84 research outputs found

    Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Seawater, Suspended Particulate Matter, Algal Mat, Sediment and Gastropod (Nerita Lineata) in Dumai Coastal Waters, Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe in the surface seawater, suspended particulate matter, algal mat, sediments and gastropod Nerita lineata were determined to assess the status of heavy metal pollution in Dumai coastal waters. Concentrations of heavy metal in sediments varied from 0.88, 6.08, 32.34, 53.89, 11.48 μg/g dry weight and 3.01 % for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe, respectively. These concentrations were comparable to metal concentrations in non polluted coastal waters and even lower than concentrations found in the sediments from the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia which is located just at the opposite side of the study area by the Malacca Straits. Generally, higher metal concentrations in the surface seawater, suspended particulate matter, algal mat, sediment and gastropod Nerita lineata were found at the stations with more industrial and anthropogenic activities near Dumai city center (eastern and central regions). Metal pollution index (MPI) of N. lineata further confirm higher level of heavy metal contaminations at the eastern region of Dumai coastal waters. Cd in sediments from the eastern region was the only metal that slightly higher than effective range low (ERL) but still below effective range medium (ERM) values. The enrichment factor (EF) and pollution load index (PLI) values for Cd and Pb in the eastern region were also higher than other regions. Index of geoaccumulation (Igeo) indicated that most of the stations were categorized as class 1 (unpolluted to moderately polluted environment) and only Cd in Cargo Port was in class 2 (moderately polluted). More than 50 % of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe in sediments were accumulated in the ‘resistant’ fraction which indicated that the mobility of these metals in Dumai coastal waters were quite low. The eastern and center regions of Dumai coastal waters accumulated higher percentages of ‘nonresistant’ fraction of metals, especially Pb. However, only Pb in the eastern region was dominated by ‘nonresistant’ fraction (> 60 %). For overall stations, Pb also showed the highest percentage (45.32 %) of ‘non-resistant’ fraction, suggesting more anthropogenic inputs of Pb in Dumai coastal waters in comparison with other metals (43.22, 40.85, 37.34, 25.93 and 18.03 % for Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu and Fe, respectively). All biomonitor organisms analyzed in the present study showed their ability to accumulate metals from their environment. T. telescopium accumulated the highest concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb, whilst N. lineata accumulated the highest concentration for Zn. However, the difference between concentrations of Cd, Cu and Pb in both species was not significant and T. telescopium was not widely distributed in Dumai coastal waters as for N. lineata. Furthermore, among the studied biomonitors, N. lineata has wider range of distribution in the study area and it also fulfilled some of the prerequisites for being indicator organisms for heavy metal pollution. The mean concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Fe in N. lineata were 4.14, 5.90, 44.43, 3.74, 20.73, 24.91 μg/g in shell; 4.16, 7.31, 51.78, 17.63, 23.52, 30.60 μg/g in operculum and 0.71, 15.16, 9.34, 94.69, 5.08, 397.96 μg/g d.w in the total soft tissue, respectively. Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Ni decreased in the order: operculum > shell > soft tissue whilst Cu, Zn and Fe in the order of soft tissue > operculum > shell. Metal concentrations, especially Cd in the shells and Pb in the soft tissues of N. lineata were significantly correlated with some of the respective geochemical fractions of metal concentrations in sediment as well as with metal concentrations in algal mat, suspended particulate matter and seawater which suggest that N. lineata could be used as biomonitoring agent for heavy metals pollution in Dumai coastal waters. Geochemical fractionation analysis and calculated pollution indices using surface sediments and gastropod N. lineata revealed that Dumai coastal waters can be classified as unpolluted to moderately-polluted coastal environment. Therefore, although Dumai coastal waters is still not seriously polluted, a continuous environment monitoring program should be implemented as the ever increasing human activities and rapid developments in many infrastructures and industry sectors are continuously expanding

    Distribution and speciation of Zn and Pb in coastal sediments of Dumai Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Concentrations of Zn and Pb in surface sediments collected from 23 sampling stations of Dumai coastal waters have been geochemically [easily, freely or leachable and exchangeable (EFLE), acid reducible, oxidizable organic and resistant] analyzed in addition to their total concentrations [expressed in µg g−1 dry weight (d.w.)]. Results showed that mean concentrations of total Zn and Pb were highest in Ferry Port (88.2 and 61.2 µg g−1 d.w., respectively), while the lowest was in Batu Panjang (32.6 and 15.7 µg g−1 d.w., respectively). Metal concentrations in 87% and 74% of the sampling stations for Zn and Pb were dominated by the resistant fraction. However, nonresistant fractions were found to be higher than resistant fractions at Cargo Port, Sungai Dumai, and Penyembal for Zn; and in Pelintung, Guntung, Mundam, Ferry Port, Fishing Port, and Purnama for Pb, indicating that anthropogenic inputs of Pb occurred in more stations when compared to Zn. Site I (eastern Dumai) was dominated by the nonresistant fraction for Pb (61%) suggesting dominant anthropogenic inputs of this metal. This might be attributed to the combination of large population, discharges of untreated domestic and industrial wastes, shipping activities and city run-off

