13 research outputs found

    Mitologi dalam Perkawinan Adat Suku Jawa dengan Suku Sunda

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    This study aims to determine the extent to which the mythological truth about the prohibition of marriage between the Sundanese and the Javanese. The method used is a juridical normative research, with a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that the discourse or myth regarding the Sundanese people who are not allowed to marry the Javanese is a historical story that has become multi-interpreted. Do not let us be consumed by issues that are not clear, so that it will damage the future of the nation's next generation. It needs to be instilled in each other's identity in accordance with the motto of our country which means that even though they are different, they are still one. Matters of mate, death and sustenance are divine secrets. It is the will of God who created this Universe

    Penegakan Hukum Korupsi Dana Desa di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    This journal aims to find out and analyze law enforcement, the volume of corruption, and the consequences of village fund corruption since it was disbursed in South Sulawesi Province from 2017 until now. This type of research is normative juridical research using a conceptual approach to legislation assisted by primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials, which will be described, described, and analyzed using the theory of corruption. The results of this study are about law enforcement, an illustration of the high number of cases of corruption in village funds in South Sulawesi Province, which so far, before the transfer of village funds by the central government to the regions, there were rare cases of corruption in village funds which were charged with the Corruption Crime Act Number 31 of 1999 which changed into Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes which should, for the distribution of funds to be on target, proposed by the researchers aimed at the absorption of village funds budgets must be monitored, planned properly so that the absorption is effective and efficient for the welfare of rural communities in South Sulawesi Province

    Pengaruh Aturan Asimilasi di Rumah dalam Menekan Laju Penyebaran Covid 19 Terhadap Narapidana di Lapas Kelas II A Parepare

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    This assimilation program is a right obtained by all prisoners and children who meet the requirements. The purpose of this study is to answer 2 (two) main problems, namely the extent to which the implementation of the rules of assimilation and the right of integration at home for prisoners in Class II A Prison in Parepare City, and can the implementation of the rules of assimilation and the right of integration at home for prisoners have an effect in suppressing the spread of Covid-19 at Class II A Prison in Parepare City. This research is an experimental research that uses empirical or non-doctrinal legal research with a quantitative approach to prisoners and their warden staff Rules; Assimilation; Covid-19 at Class II A Prison in Parepare City. This assimilation aims to measure the level of citizen protection as an influencing variable (X1), equal rights for prisoners as a variable (X2), and the provision of health insurance for all citizens (X3) in suppressing the spread of the covid outbreak as the dependent variable (Y). in the Class IIA Prison in Parepare.Program asimilasi ini merupakan hak yang didapat oleh semua narapidana dan anak yang memenuhi persyaratan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menjawab 2 (dua) permasalahan utama, yakni sejauh mana pelaksanaan aturan asimilasi dan hak integrasi di rumah bagi narapidana di Lapas Kelas II A Kota Parepare, dan mampukah pelaksanaan aturan asimilasi dan hak integrasi di rumah bagi narapidana berpengaruh dalam menekan penyebaran Covid-19 di Lapas Kelas II A Kota Parepare. Penelitian ini sebagai penelitian percobaan yang menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum empiris atau non-doktrinal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif terhadap narapidana beserta pegawai sipir Rules; Assimilation; Covid-19di Lapas Kelas II A Kota Parepare. Asimilasi ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat perlindungan warga negara sebagai variable yang mempengaruhi (X1), persamaan hak bagi narapidana sebagai variable (X2), dan pemberian jaminan kesehatan bagi seluruh warga negara (X3) dalam menekan laju penyebaran wabah covid sebagai variabel dependen (Y) di Lapas Kelas IIA Kota Parepare

    Kedudukuan Hukum Islam Dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional

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    In discussing Islamic Law amid National Law, the focus will be on the position of Islamic Law in the National Law system. This study aims to determine the position of Islamic law in the national legal system. The research method used in this study uses a normative type of research, namely by examining laws and regulations, theories, and concepts related to the problems studied. This research is supported by the approach used in this research, namely the legislative approach, and comparative approach. The results of the study indicate that the contribution of Islamic law is very large in the development and development of National Law, namely that every product of the law made by the Legislative Body is always inspired by Islamic Law. Constraints The main obstacles and problems of Islamic Law in Indonesia are related to the process of integration into National Law

    Keberadaan Tanah Absentee kini (Studi kasus di Kota Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan)

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    This study aims to determine the application of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning agrarian matters to land owned by an absentee and to find out the legal consequences that arise on absentee land ownership. This research uses normative legal research with a statute approach. Types and sources of legal materials using primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Data analysis was studied descriptively. The results showed that there was no form of law enforcement carried out by the Parepare City Land Office. This is because when the land has been registered and the certificate has been issued, the authority to use the land becomes the full authority of the land owner. The Land Office has never carried out supervision or reprimand for land owners who abandoned their land without being used to obtain results. The Land Office only makes a statement in each certificate issuance process which is then signed by the applicant. If the applicant violates these provisions, the Land Office only hands off and submits it entirely to the land owner

