11 research outputs found

    Use of measuring gauges for in vivo accuracy analysis of intraoral scanners: a pilot study

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to present a methodology to evaluate the accuracy of intraoral scanners (IOS) used in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A specific feature-based gauge was designed, manufactured, and measured in a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), obtaining reference distances and angles. Then, 10 scans were taken by an IOS with the gauge in the patient's mouth and from the obtained stereolithography (STL) files, a total of 40 distances and 150 angles were measured and compared with the gauge's reference values. In order to provide a comparison, there were defined distance and angle groups in accordance with the increasing scanning area: from a short span area to a complete-arch scanning extension. Data was analyzed using software for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Deviations in measured distances showed that accuracy worsened as the scanning area increased: trueness varied from 0.018 ± 0.021 mm in a distance equivalent to the space spanning a four-unit bridge to 0.106 ± 0.08 mm in a space equivalent to a complete arch. Precision ranged from 0.015 ± 0.03 mm to 0.077 ± 0.073 mm in the same two areas. When analyzing angles, deviations did not show such a worsening pattern. In addition, deviations in angle measurement values were low and there were no calculated significant differences among angle groups. CONCLUSION: Currently, there is no standardized procedure to assess the accuracy of IOS in vivo, and the results show that the proposed methodology can contribute to this purpose. The deviations measured in the study show a worsening accuracy when increasing the length of the scanning area

    Positional influence of center of masticatory forces on occlusal contact forces using a digital occlusal analyzer

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    Statement of problem. Digital occlusal analyzers allow the recording of dental contact forces. Some authors assume a unique location for the center of contact forces at the position of maximum intercuspation, while others indicate variations in dental contact forces when recorded at different times of the day. Which approach is more appropriate is unclear. Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to analyze whether a change in the balance of masticatory forces influences the location of the center of contact forces and its magnitude. Material and methods. Three different dental casts, selected under dental criteria, were mounted in maximum intercuspation on a semiadjustable articulator equipped with a pattern indicating 9 different force application points (intersection point between 3 longitudinal rows and 3 transverse columns). A force of constant magnitude (169 N) was applied 10 times at each of the application points, and occlusal forces were recorded with a digital occlusal analyzer. Then, two variables were studied: the location of the center of contact forces and its magnitude. Each force application position (9 positions × 3 dental casts=27 in total) was repeated 10 times, and measured data were statistically analyzed with 2-way repeated measures ANOVA (a=.05) test. Results. The repeatability of the method indicated that the coefficient of variation mean was 0.37% in the location of the center of contact forces and that its magnitude was 3.70%. The 2-way repeated measures ANOVA test revealed statistically significant variations in the location of the center of contact forces and its magnitude, revealing that longitudinal changes of the application point of masticatory forces affected the magnitude of contact forces and that longitudinal and transverse changes of the application point of masticatory forces affected the location of the center of contact forces. Conclusions. The location of the center of contact force and its magnitude provided by a digital occlusal analyzer at the position of maximum intercuspation are not necessarily unique to each articulated dental cast. Even if the intensity of the masticatory force remains unchanged, changes in its lateral or longitudinal balance also influence the result of the occlusion forces. (J Prosthet Dent 2023;129:930.e1–e8he authors thank the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) for providing the DEHI research laboratory (www.ehu.eus/dehi). The authors also thank Ayesta dental practice and Odontolan dental laboratory for their assistance

    Arku fazial erregistro birtualak hartzeko erabili ohi diren paziente birtualak sortzeko prozedura berri baten garapena eta baliozkotzea.

