235 research outputs found

    An antenna-pointing mechanism for the ETS-6 K-band Single Access (KSA) antenna

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    Both the design philosophy for the Antenna Pointing Mechanism (APM) to be used for the K-band Single Access (KSA) antenna system and experimental results of the APM Engineering Model (EM) tests are described. The KSA antenna system will be flown on the Engineering Test Satellite 6 (ETS-6)

    3D Numerical Simulation of Epidermal Skin Turnover Process Using a Particle Model

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    Skin is the largest organ of the human body. In recent years, concern regarding the cosmetics area has increased, and research studies on anti-aging therapy or cosmetics have been rapidly conducted. Skin cells are not only changing its shape but also its physical properties during the epidermal skin turnover process. Computational simulation can be useful in further understanding the mechanisms of skin formation. We propose a particle model that can handle complex biological phenomena, including cell interactions and is a suitable method for simulating skin formation. The particle model was applied to simulate three-dimensional skin formation accompanied by proliferation and cornification of skin cells. The simulation results represented and reproduced the epidermal skin turnover phenomenon

    3D Numerical Simulation of Epidermal Skin Turnover Process Using a Particle Model

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    Skin is the largest organ of the human body. In recent years, concern regarding the cosmetics area has increased, and research studies on anti-aging therapy or cosmetics have been rapidly conducted. Skin cells are not only changing its shape but also its physical properties during the epidermal skin turnover process. Computational simulation can be useful in further understanding the mechanisms of skin formation. We propose a particle model that can handle complex biological phenomena, including cell interactions and is a suitable method for simulating skin formation. The particle model was applied to simulate three-dimensional skin formation accompanied by proliferation and cornification of skin cells. The simulation results represented and reproduced the epidermal skin turnover phenomenon

    Stochastic Acceleration of Cosmic Rays in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galaxy

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    Particle acceleration in the inner ~ 200 pc of the Galaxy is discussed, where diffuse TeV gamma-rays have been detected by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) observation. The diffuse gamma-ray emission has a strong correlation with molecular clouds with large velocity dispersion, indicating the presence of turbulence. It is argued that the turbulence may contribute to the acceleration of cosmic rays via stochastic acceleration. The stochastic acceleration may energize cosmic-ray protons up to ~ 100 TeV and electrons to ~ 1 TeV in a relatively tenuous medium. The difference in the efficiency between protons and electrons supports the hadronic scenario of the diffuse TeV gamma-ray emission.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted by PASJ Letter

    Molecular and Atomic Gas toward HESS J1745-303 in the Galactic Center: Further Support for the Hadronic Scenario

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    We have compared the TeV gamma-rays with the new 12CO J=2-1 data toward HESS J1745-303 in the Galactic center and confirmed that the molecular gas MG358.9-0.5 toward (l, b)=(358.9, -0.5 at VLSR=-100-0 km s-1 shows a reasonable positional agreement with the primary peak (northern part) of the gamma-ray source. For the southern part of HESS J1745-303, we see no CO counterpart, whereas the HI gas in the Parkes 21 cm HI dataset shows a possible counterpart to the gamma-ray source. This HI gas may be optically thick as supported by the HI line shape similar to the optically thick 12CO. We estimate the total mass of interstellar protons including both the molecular and atomic gas to be 2x10^6 Mo and the cosmic-ray proton energy to be 6x10^{48} ergs in the hadronic scenario. We discuss possible origins of the cosmic-ray protons including the nearby SNR G359.1-0.5. The SNR may be able to explain the northern gamma-ray source but the southern source seems to be too far to be energized by the SNR. As an alternative, we argue that the second-order Fermi acceleration in the inter-clump space surrounded by randomly moving high-velocity clumps may offer a possible mechanism to accelerate protons. The large turbulent motion with velocity dispersion of ~15 km s-1 has energy density two orders of magnitude higher than in the solar vicinity and is viable as the energy source.Comment: To be published in PASJ Vol. 64 No.1 (February 2012

    Consistent map building in petrochemical complexes for firefighter robots using SLAM based on GPS and LIDAR

