235 research outputs found

    The prevalence of domestic violence among pregnant women in Nigeria: a systematic review.

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    To identify, appraise, and synthesize research evidence on the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) among pregnant women in Nigeria. We conducted a systematic review of all published studies between April 2004 and June 2016. Comprehensive searches were conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, Global Health, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholar, and electronic libraries of the authors' institution. Identified articles were screened in two stages against the inclusion criteria with titles and abstract screened first followed by full-text screening. Selected articles were assessed using the "guidelines for evaluating prevalence studies," and findings were synthesized narratively. Among 19 studies that met the inclusion criteria, two articles were excluded due to low methodological quality and 17 articles were included in the review. The prevalence of DV during pregnancy in Nigeria ranged between 2.3% and 44.6% with lifetime prevalence rates ranging between 33.1% and 63.2%. Physical, sexual, psychological, and verbal abuses were the most frequent types of DV reported in this review. The most common perpetrators were husbands, as reported in 11 of the 17 studies. Pregnant women between the ages of 20 and 30 years were the most common victims of DV. Our review suggests high prevalence of DV in pregnancy among women in Nigeria and higher lifetime prevalence. However, determining an overall, synthesized accurate prevalence rate of DV within this population based on existing evidence presents a challenge. The findings have important implications for stakeholders such as planners, policy makers, maternity care providers, and researchers in public health and social policy at national, regional, and international levels toward combating the issue. OBJECTIVE METHOD RESULTS CONCLUSIO

    Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Corrosion Inhibition Action of Piliostigma Thonningii Extract on Mild Steel in Acidic Medium

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    Communication in Physical Science 2018, 3(1):27-42 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Corrosion Inhibition Action of Piliostigma Thonningii Extract on Mild Steel in Acidic Medium Received 05 July 2018/Accepted September 2018 The search for green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in solution of HCl was implemented in this work by using electrochemical polarization, gravimetric and thermometric techniques to investigate the corrosion inhibition efficiency of ethanol extract of Piliostigma thonningiil leaf. Results obtained from weight loss and thermometric measurements indicated that the inhibition efficiency of ethanol extract of Piliostigma thonningii leaf ranged from 65.12 to 79.55 % and from 73.61 to 88.16 % respectively. The ranges for inhibition efficiencies from, linear and potentiodynamic polarization measurements were 66.40 to 89.97 % and 51.29 to 85.53 % respectively Active components of the extracts that synergistically cooperated to enhance their adsorption on mild steel surface (and hence corrosion inhibition) were identified through GCMS analysis and they included 1,1,7-trimethyl-4-methylenedecahydro-1H-cyclopropa[e]azulene; hydroquinone; 3-tridecene; 3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-phenol; Pentadecanoic acid; 1- ethenyl-1-methyl-2,4-bis(1-methylethenyl)-cyclohexane and 9-oxa-bicyclo[3,3,1]nona-3,6- dien-2-one. Results from quantum chemical calculations revealed that these compounds (apart from meeting the basic requirements for corrosion inhibition) are characterized by frontier molecular energy values that are unique for well-known corrosion inhibitors

    Influence of Variation in the Composition of Fine Aggregate on the Properties of Sandcrete Blocks

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    Sandcrete block is predominantly used for the construction of walls.  Sandcrete block is made from a mixture of cement and fine aggregate (sharp sand). This study investigates the influence of variation in the composition of fine aggegate on the properties of sandcrete block. Laboratory experiments were conducted on the materials used as well as on the hollow sandcrete block samples. A total of 120 sandcrete block samples were produced using cement and sharp sand at different mix ratios of 1:6 or 1:8 mixes, as well as mixes containing partial replacement of sharp sand with fine sand or granite dust at 1:6:2, 1:5:3 and 1:4:4 by volume. Result revealed that the compressive strength at 21 and 28 days curing age for 1:6 mixes are 3.87 N/mm2 and 4.17 N/mm2 respectivelyand for the 1:8 mixes are 2.81 N/mm2 and 2.95 N/mm2 respectively. For cement, sharp sand and fine sand constituents of 1:6:2, 1:5:3 and 1:4:4; the compressive strength at 28 days curing is 2.24 N/mm2, 1.72 N/mm2 and 2.5 N/mm2 respectively. Similarly, for cement, sharp sand and granite dust constituents, 28 days compressive strength are 2.13 N/mm2, 1.61 N/mm2 and 1.42 N/mm2 respectively. The study recommends appropriate mix proportion for sandcrete block constituents to avoid huge lifecycle maintenance cost

