31 research outputs found

    Joint Observation of the Galactic Center with MAGIC and CTA-LST-1

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    MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), designed to detect very-high-energy gamma rays, and is operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009 at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos in La Palma, Spain. In 2018, the prototype IACT of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory, was inaugurated at the same site, at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the MAGIC telescopes. Using joint observations between MAGIC and LST-1, we developed a dedicated analysis pipeline and established the threefold telescope system via software, achieving the highest sensitivity in the northern hemisphere. Based on this enhanced performance, MAGIC and LST-1 have been jointly and regularly observing the Galactic Center, a region of paramount importance and complexity for IACTs. In particular, the gamma-ray emission from the dynamical center of the Milky Way is under debate. Although previous measurements suggested that a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* plays a primary role, its radiation mechanism remains unclear, mainly due to limited angular resolution and sensitivity. The enhanced sensitivity in our novel approach is thus expected to provide new insights into the question. We here present the current status of the data analysis for the Galactic Center joint MAGIC and LST-1 observations

    Dal progetto al manuale, una strategia di rigenerazione urbana condivisa per "La Fiorita" a Cesena

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    The Ina-Casa neighborhoods belong to a period of Italian history which completely changed the way of thinking about cities and people\u2019s relationship with their urban surroundings. In contrast to important constructions designed by famous architects, today there is very little awareness of the value of these areas of the city, in terms of their history, identity and legacy, and few people recognize the need to develop and renew them. These neighborhoods were created according to detailed instructions and quality objectives, such as the importance of green areas, systematic structures, a variety of building types and functions and the social value of housing. These are all aspects that a so-called smart city desperately needs today. This essay summarizes the work carried out by the authors as part of their degree thesis on the Ina-Casa \u201cLa Fiorita\u201d district in Cesena, focusing in particular on the theme of its urban and architectural regeneration, with an in-depth description of the methodology and contents. The initial aim of developing and renewing the neighborhood was pursued by starting with the existing structure and working to extend and develop it. The participation of local residents was an essential part of this process, as they enhanced and provided the basis for the proposals, while direct discussion with local authorities revealed possible options selected by both sides. A specific, varied approach is necessary to deal with town planning and architectural issues. A general plan, together with more specific plans for sections of the neighborhood, enables to define the urban structure, while allowing greater flexibility in terms of housing units, with a \u201cmodular\u201d project that can be altered depending on requirements, available funding, and the aesthetic preferences of individual owners, with the option for future integration

    Ina-casa la fiorita. Strategie di rigenerazione urbana per un riuso condiviso.

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    Gran parte del patrimonio edilizio italiano è costituito da un'edilizia minore realizzata per lo più negli anni successivi al secondo dopoguerra. Una delle più significative esperienze di ricostruzione è rappresentata dai quartieri Ina-Casa, che oltre a rispondere all'elevata richiesta abitativa, hanno contribuito a dare una forma all'espansione disorganizzata delle città e si sono rivelati l'ultima vera occasione per gli architetti di essere protagonisti della storia nazionale. Tuttavia, ad oggi, manca la consapevolezza diffusa del grande valore storico, identitario e patrimoniale di queste porzioni di città e della necessità di un congruo intervento di valorizzazione e riqualificazione. Specialmente nelle piccole realtà, come Cesena, questo ha comportato una forte alterazione dei caratteri originari secondo scelte arbitrarie ed interventi disomogenei. A seguito dell'analisi approfondita della piccola unità di vicinato della Fiorita, si è deciso di adottare un approccio metodologico diversificato tra aspetti urbanistici e relativi al singolo alloggio. Da una parte è stato elaborato un progetto urbanistico che tenesse conto di tutte le specificità del luogo, in particolare della presenza di una popolazione residente molto attiva e determinata nella valorizzazione del proprio quartiere. Dall'altra è stato redatto un manuale di possibili interventi, pensati per rispondere alle attuali esigenze estetiche, prestazionali e funzionali dell'alloggio, corredato da un sistema incentivante a punteggio. Nell'insieme questa esperienza evidenzia le potenzialità di un progetto di rigenerazione urbana che può essere sperimentato anche in altri contesti della città

    Ina-Casa La Fiorita. A system for the shared regeneration of social housing

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    Over sixty years after their construction, many Ina-Casa neighbourhoods demonstrate the need for extensive “mending”. Specific intervention methodologies are required to redevelop them considering the many players and needs involved, the testimonial value of the patrimony, and the fragmented ownership structure. An analysis of the inadequacies and an assessment of the priorities that inhabitants attribute to them were fundamental in defining a participatory redevelopment strategy, which has been tested on “La Fiorita” in Cesena. The research developed a catalogue of solutions that can be incorporated into packages and is conceived as an intervention manual. It has been devised to foster a combination of individual and collective actions and is associated with an incentive system

