20 research outputs found

    Structural Funds and their Implications in Wealth Rising in Gorj

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    In spite of all acute problems inherited particularities of the county and of the resources always insufficient, capacity of local administration has improved steadily.It can be identifz five major factors which have defeated resistance to change the system and they determined the continue modernization of administrative act: political will, political competicion, public and media pressure , the takeover communautaire acquis and accessing foreign funds. However, the factor that has produced the greatest change in menatlity and the waz to address the authorites of the local administration was represented by the opportunity relies external funds non-reimbursable from the 2001. Therefore the PHARE program actually started the process of modernization of administrative capacity in the county by implementing projects which will be presented in the following. The results are presented and analized in a study whose development strategy aimed at coordinating programmes and sectoral policies, in accordance with territorial problems.resources, modernization, accessing foreign funds non-reimbursable, PHARE

    The south-west region Oltenia in the Roumanian and its contribution to the economic development

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    With a surface of 29.212 km2, the south-west region represents 12.3% of Romania’s total surface. From a geographical point of view, is a neighboring region with the Center region and the West region in the north, with the South region in the east, with Bulgaria in the south being limited by Danube and with Serbia in the west, border given by the Danube as well.


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    The essential component of human behavior, the consumer’s behavior restrictively, reflects people’s conduct when it comes to buying and / or consuming material goods and services. At large, it comprises the entire conduct of the final user of material and immaterial goods. The study of the behavior of the consumer is vital for an enterprise in the motivation of the consequences that it carries along regarding all the decisions of marketing : the positioning of the brands, the segmentation of the markets, the development of new products, advertising strategies of distribution etc. The analysis of the consumer’s behavior, because of the fundamentally different nature of the acts and processes of decision that compose it, is characterized by its multidisciplinary origin. Thus, economy, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology permitted the laying of the conceptual foundations of the actual knowledge in this domain. Even though the interdisciplinary character of the consumer’s behavior investigations is recognized, there are, however, numerous points of view in the specialty literature that plead for the autonomization of this domain. This thing doesn’t impose though its separation from the marketing studies.analysis of the consumer’s behavior,advertising strategies ,positioning of the brands

    The quality in the domain of services

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    The quality means different things for different persons depending on their experience and their position in an organization, thus, even though the preoccupations for quality appeared from the very beginning of humankind, only in the 20th century a spectacular evolution of the actions and the concepts regarding quality was brought forth. The modern concept of quality is based on four fundamental rules : the defining of quality, the prevention, zero defects and the measurement.concept of quality in services, the quality of services differentiates

    The south-west region Oltenia in the Roumanian and its contribution to the economic development

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    With a surface of 29.212 km2, the south-west region represents 12.3% of Romania’s total surface. From a geographical point of view, is a neighboring region with the Center region and the West region in the north, with the South region in the east, with Bulgaria in the south being limited by Danube and with Serbia in the west, border given by the Danube as well

    The south-west region Oltenia in the Roumanian and its contribution to the economic development

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    With a surface of 29.212 km2, the south-west region represents 12.3% of Romania’s total surface. From a geographical point of view, is a neighboring region with the Center region and the West region in the north, with the South region in the east, with Bulgaria in the south being limited by Danube and with Serbia in the west, border given by the Danube as well

    Restructuring Measures, Upgrading and Rethinking of the Role and Functioning of the Government Under the Required Information Society. Case Study: Gorj

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    The spirit of the Lisbon strategy (2000) defines a new opportunity to increase competitiveness at all levels, which is supported by the implementation of scientific knowledge, infrastructure and its implementation mechanisms to serve the new economy based on a new revolution, a life-oriented good for present and next, taking control of major risks that affect global action under uncertainty. With the relaunch of the Lisbon Strategy (2005), the policy has been recognized as a primary tool at the community level, helping to implement the idea of growth and jobs - not only because a third of the Community budget, but also that the strategies drawn up at the local and regional levels should form an integral part of efforts to promote sustainable development at local level. Programming period 2007-2013 suggests that one of the areas of intervention of the Structural Funds, namely the European Social Fund reform and upgrading administrative capacity in the context of achieving good governance, especially in those areas that generate progress, as well as economic, employment, education, social and environmental. Romania is the most important development opportunities, nearly four years after accession to the European Union and integration in an increasingly globalized economy. Romania's future is that of a dynamic, competitive and innovative, working in the economic, social and political European Union and the global economy. In this context, we can say that “we need to rebuild post-integration is first and foremost a spiritual and institutional process that must include all public and private interests carriers” (revised Lisbon Strategy, 2005, p.4). Therefore, the Romanian National Reform Programme for 2007- 2010, elaborated in the context of the European Strategy for Growth and Employment Strategy (revised Lisbon Strategy, 2005, p.4) states that “to achieve economic and employment performance, coupled with a social system is the essence of policies aimed sustainable development in Romania in the subject" and "Improving the administrative capacity - is a horizontal priority of utmost importance, aimed at providing the specific measures necessary to sustain competitiveness in key areas”. To change the background of the relationship between the administration and the citizen has an important role covering the work of public administrations in order to seek the powers of the institution and the citizens of the services offered by county government. All this leads to the need to implement a management information system of the institution of the prefect. The study in this paper just highlights the integrated information system in local public administration of the county, where disclosure of institutional modernization, the introduction of information technology has resulted in increased efficiency of public administration, debureaucratization and improving quality of service delivered to citizens.information system, efficiency, local public administration, debureaucratization

    The quality in the domain of services

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    The quality means different things for different persons depending on their experience and their position in an organization, thus, even though the preoccupations for quality appeared from the very beginning of humankind, only in the 20th century a spectacular evolution of the actions and the concepts regarding quality was brought forth. The modern concept of quality is based on four fundamental rules : the defining of quality, the prevention, zero defects and the measurement

    The quality in the domain of services

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    The quality means different things for different persons depending on their experience and their position in an organization, thus, even though the preoccupations for quality appeared from the very beginning of humankind, only in the 20th century a spectacular evolution of the actions and the concepts regarding quality was brought forth. The modern concept of quality is based on four fundamental rules : the defining of quality, the prevention, zero defects and the measurement


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    The essential component of human behavior, the consumer’s behavior restrictively, reflects people’s conduct when it comes to buying and / or consuming material goods and services. At large, it comprises the entire conduct of the final user of material and immaterial goods. The study of the behavior of the consumer is vital for an enterprise in the motivation of the consequences that it carries along regarding all the decisions of marketing : the positioning of the brands, the segmentation of the markets, the development of new products, advertising strategies of distribution etc. The analysis of the consumer’s behavior, because of the fundamentally different nature of the acts and processes of decision that compose it, is characterized by its multidisciplinary origin. Thus, economy, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology permitted the laying of the conceptual foundations of the actual knowledge in this domain. Even though the interdisciplinary character of the consumer’s behavior investigations is recognized, there are, however, numerous points of view in the specialty literature that plead for the autonomization of this domain. This thing doesn’t impose though its separation from the marketing studies