25 research outputs found

    Optimasi Asam Glikolat dan Asam Sitrat dalam Krim Tabir Surya Kombinasi Titanium Dioksida, Avobenzone dan Octyl Methoxycinnamate

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    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main cause of sunburn and skin cancer. The adverse effects of UV radiation are solved by sunscreen as protection for longer outdoors. In this study, optimization of glycolic acid and citric acid in sunscreen cream combination of titanium dioxide, avobenzone, and octyl methoxycinnamate were investigated using simplex lattice design method. The sunscreen cream evaluation includes physicochemical testing (organoleptic, homogeneity, emulsion type, spreadability, viscosity, and pH) and sunscreen effectiveness (SPF, % erythema transmission, and % pigmentation transmission). The value of physicochemical testing are 5,96 cm - 6,3 cm of  spreadability testing; 83,33 dPa.s – 108,33 dPa.s of viscosity testing; 4,06 – 4,67 of pH testing. The value of sunscreen effectiveness are 9,79 – 13,35 of SPF testing; 4,55x10-06 - 0,15x10-06% of % erythema transmission; 5,77 – 7,16 % of % pigmentation transmission. The optimum formula was obtained by combining glycolic acid 2% and citric acid 0% with a desirability value of 0,649


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    Meloxicam is one of oxicams anti-inflamatory drugs that are effective to relieve toothaches, arthritis, dysmenorrhea, and fever. Meloxicam in this study was milled with High Energy Milling (HEM) method to obtain its nano size and then direct compression method was used to produce Orally Disintegrating Tablet (ODT). ODT is designed to be rapidly dissolved on the tongue within a minute. It can be administered without water or chewing and may improve the bioavailability and effectiveness of the drug, and increase the patient’s adherence. The present study aimed to understand the effects of Ac-Di-Sol and Kollidon CL as superdisintegrants, that were used separately or in combination, on the characteristics of nanoparticles meloxicam ODT. It was also to obtain the best proportion of combination between Ac-Di-Sol and Kollidon CL that can produce the optimum formula of meloxicam ODT. The effects of single or combined superdisintegrants were evaluated using Simplex Lattice Design (SLD). Ac-Di-Sol (X1) and Kollidon CL (X2) were the independent variables, while the dependent variables were friability (Y1), disintegrating time (Y2), wetting time (Y3), and percent meloxicam release after 60 seconds (Y4). Optimization of five nanoparticle meloxicam ODT formulas was conducted using Design Expert 7.1.5. The combination of Ac-Di-Sol 4.05mg (X1) and Kollidon CL 10.95mg (X2) in 150mg nanoparticles meloxicam ODT can produce optimal ODT characteristics. After verification there was no difference between predicted value and observed value with p value > 0.05

    Optimasi Polimer Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa K-4M dan Carbopol 940 pada Sediaan Patch Dispersi Padat Meloksikam (Optimization of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-4M and Carbopol 940 as Polymer in Solid Dispersion Meloxicam Patch)

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    Meloxicam is non steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) of the enolic acid class which is widely used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Its adverse effects of oral route, which are nausea dan diarrhea could be evaded by using transdermal patch. Meloxicam is practically insoluble in water, therefore it should be made into solid dispersion.The aims of this research was to determine the effect of combination of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) K-4M and carbopol 940 on the in-vitro drug release and moisture content (MC) and to obtain the optimum formula of those polymers using design experts software. Meloxicam patches were prepared into three formulas based on simplex lattice design with the ratio of HPMC K-4M : carbopol 940 that were 1: 0 ; 0.5 : 0.5 and 0 : 1. The results of this research showed that the patch with HMPC K-4M : carbopol 940 of 0:1 gave the best in-vitro drug release and MC. The optimum formula was HPMC K-4M and carbopol 940 with the ratio of 0 : 1 Keywords: meloxicam, solid dispersion, patch, HPMC, carbopol

    Pengaruh Trietanolamin terhadap Karakteristik Fisika Kimia dan Laju Pelepasan Ibuprofen dalam Sediaan Gel Dispersi Padat Ibuprofen-PEG 6000 (Effect of Triethanolamine on Physicochemical Characteristic and Dissolution Rate of Ibuprofen in Ibuprofen-PEG 600

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    The present research has been undertaken with the aim to develop a topical gel formulation of ibuprofen which would avoid side effects of ibuprofen in oral administration. In this study, ibuprofen was made in solid dispersion form with PEG 6000 polymer composition 1 : 1.5 by fusion method. Solid dispersions aims to improve the solubility of ibuprofen. Triethanolamine as an alkalizing agent was added with different concentration in each gel formula which are 1 %, 2 %, and 4 %. They were evaluated for physicochemical properties such as organoleptic, pH, viscosity and in vitro drug release. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the different concentration of triethanolamine doesn’t give the significant effect on viscosity, nonetheless there is a significant effect on pH and dissolution rate of ibuprofen. It is obtained that the highest dissolution rate is F3 with a flux as 216.93 μg/cm2.minutes. Keywords: gel, ibuprofen, solid dispersion, PEG 6000, triethanolamin


