1,028 research outputs found

    Gauge approach to the specific heat in the normal state of cuprates

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    Many experimental features of the electronic specific heat and entropy of high Tc cuprates in the normal state, including the nontrivial temperature dependence of the specific heat coefficient and negative intercept of the extrapolated entropy to T=0 for underdoped cuprates, are reproduced using the spin-charge gauge approach to the t-J model. The entropy turns out to be basically due to fermionic excitations, but with a temperature dependence of the specific heat coefficient controlled by fluctuations of a gauge field coupling them to gapful bosonic excitations. In particular the negative intercept of the extrapolated entropy at T=0 in the pseudogap ``phase'' is attributed to the scalar component of the gauge field, which implements the local no-double occupancy constraint.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Interatomic Methods for the Dispersion Energy Derived from the Adiabatic Connection Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem

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    Interatomic pairwise methods are currently among the most popular and accurate ways to include dispersion energy in density functional theory (DFT) calculations. However, when applied to more than two atoms, these methods are still frequently perceived to be based on \textit{ad hoc} assumptions, rather than a rigorous derivation from quantum mechanics. Starting from the adiabatic connection fluctuation-dissipation (ACFD) theorem, an exact expression for the electronic exchange-correlation energy, we demonstrate that the pairwise interatomic dispersion energy for an arbitrary collection of isotropic polarizable dipoles emerges from the second-order expansion of the ACFD formula. Moreover, for a system of quantum harmonic oscillators coupled through a dipole--dipole potential, we prove the equivalence between the full interaction energy obtained from the Hamiltonian diagonalization and the ACFD correlation energy in the random-phase approximation. This property makes the Hamiltonian diagonalization an efficient method for the calculation of the many-body dispersion energy. In addition, we show that the switching function used to damp the dispersion interaction at short distances arises from a short-range screened Coulomb potential, whose role is to account for the spatial spread of the individual atomic dipole moments. By using the ACFD formula we gain a deeper understanding of the approximations made in the interatomic pairwise approaches, providing a powerful formalism for further development of accurate and efficient methods for the calculation of the dispersion energy

    Electronic Properties of Molecules and Surfaces with a Self\uad-Consistent Interatomic van der Waals Density Functional.

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    How strong is the effect of van der Waals (vdW) interactions on the electronic properties of molecules and extended systems? To answer this question, we derived a fully self-consistent implementation of the density-dependent interatomic vdW functional of Tkatchenko and Scheffler [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073005 (2009)]. Not surprisingly, vdW self-consistency leads to tiny modifications of the structure, stability, and electronic properties of molecular dimers and crystals. However, unexpectedly large effects were found in the binding energies, distances, and electrostatic moments of highly polarizable alkali-metal dimers. Most importantly, vdW interactions induced complex and sizable electronic charge redistribution in the vicinity of metallic surfaces and at organic-metal interfaces. As a result, a substantial influence on the computed work functions was found, revealing a nontrivial connection between electrostatics and long-range electron correlation effects

    Spin-orbit excitations of quantum wells

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    Confinement asymmetry effects on the photoabsorption of a quantum well are discussed by means of a sum-rules approach using a Hamiltonian including a Rashba spin-orbt coupling. We show that while the strength of the excitation is zero when the spin-orbit coupling is neglected, the inclusion of the spin-orbit interaction gives rise to a non zero strength and mean excitation energy in the far-infrared region. A simple expression for these quantities up to the second order in the Rashba parameter was derived. The effect of two-body Coulomb interaction is then studied by means of a Quantum Monte Carlo calculation, showing that electron-electron correlations induce only a small deviation from the independent particle model result

    Variational Monte Carlo for spin-orbit interacting systems

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    Recently, a diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm was applied to the study of spin dependent interactions in condensed matter. Following some of the ideas presented therein, and applied to a Hamiltonian containing a Rashba-like interaction, a general variational Monte Carlo approach is here introduced that treats in an efficient and very accurate way the spin degrees of freedom in atoms when spin orbit effects are included in the Hamiltonian describing the electronic structure. We illustrate the algorithm on the evaluation of the spin-orbit splittings of isolated carbon and lead atoms. In the case of the carbon atom, we investigate the differences between the inclusion of spin-orbit in its realistic and effective spherically symmetrized forms. The method exhibits a very good accuracy in describing the small energy splittings, opening the way for a systematic quantum Monte Carlo studies of spin-orbit effects in atomic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figure