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    172 p.Hortz-protesiak garatzeko lan-fluxu digitaletan artikuladore birtualak erabiltzen dira pazientearen barailaren mugimendu indibidualetara behar bezala egokitzen diren hortz-protesiak garatzeko. Gehien hedatu diren artikuladore birtualak loki-barailako artikulazioak, masailezurra eta baraila ordezten dituzten instrumentu birtualak dira, zeintzuetan hortz-uztaien edo horien igeltsuzko modeloen 3D erreplika digitalak birtualki muntatzen diren, simulatzeko barailaren mugimendu batzuk edo guztiak. Artikuladore birtual horiek programatu edo doitu egin behar izaten dira pazientearen barailaren mugimendu indibidualak simula ditzaten, eta hori pazientetik hartutako erregistro birtual desberdinen bidez egin ohi da, besteak beste, arku fazial erregitro birtual baten bidez.Arku fazial erregistro birtual bat da masailezurreko hortz-uztaiak erreferentzia puntu anatomiko batekiko edo batzuekiko duen erlazio espazialaren erregistro birtual bat, zeina artikuladore birtualera transferitzen den haren irekiera ardatzarekiko erlazio espazial berean muntatzeko masailezurreko hortz-uztaiaren 3D erreplika digitala. Horrelako erregistro birtualak hartzeko, orokorrean, paziente birtualak erabiltzen dira, pazientearen aurpegiaren eta masailezurreko hortz-uztaiaren 3D erreplika digital banaz osaturikoak. Paziente birtual horiek sortzeko prozedura desberdinak garatu diren arren, erabilienak eta zehatzenak pazientearen aurpegian jartzen diren alineadoreak erabiltzen dituztenak izan ohi dira.Doktorego tesi honetan in vitro zein in vivo aztertu da paziente birtualak sortzeko prozedura horien zehaztasunean duen eragina aurpegiaren 3D erreplika digitalak eskuratzeko erabilitako eskaneatze metodoak; izan ere, prozedura horietako gehienek aukera eskaintzen dute aurpegien 3D erreplika digitalak eskuratzeko eskaneatze metodo desberdinak erabiltzeko, ezezaguna izan arren horrek prozedura horien zehaztasunean duen eragina. In vitro zein in vivo analisietan ondorioztatu da paziente birtualak sortzeko prozeduren zehaztasunean eragin handia duela aurpegiaren 3D erreplika digitalak eskuratzeko erabilitako eskaneatze metodoak, eta prozedura horiek zehatzagoak direla aurpegiaren 3D erreplika digitalak eskuratzeko bereizmen handiagoko eskaneatze metodo zehatzagoak erabiltzean. Hala ere, eskaneatze metodo horiek ez dira egokiak hortz-klinika guztietarako, bereziki, haien konplexutasun eta kostuagatik. Hori dela eta, doktorego tesi honetan garatu eta in vitro baliozkotu da paziente birtualak sortzeko prozedura berri bat, murrizten duena sortutako paziente birtualen zehaztasunean duen eragina aurpegiaren 3D erreplika digitalak eskuratzeko erabilitako eskaneatze metodoak

    Analysis of the influence of the facial scanning method on the transfer accuracy of a maxillary digital scan to a 3D face scan for a virtual facebow technique: an in vitro study

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    Statement of problem. With the emergence of virtual articulators, virtual facebow techniques have been developed for mounting maxillary digital scans to virtual articulators. Different scanning methods can be used to obtain 3D face scans, but the influence that these methods have on the accuracy with which a maxillary digital scan is transferred to a 3D face scan is unknown. Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to analyze the influence of the facial scanning method on the accuracy with which a maxillary digital scan is transferred to a 3D face scan in a virtual facebow technique. Material and methods. According to a virtual facebow technique, a maxillary digital scan was transferred to a standard virtual patient—who had the maxillary digital scan in its real location—guided by an intraoral transfer element by using different 3D face scans with the intraoral transfer element in place (reference 3D face scans) obtained with 2 different scanning methods: 10 obtained with an accurate scanning method based on structured white light technology and 10 obtained with a less accurate scanning method based on structure-from-motion technology. For each situation, deviation between the maxillary digital scan at the location obtained via the virtual facebow technique and at its real location was obtained in terms of distance by using a novel methodology. From these distances, the accuracy was assessed in terms of trueness and precision, according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 5725-1. The Student t test with Welch correction was used to determine if the accuracy with which the maxillary digital scan was transferred to the standard virtual patient was influenced by the facial scanning method used to obtain the reference 3D face scans (α=.05). Results Significant differences (P<.05) were found among the trueness values obtained when using the different facial scanning methods, with a very large effect size. A trueness of 0.138 mm and a precision of 0.022 mm were obtained by using the structured white light scanning method, and a trueness of 0.416 mm and a precision of 0.095 mm were acquired when using the structure-from-motion scanning method. Conclusions. The accuracy with which a maxillary digital scan is located with respect to a 3D face scan in a virtual facebow technique is strongly influenced by the facial scanning method used.Supported by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Spain (grant number 70/19) and MINECO Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (grant number PID2019-108975RA-I00

    Evaluation of repeatability of different alignment methods to obtain digital interocclusal records: An in vitro study

