6 research outputs found

    Grafting By Epidermal Scraping In Stable Vitiligo: A Therapeutic Option

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    Vitiligo is an acquired depigmentation characterized by partial or total loss of epidermal melanocytes. Many therapeutic modalities have been proposed for its treatment. In cases of stable vitiligo surgical treatments are preferred. Grafting by epidermal scraping is a variant of micrografts by punch technique. It is a new, simple and low cost technique, with high rates of repigmentation. The objective of this report is to demonstrate the authors' experience with this technique and discuss the results in an initial series of two cases (three lesions).8217317

    Signs Of Quality Loss In Rice Seeds At Different Temperatures Through Of Enzymatic Activity And Respiration [indicativos Da Perda De Qualidade De Sementes De Arroz Sob Diferentes Temperaturas Através Da Atividade Enzimática E Respira Tória]

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    The modifications caused in the respiration, metabolic enzyme activity and physiological quality of rice seeds under different temperatures was analyzed, and the relationship between these parameters used as an indication of the deterioration process of seeds. Seeds were exposed during 24h and submitted to tests for germination, first count germination, index the germination speed, length and dry weight of shoot and roots, electrical conductivity, and respiratory and enzymatic activity. The experiment was completely randomized with four replicates and the averages compared by Tukey test (p≤0.05) with subsequent regression analysis. Rice seeds showed a decrease En este trabajo se analizan las modificaciones en la respiración, la actividad de las enzimas del metabolismo respiratorio y la calidad fisiológica de las semillas de arroz bajo diferentes temperaturas, así como el uso de la relación entre estos parámetros como indicativo del proceso de deterioro de la semillas. Las semillas fueron expuestas durante 24h a temperaturas de 15, 25, 30 y 35°C, y determinaron: germinación, primer conteo de germinación, índice de velocidad de germinación, longitud y peso seco de brotes y raíces, conductividad eléctrica, actividad respiratoria y enzimática. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones y las medias se compararon mediante la prueba de Tukey (p≤0,05), con posterior análisis de regresión polinómica. Las semillas de arroz in germination and vigor in temperatures above 25°C. The activity of malate dehydrogenase enzyme increased in the plants whose seeds were exposed to 15 and 35°C (ranging from 32.55 to 39.04μmol NAD+/g/ MF/min, respectively), while the enzyme glucose-6-hosphate dehydrogenase increased with no significant differences when seeds were subjected to 15, 30 and 35°C (0.58, 0.71 and 0.74μmol NADPH/g MF/min, respectively). It can be concluded that the evaluated biochemical tests can be used to identify the deteriorating process of rice seeds and that temperatures above 25°C can deteriorate the quality of rice seeds var. Pelota.3815459Brasil, Regras para Análise de Sementes. SNAD/CLAV (2009) Ministério da Agricultura e Reforma Agrária, p. 398. , Brasília, BrasilCarvalho, D.B., Rinde, C., Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de guanxuma em influência do envelhecimento acelerado e da luz (2009) Acta Sci. Agron., 31, pp. 489-494Carvalho, L.F., Sediyama, C.S., Reis, M.S., Dias, D.C.F.S., Moreira, M.A., Influência da temperatura de embebição da semente de soja no teste de condutividade elétrica para avaliação da qualidade f isiológica (2009) Rev. Brás. Sem, 41, pp. 9-17Corte, V.B., Borges, E.E.L., Leite, H.G., Pereira, B.L.C., Gonçalves, J.F.C., Estudo enzimático da deterioração de sementes de Melanoxylon braúna submetidas ao envelhecimento natural e acelerado (2010) Rev. Brás. 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