960 research outputs found

    Marine materials as innovative metal sorbents suitable for applications in wastewater treatments

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    The growing interest for urban mining strategies has pushed the research towards innovative strategies for metal recovery from electronic waste. Nevertheless, the treatment of the resulting metal-rich wastewater is still an issue. In this context, the present paper shows a method to use the capacity of Ulva algae to adsorb metals for the treatment of a synthetic solutions which simulates that resulting from a printed circuit board recycling process. The experiments considered a copper-zinc-iron system, showing a copper adsorption capacity of biomaterial up to 65 mg/g, at pH 5, favoured by iron presence. The process needs a short time (around 15 min) and it is suitable to be performed in a fixed-bed column able to treat more than 30 L of copper-contaminated wastewater, decreasing the energetic costs for mixing (compared to the typical slurry-reactor configuration) with an almost completed metal removal. The sustainability of the process is further improved by the selection of a macroalga which often accumulates on beaches (becoming a waste to remove) complying with the circular economy pillars

    Disturbo Depressivo Maggiore in comorbidità con la Sindrome Fibromialgica: aspetti clinici e terapeutici

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    2010/2011Introduzione: la fibromialgia (FM) è una sindrome caratterizzata da dolore muscolo scheletrico cronico diffuso, associato frequentemente ad un ampio spettro di manifestazioni cliniche e comorbidità, quali alterazioni del tono dell’umore, affaticabilità, rigidità muscolare, cefalea, disturbi del sonno, sindrome dell’intestino irritabile, disturbi cognitivi con riduzione di concentrazione e perdita di memoria. La prevalenza è stimata tra il 2% e il 4% della popolazione generale; essa colpisce prevalentemente le donne in età fertile, interferendo significativamente con la loro qualità di vita. I meccanismi fisiopatologici alla base della FM ad oggi risultano poco chiari, sebbene si ipotizza siano coinvolti fattori genetici, anomalie funzionali del sistema nervoso autonomo e neuroendocrino e fattori scatenanti ambientali. Numerosi studi dimostrano l’effetto analgesico della terapia con farmaci antidepressivi, evidenziando gli effetti benefici degli antidepressivi sul cosiddetto “dolore cronico”. Gli antidepressivi triciclici sono stati i farmaci maggiormente utilizzati in passato per il trattamento della fibromialgia, tuttavia, a causa dei notevoli effetti collaterali associati, gli inibitori selettivi del reuptake della serotonina e noradrenalina risultano attualmente i farmaci maggiormente utilizzati. Obiettivo dello studio: il nostro studio si pone due obiettivi, quello principale consiste nell’osservazione delle variazioni del quadro sintomatologico dei pazienti affetti da Disturbo Depressivo Maggiore in comorbidità con la FM in trattamento con Duloxetina 60 mg/die, quello secondario indaga l’eventuale presenza di disturbi di personalità nei pazienti oggetto d’indagine. Materiali e metodi: i dati che vengono resi noti appartengono al periodo compreso fra il febbraio 2009 e gennaio 2012. Il suddetto studio si è svolto presso gli ambulatori di Reumatologia dell’Ospedale Garibaldi di Catania. Sono state arruolate, previo consenso informato, 23 pazienti, donne di età compresa tra i 18 e i 70 anni con diagnosi di Disturbo Depressivo Maggiore in comorbidità con la FM. A ciascuna paziente, è stata effettuata valutazione clinica e testologica, quest’ultima mediante la somministrazione di appositi questionari quali HAM-D (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression), HAM-A (Hamilton Anxiety Scale), FIQ (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), SF-36 (Health Survey), NRS (Numeric Pain Intensity Scale), VRS (Verbal Rating Scale), VAS (Visual Analogue Scale), SCID II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders), alla visita basale ed al primo e secondo mese. L’analisi statistica è stata condotta su un campione di 15 pazienti. Risultati: l’età media del campione è di 47.6±9.02; le altre