11 research outputs found

    Integrated System For Forest Fire Early Detection and Management

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    Abstract Background and Purpose: Forest fires are a universal problem that both confronts and confounds many countries. Such fires not only destroy large amount of natural resources, but also destroys wildlife and their natural habitat, wreaks general havoc on ecosystems and creates environmental pollution. For all that, fire fighting is one of todayā€™s most important matters for natural and environmental resource protection and preservation. Material and Methods: The growing concern regarding environmental devastation of this kind is the underlying reason for the development of modern fire-detection system. Forest-fire automatic detection is a complex problem that involves substantial amount of various sensorial information and data. Furthermore, the reliability of automatic detection systems is still a significant issue in the domain. This paper presents a scheme of an integrated system for early detection of forest fires. The system uses a telecommunication network to link several components for cooperative detection. The perception system is based on a network of sensorial stations and central stations. The sensorial stations collect data including infrared and visual images and meteorological information. The central stations exchange data to perform distributed analysis. An implementation of the system has been carried out at the Ruđer BoÅ”ković Institute, Centre for Informatics and Computing. The paper includes some experiments carried out in the Natural Park of island Mljet and Molat (Croatia) (1). Results: This paper proposes a new distributed intelligent system for reliable forest-fire detection based on the integration of information from several distributed sensors and sources of information

    Computer supported thermography monitoring of hand strength evaluation by electronic dynamometer in rheumatoid arthritis ā€“ a pilot study

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    This paper describes the implementation of a new dynamometer system with thermography monitoring of heat dissipation, and the implications of this new system in physiatry, rheumatology and neurology. The system includes a single data processing algorithm and the concept of motor hand function evaluation involving the determination of quantitative indicators. In rehabilitation medicine, muscle function is assessed during the physical examination of a patient. Although a simple computer- supported approved dynamometer instrument improves the assessment of static strength, it is rarely used in clinical practice where dynamic measurements are preferred. A computer-assisted electronic dynamometer has been developed to enable a clinician to measure dynamic muscle function in standardized manner. Dynamometer comprises a force transducer and a movement transducer interfaced to a personal computer. In the study, dynamic measurement protocols were used that are based on biomechanical analysis. During the execution of test exercise used the method of thermographic recording of heat dissipation using dedicated software for analysis of characteristic parameters. The results obtained showed the possibility of objectification biomechanical properties and heat dissipative characteristics of the hand. The results of data analysis from calculated characteristic parameters show the correlationwith patientsā€™ clinical status, i.e. the motor status of the hand and efficiency of temperature monitoring (standard deviation 0.92.). From the results of this pilot-study it can be concluded that computer supported dynamometer might be suitable for use in diagnostics in physical and rehabilitation medicine, possibily in conjuction with thermography. Further studies on larger numbers of participants are needed to evaluate these preliminary results