    Risk scoring for domestic violence in pregnancy

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    Most studies and work on domestic violence against women are aimed at helping victims. Studies aimed at detecting those at risk of domestic violence are few. Risk identification has important implications for early detection and prevention. A risk scoring tool was developed and tested on 466 antenatal clinic attendees at 3 levels of health care in Zaria, Nigeria. The prevalence of domestic violence was 11.8%.The sensitivity of the tool was 96.6% and specificity 11.8%.The positive predictive value and accuracy were 13.7% and 22.5%respectively. The tool has a high sensitivity and could be a good screening tool for identifying those at risk for domestic violence in pregnancy. Keywords:Domestic violence ;pregnancy;risk scoring tool Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Vol. 11 (1) 2008: pp.18-2

    Role of men in contraceptive use in Northern Nigeria: A cross sectional study

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    Background: Men take most or all important decisions in the home in most African societies and this includes contraception. It is therefore important that their role in this issue be investigated in our setting.Objectives: The objectives of this study are to directly determine the role of men in contraceptive use or non-use in the Zaria area of northern Nigeria, to indirectly increase the awareness of contraception amongst men and hopefully improve their contraceptive practice.Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study involving 900 men. Multistage sampling technique was used to select respondents. Trained male interviewers administered the questionnaires. Focus group discussions and an in-depth interview were also conducted.Results: Six hundred and seven (67.4%) of the men knew about contraception. Three hundred and thirty seven (37.4%) may use contraceptives if need be and 230 (25.6%) presently used contraception. If their wife/wives used contraceptives without their permission, 277 (30.8%) would scold her, 165 (18.3%) would beat her, 144 (16%) would divorce her, 128 (14.2%) would report to family members and 106 (11.8%) would do nothing. Focus group discussions and in-depth interview showed a high awareness rate and willingness to discuss contraception, but areluctance to practice it.Conclusion: There was a high level of awareness but a low level of contraceptive use amongst men in the environment. This has important implications for the success of contraceptive campaigns and programmes.Efforts need to be continued to encourage men in the setting to be more proactive towards contraception. Regular periodic surveys are necessary to help in the planning of educational and campaign programmes.Keywords: Contraception, men, role, awareness, practice, educatio

    Age, Weight and Height at Menarche Among School Girls in Zaria

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    Context: Age at menarche has been trending downwards in most communities and this period often coincides with the onset of coitus and the first pregnancy, especially in Northern NigeriaObjectives: The aim of the study was to determine the current age at menarche of schoolgirls in Zaria and ascertain the biosocial and other factors that may be influencing it.Materials and Methods: Girls from selected schools in Zaria were interviewed, using a structured questionnaire, to ascertain their age at menarche and obtain other socio-demographic information. Their weighta and heights were also measured. The results were analyzed with a computer statistical package and tabulatedResults: Out of the 3,130 girls in the eight schools selected, 148 of them attained menarche in the preceeding three months and they constituted the study group. The age of menarche ranged from 132 to 206 months (11.0 to 17.17 years). The mean menarcheal age ranged from 162.1 months for girls in Social Class I to 178.5 months for those in Class V.Conclusion: Earlier onset of menarche in Nigerian school girls reinforces the need for appropriate family life and sexuality education to minimize the risk of reproductive health problems in these adolescents.Key Words: Menarche, Anthropometric Measurements, Adolescenc

    FertilScore: A tool for active management of infertility

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    Background: Active management of infertility involves the reduction of the diagnostic workup time for infertility. However, the timing of decision for assisted conception by the couple and medical personnel is often challenging. FertilScore was developed to simplify this decision timing and make the process more objective.Materials and Methods: A scoring tool was developed using the Delphi method. This involved 3 experts in assisted conception assigning scores to a list of the etiological factors for infertility. The tool was administered to 35 couples presenting to a gynecology clinic and 15 couples who completed the tool on that hospital’s website. Grading for couple’s need for in vitro fertilization (IVF) was low (1–9), moderate (10–14), and high (15–96). The information obtained has been analyzed.Results: Twenty‑four (48%) couples had low need for IVF, 17 (34%) moderate need, and 9 (18%) high need. Seventeen were true positive and 9 false positive. There was no false negative and 24 were true negatives. The sensitivity of the tool was 100%, specificity 72.7%, positive predictive value 65.4%, negative predictive value 100%, and accuracy 82%.Conclusion: FertilScore is sensitive at identifying infertile couples that would require IVF and should help in reducing the time and resources deployed to evaluation. The tool would need to be validated in a larger multicenter population.Keywords: Active management; FertilScore; infertility; scoring too

    Perinatal Presentation and Outcome of High Birthweight Infants in Zaria, Nigeria.

