877 research outputs found


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    Jar examination was applied to treat dairy water by using alum as a coagulant. Synthetic samples similar to actual wastewater were prepared from real dairy products to achieve the work.  All tests of characteristics have been performed according to American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Environment Federation (WEF). The apparatus used in this study is the Jar test model JLT 6 Leaching test VELP Scientifica, with all kits and tools that could complete the work. The results showed the ability of aluminum sulfate to remove phosphorous from dairy wastewater by up to 95%. This resulted in an optimum aluminum dose equal to 0.5 mg / l at 20°C, and a gradient speed of 1076.915 seconds. -1. These results correspond to the role of the sodium ion in removing contaminants as a catalyst; the sodium ion concentration that contributed to this activity was 60 mg per liter, representing 23.07% of the initial concentration. The main goal of this article, it’s how can exploit the factors and circumstances adjacent to reducing pollutants without increasing aluminum dosages


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    Milk is one of the essential and necessary nutrients and maybe a basic substance in some places and all stages of human life. Milk is rich in many important elements for life and durability. Toxins and heavy elements may enter the milk and then into the human body due to pollution, and mercury is one of these pollutants. This product, despite being important, the production process is accompanied by a lot of liquid waste, which may lead to significant environmental damage. All small tests and misilianiuse works as well as the test of characteristics have been achieved according to American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Environment Federation (WEF). Mercury concentration has been achieved according to HACH procedure. In this topic, the membrane distillation process has been used to remove mercury, and the results were the ability of the membrane distillation mechanism to remove mercury 89.044% at the start of the operation, which would decrease due to obstruction. The temperature affects work efficiency and removal by MD, but to some extent, when removal reaches the maximum temperature of 15 ° C. The study came out with a set of recommendations, including a broader study on the possibility of cleaning the membrane used in this mechanism when a blockage occurred without stopping the work of this mechanism. Emphasis should be on what was found more than what was done

    Reuse potential of ablution water from IIUM masjid

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    A significant amount of water is required daily for IIUM Masjid, which can accommodate at least about 9000 people during the special prayer times. Unfortunately, the water used for ablution is discharged directly to the drain without any plan to recycle and reuse. Quantity and quality of the used water after ablution is determined in this study. Laboratory tests have indicated that, the used ablution water is not much polluted and can be easily recycled and reused for general cleaning and landscaping purpose, after sand filtration. On the other hand, treatment and reuse of commercial greywater would be too expensive in the contexts of Malaysian climate, where the rain-fed water is sufficiently available. It is realised that a low maintenance treatment system can be constructed to store, treat and reuse ablution water from the Masjid. The treated water can easily be used for the landscaping and toilet flushing activities, which will reduce the water consumption in the university

    Diversidad de floraciones de especies de algas nocivas en el área central del estuario del Río Bonny, delta del Níger, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out from December 2018 to November 2019 to examine the distribution and abundance of harmful algal species (HAS) in the central Bonny estuary. Seven sampling stations were established with ArcGIS tool. Microalgae species were sampled with 20 mm mesh plankton net. Nutrients were analyzed in the laboratory using the APHA 4500 Method, while physicochemical characteristics were determined in situ. Results revealed that environmental gradients were adequate to support life in that part of the estuary except for phosphate (2.90 ± 0.22-9.48 ± 1.06 mg l-1). A total of 31 HASs categorized into 17 genera and three classes were determined: Bacillariophyceae (29 species), Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae (one species each). Navicula amphibola had the highest density (4.713 103 cells l-1) while Pinnularia divergens recorded the lowest density (0.00049 103 cells l-1). Total density values decreased across seasons with 9.157 103 cells l-1 in dry season and 8.907 103 cells l-1 in wet season. Checklist of species across stations showed that five species were distributed across the seven stations, while two were found only in Station 2 and 7. Diversity indices revealed Shannon’s index ranged between 3.17 and 3.25 and species evenness ranged between 0.78 and 0.88, while Margalef range value (3.09-3.31) was considered moderately stable. Therefore, there is a need for proper management practices which could help to reduce the level of nutrient discharge into the central Bonny estuary.Este estudio se llevó a cabo entre diciembre de 2018 y noviembre de 2019 para examinar la distribución y abundancia de especies de algas nocivas (HAS, por sus siglas en inglés) en el área central del estuario del río Bonny. Se establecieron siete estaciones de muestreo con la herramienta ArcGIS. Las especies de microalgas se muestrearon con una red de plancton de 20 mm de malla. Los nutrientes se analizaron en laboratorio mediante el Método APHA 4500, mientras que las características fisicoquímicas se determinaron in situ. Los resultados revelaron que los gradientes ambientales fueron adecuados para sustentar la vida en esa parte del estuario, excepto por el fosfato (2,90 ± 0,22 - 9,48 ± 1,06 mg l-1). Se determinaron un total de 31 HAS categorizadas en 17 géneros y tres clases: Bacillariophyceae (29 especies), Chlorophyceae y Cyanophyceae (una especie cada una). Navicula amphibola tuvo la mayor densidad (4,713 x 103 células l-1) mientras que Pinnularia divergens registró la menor densidad (0,00049 x 103 células l-1). Los valores de densidad total disminuyeron a través de las estaciones con 9,157 x 103 células l-1 en la estación seca y 8,907 x 103 células l-1 en la estación húmeda. La lista de especies en las estaciones mostró que cinco especies se distribuyeron en las siete estaciones, mientras que dos se encontraron solo en las estaciones 2 y 7. Los índices de diversidad revelaron que el índice de Shannon osciló entre 3,17 y 3,25 y la uniformidad de las especies osciló entre 0,78 y 0,88, mientras que el valor del rango de Margalef (3,09-3,31) se consideró moderadamente estable. Por lo tanto, existe la necesidad de prácticas de gestión adecuadas que podrían ayudar a reducir el nivel de descarga de nutrientes en el área central del estuario del Bonny

