174 research outputs found

    Le climat organisationnel des communes en Algérie : Une tentative d’analyse exploratoire de la perception des administratifs communaux

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    Cet article décrit l’exploration de la mesure multidimensionnelle du climat organisationnel, perceptible par les administratifs territoriaux en Algérie. Un échantillon de 1010 administratifs*** communaux, appartenant aux 31 communes des dix Wilayas sélectionnées, permet l’analyse de la perception du climat organisationnel. Le papier tente d’explorer la perception, à travers plusieurs variables de différentes dimensions. Certaines variables sont mises en évidence par la littérature et d’autres révélées par la spécificité de l’administration locale en Algérie. Mots clés : Climat organisationnel, perception des administratifs communaux, administration locale, Assemblée populaire de commune (APC), Algérie. English Title: The organizational climate of the communes in Algeria: An attempt of exploratory analysis of the perception of administrative employeesThis paper describes the exploration of a multidimensional  measure of organizational climate, perceived by local civil  servants of 31 communes in Algeria. A sample of 1010 civil servants provides the basic statistical information by 15 dependant variables. This paper summarizes the perception of organizational climate, according to several variables, some are reported in the literature and others revealed by the specificity of the Algerian local administration.Key words: Organizational climate, perception of civil servants, local governance, communal popular assembly, Algeria

    Clustering Prediction Techniques in Defining and Predicting Customers Defection: The Case of E-Commerce Context

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    With the growth of the e-commerce sector, customers have more choices, a fact which encourages them to divide their purchases amongst several e-commerce sites and compare their competitors’ products, yet this increases high risks of churning. A review of the literature on customer churning models reveals that no prior research had considered both partial and total defection in non-contractual online environments. Instead, they focused either on a total or partial defect. This study proposes a customer churn prediction model in an e-commerce context, wherein a clustering phase is based on the integration of the k-means method and the Length-Recency-Frequency-Monetary (LRFM) model. This phase is employed to define churn followed by a multi-class prediction phase based on three classification techniques: Simple decision tree, Artificial neural networks and Decision tree ensemble, in which the dependent variable classifies a particular customer into a customer continuing loyal buying patterns (Non-churned), a partial defector (Partially-churned), and a total defector (Totally-churned). Macro-averaging measures including average accuracy, macro-average of Precision, Recall, and F-1 are used to evaluate classifiers’ performance on 10-fold cross validation. Using real data from an online store, the results show the efficiency of decision tree ensemble model over the other models in identifying both future partial and total defection

    Thermophysical Properties Enhancement in Construction Materials Based on Cement and Plaster

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    Enhancing insulating power of buildings envelope saves energy costs and minimizes associated CO2 emissions. The development of materials with good thermal performance is a major challenge. This work shows the effect of incorporating different additions on the thermal properties of composites based on plaster and cement through a series of experiments. The additives used are among the most widespread wastes in Morocco. Dozens of new samples based on cement and plaster have been prepared and experimentally characterized by the box method to develop environmentally friendly materials with the best thermal characteristics. The results show that increasing incorporation rate of additives significantly improves thermophysical properties of based materials. The addition of 4% alfa and 6% of coffee grounds in plaster matrix and the replacement of cement by 50% of ashes in mortar and concrete record the low thermal properties including thermal conductivity, diffusivity, effusivity and specific heat. The good performance of new materials encourages us to integrate them into the building envelope. The results of the annual simulations carried out for a typical building located in Meknes indicated that the use of these proposed materials has significant economic and environmental benefits. A reduction of 50% in energy and a limitation of 3029.13 kgCO2eq/yr are observed thanks to an effective combination between the developed material

    Etude de l'influence des additions minérales sur la réaction sulfatique interne dans les matériaux cimentaires

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    International audience L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'influence des additions sur la réaction sulfatique interne des matériaux cimentaires (béton et mortier). Quelques études antérieures ont montré que des additions comme le métakaolin, les cendres volantes, les scories, la fumée de silice et pouzzolane naturelle sont efficaces dans la prévention de la formation d'ettringite différée (DEF). Cependant, les travaux de recherche sur l'influence des additions sur la DEF restent peu nombreux. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence: - les effets inhibiteur des additions (cendres volantes et Métakaolins) et mitigé (Pouzzolanes) sur la DEF, - une corrélation entre les propriétés microstructurales et mécaniques des bétons et de leur expansion. - l'amplitude des gonflements des bétons avec les additions minérales est plus faible que celle des mortiers. Par contre le début d'expansion est similaire pour les deux matériaux. </div

    A Fast and Efficient Shape Descriptor for an Advanced Weed Type Classification Approach

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    In weed management, the distinction between monocots and dicots species is an important issue. Indeed, the yield is much higher with the application of a selective treatment instead of using a broadcast herbicide overall the parcel. This article presents a fast shape descriptor designed to distinguish between these two families of weeds. The efficiency of the descriptor is evaluated by analyzing data with the pattern recognition process known as the discriminant factor analysis (DFA). Excellent results have been obtained in the differentiation between these two weed specie

    ThyroĂŻde accessoire ectopique : une observation clinique inhabituelle: Ectopic accessory thyroid gland: an unusual case report

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    The Ectopic accessory thyroid is a rare embryologic malformation defined as the presence of thyroid tissue outside of its normal position. The coexistence between an accessory thyroid and a thyroid gland in its normal position is exceptional. We report a case of an elderly patient who underwent a surgery for a heteromultinodular goiter with incidental intraoperative discovery of an ectopic accessory thyroid nodule in the anterior mediastinum. L’ectopie thyroïdienne est une malformation embryologique rare qui est une présence de tissu thyroïdien en dehors de sa position normale, la thyroïde accessoire avec une glande thyroïde en place est exceptionnelle. Nous rapportons un cas d’une patiente âgée opérée pour un goitre hétéromultinodulaire avec découverte fortuite per-opératoire d’un nodule thyroïdien accessoire ectopique dans le médiastin antérieur

    Métastases endobronchiques d’un mélanome malin d’origine rectale: cas clinique et revue de la littérature

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    Le mélanome anorectal est une tumeur rare représentant 1,5 % de tous les mélanomes et moins de1 % des cancers anorectaux. Son pronostic est redoutable à cause de la survenue précoce de métastases. Le poumon est un site métastatique classique du mélanome malin, les localisations endobronchiques sont toutefois rares. Des mélanomes primitifs anorectaux ont également été décrits et sont de mauvais pronostic. Nous rapportons un cas de métastases broncho-pulmonaires de mélanome malin d’origine rectal. Comme c’est souvent le cas, les possibilités thérapeutiques sont limitées.Pan African Medical Journal 2013 14: 6

    Giant viable hydatid cyst of the lung revealed by hiccups

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    Hydatid cystic disease is still a significant clinical problem in endemic countries. Hydatid cysts are usually located in the liver and lung. The resulting large cysts in the lung are a special clinical entity called giant hydatid cysts. We present a case of this rare entity: An 18-year-old woman presented with three month history of hiccups and progressive dyspnea. Chest X-ray revealed a very large homogenous opacity of the left lung. A diagnosis of giant hydatid cyst was made intra operatively; the patient was treated surgically using cystotomy and capitonnage without post-operative complications. This report illustrates that the hydatid cyst of the lung may occasionally present with signs of mediastinal compression.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:4
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