    Sebaran Bentik Foraminifera pada Sedimen Permukaan di Perairan Pantai Sergang dan Marok Tua Kabupaten Lingga

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    The research was conducted in June 2015. The sampling and measurement of water quality were carried out in Sergang and Marok Tua coastal waters of Singkep Island, Riau Archipelago. This study was aimed to determine the distribution of benthic foraminifera and relative sedimentation rate in both areas. Survey method was used by taking samples from 2 stasions with 3 replicates at each stasion. Samples of sediments were taken and then analyzed to determine the number of individual, species, distribution pattern, the relative sedimentation rate and sediment fractions. The results showed that the number of individual of benthic foraminifera found in the wartes of Sergang were higher than in Marok Tua. In contrary the number of species of benthic foraminifera found in Marok Tua were higher than in Sergang. Sediment fraction in Sergang was dominated by fine sand and very fine sand. Based on Morisita index, the pattern of benthic foraminifera distribution was categorized as cluster. Results of the relative sedimentation rate calculation were divided into high in Sergang coastal waters that has limited antrophogenic activities with an average of 83.06 %. Lower sedimentation rate was found in Marok Tua with an average of 67.47%. Marok Tua coastal waters has more antrophogenic activities such as fishing boat activities, residential as well as tin and sand mining areas

    Distribusi mikroplastik di perairan Pulau Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis Provinsi Riau

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    Microplastics are particles that have a size of 5 mm, where its existence might be able to contaminate the biota in the aquatic environment. This research was conducted in the coastal waters of Bengkalis Island in December 2020 with the aim to determine the types and analyze its abundance of microplastics in each area with different sources of anthropogenic input in the north and south Bengkalis Island. Sampling of sea water for microplastic analysis was done using plankton net (diameter 30 cm and mesh size 30 μm) from six sampling stations. Thirty six individual samples of Duri (Arius maculatus), Lomek (Harpodon nehereus), and Biang (Setipinna breviceps) fish were obtained with the help of local fishermen in each sampling location. The results showed that the types of microplastics found in seawater samples are fiber and film with average abundance ranges between 9.58 particles/m3 - 40.42 particles/m3. The highest abundance was found in station 6 (60.83 ± 8.61 particles/m3 and 20.00 ± 8.94 particles/m3) for fiber and film, whilst the lowest abundance was found in station 3 (12.50 ± 5.24 particles/m3 and 6.67 ± 6.06 particles/m3) for fiber and film, respectively. The average abundance of microplastics found in the digestive tract of fish was 62.96 particles/ind. which consisted of fiber, film and fragment. The highest microplastic abundance was found in Duri fish (72.22 particles/ind.), whilst the lowest was found in Lomek fish (55.56 particles/ind.). Although the abundance of microplastic in coastal waters of north Bengkalis were higher than that in the south of Bengkalis Island, statistically they were significantly different. This was presumably due to differences in oceanographic influences such as current and waves between the two water masses as well as anthropogenic activities in both areas that can affect the spread and distribution of microplastics.Keywords: plastic waste, Bengkalis waters, demersal fish, pelagic fishABSTRAKMikroplastik adalah partikel yang memiliki ukuran 5 mm, di mana keberadaannya dapat mencemari biota di lingkungan akuatik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan pantai Pulau Bengkalis pada Desember 2020 dengan tujuan untuk menentukan jenis dan menganalisis kelimpahan mikroplastik di setiap wilayah dengan berbagai sumber input antropogenik bagian utara dan selatan Pulau Bengkalis. Pengambilan sampel air laut untuk analisis mikroplastik dilakukan menggunakan plankton net (diameter 30 cm dan ukuran jala 30 μm) dari enam stasiun pengambilan sampel. Tiga puluh enam sampel individu ikan Duri (Arius maculatus), Lomek (Harpodon nehereus), dan Biang (Setipinna breviceps) diperoleh dengan bantuan nelayan lokal di setiap lokasi pengambilan sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan dalam sampel air laut adalah fiber dan film dengan kisaran kelimpahan rata-rata antara 9,58 partikel/m3 - 40,42 partikel / m3. Kelimpahan tertinggi ditemukan di stasiun 6 (60,83 ± 8,61 partikel / m3 dan 20,00 ± 8,94 partikel / m3) untuk fiber dan film, sedangkan kelimpahan terendah ditemukan di stasiun 3 (12,50 ± 5,24 partikel / m3 dan 6,67 ± 6,06 partikel / m3) untuk fiber dan film. Kelimpahan rata-rata mikroplastik yang ditemukan dalam saluran pencernaan ikan adalah 62,96 partikel / ind. yang terdiri dari fiber, film dan fragmen. Kelimpahan mikroplastik tertinggi ditemukan pada ikan Duri (72,22 partikel / ind.), sedangkan yang terendah ditemukan pada ikan Lomek (55,56 partikel / ind.). Meskipun kelimpahan mikroplastik di perairan pantai Bengkalis utara lebih tinggi daripada di selatan Pulau Bengkalis, secara statistik mereka berbeda nyata. Ini mungkin karena perbedaan dalam pengaruh oseanografi seperti arus dan gelombang antara dua massa air serta aktivitas antropogenik di kedua daerah yang dapat mempengaruhi penyebaran dan distribusi plastik mikro.Kata kunci: sampah plastik, perairan Bengkalis, ikan demersal, ikan pelagi

