49 research outputs found

    Perlaksanaan Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup Di Sekolah–Sekolah Menengah Daerah Beaufort, Sabah

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    Kajian yang berbentuk deskriptif tinjauan ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti persepsi guru-guru terhadap perlaksanaan pengajaran mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup. Kajian ini dijalankan di 7 buah sekolah di seluruh Daerah Beaufort, Sabah. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah soal selidik. Satu set borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 72 soalan telah diedarkan. Seramai 26 orang responden terlibat dalam kajian ini iaitu guru-guru yang mengajar Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu. Data-data mentah dikumpul dan seterusnya dianalisis untuk memperolehi dapatan hasil kajian menggunakan perisian Komputer SPSS Window Version 12 (Stastiscal Package For Social Science). Kaedah peratusan dan frekuensi digunakan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan dapatan kajian. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan tahap perlaksanaan pengajaran Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu (KHB) adalah sederhana. Secara keseluruhan, tahap pengetahuan guru adalah baik. Bagaimanapun, tahap kemahiran guru pula adalah sederhana. Manakala penggunaan kaedah pengajaran guru yang paling kerap adalah kaedah simulasi. Selain itu, tahap kemudahan fizikal bagi mata pelajaran Kemahiran Hidup adalah sederhana

    Industry 4.0 civil engineer job skills required by employers in Malaysia

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    We are in the commencment of Fourth Industrial Revolution that will transform the way of humans live and work style. Changes in the style of work in the 21st century happen to improve the country's economy. The changing nature of work and employment in the fourth industrial revolution force people to find the needs for well-developed skills for future job market. Rapid changes in the world of work require university providers to strengthen their role in producing highly skilled human capital to cater the industrial demands. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate civil engineering job skills and abilities that required for new generation civil engineers in Malaysia. This paper aimed to review the lists of skills needed by the employers for civil engineers in Malaysia. The findings presented for a necessary frameworks of job skills to civil engineering students to prepare their abilities for the future job demand

    Tahap Penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris Sebagai Persediaan Untuk Kerjaya Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Pendidikan Teknikal Dan Kejuruteraan

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    Kajian ini merupakan satu kajian deskriptif untuk mengenalpasti tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai persediaan untuk kerjaya dalam kalangan pelajar tahun empat di Jabatan Pendidikan Teknikal dan Kejuruteraan, Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Seramai 41 orang pelajar telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 53 item. Kajian rintis dijalankan untuk mendapatkan nilai alpha bagi instrumen kajian iaitu α = 0.86. Data yang diperolehi telah diproses dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Pakej Statistik Untuk Sains Sosial (SPSS) Versi 15.0 untuk mendapatkan nilai alpha serta analisis deskriptif berbentuk frekuensi dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa tahap kemahiran membaca, menulis dan mendengar dalam Bahasa Inggeris pelajar adalah sederhana manakala bagi kemahiran bertutur pula adalah rendah. Pada keseluruhannya, tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris pelajar adalah sederhana. Walaubagaimanapun pelajar berpendapat penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris adalah penting sebagai persediaan untukkerjaya

    Pendidikan reka cipta menerusi sistem pembelajaran web berasaskan prinsip Andragogi dan pembelajaran arah diri