    Nova metoda analize i interpretacije biomehanike lokomotornog sustava

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    U ovoj disertaciji ostvaren je sustav i skup algoritama za analizu i interpretaciju lokomotornog sustava. Prihvat podataka o statici i dinamici lokomotornog sustava provodi se zahvaljujući posebno konstruiranom osjetilu nagiba koje spregnuto sa anatomskim lokacijama, nakon elektroničke obrade osnovnog električkog signala, uključujući i analogno digitalnu pretvorbu, daje konačni numerički oblik podataka o inklinaciji anatomske lokacije prema okomici na vodoravan položaj. Taj podatak o inklinaciji može biti shvaćen kao odraz lokomotorne aktivnosti tijela, te kao takav razmotren iz viÅ”e statičkih i dinamičkih aspekata. Skup prostorno raspoređenih takovih pretvornika, podvrgnut je viÅ”ekanalnoj analogno digitalnoj pretvorbi, te obrađen u posebno izrađenom računalnom programu, sposoban je rekonstruirati statiku, odnosno posturu tijela i odgovoriti na razna pitanja iz područja dinamike lokomotornog sustava. Područja dinamike koja se u radu obrađuju su: vremenska domena dinamike vremenskih serija inklinacije anatomskih lokacija, fazni prostor za razmatranje prirode dinamike vremenskih serija i frekvencijska domena tako prikupljenih vremenskih serija. Analiza vremenske domene donosi postupke apriorne i aposteriorne obrade signala inklinacije lokomotornog aparata kao Å”to je obrada specificiranom prijelaznom funkcijom, zatim operacije glađenja i operacija lociranja zadanog segmenta. Prikaz lokomotornog sustava u faznom prostoru donosi jedno rjeÅ”enje problema optimizacije ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ embediranog faznog prostora za prezentaciju nelinearno dinamičkih, ili kaotičnih procesa pomoću osobina Fourierovog spektra, te na taj način daje temelje za izučavanje vremenskih serija lokomotornog sustava iz perspektive nelinearno dinamičkog, ili kaotičnog procesa. Analiza frekvencijske domene uspostavlja i izračunava frekvencijsku prijenosnu karakteristiku kralježnice. Ona također daje za dijagnostiku i analizu potencijalno relevantne parametre i funkcije, kao Å”to su koeficijenti asimetrije i rigidnosti hoda, uvodeći pojam težiÅ”ta harmonijskog sustava iskoriÅ”ten i pri određivanju vremena pomaka, tj. ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ u faznom prostoru. Pri svakom poglavlju sa analitičkom tematikom dati su primjeri.This dissertation creates a system and set of algorithms used for analysis and interpretation of the locomotive system. The accept of data of the static and dynamic of the locomotive system is done thanks to a specially designed slope sensor, which conjugated with anatomical locations, after an electronic processing of the basic electric signal, including the analog - digital conversion, gives a finite numerical form of data about the incline of the anatomical location with respect to the perpendiculum to the horizontal position. This information about the incline can be understood as a reflection of the locomotive activity of the body, and as such be considered from various static and dynamic aspects. The set of such spatially distributed converters that have undergone multi channel analog digital conversion, then processed into a specially designed computer program, is capable of reconstructing static, i.e. the posture of the body, and of answering different questions within the area of the dynamic of the locomotive system. The area of the dynamic that are processed in work are: the time domain of the dynamic of the time series of the anatomical location incline, phase space for the considering of the nature of the time series dynamic, and the frequency domain of so-collected time series. The analysis of the time domain brings apriori and aposteriori processing of the signal of the locomotive apparatus incline, such as the processing with a specific transitive function, and the operation of smoothing and locating a given segment. The review of the locomotive system in phasial space gives one solution to the problem of the optimization of ā€œlag-timeā€, the embedded phasial space for presentation of nonlinear dynamic, or chaotic processes, with the help of the characteristics of the Fourrier spectrum, thus giving ground for study of the locomotive system time series from the perspective of a nonlinear dynamic, or a chaotic process. The analysis of the frequency domain constituting and calculates a frequency, transfer characteristic of the spine. It also gives parameters and functions of potential relevance to diagnostics and analysis, such as the coefficients of asymmetry and rigidity of walk, introducing the term of gravity center of the harmonic system, also used in determining ā€œlag - timeā€ in the phasial space. Every chapter of analytical thematic contains examples and comparisons of healthy and pathological conditions