caratteristiche socio-demografiche e cliniche sono riportate in tabella 1. I punteggi basali medi (Media ± DS) alle due scale di valutazione della depressione e dell’ansia sono rispettivamente HAM-D 17.87±8.618 e HAM- A 20.53±7.367, indicativi della presenza alla prima visita di un disturbo depressivo lieve associato a sintomi d’ansia. Alla TAS-20 ed al FIQ sono stati ottenuti punteggi medi pari rispettivamente a 54.20±13.72 e 58.37±19.52, rivelatori della presenza alla visita basale di alessitimia indeterminata e di un grado medio di disabilità sulle attività quotidiane. Dall’analisi statistica si evince una differenza statisticamente significativa fra i punteggi medi tra la terza e la prima visita all’HAM-D (Mdn V1=16.00; Mdn V3=11.00) T=3 p.05 r=-0.426, (Mdn V1=64.00; Mdn V3=50.00) T=1 p>.05 r=-0.316; figure 3 e 4). Le scale del dolore hanno mostrato delle variazioni nelle medie dei punteggi, tra la prima e la terza visita, che risultano significative per la NRS (Mdn V1=8.000; Mdn V3=7.000) T=5 p.05 r=-0.358 (figure 5, 6 e 7). La tabella 2 mostra i punteggi medi delle 8 sottoscale dell’SF-36; una differenza staticamente significativa è stata ottenuta tra la prima e la terza visita, alla sottoscala del dolore fisico con (Mdn V1=60.00; Mdn V3=50.00) T=2 p<.05 r=-0.583, come riportato nella figura 8. Dalla somministrazione della SCID-II è emersa una maggiore prevalenza dei disturbi di personalità di tipo paranoide, evitante, borderline e ossessivo-compulsivo (vedi figura 9). Discussione e Conclusioni: dai risultati ottenuti dall’analisi statistica del campione in esame si evidenzia una riduzione statisticamente significativa, a partire dal terzo mese di terapia (duloxetina al dosaggio di 60 mg/die), della sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva. Diversi studi, condotti sia nella popolazione generale che in gruppi clinici, hanno evidenziato una forte associazione tra FM e sintomi depressivi ed ansiosi, in particolare il disturbo depressivo maggiore risulta il più frequente disturbo psichiatrico riscontrato in comorbidità con la FM. Dal nostro studio sono dunque emersi due dati rilevanti: il primo come sopra esposto, comprende una riduzione della sintomatologia ansioso-depressiva, a conferma della stretta correlazione tra il MDD e la FM; un secondo dato rilevante, consiste nella riduzione dei punteggi medi ottenuti al terzo mese di terapia alla sottoscala del dolore fisico del questionario SF-36 ed una riduzione della percezione soggettiva del dolore alla scala VRS ed NRS. La FM ha infatti un forte impatto non solo emotivo ma anche fisico sulle attività di vita quotidiana, come dimostrano i punteggi iniziali ottenuti all’SF36; le pazienti infatti alla prima visita lamentano forti limitazioni e alti gradi di disabilità sia in ambito lavorativo che in quello domestico, con importanti ripercussioni sulla qualità di vita. I risultati ottenuti dal nostro studio, di efficacia della terapia antidepressiva sul dolore e sui sintomi ansiosi depressivi sono in linea con i risultati emersi in letteratura, in pazienti affetti da MDD in comorbidità con la Fibromialgia. La buona risposta dei pazienti fibromialgici alla terapia antidepressiva può dunque essere interpretata come evidenza della correlazione tra FM ed MDD. Inoltre tra le pazienti arruolate con diagnosi di FM è stato possibile, attraverso la somministrazione del questionario SCID II, individuare un alto tasso di disturbi di asse II, con una maggiore prevalenza dei disturbi di personalità di tipo paranoide, evitante, borderline e ossessivo-compulsivo.XXIV Cicl

    Exploiting Linearity in Sharing Analysis of Object-oriented Programs

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    AbstractWe propose a new sharing analysis of object-oriented programs based on abstract interpretation. Two variables share when they are bound to data structures which overlap. We show that sharing analysis can greatly benefit from linearity analysis. We propose a combined domain including aliasing, linearity and sharing information. We use a graph-based representation of aliasing information which naturally encodes sharing and linearity information, and define all the necessary operators for the analysis of a Java-like language

