58 research outputs found

    Sediment Transport in Kulim River, Kedah, Malaysia

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    Flood Inundation Analysis Using HEC-6 And Arcview GIS 3.2a

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    An integration procedure namely AVHEC6.avx has been created between Arc View GIS 3.2a and HEC-6 hydraulic model to perform flood inundation analysis. The procedure was tested using hydraulic and hydrological data for Pari River channel and floodplain with the reach approximately 4 km long

    Penggunaan Model Regresi Linear Dalam Kejuruteraan.

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    Kertas kerja ini membincangkan pengalaman penulis menggunakan kaedah regresi linear untuk menyelesaikan beberapa masalah dalam bidang kejuruteraan awam. Masalah pertama yang dibincangkan ialah untuk melihat kadar penjanaan perjalanan bagi guna tanah di Malaysia. Masalah kedua ialah untuk meramal kedalaman keruk disekitar pier

    Challenges and developments of bioretention facilities in treating urban stormwater runoff; A review

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    Bioretention or rain garden is a preferable low impact development (LID) approach due to its characteristics which reflect natural water cycle processes. However, this system is still little understood and quite complicated in terms of design and implementation due to many technical considerations. Hence, this paper gives a review of the challenges and developments for the use of bioretention facilities to enhance its capabilities in attenuating peak flow and treating stormwater runoff particularly in urban areas. This paper reviews the main aspects of bioretention which are stormwater hydrologic, hydraulic and treatment performance. Some of the limitations during the implementation of this natural approach are highlighted in design configuration and the public perception towards this new approach. It is concluded that the bioretention approach is one of the sustainable solutions for stormwater management that can be applied either for individual systems or regional systems

    SWMM Modelling of Automated Hydraulic Flushing Gate as a Flow Control Structure

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    This study explores the concept of hydraulic flushing gate with an automated control system as a flow control structure of the urban storm water system. The research team has implemented a flush gate with the automated control system to the flow of the water in a drainage channel. The flow control structure was used to determine the effectiveness of such design by applying the concept of virtually on a real-world drainage system at Jalan Astana, Kuching. Computer representations of the existing drainage system and flow control structure were built using EPA SWMM 5.0 model. The series of flow control structure was proven to hold the runoff from 10-year storm. The modelling result shows that there is 25.9% of flow reduction at outlet node. As a modification of the existing drainage system in the urban area involves high construction cost, by installing a flow control structure in the drainage system is an innovative way to control the flow of the water

    Sediment deposition characteristics of urban concrete drains in Kuching City, Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Sediment deposition in drains has been found to be one of the major causes of flooding in urban areas. In order to design an effective removal mechanism, an understanding of the characteristics of the sediment deposition is needed. This paper highlights the results of sediment size characteristics analysis done on sediment samples collected from concrete drains in Kuching city, Sarawak, Malaysia. A total of 30 sediment samples from 10 urban locations (4 residential areas, 5 commercial areas and 1 industrial area) were collected and subjected to sieve analysis. Results from sieve analysis had shown that the major component of the sediment is sand with an average percentage of 68.8%, followed by gravel with average percentage of 30.4% and silt and clay as the minor component with an average percentage of 0.8%. Of the 30 samples, 7 samples show bimodal characteristics while 23 samples show unimodal characteristics. 14 out of the 23 unimodal samples had shown a non uniform distribution with the tendency to skew to the coarser grain size. Due to this, the conventional use of median grain size d50 as the effective size for the sediment samples might not be a good representation for the sediment distribution. Further statistical analysis in this paper had suggested that the mode grain size is a much better representative grain size due to its stability when compared to median and mean size. Thus, a much better representative size for the sediment samples from Kuching urban areas would be the mode size (in this case is d45). An analysis on drain characteristics had shown that trapezoidal shape drain tends to have higher blockage percentage due to sediment deposition when compared to rectangular shape drain

    Community Involvement in Urban Water Management: The N Park Resort Condominium Rainfall Harvesting and Water Saving Project in Penang, Malaysia

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    Community engagement and involvement is vital for the success of urban water management. However, poor public engagement, cheap water tariffs, apathetic attitude and lack of public interest are identified as the main reasons for high water wastage in Penang State, Malaysia. The N Park Resort Condominium rainfall harvesting and water saving project in Penang, Malaysia is a prime example of successful urban water management involving government, private sector, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local communities. The N-Park condominium consisting of 965 units is the first condominium in the country to initiate a community water- saving project. Started in August 2009 and completed in December 2010, the project is jointly implemented by the Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) Malaysia (Government), Water Watch Penang (WWP) (NGO), N-Park Management Corporation (NPMC)(Community) and the Penang Water Supply Corporation (PWSC). The methodology involved installation of a rainwater harvesting system, installation of water-saving devices and a water-saving campaign. Results of the project showed that the rainwater harvesting system was most successful as the rainwater harvested was used for gardening, washing common areas and toilets, flushing toilets, and washing vehicles. The installation of water-saving devices was also successful as it resulted in substantial water savings. Results showed reduced total water usage from 8 to 25 % between September 2009 to March 2010. The greatest reduction by 50 % was between May and July 2011, followed by 47.5 % in January 2011. During the time of the project, the amount of water saved was equivalent to RM1,3971 in monetary savings per month. Over a year, this is translated to a savings of 16,818 m3 of water or the equivalent of RM 16,782. More recently, between February 2020 and April 2021, the average water saved was 5852 m3 per month or averaging 48.77 % per month, equivalent to about RM34,255. Results also showed enhanced water awareness and better relationships between neighbours. Overall, this project proved that collaboration between government-private sector-NGOs is workable, and the project can be replicated nation-wide in apartments, hotels, factories, universities, and schools

    Duration of Hydraulic Flushing and its Effect on Sediment Bed Movement

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    Hydraulic flushing is the most widely used method for sediment removal in sewer. However, open storm sewer tend to have longer flushing duration as compared to closed conduit sewer. This is due to storm water could enter more directly and rapidly into open storm sewer especially during rain events. The current study aims to determine the effect of flushing duration on the efficiency of sediment removal which is lacking in the literature. Flushing experiment was conducted in a rectangular flume for varying flushing durations namely approximately 3 seconds, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Changes of the sediment bed profile were observed after each flush. Findings from the experiment has shown that short duration flushing is more efficient in terms of more sediment volume being removed as compared to long flushing duration. In terms of mean sediment bed front advancement, long flushing duration will moved the sediment bed front further than short duration flushing. The knowledge from the current study can be used to design a more efficient flushing devices for the management and active control of sediment in sewer system

    Duration of Hydraulic Flushing and its Effect on Sediment Bed Movement

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    Hydraulic flushing is the most widely used method for sediment removal in sewer. However, open storm sewer tend to have longer flushing duration as compared to closed conduit sewer. This is due to storm water could enter more directly and rapidly into open storm sewer especially during rain events. The current study aims to determine the effect of flushing duration on the efficiency of sediment removal which is lacking in the literature. Flushing experiment was conducted in a rectangular flume for varying flushing durations namely approximately 3 seconds, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Changes of the sediment bed profile were observed after each flush. Findings from the experiment has shown that short duration flushing is more efficient in terms of more sediment volume being removed as compared to long flushing duration. In terms of mean sediment bed front advancement, long flushing duration will moved the sediment bed front further than short duration flushing. The knowledge from the current study can be used to design a more efficient flushing devices for the management and active control of sediment in sewer system