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    Statement of problem The alignment of the maxillary and mandibular digital scans obtained with an intraoral scanner (IOS) generates digital interocclusal records. Although the accuracy of maxillary and mandibular digital scans obtained from an IOS is widely studied, the accuracy of digital interocclusal records obtained with them is not; even less studied is the accuracy (trueness and precision) of the alignment methods that are available to obtain them. Purpose The purpose of this in vitro study was to assess the precision under repeatability conditions (repeatability) of the different alignment methods used to obtain digital interocclusal records. Material and methods Digital scans of maxillary and mandibular casts of a dentate healthy adult were acquired with an IOS. Casts were then mounted in maximum intercuspal position in a semi-adjustable mechanical articulator (1801 AR Model PSH Articulator), and left and right occlusal digital scans were acquired with the IOS. Occlusal digital scans were repeated 7 times under repeatability conditions. After obtaining each pair of occlusal digital scans, the software program of the IOS automatically aligned the maxillary and mandibular digital scans with occlusal digital scans (TRI method), resulting in 7 digital interocclusal records composed of aligned maxillary and mandibular digital scans and occlusal digital scans. All 7 sets of aligned digital scans were exported and realigned in a dental computer-aided design software program by means of global and reference alignment methods (EXO-B and EXO-R methods, respectively). To assess the repeatability, the 7 aligned digital scan sets of each group were repositioned in the common coordinate system by aligning maxillary digital scans, and repeatability was calculated in terms of the distance between the vertices of the mandibular digital scans for each of the possible nonrepeating combinations of pairs (7C2=21). The repeatability was tested by using the Kruskal-Wallis test for nonparametric distribution followed by the Mann-Whitney U test and Bonferroni correction for pairwise comparisons (α=.05). Results The median with interquartile range for the TRI alignment method was 47 (27) μm for the EXO-B method 41 (25) μm and 16 (5) μm for EXO-R. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed statistical difference between test groups (P<.05). The post hoc Dunn test with Bonferroni adjustment detected significant statistical differences between the EXO-R–TRI (P<.001) and EXO-R–EXO-B (P<.001) alignment methods. Conclusions This study found that the alignment method could influence the repeatability of digital interocclusal records. The reference best-fit alignment method (EXO-R) provided better repeatability.The authors thank the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for providing the DEHI (www.ehu.eus/dehi) research laboratory and exocad GmbH for providing their software

    Analysis of the impact of the facial scanning method on the precision of a virtual facebow record technique: An in vivo study

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    Statement of problem. Virtual facebow record techniques typically record the relationship of a maxillary digital scan to facial landmarks by aligning it to a 3-dimensional face scan. Three-dimensional face scans can be acquired with different facial scanning methods, but the impact of the facial scanning method on the accuracy (trueness and precision) of a virtual facebow record technique remains unclear. Purpose. The purpose of this in vivo study was to assess the impact of the facial scanning method on the precision under the repeatability conditions (repeatability) of a virtual facebow record technique. Material and methods. Repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique with the following 3 clinical-grade facial scanning methods was determined and compared: a professional handheld scanner based on structured blue light scanning technology (PHS method); an attachment-type 3-dimensional sensor camera connected to a tablet and controlled with a mobile application (3DSC-T method); and a smartphone with an integrated 3-dimensional sensor camera controlled with a mobile application (3DSC-S method). To determine the repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique with each facial scanning method, 8 virtual facebow records of a completely dentate adult with class I occlusion and mesoprosopic facial form were obtained (8×3=24 in total); with these, 8 locations of a maxillary digital scan with respect to a common 3-dimensional face scan were obtained. Repeatability was determined in terms of deviations between located maxillary digital scans, determined, in turn, by calculating the distances between corresponding vertices for each of the possible nonrepeating combinations of pairs of located maxillary digital scans (8C2=28). Finally, the repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique with the different facial scanning methods was compared by using the Welch ANOVA test and the post hoc Games-Howell test (both α=.05). Results. The repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique with PHS, 3DSC-T, and 3DSC-S facial scanning methods resulted in 0.243 ±0.094 mm, 0.437 ±0.171 mm, and 1.023 ±0.399 mm, respectively. Comparison of these results revealed that the facial scanning method had a statistically significant effect on the repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique (P<.001) and that its repeatability was statistically significantly greater with the PHS facial scanning method than with the 3DSC-T and 3DSC-S facial scanning methods and greater with the 3DSC-T facial scanning method than with the 3DSC-S facial scanning method (P<.001 for all pairwise comparisons). Conclusions. This study found that the facial scanning method had a great impact on the repeatability of the virtual facebow record technique and that the virtual facebow record technique was more repeatable with more accurate facial scanning methods.Supported by MINECO Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (grant number PID2019-108975RA-I00)

    A new method to measure the accuracy of intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch: A pilot study