    Cholangiocarcinoma disease modelling through patients derived organoids

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    Cancer organoids are 3D phenotypic cultures that can be established from resected or biopsy tumour samples and can be grown as mini tumours in the dish. Flourishing evidence supports the feasibility of patient derived organoids (PDO) from a number of solid tumours. Evidence for cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) PDO is still sparse but growing. CCA PDO lines have been established from resected early stage disease, advanced cancers and highly chemorefractory tumours. Cancer PDO was shown to recapitulate the 3D morphology, genomic landscape and transcriptomic profile of the source counterpart. They proved to be a valued model for drug discovery and sensitivity testing, and they showed to mimic the drug response observed in vivo in the patients. However, PDO lack representation of the intratumour heterogeneity and the tumour-stroma interaction. The efficiency rate of CCA PDO within the three different subtypes, intrahepatic, perihilar and distal, is still to be explored. In this manuscript we will review evidence for CCA PDO highlighting advantages and limitations of this novel disease model

    Mending Termini Station

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    Mending Termini Station es el título de una experimentación académica que ha sido tratada y profundizada entre 2017 y 2018 en el contexto de un Master en finanzas inmobiliarias (en la LUISS Business School en Roma), un Taller internacional de planificación urbana y arquitectura (con la participación de las universidades de Roma Tre y Sapienza, de Roma, ETSAB/UPC, de Barcelona, UFRGS, de Porto Alegre – Brasil, y UNR, de Rosario - Argentina) y varios cursos de Urbanismo en el Departamento de Arquitectura de la Universidad Roma Tre.La experimentación se funda sobre la anomalía genética de las ciudades italianas, ligadas al transporte por carretera (auto particulares, buses y camiones), que muestra progresivamente y dramáticamente sus consecuencias, especialmente en la ciudad de Roma - que tiene el territorio municipal más amplio de Europa. El "cuidado del hierro," prometido por el Plan Regulador municipal de 2008, que contemplaba nuevas líneas de metro, tranvías, ferroviarias, corredores preferenciales de transporte público y el cierre del cinturón ferroviario en la parte norte de Roma, lamentablemente sigue apareciendo en las crónicas debido a quiebras y interrupciones.La congestión del tráfico vehicular, debido a la estructura radial de la red vial romana (que sigue la estructura de las antiguas carreteras consulares), la ineficiencia del transporte público y el flujo monodireccional de viajeros diarios a y del centro de la ciudad, involucra a toda el área metropolitana y paraliza todos los días a los ciudadanos.En particular, la estructura de los ferrocarriles parece penalizada por el cinturón que todavia nunca se ha completado, por una nueva estación para los trenes de Alta Velocidad, la Estación Tiburtina, subutilizada debido a la presencia dominante de la Estación Termini, la estación principal de Roma, donde llegan la mayoría de los trenes regionales y Alta Velocidad. Por su ubicación, a caballo entre las Murallas Antigua del Emperador Aureliano, que rodean el centro histórico de Roma, la Estación Termini se carateriza como un corte en el medio del corazon de la ciudad, un fragmento urbano que separa los barrios Esquilino, Castro Pretorio, San Lorenzo, y que atrae fenómenos al mismo tiempo de degradación y turistificación masiva.El proyecto Mending Termini Station está inspirado en una hipótesis del Plan Regulador de 1931 (por el arquitecto Marcello Piacentini). Este Plan, al final de un largo debate que duró más de cincuenta años, propuso la eliminación de la estación de Termini, construida en el cuadrante oriental del centro histórico de Roma, reemplazándola con un ferrocarril subterráneo y una nueva estación ferroviaria, también esta subterránea, y el cierre simultáneo del anillo ferroviario hacia el norte. La zona de Termini, una vez liberada de la infraestructura ferroviaria, estaba destinada a convertirse en un nuevo centro direccional con características monumentales, en línea con lo que se logró en otras capitales europeas.Mending Termini Station actualiza las ideas de planificación de 1931: la eliminación de la actual estación de Termini, reemplazada por un nuevo trazado ferroviario subterráneo y una nueva estación, también subterranea, únicamente para el Alta Velocidad; la reutilización y valorización de la Estación del 1949 y de su gran área central, liberada