    Ina-Casa La Fiorita. A system for the shared regeneration of social housing

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    <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Over sixty years after their construction, many Ina-Casa neighbourhoods demonstrate the need for extensive “mending”. Specific intervention methodologies are required to redevelop them considering the many players and needs involved, the testimonial value of the patrimony, and the fragmented ownership structure. An analysis of the inadequacies and an assessment of the priorities that inhabitants attribute to them were fundamental in defining a participatory redevelopment strategy, which has been tested on “La Fiorita” in Cesena. The research developed a catalogue of solutions that can be incorporated into packages and is conceived as an intervention manual. It has been devised to foster a combination of individual and collective actions and is associated with an incentive system.</span></p

    Enhanced Fluorescence in a Lens-Less Fiber-Optic Sensor for C-Reactive Protein Detection

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    In today’s medicine, the celerity of the bio-assays analysis is crucial for the timely selection of the appropriate therapy and hence its effectiveness, especially in case of diseases characterized by the late onset of symptoms. In this paper, a lens-less fiber optics-based fluorescence sensor designed for the measurement of labeled bio-assays is presented and its potential for the early diagnosis of sepsis via C-reactive protein (CRP) detection is demonstrated. The sensor performance results from the combination of two key elements: a planar antenna that redirects fluorescence the marker emission and an automated fiber-based optical system for multi-spot analysis. First, the working principle of the device is demonstrated with a well-established antibody–antigen format (immunoglobulin IgG/anti-IgG assay), reporting more than one order of magnitude enhanced limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for the planar antenna with respect to a standard glass substrate. The prototype is then tested against a sample mimicking a realistic case, prepared with commercially available human serum, showing a LOD and LOQ in the clinical range of interest (0.0015 μg/mL and 0.005 μg/mL, respectively) for the investigation of the sepsis biomarker CRP. These results validate the developed prototype as a simple and easy-to-operate device, compatible with standardized micro-well arrays, and potentially suitable for POC applications

    Educational interventions to improve detection and management of cognitive decline in primary care-An Italian multicenter pragmatic study

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    Introduction: Timely detection of cognitive decline in primary care is essential to promote an appropriate care pathway and enhance the benefits of interventions. We present the results of a study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention addressed to Italian family physicians (FPs) to improve timely detection and management of cognitive decline. Materials and methods: We conducted a pre-post study in six Italian health authorities (HAs) involving 254 FPs and 3,736 patients. We measured process and outcome indicators before the intervention (1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016) and after the intervention (1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019). One interactive face-to-face session workshop was delivered by local cognitive disorders and dementia specialists and FP advisors at each HA, in the period September 2017-December 2017. The session focused on key messages of the local Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathway (DTCP) or regional guidelines: (a) the role of the FP for a timely suspicion of cognitive decline is fundamental; (b) when cognitive decline is suspected, the role of the FP is active in the diagnostic work-up; (c) FP's knowledge on pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions is essential to improve the management of patients with cognitive decline. Results: An overall improvement in diagnostic procedures and management of patients with cognitive decline by FPs after the intervention was observed. The number of visits per year performed by FPs increased, and the time interval between the first FP consultation and the diagnosis was optimized. Neuroleptic use significantly decreased, whereas the use of benzodiazepines remained steadily high. Non-pharmacological interventions, or use of support services, were underrepresented even in the post-intervention. Differences among the participating HAs were identified and discussed. Discussion: Results from this study suggest the success of the educational intervention addressed to FPs in improving early detection and management of cognitive decline, highlighting the importance to continue medical education in this field. At the same time, further initiatives of care pathway dissemination and implementation should promote strategies to enhance interactions between primary and secondary care optimizing the collaboration between FPs and specialists.</p

    A novel family of highly conserved antigens that induce protective immunity against Staphylococcus aureus

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    ABSTRACT In the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus there exists an enormous diversity of proteins containing domains of unknown function (DUF). Here, we characterized the family of conserved staphylococcal antigens (Csa) classified as DUF576 and taxonomically restricted to S. aureus. The 18 Csa paralogs in S. aureus Newman are highly similar at the sequence level yet were found to be expressed in multiple cellular localizations. Extracellular Csa1A was shown to be post-translationally processed and released. Molecular interaction studies revealed a dynamic complex formation of Csa1A with several Csa paralogs regulated by metal ions. Interestingly, the paralogs presented various modes of interaction with Csa1A, suggesting that the proteins are involved in the same cellular process in which each paralog might contribute with a particular role. The structures of Csa1A and Csa1B were determined by X-ray crystallography, unveiling a peculiar structure with limited structural similarity to other known proteins, confirming the uniqueness of this family. Since immunization with Csa proteins protected mice from lethal challenge with S. aureus, we propose these antigens as potential vaccine candidates