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    PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to assess the accuracy of three intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch and evaluate the feasibility of the assessment methodology for further in vivo analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A specific measurement pattern was fabricated and measured using a coordinate measuring machine for the assessment of control distances and angles. Afterwards, the pattern was placed and fixed in replica of an upper jaw for their subsequent scans (10 times) using 3 intraoral scanners, namely iTero Element1, Trios 3, and True Definition. 4 reference distances and 5 angles were measured and compared with the controls. Trueness and precision were assessed for each IOS: trueness, as the deviation of the measures from the control ones, while precision, as the dispersion of measurements in each reference parameter. These measurements were carried out using software for analyzing 3-dimensional data. Data analysis software was used for statistical and measurements analysis (alpha=.05). RESULTS. Significant differences (P<.05) were found depending on the intraoral scanner used. Best trueness values were achieved with Hero Element1 (mean from 10 +/- 7 mu m to 91 +/- 63 mu m) while the worst values were obtained with Trios3 (mean from 42 +/- 23 mu m to 174 +/- 77 mu m). Trueness analysis in angle measurements, as well as precision analysis, did not show conclusive results. CONCLUSION. iTero Elementl was more accurate than the current versions of Trios3 and True Definition. Importantly, the proposed methodology is considered reliable for analyzing accuracy in any dental arch length and valid for assessing both trueness and precision in an in vivo study.The work was partially supported by the Country Council of Gipuzkoa (Grant number 70/19)

    Creating three-dimensional virtual patients by superimposing intraoral and facial digital scans guided with an aligner system: A dental technique

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    A technique for creating 3-dimensional virtual patients (3DVPs) by superimposing intraoral and facial digital scans guided with a novel aligner system is described. This aligner system supports design modifications to adapt to different facial scanning methods (FSMs) and reduce the impact of FSMs on the accuracy of 3DVPs. Two different designs of the aligner system are described: one for use with less-accurate FSMs and another for use with more-accurate FSMs. These virtual designs are available for download and use.Supported by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain (grant number GIU21/051), Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Spain (grant number 20/2021), and MINECO Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (grant number PID2019-108975RA-I00

    Repeatability and reproducibility of 2 digital occlusal analyzers for measuring the right- and left-side balance of occlusal contact forces: An in vitro study

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    Statement of problem. Although different digital occlusal analyzers have been marketed, comparative studies are lacking. Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the repeatability and reproducibility of 2 different digital occlusal analyzers (T-Scan and OccluSense) for measuring the right- and left-side balance of occlusal contact forces. Material and methods. The repeatability and reproducibility of the 2 digital occlusal analyzers for measuring the balance of occlusal contact forces were determined and compared by using the Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility tests based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 5725-2 and ISO 5725-3 standards. Ten different dental casts were mounted in the maximum intercuspation position on a semi-adjustable articulator. Then, the balance of occlusal contact forces in each of the 10 articulated dental casts was measured 24 times with each of the 2 digital occlusal analyzers. In addition, as the OccluSense, unlike the T-Scan, does not have a centering support for the piezoelectric film sensor, measurements with it were performed without and with a custom-designed and manufactured centering support. Finally, the repeatability and reproducibility of both digital occlusal analyzers were determined and compared using the Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility tests. Results. The repeatability and reproducibility tests revealed that only 0.8% of the variance of the measurements obtained with the T-Scan was due to repeatability and reproducibility (0.4% repeatability, 0.4% reproducibility). In contrast, 12% of the variance of the measurements obtained with the OccluSense was due to repeatability and reproducibility (2.2% repeatability, 9.8% reproducibility). However, when using OccluSense with the centering support, the variance decreased to 6.4% (2.8% repeatability, 3.6% reproducibility). According to the Automotive Industry Action Group classification, the repeatability and reproducibility of the T-Scan were good, those of the OccluSense poor, and those of the OccluSense with the centering support medium. Conclusions. The repeatability and reproducibility of the T-Scan were significantly better than those of the OccluSense for measuring the balance of occlusal contact forces. Furthermore, the repeatability and reproducibility of the OccluSense were significantly improved when used with a device to center the piezoelectric film sensor between the incisors. Nevertheless, the repeatability and reproducibility of the T-Scan were better.Supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain [grant GIU21/051); the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Spain [grant 2022-CIEN-000019-01]; and by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033), Spain [grant PID2019-108975RA-I00]

    Improving the precision of recordings acquired with digital occlusal analyzers: A dental technique

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    A technique to improve the precision of recordings acquired with the 2 main digital occlusal analyzers on the market (T-Scan and OccluSense) is presented. This technique consists of using digital occlusal analyzers with a customizable centering tray. The virtual design of the centering tray is available online, together with that of the adapters required for both digital occlusal analyzers. The designs can be downloaded and additively manufactured for clinical use. These parts improve the positioning of the piezoelectric film sensors of the digital occlusal analyzers in the patient’s mouth and thus the precision of their records. Improving the precision of the records of the digital occlusal analyzers is especially important for the comparison of records obtained at different stages of rehabilitation treatment.Supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain (grant GIU21/051); the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, Spain (grant 2022-CIEN-000019-01); and by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) (grant PID2019-108975RA-I00), Spain