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangun dan menilai keberkesanan sistem pembelajaran web pendidikan reka cipta berasaskan prinsip andragogi dan pembelajaran arah diri (PAD) yang dikenali sebagai PROUD. Kajian awal terhadap persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan reka cipta telah dilaksanakan menggunakan soal selidik. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kebanyakan pelajar memerlukan persekitaran pembelajaran yang lebih kondusif, ruang untuk berinteraksi dan kolaborasi serta lebih banyak masa pertemuan untuk aktiviti proses reka cipta. Di samping itu, mereka bersetuju tentang kepentingan aplikasi teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan reka cipta. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan 42.9% pelajar berada pada tahap kesediaan PAD yang sederhana. Berdasarkan dapatan ini, PROUD telah dibangunkan menggunakan Joomla!TM. Kajian pra eksperimen satu kumpulan ujian pra-ujian pos yang melibatkan 30 pelajar sarjana muda pendidikan teknik dan vokasional telah dijalankan. Perubahan tahap kesediaan PAD dan persepsi pelajar tentang keupayaan menyelesaikan masalah diukur menggunakan analisis rack dan stack model Rasch. Keputusan ujian pra dan ujian pos tahap kesediaan PAD adalah masing-masing 1.28 ± 0.94 logits dan 1.96 ± 0.97 logits. Manakala keputusan ujian pra dan ujian pos persepsi terhadap keupayaan menyelesaikan masalah adalah - 0.15 ± 1.55 logits dan -0.75 ± 0.98 logits. Dapatan ini menunjukkan tahap kesediaan PAD pelajar dan persepsi mereka terhadap keupayaan menyelesaikan masalah telah meningkat secara signifikan selepas menggunakan PROUD (ujian-t sampel berpasangan, p = 0.00; p = 0.032). Interaksi antara pelajar dengan kandungan PROUD menunjukkan isi kandungan merupakan menu yang paling kerap dikunjungi manakala kemudahan web yang paling kerap digunakan adalah metric conversion. Interaksi antara pelajar dengan pelajar dalam ruangan forum menunjukkan majoriti komunikasi adalah berkaitan topik pembinaan model. Ini membuktikan penggunaan PROUD berupaya meningkatkan tahap kesediaan PAD pelajar, merubah persepsi mereka terhadap keupayaan menyelesaikan masalah dan membantu mereka dalam proses reka cipta

    Validity and reliability of instrument measuring culinary competencies: the rasch measurement model

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    The current study emphasize on the development of a comprehensive measurement instrument for workers’ competencies. In vocational and technical professions, competency based assessment throws up some challenges to the professions; however the rewards are potentially very substantial. The creation of a genuinely valid competency-based assessment strategy can yield great benefit, not only to the professions, but to the whole community. Under a competency-based assessment system, assessors make judgments, based on evidence, about whether an individual meets criteria specified in the profession's competency standards (Gonczi, Hager & Athanasou, 1993). Skilled workers are recognized as quality workers when they have a unity between technical and non-technical competencies (Ahmad Nabil, Dayana Farzeeha, Muhammad Khair & Mohd Safarin, 2011). Currently there are several studies in developing instrument for competency measurement using Raseach Model Analysis for construct validation (Azliana & Jamaludin, 2013; Jackson, Draugalis, Slack, Zachry, & Agostino, 2002; and Nicholson, Griffin, Gillis, Wu, & Dunning, 2012). Bashook (2005) emphasized on psychometric requirements in developing competency assessment. When measuring the competencies of an individual during training or in practice, the goal is for each assessment to be an accurate measure of the person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, or performance. Accuracy means that the scores from the assessment are reliable and a valid measure of that person’s performance. The purpose of the current study is to serve as a strong evidence to support the validity of the instrument prior to the actual study. In detail, the specific objectives are to examine the validity and reliability of the newly developed Star-Chef Competency instrument

    Validation of Employers Views on Soft and Hard Job Skills of Nigeria Polytechnic Construction Graduates

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    In a perfectly competitive labour market, the demand for skills is the duty of employers to supply the necessary skills. Knowledge and abilities of graduate competencies should represent the needs of the industry. Such qualities include both academic and generic skills in their chosen professions needed for work. To prepare completely for the unpredicted and ever-changing nature of the workplace, graduates need a range of skills specific to labour-employers. The aim of this pilot study is to identify whether the polytechnic building graduates have the right job skills from the perspective of employers. The cross-sectional survey was adopted to select 60 experts who responded to 169 items questionnaire, purposeful sampling technique was used. The items comprised of components of both hard and soft job skills. Inferential statistics and Rasch measurement model were used to analyse construct reliability and to determine fit statistics, point measurement correlation and standard residual. The result showed that the validity of the instrument's contents values was almost perfectly accepted. In addition, employers were unanimous in their views on the essentials of hard and soft skills in establishing a competency framework.  The feasibility study will have a huge impact on researchers as it will direct them in carrying out the main analysis relating to the development of competences for employment

    Content validity for innovation level of UTM undergraduate students: a qualitative approach