de los rieles; el cierre del cinturón ferroviario con la reorganización de la movilidad y del transporte público de toda el área metropolitana de Roma. Todo esto, en total conformidad con las regulaciones europeas sobre la liberalización del mercado ferroviario.El ensayo ilustrará los estudios preparatorios, los análisis históricos, el modelo actual, las evaluaciones críticas y los métodos de construcción de las propuestas. La metodología de implementación ha previsto un juego de rol, donde estuvieron representados los tres actores principales de la transformación urbana: el Municipio, la empresa que gestiona la red ferroviaria y los edificios ferroviarios, RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Grupo Ferrovie dello Stato) y finalmente los ciudadanos mismos.Las soluciones propuestas se caracterizan por su factibilidad urbana, de transporte y movilidad y también socioeconómica. Por lo tanto, constituyen una propuesta sostenible para la ciudad de Roma y su sistema de transporte público.Mending Termini Station és el títol d'una experimentació acadèmica que ha estat tractada i aprofundida entre 2017 i 2018 en el context d'un Màster en finances immobiliàries (a la LUISS Business School a Roma), un Taller internacional de planificació urbana i arquitectura (amb la participació de les universitats de Roma Tre i Sapienza, de Roma, ETSAB / UPC, de Barcelona, UFRGS, de Porto Alegre - Brasil, i UNR, de Rosario - Argentina) i diversos cursos d'Urbanisme al Departament d'Arquitectura de la Universitat Roma Tre.L'experimentació es funda sobre l'anomalia genètica de les ciutats italianes, lligades al transport per carretera (acte particulars, busos i camions), que mostra progressivament i dramàticament les seves conseqüències, especialment a la ciutat de Roma - que té el territori municipal més ampli de Europa. El "cura del ferro," promès pel Pla Regulador municipal de 2008, que contemplava noves línies de metro, tramvies, ferroviàries, corredors preferencials de transport públic i el tancament del cinturó ferroviari a la part nord de Roma, lamentablement segueix apareixent en les cròniques causa de fallides i interrupcions.La congestió del trànsit vehicular, a causa de l'estructura radial de la xarxa viària romana (que segueix l'estructura de les antigues carreteres consulars), la ineficiència del transport públic i el flux mono direccional de viatgers diaris ai del centre de la ciutat, involucra tota l'àrea metropolitana i paralitza tots els dies als ciutadans.En particular, l'estructura dels ferrocarrils sembla penalitzada pel cinturó que encara no s'ha completat, per una nova estació per als trens d'Alta Velocitat, l'Estació Tiburtina, subutilizada causa de la presència dominant de l'Estació Termini, l'estació principal de Roma, on arriben la majoria dels trens regionals i Alta Velocitat.Per la seva ubicació, a cavall entre les Muralles Antiga de l'Emperador Aureliano, que envolten el centre històric de Roma, l'Estació Termini es caracteritza com un tall al mig del cor de la ciutat, un fragment urbà que separa els barris Esquilino, Castro Pretorio , Sant Llorenç, i que atreu fenòmens al mateix temps de degradació i turistificació massiva.El projecte Mending Termini Station està inspirat en una hipòtesi del Pla Regulador de 1931 (per l'arquitecte Marcello Piacentini). Aquest Pla, al final d'un llarg debat que va durar més de cinquanta anys, va proposar l'eliminació de l'estació de Termini, construïda al quadrant oriental del centre històric de Roma, reemplaçant-amb un ferrocarril subterrani i una nova estació ferroviària, també aquesta subterrània , i el tancament simultani de l'anell ferroviari cap al nord. La zona de Termini, un cop alliberada de la infraestructura ferroviària, estava destinada a convertir-se en un nou centre direccional amb característiques monumentals, en línia amb el que es va aconseguir en altres capitals europees.Mending Termini Station actualitza les idees de planificació de 1931: l'eliminació de l'actual estació de Termini, reemplaçada per un nou traçat ferroviari subterrani i una nova estació, també subterrània, únicament per al Alta Velocitat; la reutilització i valorització de l'Estació del 1949 i de la seva gran àrea central, alliberada dels rails; el tancament del cinturó ferroviari amb la reorganització de la mobilitat i del transport públic de tota l'àrea metropolitana de Roma. Tot això, en total conformitat amb les regulacions europees sobre la liberalització del mercat ferroviari.L'assaig il·lustrarà els estudis preparatoris, les anàlisis històrics, el model actual, les avaluacions crítiques i els mètodes de construcció de les propostes. La metodologia