21 research outputs found
Property as the Law of Democracy
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Socioeconomic status and incidence of breast cancer by hormone receptor subtype
- Author
- A Fregene
- A Stark
- AA Davis
- AI Phipps
- AO Agboola
- AW Kurian
- B Maiti
- C Cubbin
- C Vecchia La
- CA Aktipis
- CA Clarke
- CA Parise
- CB Ambrosone
- CM Belanoff
- CM Redondo
- CR Clark
- GJ Morris
- GK Singh
- HM Sineshaw
- ID Gukas
- J Vainshtein
- JA Burr
- JB Stanford
- JL Kelsey
- JR Palmer
- K Amend
- K Yost
- KC Amirikia
- KE Heck
- LA Carey
- LX Clegg
- M Ewertz
- M Yu
- MJ Borugian
- MJ Lund
- MP Banegas
- N Krieger
- N Krieger
- P Kitsantas
- P Reynolds
- R Flacking
- R Flacking
- R Ritte
- R Suzuki
- RC Tiwari
- SM Martinez
- T Pudrovska
- VM Vargas-Hernandez
- WD Mosher
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Borrowing By Any Other Name: Why Presidential 'Spending Cuts' Would Still Exceed the Debt Ceiling
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Voting Technology and Democracy
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study
Partisan Gerrymandering and State Constitutions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2020
- Field of study
Constitutional Communication
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
The Sweeping Domestic War Powers of Congress
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Recalibrating The Law of Humans with The Laws of Nature: Climate Change, Human Rights, and Intergenerational Justice
- Author
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- &
- 3a Epbc
- A David
- A David
- Alaska
- Alaska Amend Const
- Allan Kahner
- Annette Baier
- Axel Gosseries
- Ban Ki-Moon
- Barnes
- Brian Barry
- Brown Weiss
- Brown Weiss
- Brown Weiss
- Brown Weiss
- Brown Weiss
- Brown Weiss
- Burns H. Weston
- C A Ma
- C Civ
- C F R
- C F R
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chi L Rev
- Civ
- Clark Wolf
- Conference On Environment
- Dante B Gatmaytan
- Div Affairs
- E G See
- Edith Brown Weiss
- Edith Brown Weiss
- Edward A Page
- Elisabeth Rosenthal
- Elise Boulding
- Emmanuel Agius
- Environment Ministry Of Justice
- F Reed
- Fair Deborah Groban Olson
- Fiordland
- Frank Ackerman &
- Gordon Smith
- Gro Harlem Brundtland
- Hans Jonas
- Hans Jonas
- Haw
- Heal
- Henry Shue
- Herman E See Also
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- J L Cornell
- James Hansen
- James Hansen
- James Norris
- James R May
- Jeffery Spear
- Joel Feinberg
- John Austin
- John L Horwich
- John Rawls
- John Rawls
- Jonathan C Carlson
- Joseph H See Also
- Jr Rodgers
- Juan Antonio Oposa
- Judith M Brawer
- Justin R Pidot
- J�rg
- Kentucky Util
- Kevin Harris
- Klass
- Kysar
- L Envtl
- L Rev
- L Richard
- Larry Nesper
- Lujan
- M Dutzer
- Mary C Wood
- Mary C Wood
- Mary F See Also
- Maureen Cropper &
- Minnesota Wisconsin
- Mont
- Ngai Tahu
- Nicholas Herbert Stern
- Norton
- Norton
- Norton
- Norton
- Norton
- Norton V
- O&apos
- Olson
- Oren Lyons
- P Daniel
- P Landais
- Partha Dasgupta
- Parthenia Blessing Evans
- Peter Barnes
- President John
- Price V U S Navy
- Rawls
- Reg
- Report_Full_En
- Revesz
- Richard L Revesz
- S Afr
- See Burns
- See Cass
- See Edith Brown
- See Gro Harlem Brundtland
- See Id
- See Mayo Found
- See Paul
- Shiro Kawashima
- Shlomo Shoham &
- Stern
- Supp Gaor
- Thomas L Friedman
- Thomas O Mcgarity
- Timothy J Brennan
- Tracy Bach
- Tremmel
- Tremmel
- U S
- U S C
- U S C
- U S C
- U S C
- U S C
- Usda Forest Service
- Wilfred Beckerman
- William A Nordhaus
- Wilson V Amoco Corp
- Working Weisbach &
- World Wildlife Fund
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
A General Theory of Governance: Due Process and Lawmaking Power
- Author
- . L Colum
- . L Harv
- 131 S Alderman
- 131 S Alderman
- 132 S Arizona
- 132 S Arizona
- 132 S Astrue
- 132 S Astrue
- 132 S Kiobel
- 132 S Sebelius
- 132 S Sebelius
- 132 S Sebelius
- 132 S Sebelius
- 132 S Sebelius
- 457 U Plyler
- 521 U Glucksberg
- 529 U Morrison
- Alderman
- Alderman
- Alderman
- Ambler Realty Co
- Amend Id
- Art Id
- Barry Cushman
- Bridges V
- C C E D Pa
- C J Id
- C J Marshall
- C J Stone
- Cf
- Cf
- Conn Newtown
- David E Bernstein
- David E Bernstein
- E G Carter V
- E G Lawrence V
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- Erin A See Generally
- Filartiga V Pena-Irala
- Filartiga V Pena-Irala
- Gerald Gunther
- H Robert
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- J Becker
- J Bradley
- J Douglas
- J Field
- J Harlan
- J Id
- J L Cornell
- J Marshall
- J Mcreynolds
- J Scalia
- J Thomas
- James Vicini
- James W Ely
- John Donne
- John E Nowak
- John Hart
- Justice
- Justice
- Katherine S Newman
- Keys V
- L J Yale
- Louise Weinberg
- Louise Weinberg
- Louise Weinberg
- Mcculloch V Maryland
- Michael Cf
- Mr
- Nat
- Pennzoil V Co
- R Bradford
- R R Erie
- Raoul Berger
- Richard A Epstein
- Rochin V California
- Roe V
- S Ct
- S Ct
- See
- See Edward Wong
- See Garrett Hardin
- See Id
- See Jeff Benedict
- See Mark
- See Scott Bullock
- See William
- Stephen Macedo
- Sup
- U S
- U S C
- U S Const
- U S Const
- U S See
- U Souter
- Urofsky
- Wm Mary
- Yale Kamisar
- Yale L
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Fourth Amendment Textualism
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study