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    Innovation has become one of the vital aspects of a nation’s human capital development. Most countries including Malaysia are now putting their best effort to increase their innovation capability in order to be more competitive in various aspects, especially in economy and technology. As one of Malaysian leading universities in engineering and technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) emphasizes on innovation to all its students by establishing the Centre for Student Innovation (CSI). Its’ objectives are to foster and enhance the innovation ability amongst UTM undergraduates. A question rising from this is, ‘to what extent this objective has been achieved?’ Therefore, it is very important for the UTM-CSI to ensure the effectiveness of their innovative programs that involved undergraduate students. Hence, the aims of this study are to develop and propose an instrument to facilitate UTM-CSI in assessing the level of innovation among UTM undergraduate students. A quantitative approach has been undertaken which includes document analysis from literature review, integration models and theories related to innovation and proposed human capital, and culture and leadership as constructs to develop the instrument in measuring the level of students’ innovation. This article will report on the analysis of content validity and reliability using the Fleiss’ Kappa Index where the inter-rater agreement on constructs studied is analyzed. The finding shows that the constructs and sub constructs indicated a high degree of agreement values that determine the validity and reliability of the development of instrument

    How Can Web-Based Learning System Enhance Adults Learning in Product Design

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    Optimal learning in product design occurs in the simulation of real world and problembased learning (PBL) activities. This is the core of teaching and learning in most of engineering disciplines. These learning activities happen in a safe environment where errors are expected, and failure will deepen learning experience. The internet is proving to be an effective way of delivering teaching and learning in engineering discipline. The advent of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning process has created a global revolutionary of adult education and training. As society shifts from industrial to an information age, adults are becoming majority that involve in utilizing e-learning for education, professional and personal purposes. The teaching and learning environments in current higher learning institutions are undergoing major changes from teacher-centered, memory-based learning to a learnercentered, problem-based and self-directed learning (SDL) that can enhance learners’ critical thinking, creativity and outstanding performance. This is the major challenge and the responsibility of adult educators to think and to substitute homogenized and linear flows of e-learning to fluid and multi-dimensional pedagogies that will promote and accelerate meaningful learning process. The purport of this paper is to discuss how web-based learning system can enhance learning in product design among adult learners in higher learning institution. This paper will also provide general understanding on several learning theories namely andragogy, SDL and PBL which can help educators to develop an effective web-based learning system for their adult learners. (Author's abstract

    The application of rasch measurement model in measuring changes of students' perception on their problem solving ability

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    The main purpose of this study is to measure changes of students' perception on their problem solving ability over time by using Rasch Measurement Model. Pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design was conducted to investigate how web-based learning system of design education, known as PROUD, affected students' perceptions on their problem solving ability. Thirty second year students pursuing their bachelor degree in technical and vocational education participated in the study. Respondents utilized PROUD for 14 weeks in the process of learning design. Problem Solving Inventory was used as a research instrument and appeared valid and reliable to measure the changes. A pretest was administered at the beginning of the course and a posttest after the learning completed. Changes in the students' perceptions on their problem solving ability were gauged using the rack and stack analysis. A paired sample t-test was also included in the data analysis. Result of the pretest and posttest were -0.147 ± 1.554 logits and -0.749 ± 0.980 logits, respectively. These findings indicate that the perceptions of the students on their ability to solve problem have increased significantly after using the PROUD (paired sample t-test, p = 0.032). These have proven that the use of PROUD changes the students' perception on their own problem solving ability throughout the learning process of design

    The Implementation of the Internship as a Coursework in Teaching and Learning Vocational Education

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    Internship is one of the common practices of higher education institutions in Malaysia for enhancing the learning experience and technical skills among their students. Students who follow the internship programme are found not only to be able to develop their professional attributes but also have the opportunity to acquire professional networks and career paths. Besides being a conventional approach that links students with real-world employment experience for a programme, internship can also be implemented for a specific course within a programme. The article discusses the implementation of an internship programme as a pedagogical approach in providing experiential learning for a specific course, i.e., Foundation and Concrete Work. This study involved 51 second-year students who were pursuing a degree in vocational education at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Analysis on the impact of the internship experience indicates that the internship programme is an effective pedagogical approach for experiential learning for foundation and concrete work course