    Nova metoda analize i interpretacije biomehanike lokomotornog sustava

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    U ovoj disertaciji ostvaren je sustav i skup algoritama za analizu i interpretaciju lokomotornog sustava. Prihvat podataka o statici i dinamici lokomotornog sustava provodi se zahvaljujući posebno konstruiranom osjetilu nagiba koje spregnuto sa anatomskim lokacijama, nakon elektroničke obrade osnovnog električkog signala, uključujući i analogno digitalnu pretvorbu, daje konačni numerički oblik podataka o inklinaciji anatomske lokacije prema okomici na vodoravan položaj. Taj podatak o inklinaciji može biti shvaćen kao odraz lokomotorne aktivnosti tijela, te kao takav razmotren iz viÅ”e statičkih i dinamičkih aspekata. Skup prostorno raspoređenih takovih pretvornika, podvrgnut je viÅ”ekanalnoj analogno digitalnoj pretvorbi, te obrađen u posebno izrađenom računalnom programu, sposoban je rekonstruirati statiku, odnosno posturu tijela i odgovoriti na razna pitanja iz područja dinamike lokomotornog sustava. Područja dinamike koja se u radu obrađuju su: vremenska domena dinamike vremenskih serija inklinacije anatomskih lokacija, fazni prostor za razmatranje prirode dinamike vremenskih serija i frekvencijska domena tako prikupljenih vremenskih serija. Analiza vremenske domene donosi postupke apriorne i aposteriorne obrade signala inklinacije lokomotornog aparata kao Å”to je obrada specificiranom prijelaznom funkcijom, zatim operacije glađenja i operacija lociranja zadanog segmenta. Prikaz lokomotornog sustava u faznom prostoru donosi jedno rjeÅ”enje problema optimizacije ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ embediranog faznog prostora za prezentaciju nelinearno dinamičkih, ili kaotičnih procesa pomoću osobina Fourierovog spektra, te na taj način daje temelje za izučavanje vremenskih serija lokomotornog sustava iz perspektive nelinearno dinamičkog, ili kaotičnog procesa. Analiza frekvencijske domene uspostavlja i izračunava frekvencijsku prijenosnu karakteristiku kralježnice. Ona također daje za dijagnostiku i analizu potencijalno relevantne parametre i funkcije, kao Å”to su koeficijenti asimetrije i rigidnosti hoda, uvodeći pojam težiÅ”ta harmonijskog sustava iskoriÅ”ten i pri određivanju vremena pomaka, tj. ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ u faznom prostoru. Pri svakom poglavlju sa analitičkom tematikom dati su primjeri.This dissertation creates a system and set of algorithms used for analysis and interpretation of the locomotive system. The accept of data of the static and dynamic of the locomotive system is done thanks to a specially designed slope sensor, which conjugated with anatomical locations, after an electronic processing of the basic electric signal, including the analog - digital conversion, gives a finite numerical form of data about the incline of the anatomical location with respect to the perpendiculum to the horizontal position. This information about the incline can be understood as a reflection of the locomotive activity of the body, and as such be considered from various static and dynamic aspects. The set of such spatially distributed converters that have undergone multi channel analog digital conversion, then processed into a specially designed computer program, is capable of reconstructing static, i.e. the posture of the body, and of answering different questions within the area of the dynamic of the locomotive system. The area of the dynamic that are processed in work are: the time domain of the dynamic of the time series of the anatomical location incline, phase space for the considering of the nature of the time series dynamic, and the frequency domain of so-collected time series. The analysis of the time domain brings apriori and aposteriori processing of the signal of the locomotive apparatus incline, such as the processing with a specific transitive function, and the operation of smoothing and locating a given segment. The review of the locomotive system in phasial space gives one solution to the problem of the optimization of ā€œlag-timeā€, the embedded phasial space for presentation of nonlinear dynamic, or chaotic processes, with the help of the characteristics of the Fourrier spectrum, thus giving ground for study of the locomotive system time series from the perspective of a nonlinear dynamic, or a chaotic process. The analysis of the frequency domain constituting and calculates a frequency, transfer characteristic of the spine. It also gives parameters and functions of potential relevance to diagnostics and analysis, such as the coefficients of asymmetry and rigidity of walk, introducing the term of gravity center of the harmonic system, also used in determining ā€œlag - timeā€ in the phasial space. Every chapter of analytical thematic contains examples and comparisons of healthy and pathological conditions