    Remoção natural de coliformes em esgoto doméstico por meio de lodos ativados – Um estudo de caso

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    A Resolução CONSEMA n.º 355/2017 dispõe sobre os critérios e padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos para as fontes geradoras que lancem seus efluentes em águas superficiais no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil. Quanto maior a vazão de lançamento de efluente nas águas superficiais, mais restritivo é o padrão de coliformes a ser cumprido. O presente trabalho mostra que é possível atingir remoções de coliformes totais (CT) e Escherichia coli (E. coli), em esgoto doméstico, previstas na legislação ambiental brasileira, sem uso de desinfecção química ou ultravioleta, por meio do processo de tratamento lodos ativados. Para tanto, são apresentadas as eficiências de remoção de CT e E. coli, monitorados entre 2020 e 2021, na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos Mundo Novo, município de Novo Hamburgo, pertencente a COMUSA – Serviços de Água e Esgoto de Novo Hamburgo. A amostragem e exames foram realizados com frequência quinzenal durante o período monitorado. O tratamento ocorreu em dois reatores quadrados (17x17x2 metros), vazão da ordem de 300m3/dia, aproximadamente 5.000 habitantes. As unidades exercem as funções de reator biológico aerado e decantador secundário. Cada reator apresenta um aerador mecânico superficial para completa mistura e aeração. O afluente alimenta o tanque em fase de aeração (aerador ligado) e deixa o sistema, na condição de esgoto tratado, quando este mesmo se encontra em fase de decantação (aerador desligado). O ciclo total de operação apresenta quatro horas, dividida em períodos iguais de aeração e decantação. Com a estação adequadamente dimensionada e operada, obteve-se remoção acima de 89% para CT e acima de 92% para E. coli, o que resultou em média em um esgoto tratado com 1,70E+06NMP/100mL para CT (mínimo 1,13E+05NMP/100mL, máximo 7,33E+06NMP/100mL) e 4,69E+05NMP/100mL para E. coli (mínimo 3,9E+04NMP/100mL, máximo 1,02E+06NMP/100mL), sendo que esses valores atenderam a referida legislação

    Initial assessment of runoff quality from a road and highway in Klang Valley

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    Primary data is being collected to study the quality of storm runoff produced from the road surfaces in Klang Valley. Seven locations at various tolled highways and one location at IIUM are selected for the collection of primary data on storm runoff quality. As many as 20 various relevant water quality parameters, consisting the major groups of pollutants, are chosen to be tested for runoff quality from the selected road and highways. Event Mean Concentration (EMC) is being calculated to compare the runoff quality from various roads. However, not all pollutants are tested yet. This paper presents results of runoff quality from a road selected at IIUM and nearby MTD toll on Kuantan highway. According to the initial evaluation, EMC value for COD of the highway runoff (73 mg/L) is higher than that of local road runoff (44 mg/L). On the other hand, the TSS of the road runoff (273.5 mg/L) is higher than that of highway (215 mg/L). When compared to Class II of the National Water Quality Standard (NWQS), it was observed that the runoff from the roads and highways are inferior with respect to BOD, COD, TSS and Turbidity, indicating road runoff must be treated before discharged into the river system. It is expected that completion of the study would provide some baseline EMC values for the highways in the Klang Valley

