11 research outputs found

    Between the marquise and the central track. Space for free time in the Ibirapuera Park

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    This paper has as central topic the relation between leisure and urban space. There have been made thirty eight visits to the Ibirapuera Park (Sao Paulo). Through the method of anthropological research, we tried to understand the role of the differents uses that the same space can contain for the leisure pratices. The differences observed in the central track and the subversion presented by the marquise suggest the motto for these and others places to be able to become space for free time.16224926

    Possibilities of matrix support in leisure public administration

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    This study assumes that the cycle of leisure public policies was implemented by different sectors of public administration in an isolated form. But, leisure is a process that receives influences from several subjects that constitutes both a theoretical field and an intervention. The purpose of this research was to get know the viability of the matrix management for conducting leisure public policies. We have analyzed the data based on the script of Martins (2005), who is concerned with the strategy, structure and process of the matrix management. This article analyzes the structural, political, cultural, theoretical, and subjective obstacles to this new model. The most important obstacle is the involvement of the various sectors in the matrix model. These sectors do not get involved in this policy with the same intensity. In fact, there is no interdisciplinary team reference. This way, we believe that this model must be thought as a government action, rather than an isolated action with team from several sectors.18120522

    The Physical Education School Evaluation: the comparison between traditional school and "ciclada" school

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    In the present work, a comparative analysis between the schools traditional and "cycling" was become fulfilled, thinking about as if it would give to the evaluation in the Physical Education from these two perspectives. To develop the study it was essential to analyze the pertaining to school structures: theoretical base, methodology of education, politician-pedagogical project; as well as, the social functions exerted by these schools and the relations constructed for them in the daily pertaining to school. As result of this study was verified that the evaluation in Physical Education, carried through for these schools, uses similar evaluative instruments, such as: the presence in lesson, the auto-evaluation and the performance of the pupils, and also theoretical lessons and written tests, however, the evaluation carried through for the traditional school are guided for the election and classification of the learning, differently of the "cycling" school, whose evaluation is guided for the development of the learning and the formation of active and socially independent individuals, capable to reflect on proper the practical one and the social reality which belong.15124125

    Critic method for teaching Capoeira

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    This paper aims to verify the possibility of a new methodological instrument to be used to teach Capoeira base on the critic theory. Capoeira was chosen because it is a part of the corporal culture. As a result, a theory was developed to propose socialization as a learning/teaching method in the classroom. This method proposes the intersection among three distinct actions: problem solving, movement creation and discussions.14220722

    Comparative evaluation of phenol and thimerosal as preservatives for a candidate vaccine against American cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    For decades thimerosal has been used as a preservative in the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis, which was developed by Mayrink et al. The use of thimerosal in humans has been banned due to its mercury content. This study addresses the standardization of phenol as a new candidate vaccine preservative. We have found that the proteolytic activity was abolished when the test was conducted using the candidate vaccine added to merthiolate (MtVac) as well as to phenol (PhVac). The Montenegro's skin test conversion rates induced by MtVac and by PhVac was 68.06% and 85.9%, respectively, and these values were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The proliferative response of peripheral mononuclear blood cells shows that the stimulation index of mice immunized with both candidate vaccines was higher than the one in control animals (p < 0.05). The ability of the candidate vaccines to induce protection in C57BL/10 mice against a challenge with infective Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes was tested and the mice immunized with PhVac developed smaller lesions than the mice immunized with MtVac. Electrophoresis of phenol-preserved antigen revealed a number of proteins, which were better preserved in PhVac. These results do in fact encourage the use of phenol for preserving the immunogenic and biochemical properties of the candidate vaccine for cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Recent Developments, New Trends

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