    Heavy Metal Concentrations of Cd and Zn in Seawater and Sediment of the West Coast of Karimun Besar Island Riau Islands Province

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    This research was conducted from January to March 2015 by taking samples of seawater and sediment from the west coast of Karimun Besar Island of Riau Islands Province and analyzed their heavy metals concentrations. Analysis of samples was carried out in Marine Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau by using Atomic Absortion Spectrophotometer. The results showed that the highest concentrations of Cd (0.109 mg/L) and Zn (0.227 mg/L) in seawater were found in the area of the boat and harbour activities, whilst the highest concentration in the sediment samples were found for Cd in Pelawan Coast (3.664 μg/g) and Zn (6.552 μg/g) in the ferry port area. The highest organic matter in the sediment was found in the ferry port (3.82%) and the lowest was in the Pelawan Coast (0.65%). Zn concentrations in sediment were still below the range of the ERL but Cd concentration has already exeeded the ERL but still below the ERM value. Based on Potential Ecological Risk Index, Cd may cause possible negative impact on the aquatic ecology of the West Coast of Karimun Besar Island

    Effect of Addition of Different Nitrate Concentration on Spirulina Platensis Biomass with Semi Outdoor System

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    Spirulina platensis is one type of microalgae that has high nutrient and protein content and can live in fresh and marine waters. In the growth of S. platensis requires several supporting factors in its growth period, one of which is nitrate (NO3). Nitrate is needed in the formation of proteins and amino acids in cells and also helps in increasing biomass. This study was conducted with the aim to see the effect of adding different nitrate concentrations to S. platensis biomass with a semi-outdoor system. This research was conducted in MarchApril 2019 using the experimental method. Water quality parameters during the study obtained in the form of temperatures ranging from 29 – 30oC, pH 9 and salinity 25 ppt. The optimum nitrate concentration for the growth of S. platensis was at a concentration of 9 ppm with a total biomass of 0.669 grams

    The Concentrations and Distributions of Heavy Metals Pb, Cu and Zn in the Sea Water and Sediment in Estuary Area of Dumai, Riau Province.

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    The research of heavy metal (Pb, Cu, Zn) has been conducted in June 2015in the estuary area of Dumai, Riau Province. The samples of water and sedimentwere taken in difference area, consisting of 15 stations by purposive samplingmethod. The analysis showed heavy metal contents were as followes Pb 0.051 –0.061 mg/l, Cu 0.038 – 0.047 mg/l, and Zn 0.182 – 0.243 mg/l respectively. Theheavy metal contents in water has exceeded the quality standard ofKep.MENLH/51/2004 on sea water quality standard for marine organism. On theother hand, the sediment analysis showed heavy metal contents were Pb 2.700 –3.500 μg/g, Cu 2.522 – 6.97 μg/g and Zn 15.977 – 18.059 μg/g. According to thisresearch it was concluded that the estuary area of Dumai has been contaminated

    Analysis Of Organic And Anorganic Debris In Air Manis Beach, Nirwana Beach And Carolina Beach Of Padang City West Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted in June 2019 to determine the kind of marine debris, source, production and the correlation with the number of tourists in Air Manis, Nirwana, and Carolina Beach of Padang City, West Sumatera. Three sampling stations were surveyed. The results showed that marine debris found in those beaches were categorized organic, such as: fruits, leaves, wood, bamboo, sea plants and else an organic especially: plastic, glass, rubber, metal, etc. Air Manis Beach had the highest production of marine debris (1340 pcs), followed by Nirwana Beach (538 pcs) and Carolina Beach (500pcs). The source of marine debris were assessed to come from visitors and from outside those beac hes carried by sea current. The total of marine debris production was 29.165 kg. Plastic was the most common type of debris found. The production of garbage in the number of visitors shows very strong relationships (Y = -94,505 + 2,018x ; r = 0,97 ). There is strong correlation between the number of visitors and marine debris production in those beaches