d'implementació ha previst un joc de rol, on van estar representats els tres actors principals de la transformació urbana: el Municipi, l'empresa que gestiona la xarxa ferroviària i els edificis ferroviaris, RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Grup Ferrovie dello Stato) i finalment els ciutadans mateixos.Les solucions proposades es caracteritzen per la seva factibilitat urbana, de transport i mobilitat i també socioeconòmica. Per tant, constitueixen una proposta sostenible per a la ciutat de Roma i el seu sistema de transport públic.Mending Termini Station is the title of an academic experimentation that has been treated and deepened between 2017 and 2018 in the context of a Master in Real Estate Finance (at the LUISS Business School in Rome), an international workshop on urban planning and architecture (with the participation of the universities Roma Tre and Sapienza, of Rome, ETSAB / UPC, of Barcelona, UFRGS, of Porto Alegre - Brazil, and UNR, of Rosario - Argentina) and Urban Planning Laboratories at the Department of Architecture of the University “Rome Tre”.The experimentation is based on the genetic anomaly of the Italian cities, linked to road transport (private cars, buses and trucks), that progressively and dramatically shows its consequences, especially in the city of Rome - which has the broadest municipal territory of Europe. The "care of iron", promised by the Municipal Regulatory Plan of 2008, which contemplated new subway lines, trams, railways, preferential corridors of public transport and the closure of the railway belt in the northern part of Rome, unfortunately continues to appear in the chronicles due to bankruptcies and interruptions.The congestion of vehicular traffic, due to the radial structure of the Roman road network (which follows the structure of the ancient consular roads), the inefficiency of public transport and the monodirectional flow of commuters to and from the center of the city, involves the entire area metropolitan and paralyzes citizens every day.In particular, the structure of the railways seems to be penalized by the belt that has not yet been completed, by a new station for high-speed trains, the Tiburtina station, underutilized due to the dominant presence of the Termini station, the main station of Rome, where most of the regional and high-speed trains arrive.Because of its location, halfway between the Ancient Walls of Emperor Aureliano, which surround the historical centre of Rome, Termini Station is characterized as a cut in the middle of the heart of the city, an urban fragment that separates the Esquilino, Castro Pretorio and San Lorenzo neighborhoods, and that attracts phenomena at the same time of degradation and massive touristification.The Mending Termini Station project is inspired by a hypothesis of the 1931 Regulatory Plan (by architect Marcello Piacentini). The Plan, at the end of a long debate that lasted more than fifty years, proposed the elimination of the Termini station, built in the eastern quadrant of the historic center of Rome, replacing it with an underground railway and a new railway station, also underground, and the simultaneous closure of the railway ring to the north. The area of Termini, once freed from the railway infrastructure, was destined to become a new directional center with monumental characteristics, in line with what was achieved in other European capitals.Mending Termini Station updates the planning ideas of 1931: the elimination of the current Termini Station, replaced by a new underground railway line and a new station, also underground, only for High Speed Trains; the reuse and recovery of the 1949 Station and its large central area, freed from the rails; the closure of the railway belt, with the reorganization of mobility and public transport throughout the metropolitan area of Rome. All this, in full compliance with European regulations on the liberalization of the rail market.This essay will illustrate the preparatory studies, the historical studies, the current model, the critical evaluations and the methods of construction of the proposals. The implementation methodology has planned a role-play, where the three main actors of the urban transformation were represented: The Municipality, the company that manages the railway network and the railway buildings, RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato) and finally the citizens themselves.The proposed solutions are characterized by their urban, transport and mobility and also socioeconomic feasibility. Therefore, they constitute a sustainable proposal for the city of Rome and its public transport system.Peer Reviewe