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    Tanaman Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) dikenal sebagai tanaman obat yang sangat potensiaL Kandungan utruna dan tanaman ini adalah Andrografolid yang memberi efek yaitu : antipiretik, antimalaria, antiinflamasi, antihepatitis dan antidiabetes. Oleh kareana itu tanaman Sambiloto sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai produk fitofannaka. Dalam penelitian ini bahan baku obat yang digunakan adalah ekstrak Sambiloto yang dibuat secara perkolasi dengan pelarut etano!. Andrografolid merupakan komponen aktif dalam ekstrak Sambiloto yang memiliki kekurangan yaitu praktis tidak larut dalam air, sehingga laju disolusinya jelek. Dalam upaya memperbaiki laju disolusi Andrografolid tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini dipilih metode dispersi padat. Pada penelitian ini dibuat dispersi padat antara ekstrak sambiloto dengan HPMC 3 cP dengan perbandinb'lm 1:5 dan 1:10 dan sebagai kontrol adalah ekstrak sambiloto saja (1:0). Dalam pembuatan dispersi padat ini digunakan Iak"tosa dan Cab-O-Sil sebagai bahan pendukung dispersi padat Untuk mengetahui kadar andrografolid dalam ekstrak maupun dalam dispersi padat digunakan metode KLT -Densitometri. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menentukan kadar HPMC 3 cP dalam dispersi padat menghasilkan mutu fisik tablet sambiloto terbaik yang dibuat secara cetak Iangsung. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan diuji secara kualitatif Hasil pemeriksaan ekstrak Andrografolid identik dengan Andrografolid standar dengan RFO,52, dan hasil pemeriksaan HPMC 3cP, Avicel PH 102, dan laktosa sesuai dengan pustaka. Pemeriksaan mulu fisik granul antara lain uji wak'tu alir dan sudut diam, bobot jenis nyata, mampat dan % kompresibilitas. Pemeriksaan mutu fisik tablet meliputi kekerasan tablet, kerapuhan tablet dan waktu haneur tablet. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan dari mutu fisik tablet yang dilakukan analisis statistik secara anova CRD dan dilanjutkan dengan uji HSD. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketiga fonnula yang diuji (1:0, 1:5, dan 1:10) memenuhi persyaratan mutu fisik tablet, yaitu kekerasan antara 4-8 kg, kerapuhan kurang dari I %, dan waktu haneur kurang dari 15 menit. Adanya peningkatan kadar HPMC 3 cP pada tablet dispersi padar Andrografolid dalam ekstrak Sambiloto meningkatkan kekerasan, menurunkan kerapuhan, dan meningkatkan waktu haneur tablet. Fonnula yang mutu fisiknya terbaik adalah fonnula dengan perbandingan Andrografolid dalam ekstrak Sambiloto-HPMC 3 cP 1:10

    Optimasi Gom Xanthan dan Natrium Karboksimetilselulosa terhadap Mutu Fisik dan Laju Pelepasan Gel Meloksikam In Vitro (Optimization of xanthan gum and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium on Physical Characteristic and In Vitro Release of Meloxicam from Gel)

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    The aims of this study was to develop and optimize the composition of xanthan gum, carboxymethylcellulose sodium and combination of both that fulfilled the desired requirements in the preparation of meloxicam gel. The prepared gels were evaluated in term of appearance, pH, spreadibilty, viscosity, rheological properties, homogenity and in vitro drug release of meloxicam. The gel was optimized using simplex lattice design method. Influence of gelling agent xanthan gum and carboxymethylcellulose sodium were also investigated. The data was analyzed by statistic program of design expert software trial version All of the evaluation that has been done has fulfilled the optimum requirements desired. The optimal formulation was found the number of xanthan gum is 0.060 – 3 grams and CMC Na is 0.144 – 3 grams in every 100 grams of gels. Keywords: gel, meloxicam, xanthan gum, carboxymethylcellulose sodiu

    Optimasi Jumlah Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa dan Lama Pengadukan dalam Preparasi Hollow Microspheres Captopril