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    Background: Infants with high birth weight are candidates for birth trauma, birth asphyxia and sometimes, death. Perinatologists are therefore gradually beaming the search lights on the contribution of high birthweight delivery to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To determine the prevalence presentation and outcome of high birthweight deliveries in Zaria. Methods: A retrospective review of records of babies delivered at Ahmadu Be l lo University Teaching Hospital , Zaria , weighing 4000 grams and above at birth, over a 4-year period was undertaken. Maternal and neonatal records were obtained from the delivery suite and neonatal unit respectively, between January, 2005 and December, 2008. Data were analyzed with EPI INFO version 3.5.1 and statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Of the 3065 deliveries in the study period, 167 (5.5%) weighed 4000 grams and above, giving a prevalence of 54.5 per 1000 births. The male: female ratio was 1.2:1, mean birthweight was 4340±290 grams and 65.9% of them were delivered during the rainy season. High birthweight delivery was associated with high maternal age, high birth order and assisted delivery. Per inatal asphyxia , hypoglycaemia , hyperbilirubinaemia, sepsis and trauma were the common perinatal conditions in high birthweight babies. Perinatal mortality rate for high birthweight babies was 3.9 per 1000 total births and 71.9 per 1000 high birthweight deliveries. Conclusion: High birthweight deliveries in the present study had high perinatal morbidity and mortality. Antenatal prediction and generous use of Caesarian section could reduce the prevalent morbidity and mortality rates.Key Words: High birthweight, Presentation, Outcome

    Early indirect impact of COVID-19 pandemic on utilisation and outcomes of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services in Kenya: A cross-sectional study

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    The paper determined the initial impact of COVID-19 pandemic on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) services in Kenya. Hospital data for the first four months (March-June 2020) of the pandemic and the equivalent period in 2019 were compared using two-sample test of proportions. Despite the global projections for worse indicators, there were no differences in monthly mean (±SD) attendance between March-June 2019 vs 2020 for antenatal care (400,191.2±12,700.0 vs 384,697.3±20,838.6), hospital births (98,713.0±4,117.0 vs 99,634.5±3,215.5), family planning attendance (431,930.5±19,059.9 vs 448,168.3±31,559.8), post-abortion care (3,206.5±111.7 vs 448,168.3±31,559.8) and pentavalent 1 immunisation (114,701.0±3,701.1 vs 110,915.8±7,209.4), p>0.05. However, there were significant increases in FP utilisation among young people (25.7% to 27.0%), injectable (short-term) FP method uptake (58.2% to 62.3%), caesarean section rate (14.6% to 15.8%), adolescent maternal deaths (6.2% to 10.9%) and fresh stillbirths (0.9% to 1.0%) with a reduction in implants (long-term) uptake (16.5% to 13.0%) (p<0.05). With uncertainty around the duration of the pandemic, strategies to mitigate against catastrophic indirect maternal health outcomes are urgently needed. (Afr J Reprod Health 2021; 25[6]: 76-87)

    Prevalence of Domestic Violence Amongst Pregnant Women in Zaria, Nigeria

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    Objective: to document the prevalence, knowledge and perception of domestic violence (DV) amongst pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. Method: A Cross Sectional Study involving 178 pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital Zaria, using pretested structural questionnaire. Results: There were 178 respondents with a mean age of 26.7 \ub1 3.3 years (range i6-42 years). Seventy nine percent of the respondents received at least secondary school education. Twenty eight percent and 56% of the women had experienced and knowledge of DV respectively. Of the 50 respondents who experienced DV 36% were beaten up while 22% were forced to have sex. The spouse was the commonest culprit. Thirty-nine women felt DV was excusable under certain condition and 36% would keep DV secret. Conclusion: DV is common in Zaria and there is need for public education to change the perception of our women towards DV. Further studies are needed to document the effects of DV on pregnancy outcome in our setting
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