    Assessment of ambient air quality in the port of Naples

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    Two experimental monitoring campaigns were carried out in 2012 to investigate the air quality in the port of Naples, the most important in southern Italy for traffic of passengers and one of the most important for goods. Therefore, it represents an important air pollution source located close to the city of Naples. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) in the air were measured at 15 points inside the Naples port area through the use of passive samplers. In addition, a mobile laboratory was positioned in a fixed point inside the port area to measure continuous concentration of pollutants together with particulate matter, ambient parameters, and wind direction and intensity. The pollution levels monitored were compared with those observed in the urban area of Naples and in other Mediterranean ports. Even though the observation time was limited, measured concentrations were also compared with limit values established by European legislation. All the measured pollutants were below the limits with the exception of nitrogen dioxide: its average concentration during the exposition time exceeded the yearly limit value. A spatial analysis of data, according to the measured wind direction and intensity, provided information about the effects that ship emissions have on ambient air quality in the port area. The main evidence indicates that ship emissions influence sulfur dioxide concentration more than any other pollutants analyze

    Laccase-Based CLEAs: Chitosan as a Novel Cross-Linking Agent

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    Laccase from Coriolopsis Polyzona was insolubilized as cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) for the first time with chitosan as the cross-linking agent. Concentrations between 0.01 and 1.867 g/L of chitosan were used and between 0.05 and 600 mM of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride. The laccase was precipitated using ammonium sulphate and cross-linked simultaneously. Specific activity and thermal stability of these biocatalysts were measured. Activities of up to 737 U/g were obtained when 2,2-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) was used as a substrate. Moreover, the stability of these biocatalysts was improved with regards to thermal degradation compared to free laccase when exposed to denaturing conditions of high temperature and low pH. The CLEAs stability against chemical denaturants was also tested but no significant improvement was detected. The total amount of ABTS to be oxidized during thermal degradation by CLEAs and free laccase was calculated and the insolubilized enzymes were reported to oxidize more substrate than free laccase. The formation conditions were analyzed by response surface methodology in order to determine an optimal environment for the production of efficient laccase-based CLEAs using chitosan as the cross-linking agent. After 24 hours of formation at pH 3 and at 4°C without agitation, the CLEAs exhibit the best specific activity

    Ecohydrological analysis of a South African through-flow mire:Vankervelsvlei revisited

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    The Vankervelsvlei mire has one of the thickest peat deposits (more than 10 m) in South Africa, which started accumulating before 7000 BP. Two previous studies on the hydrological system that sustains the wetland reached inconsistent conclusions and disagreed strongly on the main sources of water feeding the wetland. One suggested that the wetland is fed by groundwater discharging from the underlying Table Mountain Group Aquifer, while the other proposed that the wetland is a perched system fed only by precipitation water. We tried to reconcile these discrepancies by measuring water table, hydraulic pressure and temperature in the peat profile and analysing the ionic composition of the groundwater. We also carried out radiocarbon dating (14C) of groundwater and surface water. Our results showed that both groundwater and surface water are relatively young (<50 years) and that V ankervelsvlei is hydrologically a through-flow system with (local) mineral-poor groundwater entering the mire, possibly from a catchment located in the dunes that lie to the south-east. The groundwater exits the mire at the opposite (northern) side. Our findings do not support either the hypothesis that the mire is fed by groundwater from a deep regional aquifer, or the notion that it is sustained exclusively by precipitation wate

    Monitoramento do lençol freático sob influência da irrigação com águas residuárias.

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    A aplicação de águas residuárias provenientes de Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) na agricultura torna-se uma excelente opção como forma direta de preservação dos recursos hídricos e como fonte de água e nutrientes às culturas agrícolas. Entretanto existe pouco conhecimento sobre a infiltração dessas águas nos solos tropicais e o potencial de contaminação na zona saturada do sub-solo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar o lençol freático sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação com efluente de ETE em área cultivada com cana-de-açúcar no município de Piracicaba-SP. O monitoramento foi realizado no período 12/ 2008 a 12/ 2009, com frequência bimestral, através de quatro poços de monitoramento (PM) distribuídos ao longo da área experimental. Foram avaliados os parâmetros considerados indicadores de poluição pela legislação vigente (N-NO3-, Al, B, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn), além de carbono orgânico (DOC) e inorgânico (DIC) dissolvido, Cl, CE, P-PO4, N-NO2-, SO4 e Na. Dos resultados obtidos nenhum parâmetro apresentou valor superior aos considerados com necessidade de intervenção. Entretanto, de maneira geral, as maiores concentrações DIC, DOC, Cl, Na, SO4 e CE foram observadas no PM sob contribuição das maiores lâminas de efluentes aplicadas, sugerindo a importância de se aplicar uma lâmina ideal à cultura