4 research outputs found

    Efek Penambahan Sekam Padi Pada Berbagai Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreotus)

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    The purpose of this research is observe the effect of rice husk addition on various growing media on its growth and yield of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This research used Complete Random Design (CRD) Factorial consisting of 2 factors with 3 replications. The first factor is the various media planting (M). Media of sawdust sengon (M1); Rice straw; M2 and dried banana leaf (M3). The second factor is the supply of rice husks consisting of. Without the provision of rice husk (P0); Provision of 10% rice husk (P1); Provision of rice husk 20% (P2). The best planting medium was found in the treatment of sawdust wood media sengon (M1). Besides, the addition of rice husk concentration has significant effect on all observation parameters. The best result was found in 20% rice husk. The interaction between treatment of planting media and rice husk giving significant effect on first harvest, the body diameter of fruit of first harvest and body diameter of fruit of second harves

    Profil Mikroorganisme Penyebab Sepsis Neonatorum di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta

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    Latar belakang. Angka morbiditas dan mortalitas sepsis neonatorum (SN) masih tinggi. Pemberian antibiotik sesuai dengan hasil kultur diperlukan untuk mencegah resistensi kuman terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan. Mengetahui profil mikroorganisme penyebab SN serta sensitivitasnya terhadap antibiotik di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (IKA-RSCM) Jakarta Metode. Studi potong lintang, dilakukan di ruang rawat Divisi Perinatologi Departemen IKA, pada Desember 2006 - Juli 2007, pada neonatus tersangka sepsis untuk pertama kalinya, belum pernah mendapat antibiotik sebelumnya, tidak terdapat kelainan kongenital mayor dan mendapat persetujuan dari orang tua. Hasil. Terdapat 334 kasus tersangka SN, 102 kasus di antaranya memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan dapat dianalisis. Empat puluh dua kasus (41,2%) memiliki biakan darah positif. Mikroorganisme penyebab SN terbanyak adalah bakteri gram negatif seperti Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas sp dan Eschericia coli. Bakteri gram negatif mempunyai sensitivitas yang rendah terhadap antibiotik lini pertama dan kedua, kecuali Enterobacter aerogenes yang masih sensitif terhadap gentamisin dan Pseudomonas yang masih sensitif terhadap seftazidim. Sensitivitas bakteri gram positif dan negatif umumnya masih sangat baik terhadap meropenem. Sensitivitas bakteri gram negatif cukup baik terhadap imipenem namun bakteri gram positif kurang sensitif terhadap imipenem. Kesimpulan. Etiologi SN umumnya adalah bakteri gram negatif dengan isolat terbanyak Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. Umumnya bakteri gram negatif mempunyai sensitivitas yang rendah terhadap antibiotik lini pertama dan kedua, kecuali Enterobacter aerogenes yang masih sensitif terhadap gentamisin dan Pseudomonas terhadap seftazidim

    Neonatal birth trauma: incidence and predisposing factors

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    Background The incidence of birth trauma and its predisposing factors at a major teaching hospital in Indonesia had not been reported. Objective To find the incidence of birth trauma, calculate a risk assessment of predisposing factors, to study whether cesarean section lowers birth trauma, and to identify the variety of morbidity and mortality due to birth trauma. Methods The incidence was studied retrospectively from 4843 medical records from January 2000 through June 2001 using the ICD-10 classification. Birth trauma cases were then included in a case-control study for a risk assessment profile of predisposing factors with logistic regression analysis. Results Three hundreds and thirty five out of 4843 neonates were identified to have birth trauma. Analysis revealed that forceps extraction (OR=48.29; p<0.01), vacuum extraction (OR=25.37; p<0.01), breech vaginal delivery (OR=3.94; p=0.03), and cesarean section (OR=3.44; p<0.01) were significant risk factors. Macrosomic infant (OR=3.86; p=0.04) was also significant. Birth injury to face (ICD-10 code P15.4) was the most common finding, followed by cephalhematoma and bruising of the scalp. There was no mortality due to birth trauma. Conclusions The incidence of birth trauma was still high. Cesarean section was found to be one of the risk factors, but compared to forceps and vacuum extraction, the risk of trauma is considered to be more acceptable

    Aliansi Keamanan Jepang-AS Pasca-Perang Dingin

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    This thesis aims to examine the factors that background for strengthening the Japan-U.S. security alliance in post-cold war. The threat from countries in the region such as China's increasing defense capabilities, the actualization of the use of North Korea's nuclear weapons capabilities, the threat of terrorism, and support of Japanese public opinion or the Japanese media that contributes to strengthening the security alliance relationships. In preparing this study, researcher used qualitative methods in descriptive analysis. The researcher collected all information relating to the phenomenon under study through literature by reading and studying books, literature, mass media, internet, and the research of others that have relevance to the object of research. In understanding the alliance relationship that exists between Japan and the U.S., researcher will use the conceptual basis for the alliance to see how the Japan-US alliance can be formed on the cold war era and the continuation of the Japan-US alliance relationship after the end of cold war. Perception of threat is also used by the author to explain how the alliance relationship between the two countries can still survive despite the cold war has ended. The objective of forming alliances is to create a balance in order to fight against the coalition or other forces to maintain security and stability. In addition, researcher also saw that this alliance also serves as a deterrent (deterrence) in doing aggressive actions so its aimed to prevent war. In the Post-Cold War, Japan-U.S. security alliance has expanded and is still getting its relevance despite the cold war has ended. This can be seen in the changing role played by Japan which initially contribute more in the financial field during the cold war era, but since the post-cold war Japan has started to play a more active role in the alliance by making changes in the role of military forces, known as SDF