1,293 research outputs found


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    Chaotic behavior of6 ï† -Rayleigh oscillator with three wells is investigated. The method of multiple scale method is usedto solve the system up to 3rd order approximation. Effect of parameters is studied numerically; all resonance cases arestudied numerically to obtain the worst case. Stability of the system is investigated using both phas

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Pion Wave Function

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    We consider here chiral symmetry breaking through nontrivial vacuum structure with quark antiquark condensates. We then relate the condensate function to the wave function of pion as a Goldstone mode. This simultaneously yields the pion also as a quark antiquark bound state as a localised zero mode in vacuum. We illustrate the above with Nambu Jona-Lasinio model to calculate different pionic properties in terms of the vacuum structure for breaking of exact or approximate chiral symmetry, as well as the condensate fluctuations giving rise to σ\sigma mesons.Comment: latex, revtex, 16 page

    Dark quark domains

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    Formation of stable domains filled with strongly correlated coherent quark matter is discussed in general terms and is exemplified further in the framework of the Generalised Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. It is argued that such domains, if exist in the Universe, appear dark to an external observer.Comment: LaTeX2e, 5 pages, uses jetpl.cls (included), to appear in JETP Let

    The Refined Topological Vertex

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    We define a refined topological vertex which depends in addition on a parameter, which physically corresponds to extending the self-dual graviphoton field strength to a more general configuration. Using this refined topological vertex we compute, using geometric engineering, a two-parameter (equivariant) instanton expansion of gauge theories which reproduce the results of Nekrasov. The refined vertex is also expected to be related to Khovanov knot invariants.Comment: 70 Pages, 23 Figure

    f [N pi N]: from quarks to the pion derivative coupling

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    We study the N pi N coupling, in the framework of a QCD-inspired confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. A simple relativistic confining and instantaneous quark model is reviewed. The Salpeter equation for the nucleon and the boosted pion is solved. The f [n pi n] and f[n pi Delta] couplings are calculated and they turn out to be reasonably good. The sensibility of f[n pi n] and f[n pi Delta] to confinement, chiral symmetry breaking and Lorentz invariance is briefly discussed.Comment: 30 pages in LaTex RevTex, 6 postscript figure

    Chiral symmetry breaking solutions for QCD in the truncated Coulomb gauge

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    In this paper we study the power-like confining potentials r^alpha. The region of allowed alphas is identified, the mass-gap equation is constructed for an arbitrary alpha and solved for several values of the latter, and the vacuum energy and the chiral condensate are calculated. The question of replica solutions to the mass-gap equation for such potentials is addressed and it is demonstrated that the number of replicas is infinite for any alpha, as a consequence of the peculiar behaviour of the quark self-energy in the infrared domain.Comment: RevTeX4, 18 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    HPLC method with monolithic column for simultaneous determination of irbesartan and hydrochlorothiazide in tablets

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    A simple, sensitive and accurate HPLC method with high throughput has been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of irbesartan (IRB) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) in combined pharmaceutical dosage forms. The proposed method employed, for the first time, a monolithic column in the analysis. Optimal chromatographic separation of the analytes was achieved on ChromolithÂź Performance RP-18e column using a mobile phase consisting of phosphate buffer (pH 4):acetonitrile (50:50, V/V) pumped isocratically at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min–1. The eluted analytes were monitored with a UV detector set at 270 nm. Under the optimum chromatographic conditions, linear relationship with a good correlation coefficient (R ≄ 0.9997) was found between the peak area and the corresponding concentrations of both IRB and HCT in the ranges of 10–200 and 1–20 ng mL–1. The limits of detection were 2.34 and 0.03 ng mL-1 for IRB and HCT, respectively. The intra- and inter-assay precisions were satisfactory as the RSD values did not exceed 3 %. The accuracy of the proposed method was > 97 %. The proposed method had high throughput as the analysis involved a simple procedure and a very short run-time of 3 min. The results demonstrated that the method is applicable in the quality control of combined pharmaceutical tablets containing IRB and HCT