    Quasi-periodic solutions of completely resonant forced wave equations

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    We prove existence of quasi-periodic solutions with two frequencies of completely resonant, periodically forced nonlinear wave equations with periodic spatial boundary conditions. We consider both the cases the forcing frequency is: (Case A) a rational number and (Case B) an irrational number.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Percolation-to-hopping crossover in conductor-insulator composites

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    Here, we show that the conductivity of conductor-insulator composites in which electrons can tunnel from each conducting particle to all others may display both percolation and tunneling (i.e. hopping) regimes depending on few characteristics of the composite. Specifically, we find that the relevant parameters that give rise to one regime or the other are D/ξD/\xi (where DD is the size of the conducting particles and ξ\xi is the tunneling length) and the specific composite microstructure. For large values of D/ξD/\xi, percolation arises when the composite microstructure can be modeled as a regular lattice that is fractionally occupied by conducting particle, while the tunneling regime is always obtained for equilibrium distributions of conducting particles in a continuum insulating matrix. As D/ξD/\xi decreases the percolating behavior of the conductivity of lattice-like composites gradually crosses over to the tunneling-like regime characterizing particle dispersions in the continuum. For D/ξD/\xi values lower than D/ξ≃5D/\xi\simeq 5 the conductivity has tunneling-like behavior independent of the specific microstructure of the composite.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Compactness and existence results in weighted Sobolev spaces of radial functions. Part II: Existence

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    We prove existence and multiplicity results for finite energy solutions to the nonlinear elliptic equation −△u+V(∣x∣)u=g(∣x∣,u)in Ω⊆RN, N≥3, -\triangle u+V\left( \left| x\right| \right) u=g\left( \left| x\right| ,u\right) \quad \textrm{in }\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{N},\ N\geq 3, where Ω\Omega is a radial domain (bounded or unbounded) and uu satisfies u=0u=0 on ∂Ω\partial \Omega if Ω≠RN\Omega \neq \mathbb{R}^{N} and u→0u\rightarrow 0 as ∣x∣→∞\left| x\right| \rightarrow \infty if Ω\Omega is unbounded. The potential VV may be vanishing or unbounded at zero or at infinity and the nonlinearity gg may be superlinear or sublinear. If gg is sublinear, the case with g(∣⋅∣,0)≠0g\left( \left| \cdot \right| ,0\right) \neq 0 is also considered.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Physical Adsorption at the Nanoscale: Towards Controllable Scaling of the Substrate-Adsorbate van der Waals Interaction

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    The Lifshitz-Zaremba-Kohn (LZK) theory is commonly considered as the correct large-distance limit for the van der Waals (vdW) interaction of adsorbates (atoms, molecules, or nanoparticles) with solid substrates. In the standard approximate form, implicitly based on "local" dielectric functions, the LZK approach predicts universal power laws for vdW interactions depending only on the dimensionality of the interacting objects. However, recent experimental findings are challenging the universality of this theoretical approach at finite distances of relevance for nanoscale assembly. Here, we present a combined analytical and numerical many-body study demonstrating that physical adsorption can be significantly enhanced at the nanoscale. Regardless of the band gap or the nature of the adsorbate specie, we find deviations from conventional LZK power laws that extend to separation distances of up to 10--20 nanometers. Comparison with recent experimental observation of ultra long-ranged vdW interactions in the delamination of graphene from a silicon substrate reveals qualitative agreement with the present theory. The sensitivity of vdW interactions to the substrate response and to the adsorbate characteristic excitation frequency also suggests that adsorption strength can be effectively tuned in experiments, paving the way to an improved control of physical adsorption at the nanoscale
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