5 research outputs found

    Analisa Gambaran Post Mortem Makroskopis Dan Mikroskopis Organ Otak Dan Hati Pada Tikus Wistar Setelah Pemberian Warfarin Ld50 Dan Ld 100.

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    Background: its about 800.000 people die caused of suicide in a year. In 2012, suicide is the second most common cause of death in juvenile, range of age is 15-29 yo (WHO). One of common cause in suicide is using poison, and one of them is medical drugs. Warfarin is a substance which belong to medical drug as a human therapeutic agent but also can be use as a rodenticide. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of Warfarin administration in Wistar Rats organs especially brain and liver in a macroscopic and microscopic presentation.Aim: to know macroscopic and microscopic view after the provision of warfarin a dose of LD-50 and LD-100.Method: Laboratoric experimental study with 27 male Wistar Rats divided into 3 groups. Two treatment groups were given single dose Warfarin LD-50 200mg/kg BW and Warfarin LD100 400mg/kg BW. This study was conducted in Biology Faculty UNES and Patology Anatomy Laboratory WASPADA Semarang for histopatology examination.Result: Prominent abnormality findings on microscopic representation including haemorrhage ptechiae and blood vessel enlargement in almost every organ, meanwhile damaging happened in liver. Microscopic representation examination showed haemorrhage, nekrosis, and inflammation signs.Conclusion: There are prominent abnormality characteristics in macroscopic representation as well as microscopic Wistar Rats organ examination after Warfarin LD-50 and LD-100 administration, most important at liver

    Pengaruh Madu Terhadap Gambaran Mikroskopis Testis Pada Tikus Wistar Yang Diinduksi Monosodium Glutamat

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    Background: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food seasoning that is often consumed excessively although it is harmful to the body, including on testis. The harmful effect of MSG on testis must be highlighted because it can leaf to infertility. Honey as an antioxidant can counteract the harmful effects of MSG on testis.Aim: To prove the effect of multi level doses of honey on microscopic structure of testis in wistar rats induced to monosodium glutamate.Methods: True experimental study "post test only control group design"using 18 wistar rats were divided into 3 groups, P1 was administered MSG 6 mg/g BW/day, P2 was adminstered MSG 6 mg/g BW/day then honey 2 g/200 g BW/day, P3 was adminstered MSG 6 mg/g BW/day then honey 4 g/200 g BW/day. The treatment was 30 days, then the rats were terminated and the microscopic structure of testis was observed with Johnsen Criteria.Results: P1 showed histological structural damage of testis and 80% of seminiferous tubules were in the category of early maturity arrest. P2 showed the repairment of histology structure of testis compared to P1 and 73.33% seminiferous tubules were in the category of late maturity arrest. P3 showed better histological structure of testis compared to others and 53.33% of the seminiferous tubules in the category of obstructive cases/normal. Hypothesis test showed significant difference between each group ( p<0.05).Conclusions: Administration of multi level doses of honey give protective effect to the histological structure of testis which was exposed to MSG

    Analisa Gambaran Post Mortem Makroskopis Dan Mikroskopis Organ Jantung Dan Ginjal Pada Tikus Wistar Setelah Pemberian Warfarin LD50 Dan LD 100

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    Background : Its about 800.000 people die caused of suicide in a year. In 2012, suicide is the second most common cause of death in juvenile, range of age is 15-29 yo (WHO). One of common cause in suicide is using poison, and one of them is medical drugs. Warfarin is a substance which belong to medical drug as a human therapeutic agent but also can be use as a rodenticide. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of Warfarin administration in Wistar Rats organs especially brain and liver in a macroscopic and microscopic presentation.Aim : to know macroscopic and microscopic view after the provision of warfarin a dose of LD-50 and LD-100.Method : Laboratoric experimental study with 27 male Wistar Rats divided into 3 groups. Two treatment groups were given single dose Warfarin LD-50 200mg/kg BW and Warfarin LD100 400mg/kg BW. This study was conducted in Biology Faculty UNES and Patology Anatomy Laboratory WASPADA Semarang for histopatology examination.Result : Prominent abnormality findings on microscopic representation including haemorrhage ptechiae and blood vessel enlargement in almost every organ, meanwhile damaging happened in liver. Microscopic representation examination showed haemorrhage, nekrosis, and inflammation signs.Conclusion : There are prominent abnormality characteristics in macroscopic representation as well as microscopic Wistar Rats organ examination after Warfarin LD-50 and LD-100 administration, most important at liver

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Kersen (Muntingia Calabura) Terhadap Gambaran Mikroskopis Hepar Tikus Wistar Jantan Yang Diinduksi Etanol Dan Soft Drink

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    Latar Belakang : Konsumsi alkohol dan soft drink semakin meningkat di dunia. Minuman yang mengandung etanol dan soft drink memiliki efek negatif terhadap hepar, diantaranya menghasilkan peroksidasi lipid, inflamasi hepar, stres oksidatif, penyakit hati alkoholik, resistensi insulin, dan Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Ekstrak daun kersen memiliki sifat antioksidan dan antiinflamasi yang berpotensi sebagai hepatoprotektor sehingga dapat mencegah dan mengurangi kerusakan pada hepar.Tujuan: Membuktikan pengaruh ekstrak daun kersen terhadap gambaran mikroskopis hepar tikus Wistar jantan yang diinduksi etanol dan soft drink.Metode: Penelitian true experimental dengan Post Test-Only Control Group Design. Sebanyak 30 tikus Wistar jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kontrol, P1, P2, P3, dan P4. Kelompok P1 dan P3 diberi etanol 40% sebesar 1,8 ml/200 g/hari. Kelompok P2 dan P4 diberi soft drink sebesar 50 ml/hari. Kelompok P3 dan P4, 60 menit sebelum diinduksi etanol 40% dan soft drink diberikan ekstrak daun kersen sebesar 500 mg/kgBB/hari. Setelah intervensi 30 hari, sampel diterminasi dan heparnya dibuat preparat untuk diamati gambaran mikroskopis. Uji analisis menggunakan Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann Whitney.Hasil: Pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan sebagian besar hepatosit dalam keadaan normal pada kelompok kontrol, nekrosis zona 3 lobulus hepar pada P1, degenerasi parenkimatosa pada P2, degenerasi parenkimatosa pada P3, dan hepatosit dalam keadaan normal pada P4. Uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada seluruh kelompok (Kontrol, P1, P2, P3, dan P4) dengan p=0,001. Hasil uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada K-P1 (p=0,001), K-P2 (p=0,001), P1-P3 (p=0,001), dan P2-P4 (p=0,011).Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak daun kersen menghasilkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada gambaran mikroskopis hepar yang diinduksi etanol dan soft drink