    Constitutively Active Canonical NF-ÎșB Pathway Induces Severe Bone Loss in Mice

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    Physiologic osteoclastogenesis entails activation of multiple signal transduction pathways distal to the cell membrane receptor RANK. However, atypical osteoclastogenesis driven by pro-inflammatory stimuli has been described. We have reported recently a novel mechanism whereby endogenous mutational activation of the classical NF-ÎșB pathway is sufficient to induce RANKL/RANK-independent osteoclastogenesis. Here we investigate the physiologic relevance of this phenomenon in vivo. Using a knock-in approach, the active form of IKK2, namely IKK2SSEE, was introduced into the myeloid lineage with the aid of CD11b-cre mice. Phenotypic assessment revealed that expression of IKK2SSEE in the myeloid compartment induced significant bone loss in vivo. This observation was supported by a dramatic increase in the number and size of osteoclasts in trabecular regions, elevated levels of circulating TRACP-5b, and reduced bone volume. Mechanistically, we observed that IKK2SSEE induced high expression of not only p65 but also p52 and RelB; the latter two molecules are considered exclusive members of the alternative NF-ÎșB pathway. Intriguingly, RelB and P52 were both required to mediate the osteoclastogenic effect of IKK2SSEE and co-expression of these two proteins was sufficient to recapitulate osteoclastogenesis in the absence of RANKL or IKK2SSEE. Furthermore, we found that NF-ÎșB2/p100 is a potent inhibitor of IKK2SSEE-induced osteoclastogenesis. Deletion of p52 enabled more robust osteoclast formation by the active kinase. In summary, molecular activation of IKK2 may play a role in conditions of pathologic bone destruction, which may be refractory to therapeutic interventions targeting the proximal RANKL/RANK signal

    On the Complexity of Query Result Diversification

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    Query result diversification is a bi-criteria optimization problem for ranking query results. Given a database D, a query Q and a positive integer k, it is to find a set of k tuples from Q(D) such that the tuples are as relevant as possible to the query, and at the same time, as diverse as possible to each other. Subsets of Q(D) are ranked by an objective function defined in terms of relevance and diversity. Query result diversification has found a variety of applications in databases, information retrieval and operations research. This paper studies the complexity of result diversification for relational queries. We identify three problems in connection with query result diversification, to determine whether there exists a set of k tuples that is ranked above a bound with respect to relevance and diversity, to assess the rank of a given k-element set, and to count how many k-element sets are ranked above a given bound. We study these problems for a variety of query languages and for three objective functions. We establish the upper and lower bounds of these problems, all matching, for both combined complexity and data complexity. We also investigate several special settings of these problems, identifying tractable cases. 1

    Consensus evidence-based recommendations for treat-to-target management of immunoglobulin A vasculitis

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    IgA vasculitis (IgAV), formerly known as Henoch-Schönlein purpura, is the most common cause of systemic vasculitis in childhood. Given its potential life-threatening systemic complications, early and accurate diagnosis as well as management of IgAV represent a major challenge for health care professionals. This study was carried out to attain an evidence-based expert consensus on a treat-to-target management approach for IgAV using Delphi technique. The preliminary scientific committee identified a total of 16 key clinical questions according to the patient, intervention, comparison, and outcomes (PICO) approach. An evidence-based, systematic, literature review was conducted to compile evidence for the IgAV management. The core leadership team identified researchers and clinicians with expertise in IgAV management in Egypt upon which experts were gathered from different governorates and health centers across Egypt. Delphi process was implemented (two rounds) to reach a consensus. An online questionnaire was sent to expert panel (n = 26) who participated in the two rounds. After completing round 2, a total of 20 recommendation items, categorized into two sections were obtained. Agreement with the recommendations (rank 7–9) ranged from 91.7–100%. Consensus was reached (i.e. â©Ÿ75% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed) on the wording of all the 20 clinical standards identified by the scientific committee. Algorithms for the diagnosis and management have been suggested. This was an expert, consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of IgAV and IgA vasculitic nephritis, based on best available evidence and expert opinion. The guideline presented a strategy of care with a pathway to achieve a state of remission as early as possible