    Nova metoda analize i interpretacije biomehanike lokomotornog sustava

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    U ovoj disertaciji ostvaren je sustav i skup algoritama za analizu i interpretaciju lokomotornog sustava. Prihvat podataka o statici i dinamici lokomotornog sustava provodi se zahvaljujući posebno konstruiranom osjetilu nagiba koje spregnuto sa anatomskim lokacijama, nakon elektroničke obrade osnovnog električkog signala, uključujući i analogno digitalnu pretvorbu, daje konačni numerički oblik podataka o inklinaciji anatomske lokacije prema okomici na vodoravan položaj. Taj podatak o inklinaciji može biti shvaćen kao odraz lokomotorne aktivnosti tijela, te kao takav razmotren iz viÅ”e statičkih i dinamičkih aspekata. Skup prostorno raspoređenih takovih pretvornika, podvrgnut je viÅ”ekanalnoj analogno digitalnoj pretvorbi, te obrađen u posebno izrađenom računalnom programu, sposoban je rekonstruirati statiku, odnosno posturu tijela i odgovoriti na razna pitanja iz područja dinamike lokomotornog sustava. Područja dinamike koja se u radu obrađuju su: vremenska domena dinamike vremenskih serija inklinacije anatomskih lokacija, fazni prostor za razmatranje prirode dinamike vremenskih serija i frekvencijska domena tako prikupljenih vremenskih serija. Analiza vremenske domene donosi postupke apriorne i aposteriorne obrade signala inklinacije lokomotornog aparata kao Å”to je obrada specificiranom prijelaznom funkcijom, zatim operacije glađenja i operacija lociranja zadanog segmenta. Prikaz lokomotornog sustava u faznom prostoru donosi jedno rjeÅ”enje problema optimizacije ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ embediranog faznog prostora za prezentaciju nelinearno dinamičkih, ili kaotičnih procesa pomoću osobina Fourierovog spektra, te na taj način daje temelje za izučavanje vremenskih serija lokomotornog sustava iz perspektive nelinearno dinamičkog, ili kaotičnog procesa. Analiza frekvencijske domene uspostavlja i izračunava frekvencijsku prijenosnu karakteristiku kralježnice. Ona također daje za dijagnostiku i analizu potencijalno relevantne parametre i funkcije, kao Å”to su koeficijenti asimetrije i rigidnosti hoda, uvodeći pojam težiÅ”ta harmonijskog sustava iskoriÅ”ten i pri određivanju vremena pomaka, tj. ā€œlag ā€“ time-aā€ u faznom prostoru. Pri svakom poglavlju sa analitičkom tematikom dati su primjeri.This dissertation creates a system and set of algorithms used for analysis and interpretation of the locomotive system. The accept of data of the static and dynamic of the locomotive system is done thanks to a specially designed slope sensor, which conjugated with anatomical locations, after an electronic processing of the basic electric signal, including the analog - digital conversion, gives a finite numerical form of data about the incline of the anatomical location with respect to the perpendiculum to the horizontal position. This information about the incline can be understood as a reflection of the locomotive activity of the body, and as such be considered from various static and dynamic aspects. The set of such spatially distributed converters that have undergone multi channel analog digital conversion, then processed into a specially designed computer program, is capable of reconstructing static, i.e. the posture of the body, and of answering different questions within the area of the dynamic of the locomotive system. The area of the dynamic that are processed in work are: the time domain of the dynamic of the time series of the anatomical location incline, phase space for the considering of the nature of the time series dynamic, and the frequency domain of so-collected time series. The analysis of the time domain brings apriori and aposteriori processing of the signal of the locomotive apparatus incline, such as the processing with a specific transitive function, and the operation of smoothing and locating a given segment. The review of the locomotive system in phasial space gives one solution to the problem of the optimization of ā€œlag-timeā€, the embedded phasial space for presentation of nonlinear dynamic, or chaotic processes, with the help of the characteristics of the Fourrier spectrum, thus giving ground for study of the locomotive system time series from the perspective of a nonlinear dynamic, or a chaotic process. The analysis of the frequency domain constituting and calculates a frequency, transfer characteristic of the spine. It also gives parameters and functions of potential relevance to diagnostics and analysis, such as the coefficients of asymmetry and rigidity of walk, introducing the term of gravity center of the harmonic system, also used in determining ā€œlag - timeā€ in the phasial space. Every chapter of analytical thematic contains examples and comparisons of healthy and pathological conditions