9,005 research outputs found

    On fermionic tilde conjugation rules and thermal bosonization. Hot and cold thermofields

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    A generalization of Ojima tilde conjugation rules is suggested, which reveals the coherent state properties of thermal vacuum state and is useful for the thermofield bosonization. The notion of hot and cold thermofields is introduced to distinguish different thermofield representations giving the correct normal form of thermofield solution for finite temperature Thirring model with correct renormalization and anticommutation properties.Comment: 13 page

    Effects of gluon number fluctuations on photon - photon collisions at high energies

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    We investigate the effects of gluon number fluctuations on the total γγ\gamma\gamma, γγ\gamma^*\gamma^* cross sections and the photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2)F_2^\gamma(x,Q^2). Considering a model which relates the dipole-dipole and dipole-hadron scattering amplitudes, we estimate these observables by using event-by-event and physical amplitudes. We demonstrate that both analyses are able to describe the LEP data, but predict different behaviours for the observables at high energies, with the gluon fluctuations effects decreasing the cross sections. We conclude that the study of γγ\gamma \gamma interactions can be useful to constrain the QCD dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Improved version with two new figures. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Photometric stability analysis of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory

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    Photometric stability is a key requirement for time-resolved spectroscopic observations of transiting extrasolar planets. In the context of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) mission design, we here present and investigate means of translating spacecraft pointing instabilities as well as temperature fluctuation of its optical chain into an overall error budget of the exoplanetary spectrum to be retrieved. Given the instrument specifications as of date, we investigate the magnitudes of these photometric instabilities in the context of simulated observations of the exoplanet HD189733b secondary eclipse.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Necrotizing Enterocolitis with Perforation and Peritoneal Drainage in the Very Low Birth Weight Infant: A Case with Favourable Outcome

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    A enterocolite necrosante (ECN) constitui o problema gastrointestinal mais grave e mais frequente no recém-nascido (RN) de baixo peso. A melhoria na taxa de sobrevivência tem sido atribuída ao diagnóstico mais precoce e à experiência adquirida no tratamento do recém-nascido pré-termo em estado crítico. Desde 1977 que a drenagem peritoneal como actuação prioritária nos quadros de ECN tem sido preconizada nos recém- -nascidos de peso inferior a 1500 g com perfuração intestinal, e nos de peso superior a 1500 g com instabilidade hemodinâmica. Neste artigo relata-se o caso de um recém-nascido, com 1473 g de peso e 30 semanas de idade gestacional, ECN, sinais de perfuração intestinal e de instabilidade hemodinâmica, o qual foi submetido a drenagem peritoneal com evolução favorável e sem sequelas. Na discussão faz-se referência especial, de acordo com dados de literatura, aos mecanismos que explicam os bons resultados do procedimento em cerca de 2/3 dos casos de ECN com perfuração, os quais estão relacionados com as características particulares da cicatrização nos tecidos imaturos. Em conclusão, admite-se que a drenagem peritoneal deverá constituir a forma de actuação prioritária nos casos de ECN com perfuração e instabilidade hemodinâmica em RN pré-termo de muito baixo peso

    Autoria na Web 2.0 no contexto da educação e a ética dos hackers.

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    Este artigo discute a importância do exercício da autoria em ambiente virtual da Web 2.0, considerando que se trata de fundamento essencial à aprendizagem, no professor e no aluno. Autoria na Web 2.0 é apresentada como estratégia pedagógica para ambientes de aprendizagem virtuais, que se utilizam principalmente de ferramentas como blog, wiki e redes sociais. Embora não sejam determinantes essas, tecnologias digitais são condicionantes para que a aprendizagem e a autoria ocorram. Autoria na Web 2.0, além do estabelecimento de novos aparatos tecnológicos, requer novos modos de produção, nos quais prevaleça a postura ética dos hackers, favorecendo a participação, a colaboração, a liberdade e o compartilhamento.Artigo publicado na revista ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. esp., p. 154-173, mar. 2011

    Experimental determination of the non-extensive entropic parameter qq

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    We show how to extract the qq parameter from experimental data, considering an inhomogeneous magnetic system composed by many Maxwell-Boltzmann homogeneous parts, which after integration over the whole system recover the Tsallis non-extensivity. Analyzing the cluster distribution of La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} manganite, obtained through scanning tunnelling spectroscopy, we measure the qq parameter and predict the bulk magnetization with good accuracy. The connection between the Griffiths phase and non-extensivity is also considered. We conclude that the entropic parameter embodies information about the dynamics, the key role to describe complex systems.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    γp\gamma^*p cross section from the dipole model in momentum space

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    We reproduce the DIS measurements of the proton structure function at high energy from the dipole model in momentum space. To model the dipole-proton forward scattering amplitude, we use the knowledge of asymptotic solutions of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation, describing high-energy QCD in the presence of saturation effects. We compare our results with the previous analysis in coordinate space and discuss possible extensions of our approach.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Electrodynamics in Two-Dimensions at Finite Temperature. Thermofield Bosonization Approach

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    The Schwinger model at finite temperature is analyzed using the Thermofield Dynamics formalism. The operator solution due to Lowenstein and Swieca is generalized to the case of finite temperature within the thermofield bosonization approach. The general properties of the statistical-mechanical ensemble averages of observables in the Hilbert subspace of gauge invariant thermal states are discussed. The bare charge and chirality of the Fermi thermofields are screened, giving rise to an infinite number of mutually orthogonal thermal ground states. One consequence of the bare charge and chirality selection rule at finite temperature is that there are innumerably many thermal vacuum states with the same total charge and chirality of the doubled system. The fermion charge and chirality selection rules at finite temperature turn out to imply the existence of a family of thermal theta vacua states parametrized with the same number of parameters as in zero temperature case. We compute the thermal theta-vacuum expectation value of the mass operator and show that the analytic expression of the chiral condensate for any temperature is easily obtained within this approach, as well as, the corresponding high-temperature behavior