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    Captopril is an antihypertensive class of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) used as one of the treatment of hypertension. Low bioavailability and short half-life of captopril caused side effects on gastrointestinal tract, thus it can be prepared into hollow microspheres. Hollow microspheres is spherical microparticles with 1-1000 µm hollow nucleus. Many factors influence the preparation of hollow microspheres including the amount of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) polymer and stirring time. In this study we investigated the best composition of the number of HPMC and stirring times which can produce captopril hollow microspheres with entrapment efficiency (EE), buoyancy, and optimum particle size. Hollow microspheres captopril was prepared using a non-aquoeous solvent evaporation method. The result was captopril hollow microspheres with 25 mg HPMC and 2 hours of stirring can produce an entrapment efficiency (EE) 97,796%, buoyancy 86,747% and particle size 205,655 µm. The yield hollow microspheres captopril 91.903% ± 2.547 with spherical shape, uneven surface morphology and hollow core. The results of FT-IR analysis showed that there was no interaction between the drug and the polymer used in the formulation

    Optimasi Hidroksipropil Metilselulosa dan Carbopol terhadap Moisture Content dan Laju Pelepasan Patch Ibuprofen In Vitro (Optimization of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose and Carbopol for Moisture Content and Release Rate of Ibuprofen Patch In Vitro)

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    Ibuprofen is non steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) of the propionic acid class which is widely used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Ibuprofen patch is an effective approach evading ibuprofen's adverse effect in the GI tract and first pass effect. The function of polymer is to control the drug release from the patch. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) K4M and carbopol 934 combination on the moisture content (MC), in-vitro drug release, and to obtain the optimum formula of those polymers. Ibuprofen patch were prepared into three formulas based on simplex lattice design with the ratio of HPMC K4M : carbopol 934, that were 1 : 0, 0.5 : 0.5, and 0 : 1. Design expert software was used to obtain the optimum formula of both polymers. The results of this study showed that patch with HPMC K4M : carbopol 934 (0.5 : 0.5) gave the best MC and the in-vitro drug release. The optimum formula was HPMC K4M and carbopol 934 with the ratio of 0.5 : 0.5. Keywords: ibuprofen, patch, HPMC, carbopo

    Pengaruh Propilen Glikol dalam Patch Dispersi Padat Ketoprofen terhadap Karakteristik Fisika Kimia dan Laju Penetrasinya

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      Ketoprofen is a non steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used as analgesic and anti-inflammation. This research had been done by ketoprofen patch preparation and evaluations aiming to enhance its penetration through the skin using propylene glycol as penetration enhancer. Evaluations included homogenity testing and FTIR for ketoprofen solid dispersion and organoleptic, weight uniformity, thickness, folding endurance, surface pH, moisture content, and penetration rate assay of ketoprofen patch. Penetration rate was determined by paddle type dissolution and the sample was analyzed by spectrophotometry UV-Vis. The value of moisture content and penetration rate were analyzed by One Way ANOVA with confidence level of 95 %. The value of moisture contents were F0 1.17 ± 0.0551 %; F1 1.27 ± 0.0208 %; F2 1.33 ± 0.08 %; and F3 1.43 ± 0.0208 %. The penetration rates of ketoprofen were F0 0.5258 ± 0.0191 µg/cm2.minute; F1 0.6935 ± 0.0613 µg/cm2.minute; F1 0.6935 ± 0.0613 µg/cm2.minute; and F3 1.1260 ± 0.0850 µg/cm2.minute. It can be concluded that the formula with propylene glycol 150 mg/patch can deliver the best penetration rate and moisture content that were fullfill the requirements.   Keywords: ketoprofen, patch, propilen glikol, penetratio enhancer, solid dispersion &nbsp

    Pengaruh Komposisi Polivinilpirolidon (PVP K-30) dan Etil Selulosa (EC N-22) terhadap Prosentase Kelembapan Air dan Laju Pelepasan Meloksikam dalam Sediaan Plester

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    The object of this study was to prepare and evaluated a matrix type transdermal patch of meloxicam using blend of polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP K-30) and ethylcellulose (EC N-22) were 1:9 (Formula I); 2:8 (Formula II); and 3:7 (Formula III). Evaluation of patch is organoleptic, percentage moisture content, and the release of the drug. Results were analyzed by statistic programmed of SPSS using one way analysis of variance with degree of believed 95% ( = 0.05). The results of organoleptic evaluation of patch dosage, transdermal patches were found yellow, odorless, and dry. Results test percentage moisture content (Formula I) 1.501 ± 0.022 %; (Formula II) 2.206 ± 0.010 %; dan (Formula III) 3.725 ± 0.033 %. Results test flux (Formula I) 455.078 ± 0.835 μg/cm2/menit1/2; (Formula II) 539.08 ± 0.835 μg/cm2/menit1/2; dan (Formula III) 677.851 ± 0.799 μg/cm2/menit1/2. It can be concluded that the combination of polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP K-30) and ethylcellulose (EC N-22) at ratio 3:7 was the best choice for manufacturing transdermal patch based on release profile