    Patient-derived organoids as a model for cancer drug discovery

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    In the search for the ideal model of tumours, the use of three-dimensional in vitro models is advancing rapidly. These are intended to mimic the in vivo properties of the tumours which affect cancer development, progression and drug sensitivity, and take into account cell–cell interactions, adhesion and invasiveness. Importantly, it is hoped that successful recapitulation of the structure and function of the tissue will predict patient response, permitting the development of personalized therapy in a timely manner applicable to the clinic. Furthermore, the use of co-culture systems will allow the role of the tumour microenvironment and tissue–tissue interactions to be taken into account and should lead to more accurate predictions of tumour development and responses to drugs. In this review, the relative merits and limitations of patient-derived organoids will be discussed compared to other in vitro and ex vivo cancer models. We will focus on their use as models for drug testing and personalized therapy and how these may be improved. Developments in technology will also be considered, including the use of microfluidics, 3D bioprinting, cryopreservation and circulating tumour cell-derived organoids. These have the potential to enhance the consistency, accessibility and availability of these models

    Rutas de Resiliencia en Italia y España. Relanzamiento y reutilización de ferrocarriles en territorios frágiles

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    The processes of metropolization of the territory foster phenomena of spatial polarization that determine a growing state of economic and social fragility of the “inner peripheries” connected to the abandonment of the building and infrastructural heritage. In this context, between 2018 and 2020, the group of Italian and Spanish academics has developed the research entitled Resilience Paths. Reuse and relaunch of minor railways for the regeneration of fragile territories. Experiences in Italy and Spain. The research, based on the contextualization of the dynamics in Italy and Spain, such as the marginalization of the "aree interne" and the "España vacía", defines new methodological and operational references aimed at facing the processes of infrastructural dismantling, in line with European strategies. This research adopts three consolidated perspectives, within the framework of the urban planning debate, to analyse the fragilization phenomena. Moreover, the ongoing experiences and to propose guidelines for intervention: a "structural" perspective for the relaunch of the ordinary service, a "morphological and landscape" perspective for the enhancement of the cultural and tourist character of the railways and an "ecological" perspective for the construction of greenways. In this framework, based on an inductive methodology, the document represents a synthesis of the results and some insights into case studies that highlight the opportunity to experiment new integrated and multi-scalar categories for the planning of infrastructure networks, promoted by the national and European policies and programs.Los procesos de metropolización del territorio impulsan fenómenos de polarización espacial que determina un estado creciente de fragilidad económica y social de las “inner peripheries” conectada a fenómenos de abandono del patrimonio edificatorio y de infraestructuras. En este contexto, el grupo de académicos italianos y españoles ha desarrollado entre 2018 y 2020 la investigación intitulada Rutas de resiliencia. Reutilización y relanzamiento de ferrocarriles menores para la regeneración de los territorios frágiles. Experiencias en Italia y España. La investigación, a partir de la contextualización de las dinámicas en Italia y España, como la marginalización de las “aree interne” y de la “España vacía”, define nuevas referencias metodológicas y operativas orientadas a responder a los procesos de desmantelamiento infraestructural, en línea con las estrategias europeas. La investigación adopta tres perspectivas consolidadas en el marco del debate urbanístico para analizar los fenómenos de fragilización y las experiencias en curso y para proponer pautas de intervención: una perspectiva "estructural" para el relanzamiento del servicio ordinario, una perspectiva "morfológica y paisajística" de puesta en valor del carácter cultural y turístico de los ferrocarriles y una perspectiva “ecológica” para la construcción de vías verdes. En este marco, a partir de una metodología inductiva, el documento representa una síntesis de los resultados y algunas profundizaciones de casos de estudio que subrayan la oportunidad de experimentar nuevas categorías integradas y multiescalares para la planificación de redes de infraestructuras, promovidas por las políticas y los programas nacionales y europeo

    End-of-Life Liquid Crystal Display Recovery: Toward a Zero-Waste Approach

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    End-of-life liquid crystal displays (LCD) represent a possible source of secondary raw materials, mainly glass and an optoelectronic film composed of indium (90%) and tin (10%) oxides. A strong interest for indium, classified as critical raw material, pushed research towards the development of high-efficiency recycling processes. Nevertheless, a deepened study of the technological innovation highlighted that only a small number of treatments included use of whole waste. Furthermore, these processes often need high temperatures, long times, and raw materials that have a significant environmental impact. In this context, this article shows an approach developed in accordance with the "zero waste" principles for whole, end-of-life LCD panel recycling. This process includes preliminary grinding, followed by cross-current acid leaching and indium recovery by zinc cementation, with efficiencies greater than 90%. A recirculation system further increases sustainability of the process. To enhance all waste fractions, glass cullets from leaching are used for concrete production, avoiding their disposal in landfill sites. Considering the achieved efficiencies, combined the simple design suitable for real-scale application (as confirmed by the related patent pending), this process represents an excellent example of implementing circular economy pillars