339 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Pengungkapan Corporate Sosial Responsibility sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Rokok Yang Terdaftar Di BEI)

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    The purpose of this study is to test the effects of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to the corporate value that is moderated by the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The corporate's value measured by Tobin's Q, proxy GCG in the capture of researchers that managerial ownership and the proportion of the board of commissioners, disclosure of CSR into 7 categories: environment, energy, health and safety of workers, other workers, products, community involvement, and the public.Research results show that GCG has a negative effect on corporate value, this is possible because the company apply only to meet the GCG formal. So that, managerial ownership does not provide added value to the company and the existence of an independent commissioner did not show improved performance in the company, so it can increase the value of the company. CSR disclosure has no significant value to the company, so it can be said that disclosure of CSR are not able to moderate the relationship with the company's GCG. No significant results of CSR indicate that the market does not use information about CSR disclosure in assesing investment.Keyword : Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Corporate Valu

    Influenza del luogo di nascita sulle sclete professionali: Il Caso dell'Universita

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    La progressiva informatizzazione della società ha messo a disposizione della scienza grandi quantità di dati riguardante fenomeni sociali ed economici. L'analisi di questi dati permette di creare modelli matematici semplici confrontabili a posteriori con altre osservazioni,negli ultimi anni sono stati messi a disposizioni della sociologia e dell'economia nuovi strumenti scientifici per l'analisi e la previsione di fenomeni sociali. Il mio lavoro consiste nello studiare la distribuzione dei lavoratori del mondo accademico: ricercatori universitari, professori associati e ordinari sul territorio nazionale italiano. Lo scopo della mia tesi è quello di proporre un modello in proposito e trovare i fattori che influenzano un individuo nella scelta professionale di intraprendere la carriera accademica. I dati a nostra disposizione erano gli annuari degli accademici e i dati forniti dall'ISTAT. Nel capitolo 2 abbiamo fatto un'analisi descrittiva del fenomeno, indagando l'evoluzione temporale della densità di professori e la distribuzione nelle varie regioni e provincie di Italia. Siamo riusciti a determinare una finestra temporale in cui fossero valide le nostre ipotesi di interazione tra gli individui e in cui si potesse considerare il sistema stabile. Abbiamo ipotizzato e giustificato relazioni di proporzionalità tra i dati grezzi, che avevamo a disposizione, e i dati necessari all'esperimento ideale. I dati sono stati poi rielaborati e raggruppati cercando di non perdere informazione in modo che fossero in un formato analizzabile. Successivamente nel capitolo 3 abbiamo supposto un campo di probabilità spaziale con delle sorgenti nelle città che erano sede di un ateneo e studiato l'andamento di questo campo al variare della distanza dalle sorgenti in diversi momenti temporali e cercando di tenere sotto controllo gli altri parametri.Infine nel capitolo 4 abbiamo postulato una legge di potenza tra la probabilità di divenire professore universitario e la taglia del comune di nascita e estrapolato il valore dei relativi esponenti in differenti momenti. Il campo si è mostrato indipendente dalla distanza dalla sorgente, per verificare questa ipotesi di una distribuzione casuale attorno alla media abbiamo utilizzato il Test di Wlad-Wolfowitz e il test del χ2. La legge di potenza risulta essere una caratteristica netta del fenomeno che ben risponde ai test d verifica dell'ipotesi.I dati erano proposti in un foglio di calcolo e per l'elaborazione e l'analisi dati abbiamo lavorato in linguaggio Python. Per la realizzazione delle mappe al capitolo 2 abbiamo utilizzato il programma QGIS

    On-chip III-V monolithic integration of heralded single photon sources and beamsplitters

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    We demonstrate a monolithic III-V photonic circuit combining a heralded single photon source with a beamsplitter, at room temperature and telecom wavelength. Pulsed parametric down-conversion in an AlGaAs waveguide generates counterpropagating photons, one of which is used to herald the injection of its twin into the beamsplitter. We use this configuration to implement an integrated Hanbury-Brown and Twiss experiment, yielding a heralded second-order correlation gher(2)(0)=0.10±0.02g^{(2)}_{\rm her}(0)=0.10 \pm 0.02 that confirms single-photon operation. The demonstrated generation and manipulation of quantum states on a single III-V semiconductor chip opens promising avenues towards real-world applications in quantum information

    Strategi Hate Spin Di Media Sosial Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah DKI Jakarta 2018

