4 research outputs found

    Low-Spin Heme b3 in the Catalytic Center of Nitric Oxide Reductase from Pseudomonas nautica

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    Biochemistry, 2011, 50 (20), pp 4251ā€“4262 DOI: 10.1021/bi101605pRespiratory nitric oxide reductase (NOR) was purified from membrane extract of Pseudomonas (Ps.) nautica cells to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified protein is a heterodimer with subunits of molecular masses of 54 and 18 kDa. The gene encoding both subunits was cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence shows strong homology with enzymes of the cNOR class. Iron/heme determinations show that one heme c is present in the small subunit (NORC) and that approximately two heme b and one non-heme iron are associated with the large subunit (NORB), in agreement with the available data for enzymes of the cNOR class. MoĢˆssbauer characterization of the as-purified, ascorbate-reduced, and dithionite-reduced enzyme confirms the presence of three heme groups (the catalytic heme b(3) and the electron transfer heme b and heme c) and one redox-active non-heme Fe (Fe(B)). Consistent with results obtained for other cNORs, heme c and heme b in Ps. nautica cNOR were found to be low-spin while Fe(B) was found to be high-spin. Unexpectedly, as opposed to the presumed high-spin state for heme b(3), the MoĢˆssbauer data demonstrate unambiguously that heme b(3) is, in fact, low-spin in both ferric and ferrous states, suggesting that heme b(3) is six-coordinated regardless of its oxidation state. EPR spectroscopic measurements of the as-purified enzyme show resonances at the g āˆ¼ 6 and g āˆ¼ 2-3 regions very similar to those reported previously for other cNORs. The signals at g = 3.60, 2.99, 2.26, and 1.43 are attributed to the two charge-transfer low-spin ferric heme c and heme b. Previously, resonances at the g āˆ¼ 6 region were assigned to a small quantity of uncoupled high-spin Fe(III) heme b(3). This assignment is now questionable because heme b(3) is low-spin. On the basis of our spectroscopic data, we argue that the g = 6.34 signal is likely arising from a spin-spin coupled binuclear center comprising the low-spin Fe(III) heme b(3) and the high-spin Fe(B)(III). Activity assays performed under various reducing conditions indicate that heme b(3) has to be reduced for the enzyme to be active. But, from an energetic point of view, the formation of a ferrous heme-NO as an initial reaction intermediate for NO reduction is disfavored because heme [FeNO](7) is a stable product. We suspect that the presence of a sixth ligand in the Fe(II)-heme b(3) may weaken its affinity for NO and thus promotes, in the first catalytic step, binding of NO at the Fe(B)(II) site. The function of heme b(3) would then be to orient the Fe(B)-bound NO molecules for the formation of the N-N bond and to provide reducing equivalents for NO reduction

    Combining a Commercial Mixer with a Wall-Tube Electrode Allows the Arbitrary Control of Concentrations in Protein Film Electrochemistry

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    Protein film electrochemistry is a technique in which an enzyme is immobilized on an electrode in a configuration that allows following the changes in turnover frequency as a response to changes in the experimental conditions. Insights into the reactivity of the enzyme can be obtained by quantitatively modeling such responses. As a consequence, the more the technique allows flexibility in changing conditions, the more useful it becomes. The most commonly used setup, based on the rotating disc electrode, allows easy stepwise increases in the concentration of nongaseous substrates, or exposure to constant concentration of dissolved gas, but does not permit to easily decrease the concentration of nongaseous substrates, or to change the concentration of dissolved gas in a stepwise fashion. To overcome the limitation by mass transport of the substrate toward the electrode when working with fast enzymes, we have designed another kind of electrochemical cell based on the wall-tube electrode (WTE). We demonstrate here that by using a system combining two syringe pumps, a commercial mixer, and the WTE, it is possible to change the concentration of species in a stepwise fashion in all directions, opening new possibilities to study redox enzymes. As a proof of concept, this device was applied to the study of the electrochemical response of the cytochrome c nitrite reductase of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

    Spectroscopic Evidence for and Characterization of a Trinuclear Ferroxidase Center in Bacterial Ferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough

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    Ferritins are ubiquitous and can be found in practically all organisms that utilize Fe. They are composed of 24 subunits forming a hollow sphere with an inner cavity of āˆ¼80 ƅ in diameter. The main function of ferritin is to oxidize the cytotoxic Fe<sup>2+</sup> ions and store the oxidized Fe in the inner cavity. It has been established that the initial step of rapid oxidation of Fe<sup>2+</sup> (ferroxidation) by H-type ferritins, found in vertebrates, occurs at a diiron binding center, termed the ferroxidase center. In bacterial ferritins, however, X-ray crystallographic evidence and amino acid sequence analysis revealed a trinuclear Fe binding center comprising a binuclear Fe binding center (sites A and B), homologous to the ferroxidase center of H-type ferritin, and an adjacent mononuclear Fe binding site (site C). In an effort to obtain further evidence supporting the presence of a trinuclear Fe binding center in bacterial ferritins and to gain information on the states of the iron bound to the trinuclear center, bacterial ferritin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (DvFtn) and its E130A variant was loaded with substoichiometric amounts of Fe<sup>2+</sup>, and the products were characterized by MoĢˆssbauer and EPR spectroscopy. Four distinct Fe species were identified: a paramagnetic diferrous species, a diamagnetic diferrous species, a mixed valence Fe<sup>2+</sup>Fe<sup>3+</sup> species, and a mononuclear Fe<sup>2+</sup> species. The latter three species were detected in the wild-type DvFtn, while the paramagnetic diferrous species was detected in the E130A variant. These observations can be rationally explained by the presence of a trinuclear Fe binding center, and the four Fe species can be properly assigned to the three Fe binding sites. Further, our spectroscopic data suggest that (1) the fully occupied trinuclear center supports an all ferrous state, (2) sites B and C are bridged by a Ī¼-OH group forming a diiron subcenter within the trinuclear center, and (3) this subcenter can afford both a mixed valence Fe<sup>2+</sup>Fe<sup>3+</sup> state and a diferrous state. Mechanistic insights provided by these new findings are discussed and a minimal mechanistic scheme involving Oā€“O bond cleavage is proposed