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    The objective of this study was to achieve simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of firefighter robots for petrochemical complexes. Consistency of the SLAM map is important because human operators compare the map with aerial images and identify target positions on the map. The global positioning system (GPS) enables increased consistency. Therefore, this paper describes two Rao-Blackwellized particle filters (RBPFs) based on GPS and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) as SLAM solutions. Fast-SLAM 1.0 and Fast-SLAM 2.0 were used in grid maps for RBPFs in this study. We herein propose the use of Fast-SLAM to combine GPS and LIDAR. The difference between the original Fast-SLAM and the proposed method is the use of the log-likelihood function of GPS; the proposed combination method is implemented using a probabilistic mathematics formulation. The proposed methods were evaluated using sensor data measured in a real petrochemical complex in Japan ranging in size from 550–380 m. RTK-GPS data was used for the GPS measurement and had an availability of 56%. Our results showed that Fast-SLAM 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR in a dense grid map produced the best results. There was significant improvement in alignment to aerial data, and the mean square root error was 0.65 m. To evaluate the mapping consistency, accurate 3D point cloud data measured by Faro Focus 3D (± 3 mm) was used as the ground truth. Building sizes were compared; the minimum mean errors were 0.17 and 0.08 m for the oil refinery and management building area and the area of a sparse building layout with large oil tanks, respectively. Consequently, a consistent map, which was also consistent with an aerial map (from Google Maps), was built by Fast-SLAM 1.0 and 2.0 based on GPS and LIDAR. Our method reproduced map consistency results for ten runs with a variance of ± 0.3 m. Our method reproduced map consistency results with a global accuracy of 0.52 m in a low RTK-Fix-GPS environment, which was a factory with a building layout similar to petrochemical complexes with 20.9% of RTK-Fix-GPS data availability

    Survey and Analysis of College Students’ Copyright Awareness

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    大学の学部生を対象に著作権の意識調査をおこなった.著作物を扱う際に身近に起こりうる質問を設定し,全国400人の学生にWeb形式でアンケート調査を実施した.結果,学校や大学の授業でおこなう著作権教育には,知識習得に一定の効果が見られる一方,SNSなどでは著作権侵害行為をおこなってしまう傾向も見られた.また,著作権の知識にも勘違いが多い場合があることもわかった.大学ICT推進協議会 2022年度 年次大会 発表番号 : 13PM1B-1本研究はJSPS 科研費JP21H00896 の助成を受けたものである


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    広島大学では,情報セキュリティ教育を全学的におこなっている.在籍一年目の学生を対象に座学講習を実施しているが,その補講用として,オンラインに動画教材を公開している.この動画教材には,座学講習を録画したものを使っていたが,受講を促進するため,CG キャラクターが説明するアバター動画を追加する試みを2015 年度おこなった.本報告では,実写映像とアバター動画の2 種類を,アクセスログとアンケートの分析により比較する.大学ICT推進協議会 2015年度 年次大会 [3F3-3] 情報セキュリティ教育の動画教材における実写映像とアバター動画の比較 ○天野由貴(広島大学), 隅谷孝洋(広島大学), 岩沢和男(広島大学), 西村浩二(広島大学

    Comparison of "With-Face" and "No-Face" in lecture videos for flipped classroom

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.その全15回のうち1回の「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の章で,反転授業をおこなっている.本研究では,事前学習動画で人物が映っていて説明しているものと,スライド映像に音声をつけているだけのもの2種類を用意し,新入生を約半分に分けて提供した.その視聴行動や小テストの得点にどういう影響を与えたかを比較した."Introduction to University Education” is provided as a compulsory course for the freshmen in Hiroshima university. In the course one of the chapters \Academic Presentation” is given as a flipped classroom. We have prepared two types of the online lecture; the one is with the lecturer on screen and the other without it. In this paper we study how the lecturer on screen affects the watching behavior of the lecture video and the grade of the small test

    Comparison of Learning Effectiveness on Academic Presentation with and without Face-to-Face Teaching by Checklist

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.2019年度まで,全15回のうち1回「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の授業を反転授業として実施していた.コロナ禍の影響もあり2020年度と2021年度はオンライン授業のみとなり、対面授業は行わなかった.課題として学生が提出したスライドのデザインをチェックリストに基づいて採点し,反転授業とオンライン授業の結果を比較検討した.動画の視聴をしたグループのほうがしなかったグループより採点結果が良かった.また,対面授業を行なった2019年度よりも対面授業を行なっていない2021年度の方が採点結果が良かった.”Introduction to University Education” is a compulsory course for fresh undergraduate students at Hiroshima University. Until the 2019 academic year, one of the 15 classes, ”Academic Presentation,” was offered as a flipped classroom. Due to the Corona disaster, only online classes were offered in FY2020 and FY2021, and no face-to-face classes were held. In this study, slide designs submitted by students as assignments were graded based on a checklist, and the results of the flipped class and the online class were compared. The group that watched the video scored better than the group that did not. And, the score result was better in fiscal 2021 in fiscal 2019 and fiscal 2021