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    Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi serta menggambarkan pola strategi Hate Spin yang digunakan pada pemilihan kepala daerah DKI Jakarta 2018. Bermula pada isu penistaan agama yang dilakukan oleh Calon Petahana, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, munculah ketersinggungan yang dirasakan oleh umat muslim. Berbagai komentar atas ketersinggungan umat muslim dan isu penistaan agama setiap harinya meghiasi media sosial sebagai platform tercepat dalam menyeruakan isu. Ketersinggungan berbasis agama serta kebencian tersebut merupakan konsep Hate Spin yang dikemukakan oleh Cherian George. Pada pola penggunaannya Hate Spin menghasilkan keuntungan serta kerugian, pada pilkada DKI Jakarta, Basuki merasakan kerugian, sedangkan lawan politiknya Anis serta AHY merasakan keuntungan yang dengan pintar mengolah hal tersebut menjadi sebuah strategi kampanye. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah Tim pemenangan calon, Bawaslu sebagai pengawas pemilu, Polisi Cyber, serta pengamat politik. Hasil Penelitian ini menggambarkan 5 tahapan pola penggunaan Hate Spin di Media Sosial, yaitu Identifikasi masalah, Perencanaan konten, Penentuan Platform, Pentargetan sasaran, dan Penggunaan media Influencer. Isu berbasis agama merupakan isu yang paling dominan digunakan oleh agent of hate spin dalam memunculkan ketersinggunan agama yang berdampak pada polarisasi masyarakat di Jakarta dan kenaikan serta penurunan elektabilitas calon

    Potential energy savings on the MIT campus

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 46).The MIT community and the City of Cambridge embarked on initiatives to reduce energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas emissions in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol which calls for a 20 % reduction in 1990 levels of GHG emissions by 2010. This thesis seeks to expand our understanding of how the MIT campus consumes energy and with that knowledge recommend methods of reducing energy consumption by eliminating irresponsible energy use. Based on the GHG emission map created by Tiffany Groode in her 2004 thesis A Methodology for Assessing MIT's Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the second largest energy consuming building per square foot, Building 18, was selected and analyzed in detail. This thesis proves the high hood density, lack of an exhaust heat recovery system, and irresponsible fume hood use necessitate Building 18's wasteful consumption of energy. Research revealed that, on average, 67 hoods were left open at night, and 88 were open during daytime use. Of those open hoods, only 5 were in use during the night, and 48 were in use during the day. If the unused hoods were closed the consumption of electricity, steam, and chilled water could be decreased by approximately 17% and save the Institute $350,000 a year in utility costs.by Steven Thomas Amanti.S.B

    Importance of perforating vessels in nipple-sparing mastectomy. an anatomical description

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    BACKGROUND: Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM), understood as an oncologically valid procedure, is relatively new, and is an evolution of traditional mastectomy, particularly in relation to breast-conserving surgery. The anterior perforating branches are responsible for the cutaneous vascularization of the breast skin, and their preservation is a fundamental step to avoid possible postoperative necrosis. Therefore, evaluating the potential complications of cancer-related reconstructive surgical procedures such as NSM, both the distance of the tumoral lesion from the skin and the surgical incision site should be carefully considered. The preferred site of incision corresponds to the inframammary fold or possibly the periareolar area. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 113 patients who underwent NSM from January 2005 to October 2012 to evaluate skin complications. The anatomical study was performed by magnetic resonance imaging of the breast. RESULTS: Only one of the 113 women who had undergone a NSM procedure had total necrosis (0.9%) and six patients had partial necrosis (5.8%) of the nipple-areola complex

    The Proper Ki-67 Cut-Off in Hormone Responsive Breast Cancer. A Monoinstitutional Analysis with Long-Term Follow-Up

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Our study focuses on a monoinstitutional series of patients affected by Hormone Responsive carcinomas (luminal A and luminal B) and aims to define an optimal Ki-67 cut-off, to correctly stratify these patients into risk classes, using the ImmunoHistoChemical (IHC) surrogates of the Molecular Subtypes, according to the St. Gallen guidelines. Methods: We analyzed 1685 patients. These patients underwent both radical and conservative surgeries with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy eventually followed by Axillary Dissection (AD). Furthermore, all the patients underwent adjuvant therapies according to the guidelines. A retrospective univariate analysis was performed and survival curves (Disease-Related Survival, DRS, and Disease-Free Survival, DFS) were carried out according to the following ki-67 risk classes: Low Risk (Ki-67 ≤ 14%); Intermediate Risk (Ki-67 15% ÷ 20%); High Risk (Ki-67 > 20%). Results: 14 yy DRS was 98% in LA and 85% in LB with a ki-67 cut-off of 14% (p=0.037) vs 95% (LA) and 83% (LB) with a ki-67 cut-off of 20% (p=0.003). 14yy DFS was 85% in LA and 72% in LB with a ki-67 cut-off of 14% (p=0.017) vs 83% (LA) and 66% (LB) with a ki-67 cut-off of 20% (p<0.000). Discussion: Our results confirmed that the 20% Ki-67 cut-off is more reliable in differentiating patients at low or high risk of recurrence and death, and stratifying patients eligible for adjuvant chemotherapy. Thus, despite its poor reproducibility, the identification of the most accurate ki-67 index assumes a pivotal relevance in guiding a tailored strategy among patients with this specific profile of breast cancer, as well as the molecular surrogates, in order to avoid harmful overtreatments
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