    Kajian Yuridis Akta Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli Hak Atas Tanah

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    This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the legal force of the deed of binding sale and purchase agreement on land rights (PPJB) made before a notary/PPAT and to find out the legal protection for the parties in the binding agreement on sale and purchase of land rights (PPJB). The type of research used in this study is normative research, which is a process of finding legal rules, legal principles, and legal doctrines to answer the legal issues at hand. Legal research that examines rules or norms is referred to as normative research, so the research method used is the Normative legal research method which will analyze the Deed of Sale Agreement (PPJB) of Land Rights. Based on the analysis of data and facts, in chapter four above, the following conclusions can be drawn: The legal force of the Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) of Land Rights made before a Notary/PPAT, depending on where the sale and purchase agreement is made, if not before a public official (notary) then it becomes a private deed whereas if it is made by or before public officials, the deed becomes an authentic deed. This is in accordance with Article 1868 of the Indonesian Civil Code that a deed can become an authentic deed if it is made before the authorized public official at the place where the deed was made. And As for the legal protection for the parties, especially the buyer in a sale and purchase agreement that is carried out privately, the legal protection provided in the binding sale and purchase agreement is very strong because of the nature of proof of the binding sale and purchase agreement made before a public official in this case a Notary. Namely by signing the deed in front of a Notary or official appointed for signature validation (such as Consular Officers, Embassies, or Regional Heads starting from the Regent level and above) by explaining the contents first to the parties and then signing in front of a Notary or an authorized public official has very strong evidence in accordance with the evidence from the authentic deed

    Quo Vadis Fungsi Kepolisian dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Paham Radikalisme dan Intoleransi

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    Penyebaran paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia hingga kini belum terselesaikan dengan baik karena sejumlah masalah, baik dalam tingkat infrastruktur maupun suprastruktur hukum yang memadai. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis arah kebijakan Kepolisian dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Paham Radikalisme dan Intoleransi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, karena fokus kajian berangkat dari kekaburan norma, menggunakan pendekatan : statute approach, conceptual approach, serta analytical approach. Tehnik penelusuran bahan hukum menggunakan tehnik studi dokumen, serta analisis kajian menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam penanganan paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia, sejauh ini telah dilakukan beberapa upaya oleh Kepolisian. Akan tetapi, pemberantasan penyebaran paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia tidak cukup apabila hanya dilakukan oleh pihak Kepolisian saja, tetapi juga harus melibatkan beberapa pihak dalam membangun kesadaran bersam

    Pelaksanaan Mediasi Bagi Para Pihak Dalam Perkara Perceraian

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    This research delves into the implementation of divorce case mediation at the Enrekang Religious Court, emphasizing the pre-mediation stages, mediation implementation, and final reporting to the case judge. Findings reveal a structured process involving problem identification, proposal of alternative solutions, and consultation. The mediator is mandated to report mediation outcomes and legal consequences, including a written agreement signed by parties. In cases of agreement, parties present the signed agreement to the judge, potentially leading to a peace decision. The Settlement Agreement, validated by a Deed of Settlement, adheres to court disclosure regulations

    Quo Vadis Fungsi Kepolisian dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Paham Radikalisme dan Intoleransi

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    Penyebaran paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia hingga kini belum terselesaikan dengan baik karena sejumlah masalah, baik dalam tingkat infrastruktur maupun suprastruktur hukum yang memadai. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis arah kebijakan Kepolisian dalam Penanganan Penyebaran Paham Radikalisme dan Intoleransi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, karena fokus kajian berangkat dari kekaburan norma, menggunakan pendekatan : statute approach, conceptual approach, serta analytical approach. Tehnik penelusuran bahan hukum menggunakan tehnik studi dokumen, serta analisis kajian menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam penanganan paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia, sejauh ini telah dilakukan beberapa upaya oleh Kepolisian. Akan tetapi, pemberantasan penyebaran paham radikalisme dan intoleransi di Indonesia tidak cukup apabila hanya dilakukan oleh pihak Kepolisian saja, tetapi juga harus melibatkan beberapa pihak dalam membangun kesadaran bersam

    Kajian Yuridis Terhadap Perjanjian Utang Piutang Tidak Tertulis

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    This study aims to determine the legal basis that can bind unwritten debt agreements and to determine the strength of unwritten debt agreements as evidence. This study uses a type of normative legal research with a statutory approach and an analytical approach by examining and analyzing the legal issues being faced. The results of the research show that the legal basis that binds an unwritten debt agreement is contained in article 1313 of the Civil Code which states that an agreement is an act by which one or more parties bind themselves to another or more people. So the unwritten debt agreement must comply with the legal requirements of an agreement by Article 1320 of the Civil Code. And legally valid agreements apply as laws for those who make them, this is by Article 1338 Paragraph (1). For evidence that can be used in the event of a default on one of the parties, that is, you can use evidence of testimony (by bringing in more than one witness) and can be strengthened by electronic mail evidence