÄuna o iskoriÅ”tenosti kapaciteta farme za tov piliÄa. Kapacitet se može promatrati i kroz gustoÄu naseljenosti koja je jedan od najvažnijih faktora koji utiÄe na tov piliÄa i ekonomiÄnost proizvodnje. Prilikom odreÄivanja gustoÄe naseljenosti u intenzivnom tovu treba voditi raÄuna i o dobrobiti piliÄa i maksimalnoj dozvoljenoj gustoÄi naseljenosti prema Direktivi vijeÄa 2007/43/EU. Na ekonomiÄnost tova piliÄa utiÄu i drugi faktori,
kao Å”to su: vrsta tovnog hibrida, spol, vrsta i konverzija hrane i zdravlje. Pored ovih faktora utiÄu i adekvatni klimatski uslovi, mortalitet, prodajna cijena pileÄeg mesa koja se može postiÄi na tržiÅ”tu, moguÄnost plasmana i naplate kao i troÅ”kovi tova. Cilj
istraživanja u ovom radu je bio ispitivanje uticaja gustoÄe naseljenosti na ekonomiÄnost tova piliÄa hibrida Cobb 500. Istraživanje je provedeno na 225 jednodnevnih piliÄa koji
su razmjeÅ”teni u jednake boksove povrÅ”ine 3 m2. Ispitani su ekonomiÄnost tova, bruto dobit, bruto dobit po m2 i piletu, kao i po jedinici mjere kg. Posmatrane su sljedeÄe gustoÄe naseljenosti: kontrolna grupa (G0) je bila naseljena u gustoÄi od 15 piliÄa/m2 Å”to
je tehnoloÅ”ki normativ, ogledna grupa G1 od 13 piliÄa/m2, G2 sa 14 piliÄa/m2, G3 od 16 piliÄa/m2 i G4 sa 17 piliÄa/m2. Uslovi ishrane i ambijentalni uslovi su bili jednaki za sve piliÄe. Posmatrana je ekonomiÄnost prilikom prodaje živih piliÄa na farmi, po kilogramu
žive tjelesne mase, nakon 42 dana tova. Najbolje pokazatelje je imala ogledna grupa G4 sa koeficijentom ekonomiÄnosti 1,18 i stopom bruto dobiti od 15,51%, a najloÅ”iji rezultat je imala kontrolna grupa G1 gdje je ostvaren koeficijent ekonomiÄnosti 1,00 i bez bruto
Comparative exterior measures of pramenka sheep raised in three localities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of the research was to measure the basic external characteristics of Pramenka sheep (ridge height, from the ground to the highest ridge point, lower back height, from the ground to the highest lower back point, hull lenght, chest width, chest depth, chest circumference, hull circumference, shin circumference, body weight) with the aim of comparing the measured values in order to asses the impact of breeding areas on them. Domestic kind Pramenka (Kupres strain, VlaÅ”iÄ strain) were used in this research. There were 36 sheeps in the experimental group, and the same number in the control group. Experimets were performed on long-term purebred herds of Pramenka on three private farms in the Una-Sana Canton, 2 municipilities of Cazin, 1 municipality of BihaÄ, as well as on one private farm in Central Bosnia (area of the municipality of Travnik), and one in the municipality of Kupres (Livno Canton). Based on the presented average values of the external properties of Pramenka sheep and their variations for all examined localities, we can conclude the following: that the sheep are longer in relation to their height and that the Pramenka is of medium physical development, that the differences in body measures in the examined areas are greatly influenced by the origin of certain breeds of Pramenka sheep (Kupres strain, VlaÅ”iÄ strain), as well as the quality of pastures and unequal access to food. By comparing our results with the results of other authors who examined the exterior of other strains of Pramenka (from region in Croatia: Rab, Lika, Pag, Istria) in our wider enviroment concluded that VlaÅ”iÄ Pramenka is the largest strain of Pramenka in this area
Protection and animal welfare in farming practices for milk production in region of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina
The main goal of the research is to determine the conditions of welfare and housing of farm animals for milk production. Milk producers in the region of northeastern BiH are not informed enough about the protection and welfare of animals. This research was conducted in May 2012. The results were obtained on the basis of the questionnaire methodology in five freedoms in the welfare and accommodation of animals (Webster, 1987). Farms are divided into three groups, farms that have up to 5 dairy cows (they are in majority in the region), farms that have up to 20 dairy cows and farms with more than 20 dairy cows. On farms that have up to 5 dairy cows all farms posses tied system of keeping cows and cows are kept in closed conditions. Farms with up to 20 dairy cows also a large percentage of 67% related to the system of keeping cows in indoor conditions. A smaller part of the farm has a free system of keeping cows and stables open with good light and ventilation. Only 16% of farms with more than 20 dairy cows are tied housing system and the rest of the free system of keeping cows. All farms meet freedom from hunger and thirst, but the big problem is freedom from discomfort, freedom from stress and fear, freedom of injury and illness and the freedom to express natural behavior. The research was carried out within the project "Improvement of milk production in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina" funded by the Development Agency of the Czech Republic
Protection and Animal Welfare in Farming Practices for Milk Production in Region of Northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina
The main goal of the research is to determine the conditions of welfare and housing of farm animals for milk production. Milk producers in the region of northeastern BiH are not informed enough about the protection and welfare of animals. This research was conducted in May 2012. The results were obtained on the basis of the questionnaire methodology in five freedoms in the welfare and accommodation of animals (Webster, 1987). Farms are divided into three groups, farms that have up to 5 dairy cows (they are in majority in the region), farms that have up to 20 dairy cows and farms with more than 20 dairy cows. On farms that have up to 5 dairy cows all farms posses tied system of keeping cows and cows are kept in closed conditions. Farms with up to 20 dairy cows also a large percentage of 67% related to the system of keeping cows in indoor conditions. A smaller part of the farm has a free system of keeping cows and stables open with good light and ventilation. Only 16% of farms with more than 20 dairy cows are tied housing system and the rest of the free system of keeping cows. All farms meet freedom from hunger and thirst, but the big problem is freedom from discomfort, freedom from stress and fear, freedom of injury and illness and the freedom to express natural behavior. The research was carried out within the project "Improvement of milk production in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina" funded by the Development Agency of the Czech Republic
Control of corn silage quality on farms for milk production in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina
The research objective was to monitor and compare the quality of corn silage on farms in the period 2008-2012 by years of the research. The analysis of corn silage was done at 65 farms in the northern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where is the largest production of raw milk-about 85 % of total production in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The medium value of crude protein (CP) per years of the research is 6.94 % in 2008; 6.82 % in 2010 and 6.31 % in 2012. The acidity (pH), the medium value per years of the research is 3.81 in 2008; 4.03 in 2010 and 4.01 in 2012. The medium value of crude cellulose (SC) per years of the research is 31.69 % in 2008; 31.9 % in 2010 and 33.99 % in 2012. The moisture content (SV), the medium value per years of the research is 68.48 % in 2008; 68.75 % in 2010 and finally, 68.43 % in 2012